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- Band-In-A-Box version 4.04 Help : Help for BBU.exe
- BBU.exe is the version of Band-in-a-Box for Yamaha C1 and Key-Midiator
- interfaces. These interfaces are referred to as UARTs hence the name
- BBU.EXE stands for Band-Box UART mode.( as opposed to BB.exe which runs
- in intelligent mode of MPU401 ). Band.EXE is the non-Midi AdLib/SoundBlaster
- version of Band-in-a-Box.
- If using a Yamaha C1
- Boot up the program by typing BBU
- After the program starts -Press S to setup Yamaha C1 interface
- You should choose monochrome (not color) unless you are using an
- external Color Monitor.
- This will be then saved in configuration file.
- The MIDI all comes out of Midi Out #1 . There is no implementation
- of the separate outs.
- If Using a Key-Midiator
- Boot up the program by typing BBU.
- The program defaults to Key Midiator Comm 1 .
- If you are using Comm 1 - just hit any key - otherwise
- press S to change to Comm 2 .
- Most Laptops will want monochrome - also setup from Start by
- pressing S.
- If you've chosen Comm 1 then Comm 2 in same session, the program
- may not recognize the Midiator until you quit then reboot the program.
- Differences between BBU.exe and BB.exe
- There is no implementation of Midi Thru on BBU.exe yet
- Also you can't record bass/piano patterns for new styles on BBU.exe
- Otherwise all features are implemented and the programs work the same.
- ( all song files/style files compatible)
- This information comes from a file on disk called help.bb
- It is a standard ASCII file , so you may print it out ,
- by typing copy help.bb prn from the DOS prompt
- Recent Additions not in the manual :
- So Loading a song like mySong.SGU will also load in the User Style
- that was saved with the song .
- The Standard Edition of Band-in-a-Box comes with 24 styles that
- are built in to the program ( you can't edit them ).
- The Professional Edition of the program comes with an additional
- 51+ styles - all 51+ may be edited.The editable styles are called
- "User Defined Styles" and are named with extension .STY
- 22 of the styles are User Defined Style versions of the Built in
- styles - they are identified by naming beginning with Z
- ie. Z_JAZZSW.STY is User Defined Style version of the built in
- style Jazz Swing . Note that these Z styles are similar but
- not identical to the built in ones - just made with the same
- style in mind . The other 30+ styles on the Professional Edition
- are brand new styles eg. AFRICAN.STY would be African User Defined
- Style.
- Each style comes with a demo chord progression to demonstrate the
- style . Songs are named with .SG? extension
- By looking at the song name you can tell what style it was
- saved with by looking at the last character of the file name.
- Songs using The 24 Built in styles are named
- .SG1 .SG2 .SG3 ... SGA ..SGB etc
- Any song saved with a User Style will be named .SGU
- eg. mysong.SG1 is a song called mysong which when loaded
- will use built in style #1 which is jazz swing
- mysong.SGU is a song called mysong which when loaded
- will use a user style stored on disk . When
- you load in the song , the style will be loaded
- in as well .
- ( When loading in a song with a user style , the program has to
- be able to find the User Style. It will look in 2 places :
- 1. the same directory as the song is in
- 2. the directory that bb.exe was booted from
- If it doesn't find the style in either location,it will
- give you a message " can't find Style " . You can then
- find the style yourself using the F9 Key , and then resave the
- song in the same directory as the Style .
- In precious versions of BB the F4 Key would
- always play the Built in Style .
- Now the F4 key will play the song in whatever style
- is displayed on the main screen
- eg.
- My Song
- CHACHA.STY Tempo 150 Key F
- This song will be played in User Style CHACHA.STY if you hit the
- F4 Key .
- My Song
- Cha Cha Tempo 150 Key F
- As the Style name doesn't have .STY after it , we recognize
- that this is a built in style and will be played with F4 Key.
- the F8 key will still play the User Style in memory , which will
- overide the Style Setting on the Screen .
- You may change to a built in style by using the Pull down menu
- for Styles , or change to a User Style by choosing a style
- from the F9 Key .
- - ENDINGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE for all styles and user styles .
- From the Top menu accessed by the TAB key ( or PageUp ) there
- is an overall setting of Yes/No for endings . If set to no the
- program will function as before . If set to yes (the default) a
- 2 bar ending will occur after the end of the choruses ( or tag )
- eg if Chorus is bars # 5-36 the ending will be played on bar 37,38
- Note: The endings are based on the SINGLE Ending Chord that is placed
- in the bar following the Chorus end (or Tag End ).
- So if you have an ending with more than 1 chord involved
- eg C Fm7 C you should use a tag ending with the
- exact chords followed by the Final Chord (Ending Chord)
- 1. When I play user styles on my Casio synth I don't hear the drums ?
- Band-Box sends out rapid Note On/NoteOff drum data which is
- too fast for some synths. Go to the Drum definition screen
- from the Midi pull down, and set Extra Sustain Required to =1 (yes)
- Then save the file <F2> as MYSETUP.DK .Putting Extra Sustain
- suppresses note offs altogether, which fixes the problem.
- 2. You can't change between User Style as the song is playing
- You can change between any of the built in styles at any bar.
- 3. To change Port I/O address to other than hex 330
- run program as bb s The program will run prompting you
- for desired IO address.(for MPU 401 only )
- 4. MPU401 only.
- IRQ/Interrupt settings by the program are almost never required
- as the program handles this automatically even if you use
- other than IRQ2.
- If the program locks up after the startup screen it means that
- there is a hardware conflict and you must change the IRQ setting on
- your card to a different interrupt # ( usually other than IRQ2 ).
- If you like you may override the program's automatic detection
- or IRQ by specifying IRQ# by running program with i option
- eg. bb i7
- ( remember that this is not needed even if you use other than IRQ2
- but is only included to handle unusual cases )
- 5. MPU401 only
- If your program cannot access song files on your disk it means that
- your disk controller is conflicting with disk controller IRQ and
- you must change the IRQ setting on your card .
- 4.If you find songs give message TOO MANY BARS with even short songs
- it means that very little memory is available to the program and
- you should re-boot without mem-resident programs or unused drivers.
- If you get error message 203 - it means you have completely run out
- of memory . Need 640K memory with at least 520K free as reported by
- Chkdsk program (DOS). Remember that even if you have 2 meg of memory
- DOS only uses 640K less mem-resident less drivers less DOS requirements
- and it is only when you run CHKDSK program that you will find how
- much memory is available on your system .
- Typical memory hogs include :
- SHELL programs / MENU programs / EMS drivers/POP-UP PROGRAMS etc
- 5. Miscellaneous StyleMaker help
- - Voice leading for Piano Patterns has been improved :
- There are 3 types of voice leading available
- 0=Intelligent
- 1=Smooth
- 2=Simple
- If you want to use only the C7 chord notes C E G Bb you should
- use Voice Leading 0 . If the Chord in the Song is C13 the program
- would play your C E G Bb notes as D E A Bb .
- If you want the pattern to be smoothly voice lead with the 3rd
- swapped for the 7th etc , choose type 1 .
- If you are playing a "riff" and plan to use passing notes etc.
- you should use voice leading 2 , which result in the pattern being
- played pretty much as is ( it will only adjust the third and 5th )
- here is a one page summary to get you going
- 1a. The program is not copy protected . None of the files
- are archived or compressed .
- BB.EXE is the program
- HELP.BB is the on line help file <F1><F1> to access
- *.SG? files are the song files (chord files )
- 2.Suggest that you copy all files to your
- hard disk ( suggest C:\bb subdirectory )
- 3.Type BB to run the program
- The program uses standard IBM-PC conventions for key commands .
- Move around screen with cursor or page up/down keys
- Escape out of options , Hit enter key to choose options.
- To get to the pull down menus Hit the <ALT> key and press the
- first letter of the desired pull down menu .
- Set your desired MIDI channels by the MIDI window accessed by
- the pull down MIDI settings.
- 4.Drums default to Roland drum notes. If your not using
- a Roland Drum machine move to the DrumKit section
- from the MIDI pull down menu,choose the define drum kit option
- and then type in the MIDI drum notes that correspond to
- your machine. When saving the file (Function key 2),
- suggest you name it MYSETUP then it will automatically
- be loaded every time you use the program ( along with the
- MIDI channels you had selected and the bass/piano octaves).
- 5. Load in some of the songs that come with the program by
- hitting FunctionKey 3 <F3> for a menu of all songs or
- <F7> for menu of only songs in currently selected style.
- 6.Play the songs by <F4> key. If octave for bass/piano is too
- high or low -adjust these from the MIDI pull down.
- 7.Create a Standard MIDI file by <F6> key
- 8.Blank the worksheet by <ALT> B or pull down menu EDIT Blank
- 9.Type in your own chords/songs. <F1> help key gives summary
- of entering chords . <F2> to save songs .
- 10.<F10> to quit . If you've saved a drum kit with name of
- MYSETUP ( .DK extension added by program) your
- configuration of drum kit,channels, and bass/piano octaves
- will be auto-loaded next time you run the program.
- PG Music Inc.
- Band-In-A-Box (version 4) is a MIDI program for IBM compatible
- computers with a MIDI interface. The program
- provides automatic accompaniment of bass,piano chording, and
- drum parts in a wide variety of popular styles of music
- (total of 24 including Jazz swing ,Rock ,Country, Ethnic and more ).
- This program was designed and programmed by a musician.The concept
- is to provide the fastest means possible to provide a complete
- piano,bass and drum accompaniment to any song .
- To play a song all the program requires is :
- - the chords of the song ( as typed in by the user onto
- the screen using standard chord symbols-eg:C13b9 )
- and - the form of the song (ie. the looping points for the chorus
- to begin and end , number of choruses to play , tag ending)
- and - part markers placed throughout the song to indicate new
- parts and locations for drum fills.
- and - the desired style (chosen by the user from a menu of
- 24 available styles )
- A typical song may be entered in about 2 minutes . This
- allows the user to quickly build up a large library of songs
- in many styles of music .
- Examples of situations where the program is most useful include:
- 1. Play along in home MIDI studio .
- No more need to buy "Play along Jazz/Pop records".Now
- you can input your own songs very quickly,transposing,
- changing tempo,styles,trying different chord substitutions,
- and saving to disk as chord file or performance file
- (Standard MIDI File).
- Improve your playing regardless of instrument .
- Each of the instruments (bass,drums,piano) may be turned
- off so applicable to all musicians .
- 2. Useful for non Keyboard players (eg:vocalists) to enter
- chords directly out of Song books and generate accompaniment.
- Also educational as bass and piano parts are displayed on
- piano keyboard drawn on the screen , as well as 'bouncing bar'
- indicating which bar is playing .
- 3. Professionals will appreciate the abilities of the program
- to quickly generate sequences of popular songs . The song
- can then be saved as a sequence using a Standard Midi File .
- This file can then be loaded by most other IBM MIDI sequencers
- (such as Cakewalk v3.0 or Voyetra or Master Tracks)
- and can be edited or tracks
- added).The sequences can then be used in live situations .
- 4.Entering a song as a series of chords has many advantages
- over creating a sequence :
- - about 20 times faster entry of song
- - can switch styles with touch of a key
- - storage of chords takes less than 1K per song
- ( 360 songs/floppy , 30,000 songs per hard disk !! )
- - can change chords at will
- - no need for user to be aware of all
- kinds of drum beats and fills
- - as future versions of program increase sophistication
- your 'old' song files will sound better and better
- whereas a sequence sounds the same.
- Appendix A : List of valid chords accepted by Band-In-A-Box
- (major chords)
- Cb5, Caug,C+,
- CMAJ9#11, CMAJ13#11,
- (minor chords)
- Cm,Cm6,Cm7,Cm9,Cm11,Cm13,
- Cmaug,Cm#5,
- CmMAJ7,
- (half diminished)
- Cm7b5,
- (diminished)
- Cdim,
- ( dominant 7th chords )
- C7,7+, C9+, C13+, C13, C7b13, C7#11, C13#11, C7#11b13, C9,
- C9b13, C9#11, C13#11, C9#11b13, C7b9, C13b9, C7b913, C7b9#11,
- C13b9#11, C7b9#11b13, C7#9, C13#9, C7#9b13, C9#11, C13#9#11, C7#9#11b13,
- C7b5, C13b5, C7b5b13, C9b5, C9b5b13, C7b5b9, C13b5b9, C7b5b9b13,
- C7b5#9, C13b5#9, C7b5#9b13, C7#5, C13#5, C7#5#11, C13#5#11, C9#5,
- C9#5#11, C7#5b9, C13#5b9, C7#5b9#11, C13#5b9#11, C7#5#9, C13#5#9#11,
- C7#5#9#11, C13#5#9#11
- ( sustained 4 chords )
- Csus ,C7sus,C9sus,
- C13sus, C7susb13, C7sus#11, C13sus#11, C7sus#11b13,
- C9susb13, C9sus#11, C13sus#11, C9sus#11b13, C7susb9, C13susb9,
- C7susb913, C7susb9#11,
- C13susb9#11, C7susb9#11b13, C7sus#9, C13sus#9, C7sus#9b13, C9sus#11,
- C13sus#9#11, C7sus#9#11b13,
- C7susb5, C13susb5, C7susb5b13, C9susb5, C9susb5b13, C7susb5b9,
- C13susb5b9, C7susb5b9b13, C7susb5#9, C13susb5#9, C7susb5#9b13,
- C7sus#5, C13sus#5,
- C7sus#5#11, C13sus#5#11, C9sus#5,
- C9sus#5#11, C7sus#5b9, C13sus#5b9,
- C7sus#5b9#11, C13sus#5b9#11, C7sus#5#9, C13sus#5#9#11, C7sus#5#9#11,
- C13sus#5#9#11,
- Note1: it is not necessary to type upper or lower case.
- the program will sort this out for you.
- Note2: Any chord may be entered with an alternate root ("SlashChord")
- eg: C7/E = C7 with E bass
- Note3: Separate chords with commas to enter 2 chords in a 2 beat cell
- eg: Dm7,G7
- The suggested retail price of Band-in-A-Box is under $100
- PG Music Inc.
- 111-266 Elmwood Ave
- BUFFALO NY 14222
- 1-416-528-4897