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- // Recursively defines a sphereflake of arbitrary complexity.
- // Change the SFLevel value below to control the complexity of the sphereflake.
- //
- // This scene can be animated, by e.g. using '+kff29' to generate 30 frames.
- // The animation consists of the child sphereflakes rotating around the
- // axes defined by their center point and their parent's center point.
- //
- // The recursion is done by recursively including sphrflak.inc.
- // Since there is no notion of private data, the state of all data must
- // be restored to its original calling value when a level of recursion
- // is finished.
- //
- // "Parameters":
- // SFLevel - level of recursion; recurses/decrements until 0 is reached
- // SFCen - point that current sphereflake level is centered at
- // SFRad - radius of current parent sphere
- // SFUp - unit vector around which the child spheres are oriented
- // SFRight - unit vector perpendicular to SFUp
- // SFRot - rotational value for animations (in degrees)
- background { color red 0 green 0 blue 1 }
- camera {
- location <3.5,3,2>
- location <1.3,1.1,0.6>
- direction <0,1.5,0>
- up <0,1,0>
- look_at <0,0.1,0>
- } // camera
- light_source { <6, 5, 3> color rgb 0.9 }
- // Define "parameters" for the sphereflake "function"
- #declare SFCen = <0,0,0>
- #declare SFUp = <0,1,0>
- #declare SFRight = <1,0,0>
- #declare SFRad = 1 / 3
- #declare SFRot = clock * 360 // Animate sphereflake at each level!
- #declare SFLevel = 2 // Controls recursion depth, & hence model complexity
- // Make top-level "call" to recursive sphereflake generator
- #include "sphrflak.inc"