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- DiskTree V1.1 (C)1991 Richard Smith
- V1.1 Oct/Nov 1991 release.
- All trademarks and registered trademarks are acknowledged.
- =============================================================
- ReadMe file...
- Welcome.... Cheers for trying out DiskTree. If you like it, please
- register and help support further development.
- This file is intended to list modifications, bug-fixes and anything
- else new or missing from the manual.
- To print this file or any other DOC file, use the following:
- COPY filename PRN <---' (i.e COPY README.DOC PRN)
- The following files should be present in the DiskTree package:
- DT.EXE (DiskTree itself)
- CONFIG.EXE (DiskTree colour config program)
- VSWITCH.EXE (Video mode switching program)
- LD.EXE (A dir listing program)
- LD.DOC (LD's documentation)
- DISKTREE.DOC (DiskTree manual)
- REGISTER.FRM (Registration form)
- LICENSE.DOC (License agreement)
- VENDOR.DOC (Note to potential disk vendors)
- The shareware version of DiskTree V1.1 has mouse support DISABLED and
- registration information every 400 files during drive reads. These
- restrictions do NOT affect the functionality of DiskTree in any way.
- These restrictions are NOT present in the full registered version of
- DiskTree.
- The file, REGISTER.FRM, is supplied for you to print and fill in if you
- wish to register. It details latest prices and ordering information.
- **** DiskTree and MS-DOS 5
- DiskTree has now been fully tested on MS-DOS 5 and no errors have been
- encountered. In fact, MS-DOS 5 is an ideal launching platform for
- DiskTree because of the increase in memory available to applications.
- **** VSWITCH
- NOTE: You need EGA,MCGA,VGA to make use of this program.
- VSwitch is a video mode switching program. It can be used to switch
- DOS into 28, 43 and 50 lines text modes. Although it is not essential
- to the operation of DiskTree, I have included it to allow you to use
- the extended screen resolutions that DiskTree supports.
- To run, type:
- VSWITCH <---' (Enter, return)
- This will list the available parameters.
- You may experience problems with certain mouse drivers in that they do
- not support the extended screen resolutions. To check if your mouse
- driver does, set the screen to either 43 or 50 line mode and run
- DiskTree. If you cannot move the mouse cursor all the way down the
- screen, the mouse driver you are using is not fully compatible.
- The Microsoft Mouse driver V7.0 (EXE) / 6.26 (SYS) or later will work
- quite happily.
- **** ListDirectory (LD)
- Ld is a enhanced version of DIR, supporting tree recursion etc... See
- the file LD.DOC for details of its operation.
- I included LD as it is quite handy for producing printed listings of
- drive trees etc..
- **** NOTE: Clearing drives from memory...
- It has come to my notice that using the 'Clear drive' from memory
- option will not free memory for DOS operations. It will clear memory
- for reading other drives etc.. but will not give the unused heap
- storage space back to DOS. It is not really a bug in DiskTree but more
- of a problem with the Storage system of the Modula-2 compiler that I
- use. I shall be attempting to fix the problem in due course.
- **** NOTE: Running TSR's
- Do not run TSR programmes from within DiskTree. The TSR's will go into
- memory at the wrong positions and upon exit from DiskTree, DOS will not
- free memory correctly and give inaccurate memory sizes.
- =========================================================
- DiskTree V1.1 has a number of new features plus a few minor bug fixes.
- New facilities:
- ===============
- DiskTrees Options have been separated into sections:
- * Options/checks - the 'on/off' type flags such as
- deletion checks etc.
- * File sort criteria - the way in which files are sorted for display.
- * Links to external applications - detailed below.
- * Variables/shortcuts - detailed below.
- * Context sensitive help system - fully indexed hypertext like help.
- * Double click on directories to call file functions or double click
- on files to execute or view.
- Links to external applications
- ------------------------------
- Allows automatic execution of applications associated with filenames.
- E.G. Suppose you use a word processor which uses the extension 'DOC',
- by using these links you can tell DiskTree to automatically execute the
- required application, automatically loading the associated file into
- it.
- Links to PkZip
- --------------
- Allows you to create Zip archives. Using this facility, you can tag
- files or directories and then simply select the DiskTree 'Zip'
- function. DiskTree will automatically execute PKZIP with the correct
- parameters and filenames. NOTE: DiskTree does not come with PKZIP etc,
- so you will need to obtain them from a shareware library, BBS etc...
- Enhanced file viewer
- --------------------
- Files can be viewed in hexadecimal format.
- Variables & shortcuts ---------------------
- Set variables which can be substituted for text in DOS commands etc.
- E.G. define '%Z' to mean 'PKUNZIP -X -D' etc.. DiskTree automatically
- assigns '%F' to be the currently selected file and '%D' the currently
- selected path.
- Context sensitive help
- ----------------------
- A hypertext style help system has been included in V1.1 of disktree to
- give full help on most aspects of DiskTree's operation.
- Minor changes
- -------------
- Minor bug fixes - better out-of-memory checks, better disk access
- checks etc....
- Minor enhancements - increase in lengths of commands that can be
- entered etc..
- END OF V1.1 Modifications.