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- -----------------------------------------------
- ProgED V2.x by Giovanni Lambiase (C) 1995-96
- Developers notes
- -----------------------------------------------
- --------------------
- 1. Main structures
- --------------------
- If you want know something about structures see file PED.h.
- ------------
- 2. Scanner
- ------------
- A scanner must be written using an ASM function or a C function.
- If you use a C function you MUST use __asm, __saveds & register __XX
- directives of SAC/C. Hovewer you MUST NOT use startup modules. The first
- location must be the start location of your function. The search function
- will receive two arguments in A0 & A1 registers:
- A0: Address of the line buffer. It points to a string 0-terminated.
- A1: Address of the name buffer.
- The function MUST return in D0 register the length of the string
- written in the buffer pointed by A1. If your function fails in the
- search you must return 0.
- NOTE: You MUST, hovewer, save all register in the stack at the entry
- of you function and load all them at the exit.
- -----------
- 3. Folder
- -----------
- You may create a folder using same rules explained for scanners:
- 1) Use a C Function or ASM function
- 2) Use __asm,__saveds & register __XX directives
- 3) Don't use startup modules
- 4) First location must be the function start
- 5) You must, hovewer, save all register in the stack at the entry
- of you function and load all them at the exit.
- A folder will receive arguments in the following registers:
- A0: Address of PEDWindow structure. You have to work on the text
- contained in this window.
- D0: Cursor column number (0=first column).
- D1: Cursor line number (0=first line). This value is ABSOLUTE. This
- means that it's the REAL line number from text start (generally
- line number are computed jumping over a fold!).
- A1: Address of a long-word. Using this address the function MUST
- write in the long-word the start line number of the fold, if
- found. To compute this value the function MUST get the
- ABSOLUTE line number (0=first line).
- A2: Address of a long-word. Using this address the function MUST
- write in the long-word the end line number of the fold, if
- found. To Compute this value the function MUST get the
- ABSOLUTE line number (0=first line).
- A3: Points to a buffer. If your function has found a fold it
- must write in this buffer the name of the fold. ProgED
- will show it. Generally you'll write here the name of
- the function found.
- The scanner function MUST return in D0 register 1 if it found a fold,
- else 0. If a fold was found your function must return, also, the start
- & end line numbers in the longwords pointed by A1 & A2 and the function
- name in the buffer pointed by A3.
- NOTE: the 'FOLD ALL' function is executed calling your function
- on ALL lines of the text. At each call the cursor will be at the
- first column (D1 will contain 0).
- ----------------
- 4. API Clients
- ----------------
- ProgED allow you to hook-up external applications (called "clients")
- An API client is simply an executable (written in any language). This
- executable must register itself at ProgED API port. Thus ProgED can
- trace his clients and send them some info about what they'ld do.
- The messages that a client can send to ProgED (in his API port called
- "PED_API") have the following structure:
- struct APIMessage
- {
- struct Message am_Message;
- ULONG am_MsgType,
- am_MsgArg[10],
- am_RC;
- }
- am_Message:
- standard exec msg.
- am_MsgType:
- Type of msg.
- am_MsgArg[]:
- Array of arguments of the msg.
- am_RC:
- Return code.
- A client can send to ProgED the followings type of msgs:
- "Register me.".In am_MsgArg[0] you must supply a pointer to an
- APIClient structure. This msg return nothing.
- "Unregister me.".This msg have to be used if the client want to
- go away (!?!). It needs in am_MsgArg[0] the pointer you supplied
- for PED_API_REGISTER. This msg return nothing,too.
- A client can add a new internal command. To do so, you have to
- create an ArexxExtCmds structure and put its address in
- am_MsgArg[0]. This msg return nothing,too.
- If you want to remove a previously added internal command, you
- have to use this msg. Put the address of your ArexxExtCmds
- structure in am_MsgArg[0]. This msg return nothing,too.
- Get the address of PEDWindow structure currently active.
- You'll find this address in am_RC.
- Get the pointer to the first PEDWindow structure in the ProgED
- list. You'll find this address in am_RC.
- Get the ProgED screen address. If ProgED is actually iconified
- return NULL. You'll find this address in am_RC.
- Get the address of the Prefs structure in am_RC.
- Get the ProgED public screen name in am_RC.
- NOTE: The ArexxExtCmds structure MUST remain valid until you have
- replied to the PED_API_REM_INTERNAL_COMMAND. After this you
- can free or reuse it.
- ProgED can send to a client the following msgs:
- "I opened my screen. My screen address is in am_MsgArg[0].The
- public screen name is in am_MsgArg[1].". Using this info you
- can open your windows on the ProgED screen. You'll receive
- this msg ONLY if you specified NOTIFY_ON_SHOWHIDE in the
- flags field of the APIClients structure (see it).
- "I'm closing my screen!". You'll receive this msg when ProgED
- is about to closing its screen. Close ALL your windows. You'll
- receive this msg ONLY if you specified NOTIFY_ON_SHOWHIDE in
- the flags field on the APIClients structure (see it).
- "User pressed a key!". The client can get the relative IntuiMessage
- structure using am_MsgArg[0]. This field will contain the address
- to an IntuiMessage structure specifing a RAWKEY msg. In am_MsgArg[1],
- furthermore, client can get a pointer to a struct PEDWindow which
- received the RAWKEY message.
- You'll receive this msg ONLY if you specified NOTIFY_ON_KEY in
- the flags field on the APIClients structure (see it).
- NOTE: Hovewer, when you reply this msg, ProgED will execute
- the action due to the key. You can't modify the IntuiMessage,
- too. That is an Intuition message! (:-o
- "I'm quitting!". If your client receive this msg you MUST close
- all your window AND QUIT. You MUST NOT use the API port
- after receving this message! Your client shouldn't try to
- remove commands & registeration! YOU MUST ONLY QUIT!
- Here you can find some info about APIClient structure.
- struct APIClient
- {
- struct MsgPort *ac_ClientPort;
- ULONG ac_Notify;
- char *ac_name;
- struct APIClient *ac_Next;
- }
- ac_ClientPort:
- Address of the client message port. You must supply here a
- message port. ProgED will send its message to you using this
- port.
- ac_Notify:
- If you specify NOTIFY_ON_SHOW_HIDE you will get PED_API_SHOW &
- PED_API_HIDE messages. Using NOTIFY_ON_KEY flag you can get
- some info about key pressed with PED_API_KEY msgs.
- ac_Name:
- Client name.
- ac_Next:
- Set up to NULL. It will be filled later using the address of
- next client.
- struct ArexxExtCmds
- {
- UBYTE External;
- char *Name;
- char *Template;
- void *Defaults[MAXREXXARGS];
- LONG ASM (*CommFunc)( RG(a0) struct CommandData *);
- struct ArexxExtCmds *NextCmd;
- }
- External:
- Set up to TRUE. It means this is an "external" command.
- Name:
- Command name. Write it using case letters.
- Template:
- ReadArgs template.
- Default[]:
- Array of default values for the arguments.
- CommFunc:
- Address of the function of the command. This function must be
- written in ASM or using __asm & __saveds directives. It will
- receive a structure CommandData in A0 register. This function
- must return in D0 register an error code (see RC_xxx defines).
- NextCmd:
- Set up to NULL.
- struct CommandData
- {
- char *CommandLine;
- void **CommandArgs;
- struct MyWindow *CurrentWindow,
- *FirstWindow;
- struct Prefs *CurrentPrefs;
- LONG ASM (*ExecuteInternalCommand)(RG(a0) char *);
- }
- CommandLine:
- This field points to a string containing the entire command
- line. Use it as you like.
- CommandArgs:
- Points to an array of void *. This array is the output of
- the ReadArgs function on the CommandLine String. See ReadArgs
- on how to use these pointers.
- CurrentWindow:
- Points to the PEDWindow actually active.
- FirstWindow:
- Points to the first PEDWindow.
- CurrentPrefs:
- Points to a Prefs structure containing actual preferences.
- ExecuteInternalCommand:
- It's a pointer to an assembler function. You can call this
- function to execute a ProgED internal command. To do so,
- Put in A0 register a pointer to a string containing the
- command string you wish to execute. In D0 register you
- will get a return code (RC_xxx).
- NOTE: Don't use the ProgED ARexx port to execute an
- internal command! Doing that you'll hang up ProgED and
- the client!
- ----------------------
- 5. Utility functions
- ----------------------
- The following C functions are useful if you want to write your own
- folder or scanner. You can use it in your function cutting out them.
- This functions search for lines in ProgED texts.
- /*****
- *
- * FUNCTION: struct Line *SearchLine(struct Line *line,int y)
- *
- * AIM: Search for the y-th line (not jumping over folds) starting
- * from the first line of the text supplied by "line".
- *
- * RESULT: A pointer to the searched line.
- *
- ****/
- struct Line *SearchLine(struct Line *line,int y)
- {
- while(((y--)>0)&&(line)) line=NextLine(line);
- return(line);
- }
- /*****
- *
- * FUNCTION: int SearchLine2(struct Line *line,int y)
- *
- * AIM: Search for the line number (jumping over folds) of the
- * line numbered "y" (not jumping over folds).
- *
- * RESULT: # of the searched line.
- *
- ****/
- int SearchLine2(struct Line *line,int y)
- {
- int n=0;
- while(((y--)>0)&&(line))
- {
- if (!line->Folder) n++;
- else if (line->NextLine)
- if (!line->NextLine->Folder) n++;
- line=line->NextLine;
- }
- if (line) return(n);
- else return(0);
- }
- /*****
- *
- * FUNCTION: int SearchLine3(struct Line *first,struct Line *line)
- *
- * AIM: Search for the line # (not jumping over folds) of the
- * line pointed by "line"."first" points to the first
- * line of the text.
- *
- * RESULT: # of the searched line.
- *
- ****/
- int SearchLine3(struct Line *first,struct Line *line)
- {
- long n=0;
- while(first)
- {
- if (first==line) break;
- n++;
- first=first->NextLine;
- }
- return(n);
- }
- /*****
- *
- * FUNCTION: struct Line *SearchLine4(struct Line *line,int y)
- *
- * AIM: Search for the address of the line numbered y-th.
- * "line" points to the first line of the text.
- * The result of this function is ABSOLUTE
- * (it doesn't jump over folds).
- *
- * RESULT: A pointer to the searched line.
- *
- ****/
- struct Line *SearchLine4(struct Line *line,int y)
- {
- while(((y--)>0)&&(line)) line=line->NextLine;
- return(line);
- }