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Text File | 1992-01-10 | 57.9 KB | 1,219 lines
HWare Version 3.0a Hardware & System Configuration Examination & Reporting Utility Copyright 1989-1991, Michael A. Eissinger All Rights Reserved. License Statement This software is protected by both United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. Therefore, all conditions pertaining to other publications also apply to this software, with the following exceptions. The licensee of this software may make archival copies of this software for the sole purpose of backing up this software and protecting the licensee's investment from loss. This version of this software is released as "Shareware". As such, the user may also make copies of the software and relating documentation and distribute those copies freely as long as no changes are made to either the software or documentation and as long as no amount above the cost of producing the physical copy (not to exceed $10.00) is charged for the copy of the software and documentation. The software must also be distributed with the relating documentation attached and the package must be distributed as a single package. If the user uses the software regularly, he/she is required to register directly with the owner of the Copyright - Michael A. Eissinger, Microcomputer Consultant. Registration includes a free update to the latest version of the software, free periodic updates for one year, printed documentation and free phone support. Unregistered users can not get any support, whatsoever. Warranty Michael A. Eissinger, Microcomputer Consultant specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and the program license granted herein in particular and without limiting operation of the program license with respect to any particular application, use or purpose. In no event shall Michael A. Eissinger, Microcomputer Consultant, or employees or agents of Michael A. Eissinger, Microcomputer Consultant be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. This statement shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of California. Introduction HWare was originally developed as part of the Eissinger Utilities (Version 2.0). When that utility package was revised in late 1991, HWare was completely redesigned and rewritten. As more and more functions were added, HWare grew into a very complete, very complex system examination utility useful for systems integrators, technicians, consultants, corporate PC managers and network administrators. Since the primary thrust of the Eissinger Utilities was DOS and batch language enhancements, HWare was removed from that package and is now being released as a separate product. This version of HWare is a text based application, however it will run under Microsoft Windows 3.0 and accurately report its findings. The same holds true for GEOWorks and DesqView. A Windows 3.0 compliant version of HWare will be available soon that also reports Windows specific data, including the contents of standard .INI files. HWare To run HWare from the DOS prompt, type the following command line, followed by tapping [Enter] or [Return]. HWARE HWare is a full screen application that uses CUA compliant menus for access to all functions. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:19:58 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________+-[¿]----------- ABOUT ----------------+____________________ ____________________ª ª____________________ ____________________ª HWare 3.0 ª____________________ ____________________ª Eissinger Utilities, Version 3.0 ª____________________ ____________________ª Configuration Utility ª____________________ ____________________ª ª____________________ ____________________ª Copyright (c) 1991 ª____________________ ____________________ª Michael A. Eissinger ª____________________ ____________________ª All Rights Reserved ª____________________ ____________________ª ª____________________ ____________________ª ª____________________ ____________________ª ª____________________ ____________________+--------------------------------------+____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 410816 HWare has been greatly revised. The front end is now a menu driven, mouse aware, windowed interface and the report has been greatly revised. There are more reporting capabilities on the various internal DOS tables, and more detail has been added to some of the reporting areas. The menu should be intuitive to anyone who has used Microsoft Windows, or any other CUA compliant interface. Menu options can be selected by holding down the [Alt] key and tapping the highlighted letter. Some of the functions have "hot keys" for quicker access. Menu options can also be selected by using a mouse if one is installed. The arrow keys can also be used to select options from the menu. To access the top menu bar, tap the [F10] key, then use the arrow keys to move from option to option, selecting the desired function by tapping the [Enter] key. Most of the menu options call up child windows that contain related information. Any window can be moved around the screen by clicking and dragging on the title with the mouse. Any number of windows can be open at any time, and you can change the focus from window to window by using [F6] for next window, or by clicking anywhere on the window that you want as the focused window. To close a window, click on the small box in the upper left corner with the mouse, or bring it to the front and tap [Alt][F3] or select Close from the Windows menu. The following outlines each menu option. The main menu bar consists of several options . . . File Hardware Configuration Windows Options Each of these menus has a pull-down sub-menu that contains related menu options. File The first option on the menu is File. Selecting this option calls up a sub-menu of several options. These options allow you to view any text file, print a hard copy of the HWare report, Change the default directory, execute a DOS Shell or Exit HWare. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:21:47 ___ +--------------------+ _____________________________________________________ ___ ª Open... F3 ª _____________________________________________________ ___ +--------------------ª _____________________________________________________ ___ ª Print HWare Report ª _____________________________________________________ ___ +--------------------ª _____________________________________________________ ___ ª Change dir... ª _____________________________________________________ ___ +--------------------ª _____________________________________________________ ___ ª DOS shell ª _____________________________________________________ ___ ª Exit Alt-X ª _____________________________________________________ ___ +--------------------+ _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 411064 Open... Open calls up a standard file open dialog box showing all of the files in the default directory. +-[¿]------------- Open a File -----------------+ ª ª ª Name ª ª *.* _ª Open _ ª ª _________ ª ª Files ª ª 4201.CPI ª BACKDROP.EXE Cancel _ ª ª 4208.CPI ª BACKUP.EXE _________ ª ª 5202.CPI ª BLDBAT.EXE ª ª ANSI.SYS ª BORDER.EXE Help _ ª ª APPEND.EXE ª CACHE.COM _________ ª ª APPNOTES.TXT ª CACHE.SYS ª ª ASSIGN.COM ª CASE.EXE ª ª ATTRIB.EXE ª CHANGE.EXE ª ª ¿____________________________ ª ª ª ª C:\BIN\*.* ª ª 4201.CPI 6404 Apr 9, 1991 5:00am ª +-----------------------------------------------+ Any standard text file can be browsed within HWare using this function. You can move around the file using the arrow keys, the [PgUp] and [PgDn] keys and/ or the scroll bars on the side and bottom of the window. You can have multiple files open, each file will display in its own window. The windows can be tiled or cascaded from the Windows menu, and the windows can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right hand corner of the window. Note: This is a file browser, only. There is no provision for editing the file from within HWare. Print HWare Report You can find out many things by viewing the various windows within HWare, however, you may want a hard copy of the findings. The print option will produce a detailed list of all of the results of running HWare. Some of the results are given in greater detail in the report than they are in the windows within HWare. Other results are not reported. For example, if Sidekick is not loaded, the report will not even mention Sidekick. If it is loaded it will show up on the report. This is different than the windows, since the windows will report that it is NOT loaded. When you run the report you should load diskettes into every drive installed on the system. This will allow HWare to report on the status of the drives. If you have an empty diskette drive HWare will display an error message and prompt you to [Enter] to try again, or [Esc] to abort. You can either put a floppy into the drive and tap [Enter], or tap [Esc] to skip the drive. If you skip the drive, HWare will report that there was no disk in the drive. Every attempt has been made to make the HWare report as complete as possible. Since no two system are set up the same way, the report will vary in length. Since the primary thrust has been to make the report complete, it should be noted that the report prints as a continuous report. There is no provisions for page breaks or page headers/footers in this version of HWare. On matrix or daisy wheel printers the print will flow across as many pages as needed. On laser printers, the pages will break as the printer chooses to break them. Change dir... The Change Directory option is most useful if you're using the Open option to browse text files, since it changes the default directory. A dialog box is called up that graphically displays you directory structure. You can move around the directories with the arrow keys or the mouse. To change to a directory select the ChDir button, use Cancel or Revert to abort any changes. +-[¿]---------- Change Directory --------------+ ª ª ª Directory name ª ª C:\BIN _ª ª ª ª ª Directory tree ª ª Drives - OK _ ª ª +--C:\ _ ________ ª ª +--BIN _ ª ª +--EXTRAS _ Chdir _ ª ª +-UTILS _ ________ ª ª ¿ ª ª _ Revert _ ª ª _ ________ ª ª _ ª ª Help _ ª ª ________ ª +----------------------------------------------+ DOS shell The DOS Shell option provides a way to temporarily exit HWare to run another program or utility. HWare will make itself as small as possible when loading another copy of the environment, but remember that HWare is a large program and will not provide a huge environment within which to run other large programs. It will provide enough space to run most utilities, editors or even another copy of itself. To return to HWare, type Exit at the command prompt and tap [Enter]. Exit Alt-X You can exit HWare permanently at any time by going to the File menu and selecting Exit or by holding down the [Alt] key and tapping [X]. The [Alt] [X] method will work from anywhere within HWare. Hardware The Hardware menu provides a range of information on the mechanical and electronic part of the system. The only exception to this is that the DOS version is reported here. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:22:01 _________ +--------------+ _____________________________________________________ _________ ª CPU/RAM/BIOS ª _____________________________________________________ _________ +--------------ª _____________________________________________________ _________ ª Ports ª _____________________________________________________ _________ ª Drives ª _____________________________________________________ _________ ª Keyboard ª _____________________________________________________ _________ ª Video ª _____________________________________________________ _________ +--------------+ _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 411064 CPU/RAM/BIOS{tc "Hardware | CPU/RAM/BIOS"} This option reports on many bits of information gleaned from the BIOS and other areas of the system. +-[¿]-------- CPU/RAM/BIOS ------------+ ª ª ª IBM AT, PS/2 50/60 or Clone ª ª ª ª 80486 or Compatible CPU ª ª Internal Math Coprocessor ª ª CPU Speed = 20MHz ª ª DOS Version = 5.00 ª ª RAM = 640K ª ª Extended = 0K ª ª EMS = 1600K ª ª Avail = 448K ª ª Handles = 1 ª +--------------------------------------+ HWare attempts to report the model or type of machine from the BIOS. With the exception of true blue IBM models, this can be difficult. Even within the IBM family, there is not a clear-cut method of coding within the BIOS area. Many non-IBM machines will report back that they are an IBM AT, PC XT/286 or a PS/2 Model 60 or 80. This is true of 80286, 80386 and 80486 based machines, depending on how the BIOS is coded. Clones may also report as an Unknown machine. You're probably better off with a 80486 machine that reports from the BIOS that it is an AT than with one that reports back that it is Unknown. Reported here is the processor type - 8086, 80286, 80386 and/or 80486. No distinction is drawn between the 8088 and the 8086. HWare also reports no difference between the DL and SX versions of the 32 bit chips. The prior version of HWare also reported on the NEC V20/V30 chips and the Intel 80186. That support has been removed, and these chips will probably report back that they are the compatible one of the four primary Intel chips. If there is enough demand, support for these other chips may be put back into a future version of HWare. If the system is equipped with an Intel Math Coprocessor, HWare will also report that within this window. Currently only the Intel chips - 8087, 80287 and 80387 are supported. Chips from Weitec or other manufacturers may be detected as one of these three, but at present there is no specific support for non-Intel chips. HWare attempts to calculate the speed of the system. This speed is an approximation of the speed of the chip, and may report a value that is rounded up or down from the actual rating of the system. Since there is no way to actually look at the chip from the inside and determine its speed rating, HWare has to calculate it. If your machine has an effective cache system the results may be higher than you expected. This is a good indicator of how fast your processor is actually running. This is not a good indicator as to the total throughput of the system, since it doesn't take into account the speed of your drives. The speed rating does measure the throughput of the processor. HWare also reports on the various amounts of different types of memory installed in you machine. The results reported here for Extended and Expanded memory will vary depending on how your machine is configured. For example, with SMARTDRV.SYS and HIMEM.SYS loaded HWare will probably report that there is no Extended or Expanded memory installed. Even DOS 5.0's MEM command has problems reporting on the installed and available memory with these two device drivers loaded. If an EMM.SYS driver or no driver is loaded the results reported by HWare should be correct. Ports The Ports option under the Hardware menu option examines as many ports as it can and will report the number of Serial and Parallel ports found, what type of mouse is installed and if the system contains a MIDI and/or game port. The Cassette port on the original PC is not reported, nor are any other non- standard interfaces. Modems, FAX cards and/or scanner cards may report as serial ports. There is no way for HWare to make the distinction. +-[¿]------- PORTS ------------+ ª ª ª Two Button Mouse Installed ª ª 2 Serial Ports ª ª 1 Parallel Ports ª ª No MIDI Port Installed ª ª No Game Port Installed ª ª ª +------------------------------+ Drives{tc "Hardware | Drives"} HWare will report the number of physical drives on the system - floppies and hard drives, and will report the capacity and free space on the currently logged drive. +-[¿]----------- DRIVES ---------------+ ª ª ª Diskette Drives = 2 ª ª Hard Drives = 1 ª ª Current Drive = C (Fixed) ª ª Total Disk Space = 211787776 ª ª Total Bytes Free = 66326528 ª ª ª +--------------------------------------+ The HWare report goes into more detail about the drives, and includes the Logical Drive, Physical Drive, Size in Bytes, Boot Sectors, Bytes in FATs, Bytes per Cluster, Files in Root and Media Descriptor for each drive. It will also report on any phantom drives established by using the DOS SUBST or ASSIGN commands. Keyboard{tc "Hardware | Keyboard"} The Keyboard window reports if the keyboard is a standard (88 key) or extended (101/102) keyboard and the status of the various toggle keys. +-[¿]--- KEYBOARD -------+ ª Enhanced Keyboard ª ª ª ª Caps Lock Off ª ª Num Lock On ª ª Scroll Lock Off ª ª Insert Off ª ª ª +------------------------+ Video The video window reports the primary video adapter - Hercules, Monochrome, CGA, EGA and/or VGA. If a VGA adapter is detected HWare will also check to see if it is VESA compatible. +-[¿]------ VIDEO -----------+ ª ª ª VGA Graphics Card ª ª NOT VESA Compatible ª ª ª +----------------------------+ Configuration The Configuration sub-menu concentrates on the more dynamic areas of the system. These are the areas that can usually be changed by the user. Most of the windows available from the configuration menu are resizable windows, and they all work the same. On color systems these windows are blue and the static windows are grey. On a monochrome system the dynamic windows are darker than the static windows. Dynamic windows have scroll bars on the side and bottom of the window. Only dynamic windows are effected by the Windows|Tile and Windows|Cascade options. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:22:15 ___________________ +-----------------------+ __________________________________ ___________________ ª AUTOEXEC/CONFIG ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Environment ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Memory Map ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Memory Control Blocks ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Open Files ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Device Driver Chain ª __________________________________ ___________________ +-----------------------ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Network ª __________________________________ ___________________ +-----------------------ª __________________________________ ___________________ ª Other ª __________________________________ ___________________ +-----------------------+ __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 411064 These options are especially interesting if HWare is run under MS Windows or QuarterDeck's Desqview, since the results may vary greatly depending on what besides HWare is running. You can also examine how various programs use the resources of your machine by loading HWare under a DOS shell from within another program (if that other program provides a shell option). AUTOEXEC/CONFIG The AUTOEXEC/CONFIG option under the Configuration sub-menu calls up two browse windows if it can locate the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the CONFIG.SYS in the root directory of the currently logged drive. If it can't locate either of the files an error dialog box will display. The browse windows for the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are dynamic windows. When you open the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS windows HWare automatically tiles all of the dynamic windows that are currently on the workspace. For all other options tiling or cascading is up to the user. +------------------------------- \AUTOEXEC.BAT --------------------------1-----+ ª@ECHO OFF ª ªSET REFERBH=C:\REFERBH\ ª ªSET GMKW=C:\GMKW\ ª ªPATH C:\BIN;C:\TP;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DBP;C:\NORTON;C:\GMKW;C:\WORKSHOP ª ªLOG \BOOT.LOG "BOOTING SYSTEM" ª ªCOLOR BLUE WHITE ª ªSET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP ª ªPUTCURS 12 /C ª ª ª +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-[¿]---------------------------- \CONFIG.SYS ---------------------------2-[]-+ ªSHELL=C:\BIN\COMMAND.COM C:\BIN\ /P - ªDOS=HIGH, UMB ¿ ªDEVICE=C:\BIN\HIMEM.SYS _ ªrem DEVICE = QTELEMS.SYS CONTEXTS = 3 DEPTH = 1 HANDLES = 4 FULLDISPLAY SHOWOP_ ªrem DEVICE = C:\BIN\EMM386.EXE _ ªDEVICE=C:\BIN\SMARTDRV.SYS 256 256 _ ªDEVICE = C:\MOUSE.SYS _ ªREM DEVICE = C:\FASTX386.EXE H N W C:256 XT XM _ ªSTACKS 0,0 _ ªFILES = 80 +-¿_________________________________________________________________________-+ Environment The environment contains device drivers and/or any items set with the SET command. The environment window will display the total size set aside for the environment and the amount remaining and as many of the comspec strings as it can identify. +-[¿]----------------------- HWARE.ENV ---------------------3-[]-+ ªENVIRONMENT - ª-----------------------------------------------------------------_ ª _ ªEnvironment size: 256 bytes. Amount in use: 150 bytes. _ ªCOMSPEC=C:\BIN\COMMAND.COM _ ªREFERBH=C:\REFERBH\ _ ªGMKW=C:\GMKW\ _ ªPATH=C:\BIN;C:\TP;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DBP;C:\NORTON;C:\GMKW;C:\WORKSHOP_ ªTEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP +-¿____________________________________________________________-+ Memory Map The memory map option displays a full listing of everything that is loaded into conventional RAM. No examination of EMS or Extended Memory is done by HWare. +-[¿]----------------------------- HWARE.MAP ----------------------------4-[]-+ ªMEMORY MAP - ª------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ ª _ ªSegment Owner Bytes What Hooked vectors _ ª------- ------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------------- _ ª0253 0008 44064 config 0C 33 E4 E8 ED EF F9 FA _ ª0D16 0008 64 config 19 _ ª0D1B 0D1C 2368 <shell> 2E 2F E1 E2 E3 E6 E7 _ ª0DB0 0E0C 64 N/A _ ª0DB5 0D1C 256 environ _ ª0DC6 0DD3 176 environ _ ª0DD2 0DD3 672 <shell> _ ª0DFD 0E0C 208 environ _ ª0E0B 0E0C 3904 C:\WINDOWS\system\win386.exe _ ª 10 15 67 _ ª0F00 0F0E 192 environ _ ª0F0D 0F0E 593696 C:\BIN\HWARE.EXE _ ª 00 05 08 09 13 16 1B 23 24 25 26 28 30_ ª 3F FD FF _ ª _ ª +-¿_________________________________________________________________________-+ Memory Control Block DOS keeps track of every piece of system memory in a 16-byte bucket, called a memory control block, or MCB. The MCB contains the size of each piece and what application or program "owns" that memory. By examining the MCB's of a system you can determine quite a bit about RAM-resident programs and other things loaded into your memory. +-[¿]---------- HWARE.MCB --------5-[]-+ ªMEMORY CONTROL BLOCKS - ª---------------------------------------_ ªSegment Owner Bytes What _ ª------- ------- ---------- ------- _ ª0253 0008 44064 config _ ª0D16 0008 64 config _ ª0D1B 0D1C 2368 COMMAND _ ª0DB0 0E0C 64 _ ª0DB5 0D1C 256 environment _ ª0DC6 0DD3 176 environment _ ª0DD2 0DD3 672 WIN _ ª0DFD 0E0C 208 environment _ ª0E0B 0E0C 3904 win386 _ ª0F00 0F0E 192 environment _ ª0F0D 0F0E 593696 HWARE _ ª +-¿__________________________________-+ Open Files If you're running a multi-tasker, such as DesqView or OmniView or a Graphical User Interface (GUI), such as Windows or GEOWorks, the system may have many files open at any given time. This can cause problems if you do not have your FILES= setting in your CONFIG.SYS file set high enough. The Open Files option allows you to see how many files are open at any given time. If you're running HWare by itself, you'll just see the primary standard devices - StdIn, StdOut, etc., as well as the files that HWare needs to run. Any other files that are reported are the result of being opened by some other process. +-[¿]----------------- HWARE.FIL ---------------6-[]-+ ªOPEN FILES - ª-----------------------------------------------------¿ ª _ ªFILES=90 _ ªFilename Han Owner Owner Name _ ª------------ --- ----- ---------- _ ªAUX dev 9 9077 [System] _ ªCON dev 27 9077 [System] _ ªPRN dev 9 9077 [System] _ ªWIN386 .SWP 1 0E0C C:\WINDOWS\system\win386.exe _ ªGDI .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªTMSRF .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªSYMBOLF .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªPROGMAN .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªPROGMAN .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªVGA478 .DRV 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªWINOA386.MOD 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ª8514OEM .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ª8514FIX .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªEGA80WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] _ ªEGA40WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] +-¿________________________________________________-+ Device Driver Chain Another way to look at the various devices loaded into memory is to examine the Device Driver Chain. This list of devices includes such things as any memory management drivers, mouse drivers and built in drivers for COM and LPT ports. +-[¿]---------------- HWARE.DDD --------------7-[]-+ ªDEVICE DRIVER CHAIN - ª---------------------------------------------------_ ªType Name In Out Nul Clk FCon Gen IOCTL _ ª----- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- _ ªChar: NUL _ _ ªChar: MS$MOUSE _ ªChar: SMARTAAR _ _ ªChar: XMSXXXX0 _ ªChar: CON _ _ _ _ ªChar: AUX _ ªChar: PRN _ _ ªChar: CLOCK$ _ _ ªBlok: 3 units _ _ ªChar: COM1 _ ªChar: LPT1 _ _ ªChar: LPT2 _ _ ªChar: LPT3 _ _ ªChar: COM2 _ ªChar: COM3 _ ªChar: COM4 _ ªChar: EMMXXXX0 _ +-¿______________________________________________-+ Network The network reporting functions within HWare are quite extensive. HWare examines as much as it can see from the local machine and reports back what it can. If no LAN is loaded, that's all it will report. If the machine is logged into a Novell LAN it will report everything from the Preferred Server to any locally directed printer, and just about everything in between. Similar information will be reported if the computer is attached to a PC-LAN, or a NET-BIOS compatible LAN. This window is a dynamic window. Other The last option on the Configuration menu is a catch-all. This is where everything that didn't fit nicely into one of the other categories got put. It is in this window that the status of the various DOS flags - Verify and Break are reported. Here HWare will report if it finds such things as Sidekick or a Multi-Tasker (DesqView or OmniView). It will also report if the DOS Print Spooler is loaded and the current date and time from the system clock. +-[¿]---------- OTHER ---------------+ ª ª ª Clock Date = Wednesday, 10/23/1991 ª ª Clock Time = 00:30:25.28 ª ª PRINT.COM NOT loaded ª ª Sidekick NOT loaded ª ª Multi-Tasking OFF ª ª Verify OFF ª ª Break OFF ª ª ª +------------------------------------+ Windows The Windows option on the main menu contains a sub-menu of options for controlling the various windows generated by HWare. Next, Move and Close work on both static and dynamic windows. Zoom, Tile and Cascade only work with dynamic windows. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:22:28 __________________________________ +----------------------+ ____________________ __________________________________ ª Resize/move Ctrl-F5 ª ____________________ __________________________________ ª Zoom F5 ª ____________________ __________________________________ ª Next F6 ª ____________________ __________________________________ ª Close Alt-F3 ª ____________________ __________________________________ ª Tile ª ____________________ __________________________________ ª Cascade ª ____________________ __________________________________ +----------------------+ ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 411064 Resize/move Ctrl-F5 You can resize a dynamic window and move a dynamic or static window with the mouse. If you are not using a mouse, the same effect can be accomplished by using the Resize/move option from this menu. Holding down the [Ctrl] key and tapping [F5] will also switch into this mode. Zoom F5 The Zoom option allows you to make the currently focused window full screen. This only works with dynamic windows. Zoom can also be accomplished by double clicking on the top border of the window or the small arrow in the upper right hand corner of the window. [F5] also Zooms. Next F6 Next makes the next window the window with the focus. The order of the windows is initially determined by the order in which they were opened. Notice that the first nine dynamic windows also have a number displayed on the top border. You can jump directly to one of these windows by holding down the [Alt] key and tapping the number of the window. You can also change the focus of a window by clicking anywhere on the window with the mouse. [F6] also works to jump to the next window. Close Alt-F3 Windows can be closed several ways. You can click on the small block character in the upper left corner (like in Windows and on the Macintosh), you can hold down the [Alt] key and tap [F3] or you can use the Close function. The window to be closed is the currently focused window. Tile Cascade Tile and Cascade are ways that HWare organizes dynamic windows. Tile makes every dynamic window visible, shrinking each as needed to make it fit on the screen. Cascade "stacks" the windows so that only the title displays on all but the top window. Options The Options menu provides a way to save the current desktop and retrieve it at a later date. If you save a desk top you save the current state of the windows. Any windows that are open when you save the desktop will be restored to the desktop when you retrieve it at a later date. They may not pop up in the same positions where you have saved them, but any open window will re-open. This can speed up configuration checking if your run it a number of times and want to examine the same findings. _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:22:41 ___________________________________________ +------------------+ _______________ ___________________________________________ ª Save desktop ª _______________ ___________________________________________ ª Retrieve desktop ª _______________ ___________________________________________ +------------------+ _______________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 411064 Save desktop Saves the current desktop to a file called HWare.DSK in the current directory. Retrieve desktop If HWare.DSK exists in the current directory, HWare will load it from disk and pop-up all of the windows that were opened when the desktop was saved to that file. Other Functions _ File Hardware Configuration Windows Options 00:31:53 +-------------+ _______________________________________________________________ ª ASCII Table ª _______________________________________________________________ ª Calculator ª _______________________________________________________________ +-------------ª _______________________________________________________________ ª About ª _______________________________________________________________ +-------------+ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ F1 Help F3 Open Alt-F3 Close F5 Zoom 410952 In the upper left hand corner, there is a menu option without a name. This menu option is signified by a small block made of three horizontal lines. This is the "other stuff" menu. It contains a pop-up calculator and an ASCII table, as well as the About option - Copyright notice. These functions have nothing to do with system configuration, or installed hardware, nor do they have anything to do with the configuration of HWare. The calculator and ASCII table are provided as a quick reference, if you should need them while running HWare. ASCII Table This table shows all of the characters in the ASCII character set. To get the value of any of the characters, select the character with the mouse; the value will display at the bottom of the window. Calculator The HWare calculator is a simple 4 function calculator similar to most pocket calculators, in both design and function. You can push keys down with the mouse, or you can use the keys on the ten-key pad or the main keyboard. About The About function gives the copyright information and the revision number of this version of HWare. The following is an example of a standard HWare report... HWARE 3.0 - Copyright 1989-1991, Michael A. Eissinger, All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESSOR/RAM IBM AT, PC XT-286, PS/2 50/60 or Clone 80486 of Compatible CPU Internal Math Coprocessor CPU Speed = 30MHz DOS Version = 5.00 Conventional RAM = 640k No Extended Memory Installed EMS Memory = 1600k Total EMS Pages = 28 EMS Available = 448k Avail. EMS Pages = 100 EMS Handles = 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVES Media Descriptor-------------------------------------------------------+ Files in root-------------------------------------------------------+ | Bytes per cluster---------------------------------------------+ | | Bytes in FATs-----------------------------------------+ | | | Boot sectors----------------------------------+ | | | | Size in bytes-------------------------------+ | | | | | Physical drive----------------+ | | | | | | Logical drive--------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A: A: 362796 1 2048 1024 112 FD B: B: 730112 1 3072 1024 112 F9 C: C: 211787776 1 10240 4096 512 F8 No disk in drive! D: D: No disk in drive! E: E: Diskette Drives = 2 Hard Drives = 1 Current Drive = C (Fixed) Total Disk Space = 211787776 Total Bytes Free = 66338816 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTS VGA Graphics Card Two Button Mouse Installed Serial Ports = 2 Parallel Ports = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ KEYBOARD Enhanced Keyboard installed Caps Lock = OFF Num Lock = ON Scroll Lock = OFF Insert = OFF -------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF SET REFERBH=C:\REFREBH\ SET GMKW=C:\GMKW\ PATH C:\BIN;C:\TP;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DBP;C:\GMKW;C:\WORKSHOP LOG \BOOT.LOG "BOOTING SYSTEM" COLOR BLUE WHITE SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP PUTCURS 12 /C ---------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\BIN\COMMAND.COM C:\BIN\ /P DOS=HIGH, UMB DEVICE=C:\BIN\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\BIN\SMARTDRV.SYS 256 256 DEVICE=C:\MOUSE.SYS STACKS 0,0 FILES = 80 BUFFERS=30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- MEMORY MAP Segment Owner Bytes What Hooked vectors -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------- 0253 0008 44064 config 0C 33 E4 E8 ED EF F9 FA OD16 0008 64 config 19 OD1B OD1C 2368 <shell> 2E 2F E1 E2 E3 E6 E7 0DB0 0D1C 64 N/A 0DB5 0D1C 256 environ 0DC6 0DD3 176 environ 0DD2 0DD3 672 <shell> 0E0B 0E0C 3904 C:\WINDOWS\system\win386.exe 10 15 67 0F00 0F0E 192 environ OFOD 0F0E 593696 C:\BIN\HWARE.EXE 00 04 08 90 13 16 1B 23 24 25 26 28 30 34 FD FF ----------------------------------------------------- MEMORY CONTROL BLOCKS Segment Owner Bytes What ------- -------- ------------- ---------- 0253 0008 44064 config 0D16 0008 64 config 0D1B 0D1C 2368 COMMAND 0DB0 OEOC 64 0DB5 0D1C 256 environment 0DC6 0DD3 176 environment 0DD2 0DD3 672 WIN 0DFD 0E0C 208 environment 0E0B 0E0C 3904 win386 0F00 0F0E 192 environment 0F0D 0F0E 593696 HWARE --------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENT Environment size: 256 bytes. Amount in sue: 150 bytes. Comspec 0 COMSPEC=C:\BIN\COMMAND.COM Comspec 1 REFERBH=C:\REFERBH\ Comspec 2 GMKW=C:\GMKW\ Comspec 3 PATH=C:\BIN;C:\TP;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DBP;C:\GMKW;C:\WORKSHOP Comspec 4 TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP -----------------------------------------------------------------OPEN FILES FILES=90 Filename Han Owner Owner Name ------------ --- ----- ---------- AUX dev 9 9007 [System] CON dev 27 9007 [System] PRN dev 9 9007 [System] WIN386 .SWP 1 0E0C C:\WINDOWS\system\win386.exe USER .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] TMSRF .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] SYMBOLF .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] PROGMAN .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] PROGMAN .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] VGA478 .DRV 1 0F0F [Other Task] HWAREMEN.TXT 1 26CE [Other Task] 8514OEM .FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] EGA80WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] EGA40WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] CGA80WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] CGA40WOA.FON 1 0F0F [Other Task] KEYBOARD.DRV 1 0F0F [Other Task] COMM .DRV 1 0F0F [Other Task] GDI .EXE 1 0F0F [Other Task] WINWORD .EXE 1 26CE [Other Task] NORMAL .DOT 1 26CE [Other Task] ~DOC187F.TMP 1 26CE [Other Task] ~DOC0263.TMP 1 26CE [Other Task] README3 .DOC 1 26CE [Other Task] WIN0A386.MOD 1 0F0F [Other Task] LPT1 .dev 1 0F0F C:\BIN\HWARE.EXE ------------------------------------------------------- DEVICE DRIVER CHAIN Type Name In Out Nul Clk FCon Gen IOCTL ----- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Char: NUL X Char: MS$MOUSE Char: SMARTAAR X Char: XMSXXXX0 Char: CON X X X Char: AUX Char: PRN X Char: CLOCK$ X Blok: 3 units X Char: COM1 Char: LPT1 X Char: LPT2 X Char: LPT3 X Char: COM2 Char: COM3 Char: COM4 Char: EMMXXXX0 X ------------------------------------------------------------------- NETWORK Either no LAN is loaded on this machine or it is an unknown LAN SHARE is not loaded No redirected devices ------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER FINDINGS System Clock Time = 23:20:57.48 System Clock Date = Tuesday, 10/22/1991 Break = OFF Verify = OFF That concludes an example of a report generated by HWare. You can see that a great deal of information is included in the report. By carefully studying the report you can determine the best way to configure your system, learn more about how your system works, or trouble shoot any problems that you may be having with various conflicts. Your system will probably produce different results, since the report depends entirely on how the system is configured, what applications and utilities are running and what hardware is physically attached to the machine. Notes from the Author I originally developed HWare to fill certain needs that I had as a PC Consultant. HWare was originally part of the Eissinger Utilities, Version 2.0, released in 1989. There were no revisions between 1989 and 1991. Several events in the summer and fall of 1991 prompted me to begin revising the set. Digital Research released DR DOS 5.0, followed shortly by MS-DOS 5.0 from Microsoft, followed again in the early fall by DR DOS 6.0 from DRI. These new operating systems were significant improvements over MS/PC-DOS 3.3 and 4.0/4.1, and many people were making the switch. In the October, 1991 issue of PC Computing, Preston Gralla wrote an article reviewing several shareware packages that were good enhancements to the new versions of the operating system. One of the ones included was the Eissinger Utilitites, Version 2.0. This motivated me to take a good look at that version and see if it needed to be revisited. On October 15, 1991, I received a call from a young lady doing research for a new book on shareware - also published by Ziff Davis. The Eissinger Utilities are to be included in the book. This added even more motivation. I carefully went through Version 2.0 and examined each program. HWare was completely redesigned and rewritten. So many functions and features were added that over half of the user's guide was dedicated just to the one program. HWare is now a full-blown system and configuration utility, perfect for Network Administrators or PC Managers needing to track a large number of stand-alone or networked PC's, or for consultants or contract programmers working on a variety of different machines. Since it has been expanded so much, and the focus is quite different from the rest of the Eissinger Utilities, HWare has been removed and released as a separate product. I would be grateful for any feedback from you, the user. Let me know of problems you have with HWare, or any enhancements you would like to see in future versions. I hope that you find HWare as useful as I have. I use it daily. It was a joy to write and I'm very proud to have you use it. I want to thank several people who contributed, in their own ways, to HWare. Steven Powell of UCLA Capital Programs for testing, and suggestions. Marie M. Carlson, for general support and encouragement. Corkey Ragsdale for support and motivation. Julia, Cindy and Bill at Borland International for their time, energy and patience. Shareware HWare 3.0 is distributed as Shareware. The software described in this document is distributed free or at minimal charge for evaluation only. Users of this software are to license this software according to the instructions given in this document. Copies of this software may be made only in accordance with instructions given in this document. Upon receipt of registration, the user will receive the latest copy of the software, along with a printed manual and will be able to receive free phone support. Registration/Order Form Item Quantity Price Total Disk 3.5" ________ 25.00 ________ Disk 5.25" ________ 25.00 ________ TOTAL ________ Name________________________________________________ Address 1________________________________________________ Address 2________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________ Please Mail, with Payment to . . . Michael A. Eissinger Microcomputer Consultant 346 East Cedar Hanford, CA 93230 HWare, Version 3.0