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- List Directory V1.0 (C)1990-1991 Richard Smith
- ==============================================
- Introduction
- ============
- One of the frustrating things about DOS (and there are many) is the
- problem of keeping track of disk files. Its easy enough to remember
- where programs and data are on floppy disks but what about hard drives?
- These days, a 40 MB disk drive is considered the minimum usable size
- for serious work and drives with 100+ MB capacity are becoming common.
- The number of files on most hard disks will run into the thousands and
- keeping track of what files are where can be difficult and time-
- consuming.
- List Directory (LD) is a vastly enhanced DIR command written in Stony
- Brook Modula-2 for keeping track of what files are where. LD's main
- enhancements over the standard DOS DIR command are:
- *LD can be told to 'tree walk' along a given path listing the
- contents of sub-directories and sub-directories within sub-
- directories etc. Using this function, it is possible to list, say, all
- files on drive 'C'.
- *It is often desirable to list files which were created between certain
- dates. LD can search for files before, after or between given dates.
- *LD gives full control over the way in which directories are listed.
- Formats from listing filenames in column format to maximum information
- including time/date stamps, file size and file attributes are
- available. In addition, LD can list directories only or files only.
- Directions for use
- ==================
- List directory is invoked with:
- LD {path} {command..} <--' (Enter / Return)
- Where {path} is an optional DOS format pathname, eg. 'C:\DOS\*.EXE' or
- '*.EXE'. If a file specification is not specified, the path must be
- terminated with '\', eg 'C:\DOS\'.
- {Command..} is an optional parameter or parameters giving control over
- LD's functions. The available functions are:
- -(F)ile List only files
- -(DI)rList only directories
- -(S)ize Show the size of the file in bytes
- -(D)ate Show the time and date stamps of each file
- -(T)ime ditto
- -(M)axShow the size, time and date stamps and file attribute information
- -(W)alk {path} List sub-directories and entire tree structure. {path}
- is an optional DOS format pathname (as mentioned above)
- -(B)efore <date> List files with date stamps before a given date. <date>
- is a date in the form 'DD/MM/YYYY' eg. 16/5/90
- -(A)fter <date> As above but after a given <date>.
- -(H)elp Lists the available commands.
- Commands can be mixed to give great flexibility and power.
- eg. To list the names and locations all .EXE files on drive 'C' that
- were created after 15th May 1990 and before 1st of January 1991:
- LD -W C:\*.EXE -A 15/5/1990 -B 1/1/1991
- LD supports standard dos re-direction and filters such as MORE.
- eg. To list all .EXE files on drive 'C' a page at a time:
- To re-direct output to a file instead of the screen: