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- // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
- // File by Chris Young
- // Demonstrates various new vector math functions.
- // Animate this scene with clock values +k0.0 to +k1.0
- #version 3.0
- global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
- #include "colors.inc"
- #declare Font="cyrvetic.ttf"
- // Basic clock runs from 0.0 to 1.0 but we want to move more
- // than that. Define a scaled version.
- #declare Clock360 = 360*clock
- #declare ClockRot = Clock360*z
- #declare Vector_Arrow=
- union{
- cylinder{0,2.5*x,.2}
- cone{2.5*x,.3,3*x,0}
- }
- #declare X_axis=
- union{
- object{Vector_Arrow}
- object{Vector_Arrow scale <-1,1,1>}
- scale <1.5, .3, .3>
- pigment{rgb<1,.4,0>}
- }
- #declare Y_axis=object{X_axis rotate z*90}
- #declare Z_axis=object{X_axis rotate y*90}
- #declare A=object{Vector_Arrow pigment{Red}}
- #declare B=object{Vector_Arrow rotate ClockRot translate -z/100 pigment{Green}}
- #declare A_point = x
- #declare B_point = vrotate(x,ClockRot)
- #declare A_dot_B = vdot(A_point,B_point) //float result
- #declare C_point = vcross(A_point,B_point) //vector result
- #if (vlength(C_point) != 0.0)
- #declare C=object{Vector_Arrow rotate -y*90 scale <1,1,C_point.z> pigment{Blue}}
- #end
- union {
- object{A}
- object{B}
- #ifdef (C)
- object{C}
- #end
- object{X_axis}
- object{Y_axis}
- object{Z_axis}
- rotate <-20,35,0>
- translate <2.5,1,-3.25>
- }
- text{ttf Font
- concat("A=<",
- str(A_point.x,1,1),",",
- str(A_point.y,1,1),",",
- str(A_point.z,1,1),">"
- ),0.1,0
- pigment{Red}
- translate <-5,3,0>
- }
- text{ttf Font
- concat("B=<",
- str(B_point.x,1,1),",",
- str(B_point.y,1,1),",",
- str(B_point.z,1,1),">"
- ),0.1,0
- pigment{ Green }
- translate <-5,2,0>
- }
- text{ttf Font concat("vdot(A,B)=",str(A_dot_B,1,2)),0.1,0 pigment{Magenta*.7} translate <-5,-2,0>}
- text{ttf Font
- concat("C=vcross(A,B)=<",
- str(C_point.x,1,1),",",
- str(C_point.y,1,1),",",
- str(C_point.z,1,1),">"
- ),0.1,0
- pigment{Blue}
- translate <-5,-4,0>
- }
- camera {
- location <0, 0, -100>
- direction <0, 0, 12>
- look_at <0, 0, 0>
- }
- light_source { <5000, 10000, -20000> color White*.5}
- light_source { <-5000, -10000, -20000> color White*.5}
- plane { z, .05 pigment {checker color rgb <1,.8,.8> color rgb <1,1,.8>} }