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- // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
- // File by Dan Farmer
- #version 3.0
- global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
- #include "colors.inc"
- #include "metals.inc"
- #include "textures.inc"
- #include "glass.inc"
- #include "metals.inc"
- // Dummy glass for testing
- #declare Ashtray_Texture =
- texture {
- T_Glass3
- finish {
- specular 0.3 roughness 0.01
- caustics 1
- }
- }
- camera {
- location <-50, 45, -140>
- angle 52
- look_at <15, 10, 0>
- }
- light_source{<-10, 100, 60> colour White }
- // Cigarette smoke
- #declare Smoke =
- sphere { 0, 1
- hollow
- no_shadow
- pigment { colour Clear }
- halo {
- linear
- max_value 0.15
- cylindrical_mapping
- attenuating
- turbulence 0.75
- octaves 6
- omega (1/1.618)
- lambda 1.618
- colour_map {
- [0.0 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1>]
- [0.5 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 0.65>]
- [1.0 color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 0>]
- }
- scale <0.4, 0.65, 0.4>
- samples 10
- aa_level 0
- aa_threshold 0.3
- }
- scale <10, 30, 10>
- translate <-5, 40, 0>
- }
- // Glowing ashes
- #declare GlowTip =
- cylinder { -y, y, 1 hollow
- no_shadow
- pigment { colour Clear }
- halo {
- linear
- max_value 0.15
- cylindrical_mapping
- turbulence 0.3
- colour_map {
- [0.0 color rgbt <1, 0.5, 0, 1>]
- [0.95 color rgbt <1, 0.5, 0, 0>]
- }
- samples 10
- aa_level 0
- aa_threshold 0.3
- scale <0.75, 1.1, 1.1>
- }
- rotate z*90
- scale <2.0, 7.5, 7.5>
- translate -x*3 // position at ash tip of cigarette
- }
- #declare Cigarette =
- union {
- object { Smoke }
- union {
- // Glow surrounding burned tip
- object { GlowTip}
- // ashes... a cylinder with rounded cap ends
- superellipsoid { <1.0, 0.65> scale <4, 4, 5> rotate y*90
- pigment {
- gradient x
- turbulence 0.35
- color_map {
- [ 0.00 Gray60 ] // ashes
- [ 0.05 Gray20 ] // dark burned area
- [ 0.10 Gray60 ] // ashes
- [ 0.15 Gray20 ] // dark burned area
- [ 0.20 Gray60 ] // ashes
- [ 0.25 Gray20 ] // dark burned area
- [ 0.30 Gray60 ] // ashes
- [ 0.50 Gray20 ] // dark burned area
- [ 0.60 Orange ] // a little extra glow
- [ 0.85 red 0.4 ]
- [ 0.90 Gray20 ]
- [ 1.00 White ]
- }
- scale 5.5
- translate -x*5
- }
- finish { ambient 0.4 }
- }
- // unburned portion of cigarette
- union {
- // white part
- cylinder { x, x*73 , 4 open
- pigment {
- gradient x // lightly banded paper
- color_map {
- [0.5 White ]
- [0.5 White*0.95 ]
- [1.0 White ]
- }
- }
- finish { crand 0.05 ambient 0.30 diffuse 0.6 }
- }
- // Gold band
- cylinder { x*73 x*73.5, 4 open
- texture {
- pigment { Tan }
- finish { metallic ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.7 }
- }
- }
- // White band
- cylinder { x*73.5 x*75 , 4 open
- texture {
- pigment { White }
- finish { crand 0.15 ambient 0.30 diffuse 0.6 }
- }
- }
- // Gold band
- cylinder { x*75 x*75.5, 4 open
- texture {
- pigment { Tan }
- finish { metallic ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.7 }
- }
- }
- // White band
- cylinder { x*75.5 x*77 , 4 open
- texture {
- pigment { White }
- finish { crand 0.15 ambient 0.30 diffuse 0.6 }
- }
- }
- // filter part
- cylinder { x*77, x*100 , 4 open
- texture {
- Cork
- scale 30
- finish { crand 0.15 ambient 0.30 diffuse 0.6 }
- }
- }
- }
- rotate z*9
- }
- translate -y*12
- }
- #declare FloorPlane =
- plane { y, -20.001 pigment { Blue } }
- // Cutout for notches in ashtray
- #declare Groove =
- union {
- cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0, 0, 1>, 1 }
- box { <-1 0, 0> <1, 5, 1> }
- scale <5, 5, 50>
- translate y*5
- }
- // Ashtray
- #declare Ashtray =
- difference {
- // Make outside shape
- superellipsoid { <0.5, 0.1> rotate x*90 scale <40, 10, 40> }
- // Cut out inside shape
- superellipsoid { <0.8, 0.2> rotate x*90 scale <35, 20, 35> translate y*12 }
- // Cut out grooves
- union {
- object { Groove rotate y*0 }
- object { Groove rotate y*90 }
- object { Groove rotate y*180 }
- object { Groove rotate y*270 }
- }
- texture {
- Ashtray_Texture
- finish {
- caustics 2
- }
- }
- translate -y*10
- }
- object { FloorPlane }
- union {
- object { Cigarette }
- object { Ashtray }
- }