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- Key Map Editor
- Tim Friest
- March, 1989
- version 1.0
- ***************************************************************************
- * The KeyMapEditor is copyright © 1989 to Tim Friest *
- * *
- * this program is FREE, you may copy it or distribute it as long as there *
- * is no charge for the program (small handling fees are allowed if this *
- * program is distributed on a disk with other PD/FreeWare/ShareWare *
- * programs or on a charge BBS), the executable is unaltered and this *
- * file accompanies it. *
- * *
- * please send any and all comments and/or bug reports to: *
- * *
- * USMail: Tim Friest bitnet: AXTBF@ALASKA.BITNET *
- * 3861 Steller Dr *
- * Anchorage, AK 99504 bix: TFRIEST *
- * *
- * Voice: (907) 337-5108 *
- * *
- * Compiled with Lattice C 5.02 *
- * *
- * tested on: B2000 rev 4.3, ROMs v1.3, NTSC, 3Mb RAM, AmigaDOS v1.3 *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- Introduction:
- KeyMapEd allows you to modify the KeyMaps destributed by Commodore-Amiga
- with AmigaDOS. These KeyMaps may then be installed on your system with
- the SetMap command.
- Basically, any key may have 'key macros'. Each key may have a seperate
- value for pressing the key alone, with shift, with alt, with shift & alt,
- with control, with control & shift, with control & alt, and with shift, alt,
- & control (the latter is refered to as vanilla). Thus, each key may have up
- to 8 seperate values when pressed. Further, keys may be capsable (use the
- shift value when the caps lock key is on) and/or repeatable (key repeats
- when held down). Finally, pressing the combination of a dead key with a
- key that is deadable (modified by a dead key) allows the addition of accents
- to the key value (for instance an 'alt-g' then 'a' will produce an 'à' or an
- 'a' with an accent grav above it).
- Any program which is written correctly and uses the default keymap will
- fully support all these features and fully support any changes you make
- to your keymap. Unfortunately there are many programs which are not written
- correctly and/or do not use the default keymap (hint! hint! developers!!!).
- I believe that with this utility, it will be much easier to write a program
- which uses a special keymap, and still fully support the keymap capablities,
- then to hardcode what each key does within the progam.
- Note: SetMap adds the keymap to a list in memory and if you do
- SetMap usa1
- SetMap f
- SetMap usa1
- SetMap will only read usa1 once! Further, usa1 and f will both
- remain in memory until you reboot.
- This impacts KeyMapEd since modifying a keymap that you've already
- done a SetMap on, then trying to SetMap it again, will not update
- the keymap in memory (it will just use the version it had already
- loaded into memory). You would have to save the keymap out under
- a different name from KeyMapEd to get SetMap to use the new version.
- The name is hardcoded in the file, so it is recommended you do not
- rename the file. The reason for this is that SetMap compares the
- name within the file to the keymap that is requested, and if it is
- the same, the version already in memory is used. Supose you edited
- the usa1 keymap, saved it as usa1 and then renamed it to foo. Then
- you changed your Startup-Sequence to do a SetMap foo instead of
- SetMap usa1 (which is normal for A500/A2000s). The system still
- thinks that the keymap it has loaded is usa1 (not foo) since that was
- the name coded in the file... For this reason, doing a SetMap usa1
- will not load in usa1, but use the one in memory (which is really foo).
- Also, SetMap foo will load another copy of foo into memory since
- foo doesn't match usa1.
- Description:
- There are four basic types of keys definable within a keymap.
- A NOP key does nothing, and has no value.
- Normal (NoQual)
- A normal key may contain up to 4 single character values (plus a special
- value for vanilla keys). This format uses the least amount of space, so
- you should use this if possible (as apposed to the next two).
- The four values can correspond to any combination of the key alone with
- up to two of the shift/alt/ctrl combinations. If you want the key to be
- vanilla, the ctrl key modifies the value of certain alphabetic keys plus
- some others (@ for example), giving you 5 values for that key. For example
- the 't' key contains the values 't', 'T', alt-t '\xfe', alt-T '\xde', and
- ctrl-t '\x14' (note the ctrl-t value isn't actually stored, it is calculated).
- String
- A string key may contain all 8 possible values, and each value may be up
- to 32 (as of AmigaDOS v1.3) characters in length. A good example of string
- keys are the function keys, the arrow keys, or the application keys. These
- keys will send a string whenever the key is pressed. This is basically what
- will give you that 'key macro' capability. Any key which is not dead or
- deadable may be string and output up to 8 different 32 character values
- when pressed. Therefore, if you want alt-f10 to issue a 'list dh0:" command
- you could simply code that into the keymap.
- Dead
- Dead keys output up to a single character in one of three ways. A key that
- is dead (when you press it it modifies the value of the next key pressed), a
- key that is deadable (modified by a dead key), and a key that is uneffected
- by a dead key. If a key is dead, it contains the value of the accent that
- it will use (for instance alt-k will produce an umlat with deadable keys).
- If a key is deadable, seperate values will be stored for each possible accent
- available on that key (there are currently five: accent accute (´), accent
- grav (`), caret (^), circumflex (~), and umlat (¨) (I produced these by
- pressing alt-f space, alt-g space, alt-h space, alt-j space, alt-k space with
- the USA1 keymap)). Finally, if the key can not be modified by a dead key,
- then simply place the value in the keymap (for instance an alt-a is not
- modified by a dead key).
- Using KeyMapEd:
- KeyMapEd will prompt for a keymap if you do not specify one. It auto-
- matically assumes the keymap is located in devs:keymaps so you must specify
- the full pathname if it is not located there (SetMap requires the keymap
- be in devs:keymaps so you might as well put them there anyway).
- The KeyMapEd window is very similar to KeyToy and should display the current
- value for each key with the current combination of shift/alt/ctrl/capslock.
- Simply press the shift/alt/ctrl/capslock gadgets to change the display. The
- keyboard displayed is that of an Amiga 2000. The keymap for an Amiga 500 or
- 1000 is exactly the same! The A2000 keyboard has a few additional keys
- that the A1000 did not, and some of the keys have migrated, but other then
- that, the keymap for ALL keys on the A1000 keyboard is exactly the same as
- that for an A2000, there are just fewer values on the A2000 keyboard listed
- as unused (i.e. there are still spaces left so an A3000 might very well have
- even more keys then the A2000 and still be fully compatible with the A1000
- (at least keymap wise)).
- Clicking on a key gadget other then the shift, alt, ctrl, or capslock will
- display the key editor window for that key.
- The top row of gadgets define what type of key this is (NOP, Normal, String,
- or Dead). The second row shows which of the shift/alt/ctrl keys effect this
- key. The third row displays whether the key is capsable and/or repeatable.
- Finally the rest of the window shows the values for each of the shift/alt/ctrl
- combinations available for this key. The rest of the window will be different
- depending on whether the key is NOP, Normal, String, or Dead.
- Values for a key will be displayed in standard C string format. This means
- that if the value is normally printable, the value should appear, otherwise
- the hex value for the key will be displayed in the format '\x##'. A few
- notable exceptions to this rule are certain of the common control codes have
- special values '\r' for return, '\n' for newline, '\f' for formfeed, etc.
- Finally, since the '\' is used as an introducer for the control sequences,
- you must use '\\' to specify a single backslash.
- Since up to 4 characters may be used to specify a single character value,
- the string gadgets for a single value may hold up to 4 characters. Please
- note that Normal keys and dead keys may contain 1 and only 1 value, and if
- you place more characters in the string gadget then what will equate to
- a single character, the string will be truncated to 1 character. Likewise,
- String keys may only contain 32 characters, I have made the string gadget
- size 127 to hold many control sequences. Again, the resultant string will
- be truncated to 32 characters.
- Switching back and forth betwean the types of keys (NOP, Normal, String, and
- Dead) will produce strange results as strings are truncated to fit within
- certain limits or altered as dead or deadable keys.
- Selecting either the Use or Cancel gadgets will end the key edit mode and
- either update the keymap or not depending.
- Saving the KeyMap:
- Once you have gotten the keymap as you like, you will want to save it.
- Selecting the Save option from the Project Menu will give you a file requester
- which you may use to save the keymap either to the same filename as read or
- a new filename. Again the default directory is devs:keymaps, and you must
- specify otherwise if you desire it to be elsewhere.
- Note: The Key Map Editor uses the filename as the node name of the keymap,
- thus if you save a keymap as USA1 the system will not differenciate
- betwean the real (system) USA1 and your modified version, but if you
- save it as NEWUSA1, the system will always see it as NEWUSA1 even if
- you rename the file to USA1. This is important to remember because
- of the way SetMap works (see note at top).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes to v0.99 since v0.91:
- Fixed bug with interpretation of Vanilla keys for normal type
- Added options in options menus
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes to v1.0 since v0.99:
- Center text within gadgets on keyboard display
- Fixed return key (used Masked Boolean gadget so all of key
- highlights when selected)
- Modified CTRL and CapsLock keys so rapidly and repeatly clicking
- them would not continually refresh the screen (this already worked
- on Shift and Akt keys)
- Fixed problem with key labels for NOP keys which causes GURUs
- Fixed a problem with deadable keys which were not Vanilla
- Fixed title/version number
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes to v1.01 since v1.0:
- Fixed a major bug when converting from one type of key to another
- (for instance editing a normal key and changing it to a string
- key caused a GURU)
- Fixed a problem with the key label centering code (didn't update
- properly).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes to v1.02 since v1.01:
- Fixed the Return key to not overright the ] when edited
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Known Bugs/Features: v1.02 March 9, 1989
- String gadgets don't erase the last character when scrolled to the
- right. Seems to be a bug with intuition???
- Return key gadget erases part of ] key on refresh
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Planned Inhancements: v1.02
- see known bugs/features