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- M U S I C I A N I
- ====================
- Manual
- Copyright (c) DigiMus Ky, 1990.
- Introduction
- ------------
- MUSICIAN I is intended for anyone interested in creating their
- own music. There is no need to be familiar with computers or
- computer technology. With MUSICIAN I, you can write your music easily
- and, what best, hear it any time you wish, by using the Sound Blaster.
- Required Equipment
- ------------------
- To run Musician, you need the following:
- 1. The Sound Blaster Card
- 2. An IBM-PC/XT/AT computer or a compatible equipped
- with a EGA or VGA graphic display card.
- 3. A Matrix Printer to print your notation.
- 4. Headphones, external loudspeaker or stereo system.
- 5. SB-SOUND.COM - FM music driver from Creative Labs, Inc.
- Getting Started
- ---------------
- 1. Make a \MUSICIAN sub-directory under your \SB sub-directory.
- 2. Copy all the files on the \MUSICIAN sub-directory of this disk
- to the \SB\MUSICIAN sub-directory.
- 3. Before running MUSICIAN I, you need to load the memory resident
- FM music driver - SB-SOUND.COM from Creative Labs, Inc.
- 4. Then run MUSICIAN I by typing : MUSIC
- 5. A batch file START.BAT is created to run all files together, and
- remove SB-SOUND.COM after its used.
- Just type : START to start MUSICIAN I
- Menu Commands
- -------------
- F5 Files:
- New -
- Clears the screen and closes the file to make room
- for a new one. Musician asks, however, if you wish to
- save the changes made.
- Open -
- With this command you can open a file from the music
- directory. A list of all Musician files in this dir-
- ectory appears on the screen.
- You can choose a file from this list by moving with
- arrow keys over the list. When the indicator is on
- the desired file, press the <enter>-key to confirm.
- Save -
- This command saves opened files. If the file has been
- named, it will be saved.
- Save as...
- This command is used to save the opened file under
- a new name.
- Instrument Bank -
- This command is used to choose the instrument bank
- froM which you want to select your instrument.
- To Printer -
- This command is used to print out the score or only a
- Part of it. The default is to print out the entire
- document. With HOME- and END- keys you can select the
- corners of the printing area and move it with the
- arrow keys. With PgDn- and PgUp-keys you can move
- to next screen. To jump to the end of the document
- press Ctrl and PgDn keys simultanously. To confirm
- the printing, press (enter).
- Paper Length -
- This command allows you to state the lenght of your
- paper sheet for printing. The default value is 11
- inches, that can be changed by using + -or - -keys.
- Top Marigin
- Bottom Marigin -
- It is also possible to select the printing area
- changing the values of top- and bottom marigins. The
- default value 5 lines you can increase or decrease by
- using + -or - -keys.
- Quit -
- This command ends the Musician and returns to DOS.
- Before this command is carried out, Musician asks you
- if you wish to save your work.
- F6 Options:
- Keyboard On/Off -
- This command brings the mouse keyboard on the screen
- and you may enter the notes by "single finger playing"
- with your mouse.
- Text Editor -
- The program changes to Text Editing mode. The vertical
- line cursor appears on the upper left corner of the
- screen. You can move it to the your text area with the
- arrow keys.
- Two different fonts are selectable with F1-key:
- a large font for the title of the piece, and a small
- font for the lyrics.
- MIDI In -
- You can also enter the notes with you MIDI keyboard
- connected to Sound Blaster with the MIDI Box.
- MIDI Base Key -
- From your MIDI Keyboard one octave area is reserved
- to be used as command keys for MIDI options. By press-
- ing the Base C-key you tell Musician, which octave
- you selected for this purpose.
- Connect Staves -
- Before printing out your notes, it is often necessary
- to connect certain staves with bracket(s). When this
- option is selected, a small cursor appears near the
- left end of the first staff. Move the cursor to the
- beginning of the first staff that will be connected,
- with the upper end of cursor at the height of the upper
- line of the staff, and press space bar.
- To begin to produce the bracket, press right arrow-key
- once. Continue drawing by pressing down arrow-key sev-
- eral times. At about the middle of the bracket, press
- left arrow-key once and continue then with the down
- arrow key.
- At the end of the bracket, press right arrow-key once.
- To delete the bracket, press space bar once and move
- the cursor over the area you want to delete.
- To finish this operation, press ESC-key.
- F7 Playback:
- Play -
- This command lets you listen to the composien you have
- written.
- Play Voices -
- Command lets you listen to the voices you have choosen
- in Voices-menu (F9).
- Interrupt -
- Using this command, you can stop the playback of the
- song.
- Play Screen -
- This command is used to playback the part of your work
- that you can see on current screen.
- Basic Tempo -
- This command is used to state or alter the basic tempo
- of a song. When this is choosen, the current tempo
- figures appear on the upper left corner of the screen.
- You can alter this tempo by entering a new number that
- corresponds the number of beats per minute.
- Dynamics -
- This command shows you the default values of the dyn-
- amic marks (ppp - fff). You can chhose your own scale
- by using (+) and (-) -keys. The value of each mark can
- be from 0 to 100.
- F8 Staves:
- Clef -
- This command lets you choose Treble- or Bas Clef for
- each staves (1 to 6). To enter the Glef, press F- or
- G-key.
- Position -
- You can alter the distance of each staff from the
- bottom of the screen by entering new numbers using
- (+)- or (-)-keys. The default is value 0.
- Time Signature -
- You can alter the Time Signature's upper or lower
- number with (+) and (-)-keys. By pressing #-key, when
- the cursor is in the beginning of the staff, the
- selected signature appears on it's place.
- F9 Voices :
- Percussion -
- This option gives you 6 melodic voices and 5 percus-
- sion voices (Y), or 9 melodic voices without percus-
- sion (N).
- Staves -
- The staves (1 - 6 ) for different voices you can
- choose by using (+)- and (-)- keys. The default is:
- Voices 1-3 1. Staff
- Voices 4-6 2. Staff
- Percussion 3. Staff
- Select -
- You can select voices you wish to hear with option
- "Play Voices" in F7-Menu. This command is also useful
- when selecting the voices you want to print out.
- F10 Help:
- Keyoboard Commands
- ------------------
- Key Signature : B=Flat (Confirmed by pressing E-key).
- H=Sharp " "
- N=Natural
- Accidentals : B=Flat BB=Double Flat
- H=Sharp HH=Double Sharp
- N=Natural
- Time Signature : #-key (Select in F8 Staves-menu).
- Voice Activation : Alt + number of the voice
- Toggle Voices : Tab- and Shift+Tab-keys.
- Entering Note : Space bar (toggle w. note-rest).
- Entering Rest : Space bar (toggle rest-note).
- Note Values : Whole note 1
- Half note 2
- Quarter note 4
- Eighth note 8
- Sixteenth note 6
- 32nd note 3
- 64th note 7
- Dotted note : Hit Note value key twice or
- Note value key + N.
- Bar Line : Enter
- Double Line : Enter
- Repeats : Enter
- Endings : v + Number Key (toggle)
- Tie : (-) - key (toggle: down - up - off).
- Character Delete : Del
- Column Delete : Del
- Column Insert : Ins
- Note Position : Arrow keys up-downd.
- Cursor moving : Arrow keys right-left.
- Triplets : T-key after evry Triplet Note.
- Stem Direction : Y-key
- Beams : (+)-key on the latter note (toggle).
- Play : Ctrl + P
- Play Screen : Ctrl + Y
- Play Selected Voices: Ctrl + D
- Note Formation : U (toggle)
- p - pp - ppp : P
- mp - mf : M
- f - ff - fff : F
- Instrument : I
- Tempo : O
- Accelerando : A
- Ritardando : R
- Crescendo : < (toggle: < - cresc.).
- Diminuendo : > (toggle: > - dim.).
- Segno : S
- Coda : C
- D.S. : G
- D.C. : D
- Fine : Z
- Fermata : (
- Tremolando : / (toggle)
- Print : Ctrl + K
- Moving : To the beginning of next measure:
- Ctrl + Right Arrow.
- To the beginning of former measure:
- Ctrl + Left Arrow.
- To the left side of screen : Home
- To the right side of screen: End
- To the beginning of the song: Ctrl + Home
- To the end of the song: Ctrl + End
- Using a Mouse
- -------------
- The notes can be entered by using a mouse, if one is loaded.
- On the lower left cornerer of the screen there is a piano keyboard,
- where you can choose the note position and it's value simultaneously.
- Entering Root Tones
- To enter root tones (white keys) on the staff, you only need to
- do an "one finger play" using the mouse cursor as your fore
- finger, and clicking the left mouse key. To choose the value for a
- note, move the cursor along the key until it is on the same heigh
- as the desired note value symbol on the left side of the keyboard.
- Then click once.
- Entering Accidental Tones
- To write accidentals is as simple as to write root tones. How-
- ever, the chromatic notes can be written by using either sharp
- (#) or flat (b) marks. If you wish to get a note equiped with
- sharp, you must point on the left side of the black key nearest
- the white key. If you want to get a note with a flat mark, you
- must point on the right side of the black key nearest the next
- white key. Then click once.
- Entering Rests
- The rests are entered on the staff using same methode as
- writing notes, but making double-click with mouse's left key.
- To Cancel
- While writing the piece you may note that the key you selected
- on the mouse keyboard is not what you want. You can cancel this
- note by keeping down the mouse's left key, and moving the cursor
- off from the key and then release the key.
- To Move
- To move the cursor on the staff you can be made two way.
- 1. On the lower bar of the mouse keyboard there are a
- section numbered from 0 to 6. From this section you
- can choose one number value to state, how many
- steps (columns) you want the cursor jump forward
- after a basic value note is entered. Thus, if you
- have 4/4 measure and you choose nuber 4, after each
- quarter note entered on the staff the cursor jumps
- four steps ahead. One eight not takes then two
- steps and dotted quarter not six steps etc.
- 2. Keeping the steps value 0, you can move the cursor
- on the arrow area nearest the number section. By
- clicking once on the right-arrow you move one step
- to the right. By clickin once on the right-arrow
- with a bar line, you move a whole bar ahead.
- Scrolling the mouse keyboard
- On the lower bar of the mouse keyboard there is a small icon of
- keyborad on it's both ends. If you click your mouse once on the
- right icon, the keyboard are changes one octave higher. Res-
- pectively, if you click on the left icon, the keyboard changes
- one octave lower. Where you are on the keyboard, you can read
- from the number marks, that are on each C-key. The "middle-C" is
- marked with number 4.
- Using MIDI Kyboard
- ------------------
- The notes may also be entered by using a MIDI Keyboard connected
- to the Sound Blaster's MIDI Box.
- When this option is activated from F6 Menu, the program first
- asks you to press the Base C-Key on your MIDI-keyboard. From
- this C-key one octave up (12 keys) are selected to be used as
- command keys. Default is the lowest C-key on your keyboard.
- The MIDI Keyboard commands are:
- 1. Note values
- C: 1/1 note
- D: 1/2 note
- E: 1/4 note
- F: 1/8 note
- G: 1/16 note
- A: 1/32 note
- B: 1/64 note
- 2. Others
- Cis: Left arrow (Move cursor to left)
- - -key (Select MIDI - options)
- Dis: Right arrow (Move cursor to right)
- + -key (Select MIDI - options
- Fis: Space Bar (Produce a note/rest)
- Gis: Enter (Produce a bar line)
- Delete (Delete a character except bar line)
- Ais: Toggle MIDI - options:
- Change Octave (Using Cis- and Dis- keys)
- Playback " " "
- Auto Steps " " "
- Accidentals " " "
- When MIDI Keyboard is in use, mouse can not be used. Respectiv-
- ely, when mouse is in use, MIDI Keyboard can not be used. How-
- ever, the copmuter keyboard can be used together with mouse and
- MIDI Keyboard.
- You can leave MIDI mode by pressing ESC-key or reselecting the
- option MIDI Keyboard (^M) from F6 Menu.