home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /******
- * Includes
- ******/
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- /******
- * Defines
- ******/
- #define ASM __asm
- #define SAVEDS __saveds
- #define RG(x) register __ ## x
- #define MAXCOLOR 256 /* Max # of colors. ProgED 2.0 can save up to 256 colours.
- 1.0 & 1.1 releases could save only 32 colours. */
- #define MAXDEPTH 8 /* Log2 of MAXCOLOR */
- #define MAXREXXARGS 10 /* Max # of arguments for ARexx cmds */
- #define MAXFILENAME 121 /* Max filename lenght */
- #define INSCHAR 1 /* UNDO: Insert char (INS) */
- #define REPCHAR 2 /* UNDO: Replace char (OVR) */
- #define DELCHAR 3 /* UNDO: Delete char */
- #define BACKCHAR 4 /* UNDO: Backspace char */
- #define CUTLINE 5 /* UNDO: Cut line */
- #define PASTELINE 6 /* UNDO: Paste line */
- #define CLEARBLOCK 7 /* UNDO: Clear block */
- #define CUTBLOCK 8 /* UNDO: Cut block */
- #define PASTEBLOCK 9 /* UNDO: Paste block */
- #define REPLACE 10 /* UNDO: Replace */
- #define UPPERCASE 11 /* UNDO: Upper case char */
- #define LOWERCASE 12 /* UNDO: Lower case char */
- #define TOGGLECASE 13 /* UNDO: Toggle case char */
- #define SWAPLINE 14 /* UNDO: Swap lines */
- #define DOUBLELINE 15 /* UNDO: Double line */
- #define UPPERCASEBLOCK 16 /* UNDO: Upper case block */
- #define LOWERCASEBLOCK 17 /* UNDO: Lower case block */
- #define TOGGLECASEBLOCK 18 /* UNDO: Toggle case block */
- #define LAYOUTBLOCK 19 /* UNDO: Layout block */
- #define INDENTBLOCK 20 /* UNDO: Indent block */
- /* The followings are avaiable from ProgED 2.0 and above */
- #define DELEOL 21 /* UNDO: Delete EOL */
- #define DELWORD 22 /* UNDO: Delete word */
- #define BACKWORD 23 /* UNDO: Backspace word */
- #define MAXMARKER 10 /* Max # of markers */
- #define IND_MR '0' /* Words in Prefs.KeyWordInd[] MUST START with */
- #define IND_ML '1' /* one of this chars. They identify type of */
- #define IND_SR '2' /* indentation to assign at the word. */
- #define IND_SL '3' /* In ProgED 1.0 & 1.1 one of this chars */
- #define IND_MR_SR '4' /* should start the string. From 2.0 */
- #define IND_MR_SL '5' /* one of them must START the string. */
- #define IND_ML_SR '6'
- #define IND_ML_SL '7'
- #define NO_SEL 0 /* If PEDWindow.Block=NO_SEL -> No block marked */
- #define BLOCK_SEL 1 /* If PEDWindow.Block=BLOCK_SEL -> Start of a block is marked */
- #define COLBLOCK_SEL 2 /* If PEDWindow.Block=COLBLOCK_SEL -> Start of a column block is marked */
- /******
- *
- * Template structure
- * ------------------
- *
- * It stores the activation string & the program to execute. This
- * structure is linked via NextTemplate field in a list. The
- * access pointer is stored in Template field of Prefs structure.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXTEMPLATE 21
- struct MyTemplate
- {
- char Template[MAXTEMPLATE+1];
- struct MyProgram *Prg;
- struct MyTemplate *NextTemplate;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Scanner structure
- * -----------------
- *
- * It stores the scanners in a linked list accessible via Scan field
- * of Prefs structure. In each structure you can find the BPTR to
- * seglist of the scanner, the entry point to the scanner, the
- * identification pattern for this scanner and the name of scanner.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXEXTSCAN 31
- #define MAXSCANNAME 121
- struct MyScan
- {
- BPTR SegList;
- ULONG (* ASM ScanFunction)(RG(a0) char *,RG(a1) char *);
- char ScanExtension[MAXEXTSCAN+1],
- struct MyScan *NextScan;
- };
- /******
- *
- * CommandData structure
- * ---------------------
- *
- * An external cmd will receive this struct at each call.
- *
- ******/
- struct CommandData
- {
- char *CommandLine;
- void **CommandArgs;
- struct PEDWindow *CurrentWindow,
- *FirstWindow;
- struct Prefs *CurrentPrefs;
- LONG ASM (*ExecuteInternalCommand)(RG(a0) char *);
- };
- /******
- *
- * MyProgram structure
- * -------------------
- *
- * This structure stores a command (internal/external/shell or arexx).
- * Each ProgED program is build up by a linked list of this structures
- * linked via NextProgram field.
- * The String field stores the command,Dir the current dir (used only
- * if the cmd is of TYPE_SHELL or TYPE_AREXX). In Output field you can
- * find the output file for TYPE_AREXX & TYPE_SHELL cmds (default CON:)
- * Type specify type of cmd (see TYPE_xxx defines). Async field is
- * TRUE if a TYPE_SHELL cmd have to be runned async.
- * If Shanghai is TRUE then the command (SHELL/AREXX) must be runned
- * in shanghai mode (ProgED screen became the default public screen).
- * Secs specify the number of seconds of shanghai mode (if it's
- * enabled).
- * NOTE: From ProgED 1.0/1.1 this structure is changed due to
- * introduction of Shanghai & Secs fields.
- *
- ******/
- #define TYPE_DUMMY 0
- #define TYPE_INTERNAL 1
- #define TYPE_SHELL 2
- #define TYPE_AREXX 3
- #define TYPE_TEXT 4
- struct MyProgram
- {
- char *String,
- *Dir,
- *Output;
- UBYTE Type,
- Async,
- Shanghai,
- Secs;
- struct MyProgram *NextProgram;
- };
- /******
- *
- * APIClient structure
- * --------------
- *
- * APIClient stores API clients. In each structure you can find the
- * MsgPort (ac_ClientPort), notify flags (ac_Notify), name (ac_Name)
- * of this client.
- * The ac_Next field links up a list of clients. The access pointer
- * to the list is the Clients field of Prefs structure.
- *
- * This structure have to be used when a new client want to
- * register itself at API ProgED port.
- *
- ******/
- struct APIClient
- {
- struct MsgPort *ac_ClientPort;
- ULONG ac_Notify; /* See NOTIFY_xxx defines */
- char *ac_name;
- struct APIClient *ac_Next;
- };
- #define NOTIFY_ON_SHOW_HIDE 0x00000001 /* Notify if ProgED closes & opens its screen */
- #define NOTIFY_ON_KEY 0x00000002 /* Notify each key pressed */
- /******
- *
- * APIMessage structure
- * --------------------
- *
- * A client must use this structure to communicate with ProgED.
- * Type of message is in am_MsgType field. The am_MsgArg[] array
- * is used to communicate the message arguments'. am_RC specify
- * the return code (see RC_xxx defines).
- *
- ******/
- struct APIMessage
- {
- struct Message am_Message;
- ULONG am_MsgType,
- am_MsgArg[10],
- am_RC;
- };
- /* This defines specify msg that ProgED can send to the clients.
- Noone needs arguments */
- #define PED_API_QUIT 0x80000000 /* PED is quitting -> quit yourself */
- #define PED_API_HIDE 0x80000001 /* PED is closing its screen -> close your windows */
- #define PED_API_SHOW 0x80000002 /* PED is opening its screen -> open your windows */
- #define PED_API_KEY 0x80000003 /* A key was pressed */
- /* This defines specify msg that a client can send to ProgED */
- #define PED_API_REGISTER 0x90000000 /* Register me. Arg[0] = &struct APIClient */
- #define PED_API_UNREGISTER 0x90000001 /* Unregister me. Arg[0] = &struct APIClient */
- #define PED_API_ADD_INTERNAL_COMMAND 0x90000002 /* Add an external cmd: Arg[0] = &struct ArexxExtCmds */
- #define PED_API_REM_INTERNAL_COMMAND 0x90000003 /* Remove an ext cmd: Arg[0] =&struct ArexxExtCmds */
- #define PED_API_GET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 0x90000004 /* Get active window */
- #define PED_API_GET_WINDOW_LIST 0x90000005 /* Get first window */
- #define PED_API_GET_SCREEN_ADDRESS 0x90000006 /* Get screen address */
- #define PED_API_GET_PREFS_ADDRESS 0x90000007 /* Get prefs address */
- #define PED_API_GET_PUBSCRNAME 0x90000008 /* Get screen name */
- /******
- *
- * Menus structures
- * ----------------
- *
- * ProgED stores its menus using this structures. They builds up a tree
- * like Intuition menus tree.
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * MyMenu
- * ------
- *
- * Name: String to be used in rendering.
- * Items: Points to items of this menu.
- * NextMenu: Next menu :-)
- *
- *
- * MyItem
- * ------
- *
- * Name: String to be used in rendering.
- * Key: String or char to render hotkey of this item.
- * Subs: Subitems of this item.
- * Prgs: ProgED Program to be executed at each activation of this item.
- * CheckType: See CHECK_xxx defines. If this field not is equal to
- * CHECK_NONE then this item is a check item. The value
- * defines the preference flag to be used in rendering.
- * NextItem: Next item ( Noooooo! Really? )
- *
- *
- * MySub
- * ------
- *
- * Name: String to be used in rendering.
- * Key: String or char to render hotkey of this subitem.
- * Prgs: ProgED Program to be executed at each activation of this subitem.
- * CheckType: See CHECK_xxx defines. If this field not is equal to
- * CHECK_NONE then this item is a check item. The value
- * defines the preference flag to be used in rendering.
- * NextSub: Next subitem ( I waited for it... )
- *
- * The access pointer to the tree can be find in Menu field of Prefs structure.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXMENUNAME 30
- struct MyMenu
- {
- char Name[MAXMENUNAME+1];
- struct MyItem *Items;
- struct MyMenu *NextMenu;
- };
- struct MyItem
- {
- char Name[MAXMENUNAME+1];
- char Key[MAXMENUNAME+1];
- struct MySub *Subs;
- struct MyProgram *Prg;
- UBYTE CheckType;
- struct MyItem *NextItem;
- };
- struct MySub
- {
- char Name[MAXMENUNAME+1];
- char Key[MAXMENUNAME+1];
- struct MyProgram *Prg;
- UBYTE CheckType;
- struct MySub *NextSub;
- };
- #define CHECK_NONE 0
- #define CHECK_USECOMMENT2COL 3 /* From ProgED 2.0 I changed CHECK_xxx */
- #define CHECK_ERASERIGHT 4 /* flags due to the "splitting" of */
- #define CHECK_SHOWCURPOS 5 /* CHECK_USECOMMENT flag into the */
- #define CHECK_SHOWPATHNAME 6 /* couple CHECK_USECOMMENT1 and */
- #define CHECK_USEBACKUP 10
- #define CHECK_SAFESAVE 11
- #define CHECK_AUTOFOLD 17
- #define CHECK_USECLOCK 20
- #define CHECK_NUM 30
- /******
- *
- * MyKey structure
- * ---------------
- *
- * This structure stores the programs to be executed at each key pressed.
- * In Qual & Code fields you can find the Intuition Qualifier & Code
- * Activation values. Prg points to a MyProgram structure that ProgED
- * will execute at the activation. NextKey points to the next structure
- * of the list. The access pointer is the Key field of Prefs structure.
- *
- ******/
- struct MyKey
- {
- ULONG Qual,
- Code;
- struct MyProgram *Prg;
- struct MyKey *NextKey;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Event structure
- * ---------------
- *
- * An array of this structures builds up the UNDO queue.
- * I think that noone is interested in its contents, so I
- * will not describe it. Perhaps I will do it later ... :-(
- *
- ******/
- struct Event
- {
- UBYTE Type;
- UBYTE Arg1;
- char *Arg2;
- ULONG Arg3,
- Arg4,
- Arg5,
- Arg6,
- Arg7;
- LONG Col,
- Line;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Folder structure
- * ---------------
- *
- * This structure stores each text fold's. Each text has a linker list
- * of this structures in Folder field of PEDText structure. If a line
- * is in a fold its Folder field points to a Folder structure, too.
- *
- * Description
- * -----------
- *
- * Name: Name of the fold. It will be used in rendering.
- * Num: # of lines folded.
- * Line: Pointer to the line of the cursor at fold time.
- * Col: # of column of the cursor at fold time.
- * Start: First line of the fold.
- * Stop: Last line of the fold.
- * NextFolder: This field links up a list of this structures.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXFOLDNAME 49
- struct Folder
- {
- char Name[MAXFOLDNAME+1];
- long Num;
- struct Line *Line;
- long Col;
- struct Line *Start,
- *End;
- struct Folder *NextFolder;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Marker structure
- * ----------------
- *
- * The Marker structure stores a position of the text (yeah!)
- * The Line field points to the line while the Col field contains
- * the column number.
- *
- ******/
- struct Marker
- {
- struct Line *Line;
- long Col;
- };
- /* This structure contains the "static" markers. This new type of
- markers are saved together the file. You can access to the list
- list of the "static" markers using the field "LMarker" of the
- PEDText structure. */
- struct LinkedMarker
- {
- struct Line *Line; /* Pointer to the line */
- long Col; /* Column */
- struct LinkedMarker *Next; /* Pointer to next structure */
- };
- /******
- *
- * ArexxExtCmds structure
- * ----------------------
- *
- * This structures stores datas about the internal & external cmds.
- * It have to be used when a client wants to add an external cmd.
- *
- * Description:
- * ------------
- *
- * External: Set up to TRUE,never FALSE.
- * Name: Name of the command.
- * Template: ReadArgs Template's of the command.
- * Default: Array of the default values.
- * CommFunc: Pointer to the external function. This, generally,
- * is in the code of the client (REMEMBER TO USE __saveds option!)
- * NextCmd: Don't use it ! ):-|
- *
- ******/
- struct ArexxExtCmds
- {
- UBYTE External;
- char *Name;
- char *Template;
- void *Defaults[MAXREXXARGS];
- LONG ASM (*CommFunc)( RG(a0) struct CommandData *);
- struct ArexxExtCmds *NextCmd;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Line structure
- * --------------
- *
- * The Line structure stores a line of the text. The field Buffer
- * points to a zero termined string (the line itself).
- * The PrevLine & NextLine pointers points to the next & previous
- * line (I'm a genious, isn't it ? ). If the line is folded the Folder
- * field point to the relative Folder structure. If the line isn't
- * folded it contains NULL.
- *
- ******/
- struct Line
- {
- char *Buffer;
- struct Line *PrevLine,
- *NextLine;
- struct Folder *Folder;
- };
- /******
- *
- * PEDText structure
- * -----------------
- *
- * This structure stores a text.
- *
- * Description:
- * ------------
- *
- * Filename: Name of the file loaded (with PATH!).
- * MaxCol: Number of columns.
- * MaxLine: Number of lines.
- * Size: Lenght of the text.
- * Changes: Changes from last save.
- * FirstLine: Pointer to the first line of text.
- * LastLine: I must write it?
- * Events: Pointer to the Events array to be used for undo.DON'T TOUCH!
- * LastEvent: DON'T TOUCH!
- * NumEvent: DON'T TOUCH!
- * NumRedo: DON'T TOUCH!
- * UndoLevels: Undo queue lenght.
- * Folder: Pointer to the first folder of this text.
- * LinesFolded: Lines not visible (because folds).
- * NumFolds: Number of folds (lenght of list accessible via Folder field).
- * AutoSave: This is a timer. When it reaches zero then an autosave occurs.
- * DateStamp: Date of last change.
- * MemoryPool: MemoryPool used to allocate the memory for the text.
- * StickyReply: DON'T TOUCH!
- * FileType: Pointer to the FileType structure of this text.
- * LMarker: Pointer to the first "static" marker of this text.
- * UntitledFlag:TRUE if this is a "fresh" text (Untitled yet).
- *
- ******/
- struct PEDText
- {
- char FileName[200];
- LONG MaxCol,
- MaxLine;
- ULONG Size;
- ULONG Changes;
- struct Line *FirstLine,
- *LastLine;
- struct Event *Events;
- LONG LastEvent;
- ULONG NumEvent,
- NumRedo,
- UndoLevels;
- struct Folder *Folder;
- int LinesFolded;
- int NumFolds;
- ULONG AutoSave;
- struct DateStamp DateStamp;
- APTR MemoryPool;
- APTR StickyReply;
- struct FileType *FileType;
- struct LinkedMarker *LMarker;
- UBYTE UntitledFlag;
- };
- /******
- *
- * PEDWindow structure
- * -------------------
- *
- * This structure stores datas about ProgED windows'.
- *
- * Description:
- * ------------
- *
- * Window: Intuition window. It can be NULL, however. It happens
- * if the window is freezed.
- * GadgetScrollX,
- * GadgetScrollY,
- * GadgetUpArrow,
- * GadgetDownArrow,
- * GadgetLeftArrow,
- * GadgetRightArrow: Pointers to the scrollers and arrows gadgets.
- * ImageUpArrow,
- * ImageDownArrow,
- * ImageLeftArrow,
- * ImageRightArrow: Pointer to arrows images'.
- * OldSx,OldSy: Stores position of the text in window at last refresh.
- * Sx,Sy: Position of text in window.
- * Text: Pointer to the text (structure PEDText).
- * NumCol: Number of visible columns.
- * NumLine: Number of visible lines.
- * Left,
- * Right,
- * Width,
- * Height: Store windows info when ProgED needs close its screen.
- * ZoomInfo: Store intuition zoom data.
- * Title: Title of this window. ProgED refresh it when needed.
- * CursorCol,
- * CursorLine: Position of the cursor in the text.
- * LastCursorCol: Column of the cursor at last insert.
- * MLine: TRUE=Lines block,FALSE=normal block.
- * Block: See COL_xxx defines.
- * BlockLine: Line number of start.
- * BlockCol: Column number of start.
- * Line: Pointer to the line of the cursor.
- * RealNumCol: Lenght of the line buffer.
- * LogicNumCol: Lenght of the line (it's greather than RealNumCol,
- * because TABs can use more space than 1 column!).
- * FWidth: Chars Width of text font.
- * FHeight: Chars Height of text font.
- * FBase: Chars Baseline of text font.
- * WOffsetX: Offset X from window left border.
- * WOffsetY: Offset Y from window top border.
- * RP: window rastport.
- * Ins: TRUE=insert mode, FALSE=overwrite mode.
- * CuttedLine: Pointer to line clipboard (NULL=empty).
- * Marker: Array of markers for this window.
- * Frozen: TRUE=window frozen,FALSE=window open.
- * Locked: If this field is >0 then the window is locked!
- * NOTE: If this window is "splitted" you MUST look
- * at split master window to read this field! Since
- * the SplitMaster field of a split master window
- * points to the master itself you should use ALWAYS:
- *
- * [window pointer]->SplitMaster->Locked
- *
- * to read this field. If you don't use it you
- * can manipulate a locked text!
- * OldLine,
- * LineBuffer,
- * Pun,
- * InsLine,
- * Warn: Fields used when a handler loads the file in this window.
- * OldKeys: Last keys pressed in this window. Useful for template checks.
- * PunOldKeys: Points to the last key in OldKeys array.
- * NextSplit: If this field isn't NULL then this window was splitted.
- * This field links up a list of twins windows.
- * The first window in this list owns the text, while
- * others can ONLY use it but not free it!
- * SplitMaster: This field points to the text owner of the twins windows.
- * Generally this field points to the structure itself
- * (generally the text owner is the window itself!).
- * if a window isn't the text owner then this field
- * points to the window that own it.
- * Yeah! I know, it's crazy... But it's the truth...
- * NextWindow: Points to the next window.
- * UserData: If you need to add data in a window use this array...
- * CurBitMap: DON'T TOUCH THIS! (From V2.0)
- *
- ******/
- struct PEDWindow
- {
- struct Window *Window;
- struct Gadget *GadgetScrollX,
- *GadgetScrollY,
- *GadgetUpArrow,
- *GadgetDownArrow,
- *GadgetLeftArrow,
- *GadgetRightArrow;
- struct Image *ImageUpArrow,
- *ImageDownArrow,
- *ImageLeftArrow,
- *ImageRightArrow;
- int OldSx,
- OldSy,
- Sx,
- Sy;
- struct PEDText *Text;
- LONG NumCol,
- NumLine;
- WORD Left,
- Top,
- Width,
- Height;
- WORD ZoomInfo[4];
- char Title[200];
- LONG CursorCol;
- LONG CursorLine;
- LONG LastCursorCol;
- UBYTE MLine,
- Block;
- LONG BlockLine,
- BlockCol;
- struct Line *Line;
- UWORD RealNumCol;
- UWORD LogicNumCol;
- UWORD FWidth,
- FHeight,
- FBase,
- WOffsetX,
- WOffsetY;
- struct RastPort *RP;
- UBYTE Ins;
- char *CuttedLine;
- struct Marker Marker[MAXMARKER];
- UBYTE Frozen;
- ULONG Locked;
- struct Line *OldLine;
- UBYTE *LineBuffer,
- *Pun,
- InsLine,
- Warn;
- UBYTE PunOldKeys;
- struct PEDWindow *NextSplit,
- *SplitMaster;
- struct PEDWindow *NextWindow;
- ULONG UserData[16];
- struct BitMap *CurBitMap;
- };
- /******
- *
- * FileType structure
- * ------------------
- *
- * This structure stores datas about ProgED filetypes. From 2.0.
- *
- * Description:
- * ------------
- *
- * Label: Label used to name the filetype.
- * Pattern: AmigaDOS pattern of files.
- * UseKeyWordColors: TRUE=activate keywords colors.
- * KeyAlpha: DON'T TOUCH THIS!
- * KeyWord: Pointer to an array containing the keywords.
- * NumKeyWord: Number of keyword in KeyWord array.
- * GestColorOff: This is the charS that disable keywords colors.
- * GestColorOn: See GestColorOff... From 2.0 these fields are
- * arrays.
- * UseComment1Colors: TRUE=activate comments colors across lines.
- * UseComment2Colors: TRUE=activate comments colors on single line.
- * ColorAllLine: TRUE=color all line on "single line comments".
- * CheckColorLines: # of lines checked for a comment.
- * Comment1Pen: Pen to be used rendering the (*-*) comment.
- * Comment2Pen: Pen to be used rendering the // comment.
- * Comment1On: Comment initial string.
- * Comment2Off: Comment final string.
- * Comment2On: Comment initial string for // comment.
- * DefBits: Default bits of saved file.
- * CreateIcons: TRUE=Create icons at save.
- * DefComment: Comment of saved file.
- * SearchFoldFileName: Name of filename of the external folder.
- * SearchFoldSeg: Seglist of the folder.
- * SearchFold: Pointer to the function into the seglist.
- * FoldStartStr: Start string. Used (optionally) by the folder.
- * FoldStopStr: Stop string. Used (optionally) by the folder.
- * UseKeyWordInd: TRUE=Use keyword indentation.
- * KeyWordInd: Array of keywords needed for indentation.
- * NumKeyWordInd: Number of keywords in KeyWordInd array.
- * Template: Pointer to first Template structure.
- * UseTemplate: TRUE=Activate templates.
- * Brackets: Pointer to an array containing the brackets strings
- * for brackets match.
- * NumBrackets: Number of strings in Brackets array.
- * DictWord: Pointer to an array containing the dictionary words.
- * NumDictWord: Number of word in DictWord array.
- * UseAutoCase: TRUE=Activate autocase.
- * GestCaseOff: Case management off chars.
- * GestCaseOn: Case management on chars.
- * UseAutoSave: TRUE=Activate autosave.
- * MinAutoSave: Number of minutes for autosave.
- * it simply load file slowly.
- * EraseRight: TRUE=erase blanks & tabs on the right.
- * Backup: TRUE=create backup at save.
- * BackupDir: Dir to store backups. If it's empty ProgED
- * will use the dir used to save file.
- * SaveRefs: TRUE=Save related referements.
- * RefsDir: Dir to store refs. If it's empty ProgED
- * will use the dir used to save file.
- * CheckPar: TRUE=Activate () check on lines.
- * Left,
- * Right: Column borders used in block layouting.
- * Tab: Size of tabs.
- * IndJump: # of chars per levels of indentation.
- * Better if you set it equal to Tab size.
- * AutoFold: TRUE=Auto fold all functions in text at load.
- * InsStart: Ins flag at window creation. TRUE=ins,FALSE=ovr.
- * TabEqSpace: TRUE=tab equal spaces.
- * WordWrapping: TRUE=Word wrapping active.
- * RightWW: Right margin for word wrapping.
- * SaveMarkers: TRUE=Save "static" markers together files.
- * RefsDir: Dir to store markers files. If it's empty ProgED
- * will use the dir used to save file.
- * SeparatorsString: Specify separators.
- * SepChar[256]: Table of separators.
- * AutoReLoad: TRUE=Reload files opened at last quit.
- * NextFileType: Pointer to the next filetype of the list.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXCOLONOFF 11
- #define MAXCOMMENT 19
- #define MAXCOMMENT2 79
- #define MAXCASEONOFF 11
- #define MAXFOLDSTR 19
- struct FileType
- {
- struct Node Node;
- UBYTE UseKeyWordColors;
- UBYTE KeyAlpha[256];
- char **KeyWord;
- int NumKeyWord;
- char GestColorOff[MAXCOLONOFF+1],
- GestColorOn[MAXCOLONOFF+1];
- UBYTE UseComment1Colors;
- UBYTE UseComment2Colors;
- UBYTE ColorAllLine;
- UWORD CheckColorLines;
- UBYTE Comment1Pen,
- Comment2Pen;
- char Comment1On[MAXCOMMENT+1],
- Comment1Off[MAXCOMMENT+1],
- Comment2On[MAXCOMMENT+1];
- LONG DefBits;
- UBYTE CreateIcons;
- char DefComment[MAXCOMMENT2+1];
- char SearchFoldFileName[MAXFOLDFUNCNAME+1];
- BPTR SearchFoldSeg;
- ULONG (* ASM SearchFold)(RG(a0) struct PEDWindow *,RG(d0) LONG,RG(d1) LONG,RG(a1) ULONG *,RG(a2) ULONG *,RG(a3) char *);
- char FoldStartStr[MAXFOLDSTR+1],
- FoldStopStr[MAXFOLDSTR+1];
- UBYTE UseKeyWordInd;
- char **KeyWordInd;
- int NumKeyWordInd;
- struct MyTemplate *Template;
- UBYTE UseTemplate;
- char **Brackets;
- int NumBrackets;
- char **DictWord;
- int NumDictWord;
- UBYTE UseAutoCase;
- char GestCaseOff[MAXCASEONOFF+1],
- UBYTE UseAutoSave;
- UWORD MinAutoSave;
- UBYTE EraseRight;
- UBYTE Backup;
- char BackupDir[MAXFILENAME+1];
- UBYTE SaveRefs;
- char RefsDir[MAXFILENAME+1];
- UBYTE CheckPar;
- UWORD Left,
- Right;
- UBYTE Tab;
- UWORD IndJump;
- UBYTE AutoFold;
- UBYTE InsStart;
- UBYTE TabEqSpace;
- UBYTE WordWrapping;
- UWORD RightWW;
- UBYTE SaveMarkers;
- char MarkerDir[MAXFILENAME+1];
- char SeparatorsString[MAXSEPARATORSSTRING+1];
- UBYTE SepChar[256];
- UBYTE AutoReLoad;
- struct FileType *NextFileType;
- };
- /******
- *
- * Prefs structure
- * ---------------
- *
- * This structure stores datas about ProgED preferences.
- *
- * NOTE: From 2.0 this structure is changed. It will changes at
- * each release, if necessary. SO DON'T USE IT, PLEASE.
- * If it's necessary do it but, perharps, your job will
- * not work on future releases of ProgED.
- *
- * Description:
- * ------------
- *
- * ScreenMode: This is the DisplayID of the screen used. If you want
- * to copy WB screen use 0xFFFF0000, if you want to open
- * on a public screen use 0xFFFF0001 and put in
- * PublicScreenName field the screen name.
- * ScreenWidth,
- * ScreenHeight,
- * ScreenOverscanType,
- * ScreenDepth,
- * ScreenAutoScroll: Properties of the screen. They are used only if
- * ScreenMode doesn't is equal to 0xFFFF0000 (clone
- * WB screen) or 0xFFFF0001 (Open on WB screen).
- * ScreenColors: Colors of the the custom screen.
- * ScreenFontName,
- * ScreenFontSize: Name & size of the screen font.
- * MenuFontName,
- * MenuFontSize: Name & size of the menu font.
- * TextFontName,
- * TextFontSize: Name & size of the text font.
- * GadgetFontName,
- * GadgetFontSize: Name & size of the gadgets font.
- * APIClients: Pointer to an array containing the filenames of
- * ProgED clients.
- * NumAPIClients: Number of ProgED clients in APIClients array.
- * Scan: Pointer to first scanner.
- * Ref: Pointer to an array containing the search strings
- * for references creation.
- * NumRef: Number of strings in Ref Array.
- * RAMReference: TRUE=Keep reference file in RAM.
- * ReferenceCase: TRUE=Activate case sensitivity for references.
- * ReferenceFile: Filename of references file.
- * HuntPath: Pointer to an array containing the search patterns
- * for hunter.
- * NumHuntPath: Number of patterns in HuntPath array.
- * ProjectFiles: Pointer to an array containing the filenames
- * of files in project.
- * NumProjectFiles: Number of files in ProjectFiles array.
- * SeparateItems: TRUE=Put a bar if the label of a menu is empty.
- * Menu: Pointer to the menu tree's.
- * HelpFile: Help file to use when user press HELP key.
- * Key: Pointer to the list of hotkeys.
- * LeftBorder,
- * RightBorder,
- * TopBorder,
- * BottomBorder: Scroller limits. Exceding them window will scroll.
- * BackPen: Pen to be used in background rendering.
- * PaperPen: Pen to be used in paper rendering.
- * DefTextPen: Pen to be used in text rendering.
- * PaperBlockPen: Pen to be used in block rendering.
- * CursorPen: Pen to be used in cursor rendering (From 2.0!).
- * MarkCursorPen: Pen to be used in cursor rendering if I'm marking (From 2.0!).
- * ScreenPens: Screen pens to be used for SA_Pens. (12 pens+1 ~0).
- * ShowCursorPos: TRUE=show cursor position in window title.
- * ShowPathName: TRUE=show file path in window title.
- * AutoArrangeVer: TRUE=arrange vertically automatically.
- * AutoArrangeHor: TRUE=arrange horizontally automatically.
- * Favourite: TRUE=give half screen to active window.
- * UnfoldOnGotoMarker: TRUE=Unfold on goto marker.
- * UnfoldOnGotoLine: TRUE=Unfold on goto line.
- * UnfoldOnGotoByte: TRUE=Unfold on goto byte.
- * UnfoldOnGotoScan: TRUE=Unfold on goto scan.
- * UnfoldOnSearch: TRUE=Unfold on search & matching bracket.
- * UseRightGadget: TRUE=Create right scroller gadget.
- * UseBottomGadget: TRUE=Create bottom scroller gadget.
- * UseRTSysReq: TRUE=Activate ReqTools system-requesters.
- * UseRTFileReq: TRUE=Activate ReqTools file-requesters.
- * UseRTFontReq: TRUE=Activate ReqTools font-requesters.
- * UseRTScreenReq: TRUE=Activate ReqTools screenmode-requesters.
- * Clipboard: Clipboard number used.
- * UseSetDefPubScr: TRUE=use SetDefPubScreen to make ProgED screen
- * the default public screen (very useful!).
- * UseClock: TRUE=activate clock on the screen bar.
- * Save: TRUE=Safe save.
- * BlankBorders: TRUE=Make screen border blank.
- * UseAppIcon: TRUE=Create an AppIcon on WB screen.
- * UseMenuItem: TRUE=Create an AppItem on WB menu.
- * MouseBlanker: TRUE=Activate mouse blanker.
- * FastLoad: TRUE=Activate fast load. If ProgED haven't memory
- * MaxCol: Max # of columns in texts. Set it at least at 300.
- * Don't ask me why ProgED guru if you have 80 in
- * this field!
- * AltStep: Step of scroller with ALT key.
- * FastMode: TRUE=Activate FAST mode (try it!)
- * StartUpMacro: Filename of ARexx macro executed at startup.
- * PreIconifyMacro: Filename of ARexx macro executed when ProgED closes
- * its screen.
- * PostIconifyMacro: Filename of ARexx macro executed when ProgED opens
- * its screen.
- * LeftExtraSpace,
- * RightExtraSpace,
- * TopExtraSpace,
- * BottomExtraSpace: Space (in pixels) leaved out when ProgED arrange
- * its windows.
- * XpkLib[5]: Name of XPK library used.
- * XpkMode: XPK library mode used.
- * XpkPassWord: Password for XPK library.
- * UndoLevels: Lenght of undo queues.
- * PublicScreenName: Name of public screen on which you wish open ProgED
- * screen.
- * FileTypes: Pointer to the first filetype mounted.
- * LMouse[]: ProgED programs executed at left mouse button
- * pressure.
- * MMouse[]: ProgED programs executed at middle mouse button
- * pressure.
- * AskSetFileType: Show requester to ask user if he/she wants
- * change filetype at new/load operation.
- * AskChangeFileType: Show requester to ask user if he/she wants
- * change filetype at file-name change.
- * EOLChar: Ascii code used to show CR chars. 0=none.
- * FavouritePerc: Percentual of screen height used by active
- * window (for window arranging).
- * AutoReloadPrj: TRUE=Reload last project used.
- *
- ******/
- #define MAXFONTNAM 49
- #define MAXREFNAME 99
- struct PEDColor
- {
- ULONG Red,
- Green,
- Blue;
- };
- struct Prefs
- {
- ULONG ScreenMode;
- UWORD ScreenWidth;
- UWORD ScreenHeight;
- UWORD ScreenOverscanType;
- UBYTE ScreenDepth;
- UBYTE ScreenAutoScroll;
- struct PEDColor ScreenColors[MAXCOLOR];
- char ScreenFontName[MAXFONTNAM+1];
- UWORD ScreenFontSize;
- char MenuFontName[MAXFONTNAM+1];
- UWORD MenuFontSize;
- char TextFontName[MAXFONTNAM+1];
- UWORD TextFontSize;
- char GadgetFontName[MAXFONTNAM+1];
- UWORD GadgetFontSize;
- char **APIClients;
- int NumAPIClients;
- struct MyScan *Scan;
- char **Ref;
- int NumRef;
- UBYTE RAMReference;
- UBYTE ReferenceCase;
- char ReferenceFile[MAXREFNAME+1];
- char **HuntPath;
- int NumHuntPath;
- char **ProjectFiles;
- int NumProjectFiles;
- UBYTE SeparateItems;
- struct MyMenu *Menu;
- char HelpFile[MAXFILENAME+1];
- struct MyKey *Key;
- UBYTE LeftBorder;
- UBYTE RightBorder;
- UBYTE TopBorder;
- UBYTE BottomBorder;
- UBYTE BackPen;
- UBYTE PaperPen;
- UBYTE DefTextPen;
- UBYTE PaperBlockPen;
- UBYTE CursorPen;
- UBYTE MarkCursorPen;
- UWORD ScreenPens[13];
- UBYTE ShowCursorPos;
- UBYTE ShowPathName;
- UBYTE AutoArrangeVer;
- UBYTE AutoArrangeHor;
- UBYTE Favourite;
- UBYTE UnfoldOnGotoMarker;
- UBYTE UnfoldOnGotoLine;
- UBYTE UnfoldOnGotoByte;
- UBYTE UnfoldOnGotoScan;
- UBYTE UnfoldOnSearch;
- UBYTE UseRightGadget;
- UBYTE UseBottomGadget;
- UBYTE UseRTSysReq;
- UBYTE UseRTFileReq;
- UBYTE UseRTFontReq;
- UBYTE UseRTScreenReq;
- UBYTE Clipboard;
- UBYTE UseSetDefPubScr;
- UBYTE UseClock;
- UBYTE Save;
- UBYTE BlankBorders;
- UBYTE UseAppIcon;
- UBYTE UseMenuItem;
- UBYTE MouseBlanker;
- UBYTE FastLoad;
- UWORD MaxCol;
- UBYTE AltStep;
- UBYTE FastMode;
- char StartUpMacro[MAXSTARTUPMACRO];
- char PreIconifyMacro[MAXSTARTUPMACRO];
- char PostIconifyMacro[MAXSTARTUPMACRO];
- LONG LeftExtraSpace,
- RightExtraSpace,
- TopExtraSpace,
- BottomExtraSpace;
- char XpkLib[5];
- UBYTE XpkMode;
- int XpkPos;
- char XpkPassWord[52];
- ULONG UndoLevels;
- char PublicScreenName[MAXPUBSCREENNAME+1];
- struct FileType *FileTypes;
- struct MyProgram *LMouse[8],
- *MMouse[8];
- UBYTE AskSetFileType,
- AskChangeFileType;
- UBYTE FavouritePerc;
- UBYTE AutoReloadPrj;
- };