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- render.library
- --------------
- ©1996 by Captain Bifat / TEK neoscientists
- history
- 18.3
- - major internal rework in preparation for new dither modes
- and other features.
- 18.2
- - Now line hooks have to return TRUE or FALSE for
- continuation respective abortion.
- 18.1
- - Improved line hooks. A line hook is called twice now:
- Once before rendering a line (msgtype LMSGTYPE_LINE_FETCH),
- once after rendering a line (msgtype LMSGTYPE_LINE_RENDERED).
- This solves many outstanding problems:
- Now you can convert, draw, render, save etc. in a single go,
- and there's no need to have intermediate buffers to keep
- a complete image in memory.
- Also read the annotations in renderhooks.h
- 18.0
- - removed bug from the 68020 version: Quantization
- crashed without FPU.
- - implemented random dithering (DITHERMODE_RANDOM).
- New Tag: RND_DitherAmount (Range 0-255).
- The code is not satisfyingly optimized yet.
- - fixed several minor problems
- 17.6
- - implemented RND_PenTable for Chunky2RGB(). This tag is
- currently not defined for HAM modes.
- - Major internal rework of Render(). Now the
- generalized-line-conversion-interface is used.
- - RND_LineHook implemented to Render().
- 17.5
- - implemented RND_PenTable tag for Render().
- 17.4
- - updated the 'legal' text file.
- - minor autodoc changes
- 17.3
- - implemented ScaleOrdinate().
- 17.2
- - removed a bug that occured when a progress hook was aborted
- inside AddChunkyImage: I freed a semaphore that wasn't obtained.
- "Needless to say, havoc breaks out [...]" (exec doc)
- 17.1
- - minor corrections with the FD and LVO files:
- SortPalette renamed to SortPaletteA, AddHistogram renamed
- to AddHistogramA.
- 17.0
- - Implemented AddHistogram()
- 16.3
- - More bugs removed from SortPalette():
- - PALMODE_SIGNIFICANCE crashed in the 68020 and 68040 versions. Fixed.
- - PALMODE_SATURATION did not work at all. Fixed.
- 16.2
- - removed heavy bugs from SortPalette().
- 16.1
- - initial public beta release.
- - fixed problems with RND_ColorOffsetZero
- 16.0
- - mainly cosmetic. major reworks and clean-ups to
- autodoc and includes
- 15.2
- - Removed a heavy bug from AddRGBImage() that caused
- random crashes.
- - 24bit scaling implemented. The new tag is
- RND_PixelFormat, valid types are PIXFMT_CHUNKY_CLUT
- and PIXFMT_0RGB_32.
- 15.1
- - The scaling code has been rewritten completely.
- Scaling engines use the generalized conversion system.
- All scaling functions are highly accurate now.
- Horizontal enlarge is significantly faster than before.
- 15.0
- - introduced a new generalized concept for
- line-oriented conversion functions (internal).
- - Chunky2RGB has been completely rewritten due to this
- new concept. The HAM conversion is much faster now.
- - Added RGB_ProgressHook tag to Chunky2RGB.
- - Chunky2RGB has got a returncode (CONV_...).
- - updated the renderhooks include files.
- - finally implemented EXTP_CALLBACK_ABORTED
- 14.4
- - removed bug from SortPalette().
- - implemented PALMODE_SATURATION sort mode.
- 14.3
- - Implemented SortPalette(). RND_PaletteMode is obsolete.
- - New tag for ExtractPalette(): RND_RMHandler. This tag
- specifies a custom memory handler for quantization.
- Default is the histogram's memhandler.
- - EXTP_SORTING_FAILED is obsolete.
- - Default for RND_NewPalette is toggled to TRUE for
- backwards compatibility.
- 14.2
- - removed heavy bug from AddChunkyImage() that could
- produce completely corrupt histograms.
- - introduced PALMODE_SIGNIFICANCE. In this mode, a palette's
- entries are sorted by their optical significance for the
- human eye. This is helpful for many purposes, e.g. you get
- excellent results with ObtainBestPen() if you allocate
- a palette in this sequence.
- - fixed a memory-corruption bug in the quantization code.
- 14.1
- - RND_NumColors is used instead of RND_NumEntries.
- RND_NumEntries is obsolete. RND_FirstEntry has
- been renamed to RND_FirstColor.
- 14.0
- - implemented RND_FirstEntry tag for ExtractPalette(),
- ImportPalette() and ExportPalette().
- - implemented RND_NumEntries tag for ImportPalette()
- - implemented semaphore protection for histograms and
- palettes
- - lots of internal reorganization and clean-up
- - implemented FlushPalette()
- - implemented the RND_NewPalette tag for ImportPalette().
- 13.0
- - fixed minor problems with offset_color_zero and
- p2table-adaption
- - fixed minor problems with ConvertChunky() and
- CreatePenTable() with a secondary pen conversion table
- specified.
- - implemented CountRGB()
- - implemented BestPen()
- - fixed minor problems with CreatePalette()
- - FD and pragma for CreatePenTable() was corrupt. Fixed.
- - CreatePenTable() has been slightly optimized.
- 12.0
- - adapted CreatePenTable() to palette objects.
- - removed a deadly bug from ImportPalette().
- - added RND_EHBPalette tag for ImportPalette().
- - updated all includes and autodocs.
- - ModifyHistogram() is obsolete. It has been removed.
- - The function interface for QueryHistogram() has been
- changed. You do no longer pass a taglist, but instead
- a single tag argument.
- - Parts of the code have been cleaned up.
- 11.0
- - adapted autodocs and includes to palette objects.
- - adapted AddChunkyImage to use palette objects.
- AddChunkyImage has been completely rewritten and
- optimized.
- 10.0
- - adapted Render() to palette objects.
- 0.81
- - removed the v0.80 speed-up. It didn't work together with
- the low-memory adaption system.
- - Introduced new functions: CreatePalette(),
- DeletePalette(), ImportPalette(), ExportPalette().
- - Modified ExtractPalette() to operate with palette objects.
- 0.80
- - The major changes in v0.79 introduced a bug that occured
- when you rendered to HAM modes. This has been fixed.
- - Rendering to CLUT with dither has been sped up.
- 0.79
- - The color-adaption code was heavily broken for odd
- numbers of palette entries (68020/68040 versions only).
- This long outstanding bug has been fixed.
- - p1Table-Render removed. Instead I've implemented an
- EXTREMELY efficient p2table-Render. Overall performance
- should be at least the same in most cases.
- This step has some profound conceptional consequences.
- It seems as if the whole library layout could be simplified
- even further. Maybe there will be another rework to some
- function interfaces. (Don't kill me, beta-testers...
- this stuff isn't trivial!)
- 0.78
- - ConvertChunky() is now able to convert a chunky image
- over itself. If you tried to do so with elder versions,
- the result was okay, but the routine was by some hundered
- times slower than it could (reason unknwon).
- 0.77
- - removed a bug that was introduced in v0.69.
- If you created a turbo histogram, rendered to CLUT
- without dither, and didn't specify a progress hook,
- the code ran into a deadlock.
- - Chunky2RGB() HAM8 bit dependency changed to %SSMMMMMM.
- - Planar2Chunky()'s interface changed and supplied with an
- additional taglist parameter
- 0.76
- - very nasty bug removed from AddChunkyImageA(). If you
- specified a progress hook, the histogram was completely
- corrupt.
- 0.75
- - removed a silly bug from Chunky2RGB that was introduced
- in v0.73
- - new tag for CreateRMHandlerA: RMHTYPE_MemFlags.
- 0.74
- - new autodocs completed.
- - RND_MemHandler renamed to RND_RMHandler.
- - Some constants have changed. You must recompile.
- - Includes once again reworked.
- - new terminology: libcall functions which receive taglist
- parameters end with "...A" instead of "...TagList".
- tagcall vararg stubs no longer end with "...Tags".
- 0.73
- - a histogram created by CreateHistogram() now has a default
- palette consisting of 16 grey tones.
- - AddChunkyImage() now calls a progress hook. Therefore you
- may specify the RND_ProgressHook tag in AddChunkyImage()'s
- taglist.
- - some optimizations
- - CreateConversionTable() has been renamed to
- CreatePenTable().
- - ConvertChunkyImage() has been renamed to ConvertChunky().
- - RND_ConversionTable has been renamed to RND_PenTable
- 0.72
- - Heavy bugs removed from AddRGBImage(), ExtractPalette(),
- and other functions.
- - C includes were completely unusable. Fixed.
- - Major rework of most include files.
- 0.71
- - There were the 0.69 versions of render.library in the
- 0.70 archive
- - DeleteScaleEngine() was missing in the includes. Fixed.
- - DeleteScaleEngine() crashed when the scaling-engine wasn't
- created with a custom memhandler.
- 0.70
- - New interfaces for CreateRenderMemHandler, CreateHistogram,
- Render, AddChunkyImage, AddRGBImage, ExtractPalette,
- SetRenderPalette.
- - Removed SetRGBWeight, SetProgressHook, SetRenderMode,
- SetPaletteMode
- - New functions: ModifyHistogram, QueryHistogram
- - Autodocs not yet updated
- 0.69
- - p2table searcher now adapts to low-memory situations (not
- fully tested yet)
- - InitPenConversionTable() is no longer defined. A custom
- conversion table may be passed to Chunky2BitMap() directly.
- - p1table adaption callback is now executed every 128th
- adaption. after completion the callback hook is once more
- executed. This corrects minor optical problems with
- progress bars.
- - forgot E include renderhooks.m. Now included.
- - New qualitative color reduction algorythm implemented.
- Slightly faster. Very stable results even with different
- histogram resolutions. Much better output with dither and
- few colors.
- 0.68
- - I actually forgot to include the SetPaletteMode entry in
- the library's build-up table. The machine crashed when
- executed. Fixed.
- - IMPORTANT: Interface for Scale() has changed - Scale now
- handles two additional arguments: totalwidth for source and
- destination. This allows processing of clip areas.
- - The chunky8 scaling engine now requires less memory.
- - chunky8 scaling optimized for vertical enlarge
- - Heavy autodoc improvements, especially in respect to
- amigaguide links to be created with AD2AG.
- 0.67
- - new function: SetPaletteMode.
- - some palette sort methods implemented.
- - minor autodoc and includes bugs fixed
- - CreateChunkyConversionTable renamed to
- CreateConversionTable
- - fixed minor accuracy problems with the chunky scaling
- engine
- 0.66
- - new functions: CreateChunkyConversionTable and
- ConvertChunkyImage.
- - removed two subtle bugs in the FS-dither code. The blue
- error component was treat incorrectly.
- 0.65
- - CreateScaleEngine8, DeleteScaleEngine und Scale
- implemented.
- - Autodocs updated
- 0.64
- - initial internal beta release