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- _ _______________________________________________________________________ _
- * · · DOGFIGHT SIMULATOR 1.50 · · *
- ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
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- _ _______________________________________________________________________ _
- * · · DOGFIGHT SIMULATOR 1.50 · · *
- ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
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- Dogfight Flight Manual by Cryton / Apocalypse
- Released on 28 May 1997
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- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Well, Dogfight Simulator is yet another version of that old game where
- each player controls a biplane and tries to kill the other players. BUT,
- there's a difference - up to four players can play at once! No more wimpy
- one-on-one dogfights!
- Once the game has loaded, simply press F1-F4 to choose the controls for
- each player (choosing "Out to Lunch" lets you play with less than four
- players), and then press F5 to start. Each player starts with ten lives,
- and the last player left alive wins.
- Pressing F6 brings up the option screen :
- o F1 : Scroll Wrap
- ----------------
- When scroll wrap mode is off there is no wrap-round at the sides of the
- screen, so you can't fly off one side of the screen and appear at the
- other; If you try to you'll blow up. However, if you're in a stall then
- you're allowed to wrap-round should you float off the edge of the screen.
- This option was included because Jez (officially ranked 9th) keeps
- insisting that he is the 'number one central screen flyer not like you
- poofs who fly around the edge of the screen not getting involved in the
- action.' With this mode on, Jez still comes last every game, proving that
- he's crap at flying wherever the rest of us are on the screen =c)
- o F2 : One Plane
- --------------
- When there's a queue for Dogfight Simulator it's customary for the first
- player that dies to vacate his or her flying console in order for the
- next person in the queue to take up the challenge.
- However, it is possible for two players to die simultaniously first, in
- which case there is an obvious deadlock as to who should be 'resigned'.
- This option solves this problem by pitching the two offenders against
- each other in a 'one plane' playoff. The winner of which stays on.
- Only switch this option on if there is a queue for Dogfight Simulator.
- o F3 : Auto Launch
- ----------------
- This option was coded to stop Jez cheating. (Jez's most skillfull tactic
- is to sit on the ground conserving his lives whilst the rest of us fly
- around killing each other.) With this option on players have a maximum of
- 1½ seconds on the ground before they are automatically launched whether
- they bloody well like it or not.
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- How to fly
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. Pressing fire starts your biplane accelerating down the runway.
- 2. Once you've picked up enough speed (when you're near the end of the
- runway), use the rotate left/right controls to take off.
- 3. Slowing down too much stalls your engine, so go upwards at a shallow
- angle at first. Once you've gained some altitude, powerdive vertically
- downwards to gain some speed.
- 4. If you do stall, the only way to restart your engine is to point your
- biplane straight down, and wait until you've picked up enough speed.
- During the game, pressing P pauses and Q quits.
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- Features
- ~~~~~~~~
- 1. Up to four players simultaneously.
- 2. 50 frames a second animation!
- 3. Four channel sound.
- 4. *EXTREME* addictiveness.
- 5. Very simple graphics.
- 6. The obligatory annoying cloud.
- 7. Twinkling stars.
- 8. ...and many other trivial things
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- Jargon
- ~~~~~~
- Dogfight, like any other specialized activity, has its own set of jargon.
- Anyone considering themselves to be in the 'dogfight elite' needs to know
- it, so here it is :
- Pea-Roller
- ----------
- A horizontal shot that is fired across the very bottom of the screen in
- order to kill players just taking off. ("You pea-rolled my ass!")
- Extreme Manouver
- ----------------
- An 'extreme manouver' call is made by a player after a particularly
- superb piece of flying. These calls are not to be made willy-nilly; they
- are reserved for the most spectacular of manouvers.
- Crazy Call
- ----------
- When things go mad up in the flyways, a 'crazy call' can be made. They
- should only be made if all players are going at full speed, firing
- bullets all over the place, and this has been going on for about 5
- seconds. (A typical example of a 'crazy call' is for one of the players
- to exclaim "It's mad up there!")
- Floater
- -------
- A reference to a plane that has stalled ("Red's a floater!"), or a
- reference to a person who seems to stall all the time. ("Stu, you're
- such a floater!") It's also reference to a turd that can't be flushed
- down the toilet - but the less we talk about that the better.
- Gentlemans
- ----------
- When taking off, it is often customery to behave like a gentleman and not
- shoot at your runway partner straight away - This is known as a
- gentlemans agreement. However, if you are low on lives then you may need
- to be underhand to ensure your place in the next game, in which case
- killing your runway partner as soon as you have both taken off is
- sometimes necessary. The person shot as a result of your underhand
- action may exclaim "Oi! Gentlemans!" to signify that they were unhappy
- with your display of antisocial flying skills.
- Etiquette
- ---------
- Many people can be crammed round a television set during a session of
- planes. Often, the pilots in play will be the ones sitting opposite the
- TV, whilst onlookers and people in the queue will be sitting everywhere
- else. If a player dies then they SHOULD NOT move position until the game
- is over - lest they block any other player(s) view. If they do attempt
- to move places when a game is in progress then the other players may
- shout "ETIQUETTE" at them in order to stop them breaking this rule.
- Irrecoverable
- -------------
- A stall that is irrecoverable, ie : The player has stalled at such a
- low angle and at such a low speed that their engine won't come on before
- they hit the ground.
- Outta The Clouds
- ----------------
- An exclaimation made by a player who has just shot another player by
- flying out from the clouds.
- Nine Minuter
- ------------
- Reference to a dogfight that has been going on for a considerable amount
- of time without any of the players involved losing a life.
- Flick-Stall
- -----------
- Not sure about this one - Jez just made it up. In fact, no one else uses
- it.
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- Program History
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Version 1.00
- ------------
- · First public release (on the Amiga Computing coverdisk).
- o Version 1.10
- ------------
- · Slightly wider display using overscan.
- · A few small bugs fixed.
- o Version 1.20
- ------------
- · Support for four player joystick adaptors (at last!).
- · Fixed the sound effects to work on the A1200.
- o Version 1.30
- ------------
- · Should now run from WB on AGA machines.
- · Rewrote the audio routines again.
- · Fixed a stupid bug which sometimes left bullets on the screen after a
- game.
- ________________________________________________________________________
- All code up to this point was by Dan Rhodes.
- Code from here on is by Cryton / Apocalypse.
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- o Version 1.40
- ------------
- · Minor fix means it now should run from WB on AGA machines.
- · Auto instruction-cache disabling for 020+ to stop sound crashing.
- · Moved all code to chipmem to stop sound crashing.
- · Scrollwrap, Oneplane and AutoLaunch options included.
- o Version 1.50
- ------------
- · Many routines seriously optimised.
- · Fixed bug where if scrollwrap was off and plane was stalled, then if
- the engine came back on when you were on the edge of the screen you
- died.
- · After much consultation with The Big Four, the allowed time on ground
- before you're automatically launched was reduced.
- · Useless stats screen coded. Gives number of stalls, time spent on
- ground, number of times you were forced to take-off and the total game
- length.
- · Screen flashes red when all the players remaining have one life left.
- · Flawless Victory message implemented.
- · Updated docs.
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- Known Bugs
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- o On machines with fastmem the bullet sound sometimes crashes.
- o If you take control of 2 planes with the same control method then
- sometimes when you fire a bullet, one of the planes 'catches up' with the
- bullet it fired, and appears to explode for no reason. This ONLY ever
- happens when one of the planes is above the central shed, and is not a
- bug that I introduced. (It sometimes occurs when one plane is being
- controled with one control method, but is quite rare.)
- o Sometimes on returning to WB, the last key pressed is continuely repeated
- in a WB text-entry box.
- o Doesn't work on an 68000. (68020 instructions being used so I might
- release an A500 specific version if there's enough demand - email me if
- you want one!)
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- Credits
- ~~~~~~~
- Updated code by Cryton / Apocalypse
- Original code, graphics and sound by Dan Rhodes
- With thanks and massive respect to The Welder / Spearhead
- for the global cpu-recognition and cache-disabling code
- Ascii by Defbase / dAT^sTEREo^Bytes in Progress
- - - --^*^-- - -
- Playtesters
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Myself, Nathan, Tim and Paul (The Big Four)
- Dave E, Matt, Avian, Dave P, Blonde John, James, Si
- Dave J, Luisa, Ali, Rick, Gill, Steve B, Stu, Stacey, Chris
- (Oh, and Jez)
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- Greets & Respect :
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Karen, Emma (my wife), Antje (my mistress), Brett, Kate, Lisa, Hockey Chris
- Corinne, Casey, Ben, Jane, Rich, Andrea, Katherine, Kathryn, Chris, James
- Julie, Rose, Helena, 2am-Cycling-Super-Kebab-Man Mark, The Other Mark
- Steve, Mattias, Chippy, Keiren, Mark, Steve, Ali, Rob, Julian, John
- Jenny, Loud Liz, Sij, Martin, Martin, Clive, Russle, Cora
- Clare H, Claire, Nicki, Jo, Dave H, Jamie
- · Dan Rhodes · Cannakid · Kaneda · Axe · Andy ·
- · Rude Boy · Def Base · Simba · GrooveInn · Ade ·
- · Ken D · Crash! · Data-stream · Cytron · Patrick ·
- · cYBER · Cyanide · Aquafresh · Jei · Sonic · Nemes!s ·
- · mIC fLAiR · Ace · Rebel · Tango · The Welder · Violator ·
- · Permenant Vacation · Gamma Quadrent · Phantasm · Cryogenics ·
- · Digital Candy · Trick or Treat 2 · Stratosphere · Switchboard ·
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- Stuff To Add
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Team Flying (eg : Player 1 & 3 against 2 & 4, with 20 lives for each
- team)
- o Redefinable keys.
- o League tables and savable player statistics/options et al.
- o A Pigeon that flys around and when it gets caught up in your propellers
- you stall.
- o Remember Skidmarks where you can link 2 amigas together then put two
- TVs next to each other and have a huge screen? Well... 8 player
- planes anyone...? :c)
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- Bugs & Suggestions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This game SHOULD work on all amigas, except any amiga with a 68000.
- (This problem is being worked on) However, if you find it doesn't work
- please email me and tell me your processor, amount of memory and WB version.
- Email me at Cryton@hehe.com
- Unless it's past 1st July 1997, in which case I won't be a uni - I'll
- have graduated (wahoo) so email me at Cryton@Dcandy.demon.co.uk
- Also get in contact if you have any ideas on how to improve the game.
- Magazines and other people wishing to include this game on their
- coverdisks/cd compilations MUST contact the original author at :
- Dan Rhodes,
- 26 Victoria Grove,
- Horsforth, Leeds,
- LS18 4ST,
- England
- Email: M.D.Rhodes@stud.umist.ac.uk (not valid much longer)
- He retains copyright of this game.
- Aminet may include this archive on their CD compilations.
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- PS. If anyone has the game CRobots, and foolishly thinks that their robot
- can beat Dan's then get in touch...
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