・ Made the control panel part of SoundMaster more tolerant when playing sound resouce files that are open by other applications/INITs.
・ Fixed (again) the bug which would cause a crash under System 6 without MultiFinder. This time I patched Launch instead of InitApplZone.
・ Added a KillIO patch which stops the currently playing SoundMaster sound, because calling KillIO for the Sound Driver turns off the ASC chip, and thereby stops the current sound without the Sound Manager knowing about it. Then it calls VRemove, ignores the result, and clears out the SoundActive global. (I was doing =this= to applications when I was using the Sound Driver?)
・ Moved the GetOSEvent patch into a SystemEvent patch, because GetOSEvent isn't supposed to move memory. The GetNextEvent patch has been incorporated into this patch as well.
Version 1.7.1 changes:
・ Major bug would cause a crash running 6.0.7 without MultiFinder when a program was launched or quit. Nobody reported this bug during the beta testing period.
・ Not tested, but apparently hourly chime countdown wouldn't work unless there was also a "Chime :00" sound. This has been fixed.
Version 1.7 changes:
・ The settings file format has changed again. If you were using version 1.4 or later of SoundMaster, you will need to first open up SoundMaster as a control panel. Then close it and open your System Folder. Make sure that there is not a file named "SoundMaster settings" in the System Folder (throw it away if you find one), and that there IS a file named "SoundMaster settings" within a folder named "Preferences" within the System Folder. If your old copy of SoundMaster was older than 1.4, you'll have to set up your sounds all over again.
・ Complete abandonment of the Sound Driver in favor of the Sound Manager.
・ Because of the above, key down and disk insert events are now trapped when they are picked up, not when they are posted. In plain English, this means that you will no longer always hear key click sounds immediately after pressing a key.
・ Support for System 7 sound files. (File type='sfil', creator='movr', containing one 'snd ' resource. File type 'snd ' is also allowed but must still contain one 'snd ' resource) If you have any "sound suitcase" files, change their type & creator to 'zsys' & 'MACS' (with the suitcase's folder window closed). You can then double-click on them and drag the sounds out.
・ Upgraded to the newest version of ShowInit which supports multiple icon rows and 'icl8' icons. (Note to other programmers: "ShowInit.a" on the CD-ROM is the newest version, "ShowInit.a.o" is *not*.)
・ Added Help Manager balloons for the main window and the preferences and about box dialogs.
・ Added option+up arrow and option+down arrow key combinations for changing folders because Finder 7.0 eats command+key combinations in control panels.
・ New settings file format. Older versions from 1.4 and later are automatically converted when you open SoundMaster as a control panel.
・ Removed Finder sounds entirely, as they are not supported by Finder 7.0. If you are using System 6.x, you can still use SoundMaster version 1.6.5 instead if you really want them.
・ Added sounds for Zoom open, Zoom closed, Empty trash, Grow window, and Copy Done done the hard way. Note that Copy Done under 7.0 requires the title of the "Copy" window to be stored as a string resource in the settings file if you're using a foreign-language version of the Finder.
・ Added three new key click sounds for the Tab, Delete, and Enter keys.
・ A list of folder names is now kept for each sound file. This means that when you back up your hard disk, erase it, and then restore it, SoundMaster will try to find your sound files by looking for all the parent folders by name. This only happens when you open SoundMaster as a control panel file.
・ Prevented alias files from showing up in the file listing. This also prevents files with the old-style Finder "locked" bit from showing up. (Because it's the same bit!) This bit is not supported in 6.x and should not be used anyhow. Generally you can double click on such files in Finder 7.0 and they will be fixed up.
・ Set the cursor to a watch cursor when validating the selected sound files. (While the control panel part is starting up)
・ Added calls to _HWPriv to ensure 100% 68040 compatiblity, after my visit to Fusion Engineering. If _BlockMove flushes the cache, everything is OK, but some programs like to make excessive _BlockMove calls, and flushing the caches all the time gives them poor performance. My solution is to not depend on a _BlockMove patch.
・ Changed startup code to copy itself into the system heap instead of using BufPtr memory temporarily. Advantage: Now I can see my procedure names in MacsBug. Disadvantage: I have to get rid of that heap block, and it's not a great idea to dispose the heap block you are executing from. Therefore I copy a _DisposHandle + RTS to a low memory scratch area, flush the caches, and jump to that.
・ Minimum reserve system heap space has been increased from 16k to 24k, since one of the Sound Manager synthesizers is already almost 15k in size.
・ The reason I needed to the system heap clearance was due to a bug that would cause the startup sound to be loaded into the system heap in the beta versions. It seems that every "skanky" program eventually finds one new undocumented Strange Thing about the Mac OS, and this is one of them. I have not seen this mentioned before, so it might be worth passing on:
OpenResFile loads the resource map into theZone. Apparently, resources that do not have the resSysHeap attribute set will be loaded into the same heap zone as the resource map. If theZone was sysZone, ALL resources will be read into the system heap! (This behavior was noticed under System 6.0.7 during INIT loading time.)
Version 1.6.5 changes:
・ A newly created settings file wasn't getting the correct file/creator type.
・ Touched up color icons a bit more.
・ Note: If you have been using an earlier version that didn't put the settings in a Preferences folder, you'll have to remove the older file from the System Folder by yourself.
Version 1.6.4 changes:
・ Introduced another bug with saving the settings. If an error occurred from trying to create the Preferences folder, it got annoyed and gave up. Unfortunately, it would get an error if the folder was already there.
Version 1.6.3 changes:
・ Oops! Forgot to carry over a change in the Preferences folder code to the INIT code, and other INITs after SoundMaster were sometimes not loading during startup.
・ Put in support for the Folder Manager in System 7.
Version 1.6.2 changes:
・ Worked around a problem with the new List Manager in System 6.0.7 and 7.0b1 which would cause the scroll bar to not always update properly when changing folders.
・ Fixed a bug with playing a sound in the control panel. It was possible for the PROC -4047 resource to get purged from memory before it could be copied into a new block of memory, resulting in a crash after the sound completed.
・ Settings file is now kept in a "Preferences" folder in the System Folder.
・ Added color and small icons for System 7.
Version 1.6 changes:
・ Fixed a rare bug with the eject sound.
・ The Finder sounds wouldn't work with Virex Guard INIT. I removed what I think was offending VGI.
・ Fixed the chime sound to keep chiming once it's started instead of counting down the chime whenever it felt like it. That was really starting to bug me.
・ All the sound volume defaults that weren't at maximum volume (7) are now set to the Control Panel volume level.
・ When using the pop-up menu to change folders, the folder that you came out of is highlighted.
・ If a file name is too long in the file list, it is displayed "squished" so you can see more of the file name. Some people might think it looks kind of ugly, so there's an option in the Preferences dialog to turn it off. (This is a nifty idea I got from playing around with System 7, but it works better in Chicago 12.)
・ Added an option to prevent any other SoundMaster sound from playing during the chime sound. Without this option, a well-timed beep can mess up the chime.
・ Added an Alarm Clock sound. System 6.0 or later is required to use the Alarm Clock sound. The alarm clock sound is considered a chime sound for the purposes of the "disable sounds during chime" options.
・ Command down- and up-arrow will move you into and out of folders.
・ Strange behavior when the enter key was pressed with no file or folder selected has been fixed.
・ The settings file version has changed, but settings files from versions 1.4 and 1.5 will be automatically converted when SoundMaster is called up from the Control Panel. (until the settings file is converted, an 'X' will show through the startup icon)
Version 1.5 changes:
・ Fixed a bug that prevented the startup icon from being turned off.
・ Added more Finder sounds and put an "ト" in front of them to indicate that they are Finder sounds. This fills up 31 of the 32 sound slots that I had reserved space for. Since they're just tacked on to the end, the settings file version hasn't been changed and you can use your old one from 1.4.
・ Selecting "About the Finder" and closing it now plays the "Open icon" and "Close icon" sounds.
・ Rescan of selected sound files when SoundMaster is opened from the control panel can be bypassed by holding down the option key.
・ Made file names too long for the scroll box show a "ノ" instead of just falling off the edge.
Version 1.4 changes:
・ Added a totally cool new file selection list to let you select a sound file anywhere on the startup disk. The code for this knows how to select 'snd ' resources, but nothing else knows about them yet and won't for quite some time now. At least the user interface problem with 'snd ' resources is gone.
・ The settings are kept in a separate file. NOTE: If you aren't getting an icon for the settings file and want one, there are two things that must be done. First, if you have an old version of SoundMaster, it has to be taken off the disk, trashed, bundle bit cleared, or something. Then you have to rebuild the desktop by holding down the command and option keys while the Finder is starting up. (Warning: you'll lose all your Get Info comments!)
・ No more ID=33 bombs! SoundMaster now gets its own memory at startup instead of letting INIT 31 foul things up. This allows you to use a randomizer init on the sounds now. (You should also be able to randomize settings files.) If there isn't enough memory for one or more sounds, a small red 'X' is drawn through the startup icon.
・ My method for drawing the red 'X' through icons didn't work with IconWrap. I now use the standard ShowInit code along with my own "icon backspace" code. I had to borrow a friendly computer store's IIci for an hour or so to make the color icons.
・ If a sound file is used more than once, it is now loaded only once. This saves on both start-up time and memory.
・ If the control panel volume is zero, all the sounds (except for those played from the control panel) will stay silent.
・ When SoundMaster is opened in the control panel, it rescans the selected sound files to get an up-to-date total of memory usage. This is to allow for a randomizer init.
・ Completely rearranged the layout in the control panel.
・ Added preferences dialog.
・ Made a slider bar control to select the sound volume and playback rate.
・ Keyboard support: You can now select sound files by typing the file name or by using the up and down arrow keys. When you press the return or enter key, the selected sound is played, just like clicking on the speaker icon or double clicking on the file name.
・ Moved sound selection into a scrolling list. On/off buttons have been removed and replaced with little speaker icons in the sounds list. Click on those to enable/disable a sound. If the sound can't be enabled (because it hasn't had a file selected for it) you'll just get a beep.
・ Added a "sample sound". This sound is not used anywhere outside of the control panel. It is intended to let you play sounds without accidentally leaving, say, the space key sound set to the A-Team theme song.
・ Added chime sounds.
・ Empty trash sound! Tricky code intercepts Finder Sounds initialization from Finder 6.1.4. It's even compatible with the existing "Finder Sounds" program! If SoundMaster's trash sound is disabled, it lets Finder Sounds' trash sound be used instead. Finder open icon and close icon sounds are supported too.
To localize to a foreign system file, change STR# -4048 to contain the correct name of the finder and the finder sounds file. The finder sounds file name is found at the end of STR# 129 in the Finder.
Version 1.3 changes:
・ Improved startup icon support, showing a red 'X' through the icon if something is wrong.
・ Added the Control Panel volume as one of the volume options.
・ Sped up changing folders.
・ When changing to a sound that does not a have a file selected, the folder currently showing is not changed. (unless the sound was set to a file that isn't there any more)
・ Added double-clicking on file names to play the sound.
・ Made the speaker icon hilight like a button when clicked on.
・ Cleaned up the installed code, removing any unnecessary "tail-patches".
・ Found two subtle bugs with restoring the sound volume, one that would set the volume to 1, and another that would leave the volume at the key-click volume if you typed at just the right speed.
・ Made the disk insert and eject sounds work with any ejectable disk drive. (a CD-ROM player, for instance).