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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CPU-Control 1.6 (27-Oct-92)
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- CPU-Control is a CPU-like utility for Kickstart/WB 2.0 including a GUI.
- The main difference to other tools of this kind is, that CPU-Control
- recognizes external changes of any of its parameters. Because of this
- special feature it needs some CPU-Time (not much), but in iconified state
- it needs no processor time at all. Additionally CPU-Control allows moving
- VBR (VectorBaseRegister) to Fast-RAM, which significantly speeds up all
- Traps/Interupts. Many CLI Options have been included to allow usage in
- scripts, so it's a good idea to put "CPU-Control vbr nw" in your Startup-
- Sequence.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
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- Amiga-OS 2.04 or higher is required to run CPU-Control.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLI Usage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Parameter Shortform Effect CPU needed
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (none) just starts CPU-Control
- ICACHE I enable Instruction Cache 68020+
- NOICACHE NI disable Instruction Cache 68020+
- DCACHE D enable Data Cache 68030+
- NODCACHE ND disable Data Cache 68030+
- IBURST IB enable Instruction Burst 68030
- NOIBURST NIB disable Instruction Burst 68030
- DBURST DB enable Data Burst 68030
- NODBURST NDB disable Data Burst 68030
- VBR move VBR to FastRAM 68010+
- NOVBR normal VBR (Zero) 68010+
- COPYBACK CB enable Copyback 68040
- NOCOPYBACK NCB disable Copyback 68040
- MMU enable FastROM/SafeKick | 68020/851 |
- NOMMU disable FastROM/SafeKick | or 68030 |
- VERBOSE V Verbose output
- CHECK check for a specified processor
- (68010/68020/68030/68040/68881/68882/FPU/MMU)
- ICONIFY IC starts iconified
- NOWIN NW starts without GUI
- SYSTEMINFO SI displays some information about your system
- CCI Chip-Cache-Inhibit (see update notes)
- Example: CPU-Control I D IB NDB VBR SSP MMU V NW
- enables all Caches, enables IBurst, disables DBurst, moves VBR
- and SSP to FastMem, enables the MMU (FastROM or SafeKick) and
- prints the new status verbosely without opening the GUI.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical Info
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CPU-Control has been developed using HiSoft's wonderful DevPac 3.02. The
- GUI was designed using GadToolsBox 1.3, but the code was so bad, that I
- decided to rewrite it.
- All cache manipulations are done using Exec's CacheControl, VBR movement
- is done by allocating 1024 Bytes of memory using AllocMem, copying the
- area, and then setting the VBR register to the new value. Enforcer would
- complain about this, but you can simply ignore it. Just for safety the
- routine in embedded in Forbid/Permit, and Caches are cleared via Exec's
- CacheClearU.
- The MMU option automagically selects FastROM-mode for ROM-Kickstarts and
- SafeKick-mode for Kickstarts loaded by ZKick/LKick ($200000). It is NOT
- compatible to the WB-2.0 "CPU" command, because the MMU-Table used is much
- more efficient, and in addition to "CPU" it write-protects the RAM-image.
- Alien-MMU-Activations make the "Safe/Fast OS" gadget unavailable, and the
- Verbose CLI mode will show up "(MMU)", which means the MMU is active but
- incompatible to CPU-Control. And again: Ignore Enforcer!
- _LVOColdReboot will be patched on MMU-activation in order to switch off
- the MMU before resetting. A BusError-Handler makes the RAM-image behave
- like a real ROM.
- 68020's without MMU (68851) and 68EC030 (68030-Light) should be recognized
- correctly.
- While the full GUI is open, CPU-Control uses a Delay/GT_GetIMsg loop to be
- able to recognize changes of the Cache/VBR. In iconified (zoomed) state it
- uses Exec's Wait without using any processor time.
- The MOVESSP option should only be used in Startup-Sequences, because it is
- a quite dangerous operation. SSP will only be moved, if there is REAL
- FastRAM available and SSP is currently in SlowRAM. This operation is not
- reversible.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Future Plans
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - better 68ECxxx recognition
- - Tooltypes
- - (any more ideas?)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.0 - initial release: 8-May-92
- 1.1 - release date: 13-May-92
- - many serious bugs (hopefully) fixed
- - overall code optimisation
- - added 68020/851 and 68030 MMU support
- - added "ICONIFY" option
- 1.2 - release date: 14-May-92
- - added CHECK option to test for a specified processor
- Example: CPU-Control check 68030
- will produce an ErrorCode 5 if not found
- CHECK always activates the NOWIN option
- - cleaned-up menu layout
- 1.3 - release date: 16-May-92
- - added MOVESSP option to allow moving the Supervisor
- Stackpointer to fast memory
- - CLI mode (especially CHECK) can now be used on 68000
- - minor code cleanup
- 1.3a - release date: 7-Jul-92
- - Cache-Inhibit for ChipRAM is no longer set automatically
- because every well-behaving hardware (including A3000
- and A2620/30 Turboboards) does this already.
- In addition operation in ChipRAM is slightly faster now,
- because the hardwired solution effects Datacache only.
- In case of trouble the CCI option (CLI only!) could be
- used to enable Cache-Inhibit. Of course this option is
- only useful if used together with the MMU option.
- 1.4 - release date: 16-Jul-92
- - implemented support for PC/AT-Bridgeboards
- Cache-Inhibit for Dual-Ported-RAM will be set as soon
- as the MMU becomes active (SafeKick or FastROM)
- - implemented SystemInfo (Menu or CLI-Option "SI")
- The short delay when measuring the MIPS performance is
- quite normal, so don't worry about it!
- - more Menu-Shortcuts available (just have a look...)
- - minor code cleanup
- 1.5 release date: 21-Jul-92
- - CPU-Control is Font-Sensitive now!
- - replaced "CPU: ..... FPU: ....." text by "System Info"
- gadget
- 1.5a release date: 17-Sep-92
- - Oh dear... Cache-Inhibit for Bridgeboards did not work!
- 1.6 release date: 27-Oct-92
- - FastROM and SafeKick works with 68040 now (hopefully!).
- Address-Space is currently truncated to 64MB in order
- to keep translation tables short and fast.
- - improved MMU-switching routines
- ATTENTION: If the main progamm file doesn't have a length
- of 8124 Bytes it is DAMAGED!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shareware
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- CPU-Control is SHAREWARE!
- If you use this program for a longer period than one week,
- please send me a donation of 10 US$ or equivalent!
- So if you want more tools like
- CPU-Control, TagScreens, UnArp and Safekick
- think about it and keep developers developing.
- Registered-User-Counter: 00008
- (This means: Only eight persons have paid for it! What a shame...)
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- Author
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- Send bug-reports and/or suggestions to:
- Martin Berndt
- Fr.-Alfred-Str. 115
- 4100 Duisburg 14
- Germany
- m_berndt@tron.gun.de
- martin berndt 2:242/21.111
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- (End of this wonderful document)