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- // Slinky.pov
- // Three sets of perpendicular rings whose count and position varies
- // as it breathes in and out
- // 01/10/95 - Jeff Bowermaster
- #declare d = 3.45+1*sin(2*pi*clock)
- #declare d_angle=pow(2,d)
- #include "colors.inc"
- #include "textures.inc"
- camera {
- location <4, 4, 4>
- right <4/3, 0, 0>
- up <0, 1, 0>
- direction <-1,-1,-1>
- look_at <0, 0.25, 0>
- }
- background { color rgb <0.078,0.361,0.753>*0.5 }
- #declare dim = 0.5
- light_source { < 5, 0, 0 > color rgb <0.25,0.5,0.75> }
- light_source { < 0, 5, 0 > color rgb <1,0.1,0.1> }
- light_source { < 0, 0, 5 > color rgb <1,0.8,0.1> }
- light_source { < 0, 0, 0 > color rgb <1,1,1>*dim }
- #declare rad = pi/180
- #declare white_plastic =
- texture {
- pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 1> }
- finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8 phong 0.5 phong_size 100 }
- }
- #declare thick = 0.025 // thickness of the rings
- #declare smidge = 0.0001 // slight excess to bore out the cylinders
- #declare ang=d_angle // parameter that determines the number of rings
- // it's the number of degrees between each ring
- #declare f = 0.2 // scalar for in/out motion
- #declare w = 1.0 // sets the width of the effect
- // although each axis could move at different times, they don't
- #declare cx = 0.50 // center of maximum displacement
- #declare cy = 0.50
- #declare cz = 0.50
- #while (ang < 90)
- #declare r = sin(ang * rad)
- #declare c = cos(ang * rad)
- #declare fx = f/exp(((clock - cx)/w)*((clock - cx)/w))/r
- #declare fy = f/exp(((clock - cy)/w)*((clock - cy)/w))/r
- #declare fz = f/exp(((clock - cz)/w)*((clock - cz)/w))/r
- difference {
- object { cylinder { <0,0,-c-fz-thick>,<0,0,-c-fz+thick>,r }}
- object { cylinder { <0,0,-c-fz-thick-fz-smidge>,<0,0,-c-fz+thick+smidge>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- difference {
- object { cylinder { <0,0, c+fz-thick>,<0,0, c+fz+thick>,r }}
- object { cylinder { <0,0, c+fz-thick-smidge>,<0,0, c+fz+thick+smidge>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- difference {
- object { cylinder { <0,-c-fy-thick,0>,<0,-c-fy+thick,0>,r }}
- object { cylinder { <0,-c-fy-thick-smidge,0>,<0,-c-fy+thick+smidge,0>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- difference {
- object { cylinder { <0, c+fy-thick,0>,<0, c+fy+thick,0>,r }}
- object { cylinder { <0, c+fy-thick-smidge,0>,<0, c+fy+thick+smidge,0>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- difference {
- object { cylinder { <-c-fx-thick,0,0>,<-c-fx+thick,0,0>,r }}
- object { cylinder { <-c-fx-thick-smidge,0,0>,<-c-fx+thick+smidge,0,0>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- difference {
- object { cylinder { < c+fx-thick,0,0>,< c+fx+thick,0,0>,r }}
- object { cylinder { < c+fx-thick-smidge,0,0>,< c+fx+thick+smidge,0,0>,r-thick*2 }}
- texture { white_plastic }
- }
- #declare ang=ang+d_angle
- #end
- disc { <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>,10 texture { white_plastic } translate <0,0,-3> }
- disc { <0,0,0>, <0,1,0>,10 texture { white_plastic } translate <0,-3,0> }
- disc { <0,0,0>, <1,0,0>,10 texture { white_plastic } translate <-3,0,0> }