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- // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
- // File by Dan Farmer, 1995
- #include "colors.inc"
- #include "textures.inc"
- #include "skies.inc"
- #include "metals.inc"
- camera {
- location <0, 0.075, -0.45>
- up y
- right <4/3, 0, 0>
- direction z
- look_at <0, 0.075, 0>
- }
- // Dark cloudy sky
- sky_sphere {
- pigment {
- wrinkles
- turbulence 0.3
- omega 0.707
- octaves 5
- color_map {
- [0.0 color DustyRose * 2.5]
- // [0.2 color DustyRose ]
- [0.2 color Orange ]
- // [0.8 color DarkSlateGray * 0.5]
- [0.8 color SlateBlue * 0.25]
- [1.0 color SkyBlue]
- }
- scale <0.5, 0.1, 1000>
- }
- }
- // The Sun's halo
- #declare SunGlow =
- texture {
- pigment { colour Clear }
- halo {
- linear
- max_value 1.0
- spherical_mapping
- emitting
- colour_map {
- [0.15 color rgbf <1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0> ]
- [0.75 color rgbf <1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0> ]
- }
- samples 10
- }
- }
- #declare Sun =
- union {
- sphere { 0, 1
- hollow
- no_shadow
- texture { SunGlow }
- scale 0.75
- scale <3, 3, 3>
- translate <0, 0.05, 0>
- }
- sphere { 0, 0.1
- no_shadow
- hollow
- pigment { Orange filter 0.5}
- finish { ambient 0.75 }
- }
- scale <1, 0.8, 1>
- translate <2.5, -0.25, 15>
- }
- light_source { <3000, 1000, -2000> rgb <1, .95, .85> * 0.5 }
- light_source { <0, 0.1, 4> DustyRose shadowless }
- light_source { <0, 0.075, 4> Orange shadowless }
- default { finish { diffuse 1 ambient 0.1 } }
- #declare Sea =
- plane { y, 0.045
- texture {
- T_Silver_1C
- normal {
- average
- normal_map {
- [ ripples 0.15 frequency 3 scale 0.008 translate <0, 0, 10> ]
- [ wrinkles 0.25 scale 0.01 ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- object { Sun }
- object { Sea }