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- Super SCREEN EDitor DOCS..... V0.3
- Well I hope I have gained your interest to at least read these docs. I wrote
- this little utility mainly because I was fed up of filling my program full of
- tables to draw screens. It started life with just the ability to enter
- characters and to draw boxes in 5 styles. You could select the color before you
- typed letters but not after. I felt adding attributes later would be useful so
- I added the color block fill. Well if you could do it with colors why not with
- characters, so I added the character block fill. I had avoided the block cut
- and paste for as long as possible, mainly due to the pain of clipping the block
- at the bottom and right edge. As you can see it works. (I hope!!!). I had
- considered the option to toggle the info-bar off and on but felt for one extra
- line it was not really worth it, although if anyone feels this option is worth
- the addition then I will be glad to add it. The character table in the help
- page was added more as a reference rather than an interactive select table.
- Again though, that may be added later. Right I will go through the info line to
- describe what it shows. Starting from the left...
- ROW 000 and COL 000 - these are the row and column co-ordinates of the cursor.
- BOX 000 - A multi-function one this..
- The first digit toggles 1 or 0 to indicate whether box mode has has been
- started. i.e. F1 pressed once
- The second digit acts similar but for the block functions. i.e. F4 pressed once
- The third digit cycles 0 - 4 for the box style number. This is also graphically
- shown alongside by the top-left corner in the current style.
- CHARACTER 000 - This shows the value of the currently selected character.
- NOTE! this is not the one you are typing.
- ABCDE - This area is to indicate the current attributes that characters will
- be placed on screen in.
- INSERT - This toggles ON or OFF. When it is off characters you type will
- overwrite any on screen. When on anything to the right of the
- cursor will be scrolled right ( and off the screen ). This also
- indicates whether block paste functions are transparent or
- solid.
- F10:HELP - Press F10 to get the help page and character value table.
- I will now go through the function keys and their uses...
- F1 - The first press sets the first corner of the box to draw. After
- pressing move to where the second corner is to be and press F1.
- The box will be drawn in the current box style and colors.
- NOTE! The box can be drawn in any direction not just top-left to bottom right.
- F1 + SHIFT - Cycle the box style through 0 - 4.
- F2 - As with F1 except on the second press a set of options will come up at
- the bottom of the screen, these are.
- X - return to cursor mode.
- G - Grab block to paste buffer.
- C - clear area with currently selected character.
- F - Fill area with current attributes.
- With shift this pastes the block buffer onto the screen at the current cursor
- position. Only after a block has been grabbed.
- F3 - Increases the foreground ( INK ) color of printed characters.
- Cycles through 16 values. With shift decreases values.
- F4 - Increases the background ( PAPER ) color of printed characters.
- Cycles through 16 values. With shift decreases value.
- F5 - Increase the selected character. With shift decreases selected character.
- F6 - Grabs character from cursor position into current selected character.
- Saves time for plotting characters that can not be typed. e.g. characters that
- form the boxes, smiley faces etc...
- F7 - Puts current selected character on to screen, this enables you to put
- characters down that you can not normally get from the keyboard.
- F8 + SHIFT - Clears screen to current attributes.
- F9 - Undo last box or block draw function.
- F10 - Enters help pages.
- Other special keys are as follows:-
- HOME - Cursor to top-left of screen.
- END - Cursor to bottom-right of screen
- DEL - Deletes character at cursor and shifts line left.
- INS - Toggles insert mode.
- TAB - Works as normal on 8 character steps
- RETURN - Moves character to beginning of next line down.
- ESC - Back to main menu screen. (stores screen so you can save it and carry on
- editing.)
- Functions on the main menu are straight forward.
- 1 - Edit New Screen - as it says, edit a new screen.
- 2 - Edit Old Screen - Goes back to editing previous screen after saving or to
- edit a loaded screen.
- 3 - Save Screen - Goes to the save screen page. Type filename up to 8
- characters and finish with return. The suffix .SCR will be added by the
- program. This saves out a 3840 byte file of character and color data.
- 4 - Load Screen - As with the save page type filename up to 8 characters,
- .SCR will be added by the program. Then use Edit Old to continue editing the
- loaded screen.
- If you press 3 or 4 by mistake just enter an empty filename to return to the
- menu.
- 5 - Change directory - Allows you to type in a new path name for load and save
- screen options. Current path is displayed at the bottom of the menu screen.
- 6 - Log new drive - Allows you to change between floppy drives and hard drives.
- Current drive is shown with path at the bottom of the menu screen.
- On the menu screen you will notice 2 boxes to the right of the menu. The
- program will scan the current path for any files ending in .SCR and display the
- list of files in these 2 boxes. This means that at all times you know exactly
- which files are available for editing.
- A couple of technical details about the program follow.....
- Written in pure 8086 assembler, bit awkward but speedy. ( maybe not awkward
- for some but please remember this is my first utility.)
- To keep the program completely self contained I have incorporated 3 buffers
- within itself. One for the whole screen, used in load and to hold the screen
- while you are in the menu. One for the character data in cut and paste mode
- and one for the color data in cut and paste mode. This may seem wasteful to
- some but I like to keep all storage areas together. Just personal preference
- really.
- If you do find this utility of some use and would consider the measly sum of
- £3.00 to be a reasonable purchase price, then I would be happy to add your name
- to my mailing list ( currently empty ) for further updates (at no further cost)
- and to reply to requests for improvements, additions but not singing at your
- local karaoke night please. Or if you don't feel it worth any money then just
- let me know what you think of it anyway, I'll just sit in poverty and read your
- letters to myself. (SNIFF!!) Hope you enjoy using it as much as I did writing
- it. Happy plotting...
- Lee R Cawley
- 22 Darras Road,
- Gorton,
- Manchester.
- England.
- M18 7PA