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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V1.0 - Released on 26-sep-95
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V1.1 - Released on 20-oct-95
- Changes from V1.0
- 28-sep-95: (BUG!)
- When ProgED opens a new file, it reads its creation date and assign
- it to file in PRJ:. Previously ProgED simply used actual date.
- This avoid the necessity of compile files not changed but closed and
- reopened.
- 09-oct-95: (Bug reported from Daniel Stenberg)
- ProgED refused to write 8-bits chars (à,ò,etc.). This was due to a
- mistake using wrong type (char instead of UBYTE). FIXED.
- 09-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- Now you can choose the screen mode "Same as Workbench" to clone WB
- screen. This can be done only using ASL screen mode req. ReqTools
- can't add custom screen mode to list :-(
- 09-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- Now you can scroll around clicking in a window and moving the mouse
- off it. Before you have to continue moving the mouse to scroll.
- 09-oct-95: (Suggest from Daniel Stenberg)
- If ProgED can't read its config file, ProgED opened its screen
- and windows without menu (if you haven't config you can't get
- menus :-) ). Now you can anyway quit. I added a simple menu "Quit".
- 10-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- Now you can open ProgED on any public screen. To do so open the
- prefs window "Change screen mode", then write in the string
- gadget the name of your favourite screen. Click on "Modify" button.
- Choose "Open on public screen" mode. That's all!
- You can see this particulary screen mode ONLY if you are using
- ASL screen mode req. Why? Look at some lines above.
- 11-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- If you want, now, you can *SPLIT* windows. So you can have multiply
- views to same file. This was done adding internal command SPLIT.
- 12-oct-95: (Suggest from Daniel Stenberg)
- When you click on OK button of Miscellaneous prefs windows, ProgED
- closed and reopened its screen. Now it does it ONLY if it's really
- needed. Generally it closes and reopens only windows.
- 12-oct-95: (BUG!)
- If you load a file saved with XPK libs, then you'll find an
- extraneous char in file each 32000 chars. Silly bug!
- 12,13,14,15-oct-95
- I translated Italian manual to English language. I hope you'll
- can read it, as you see my English isn't so good...
- 15-oct-95: (BUG!)
- If you activated "Erase right" mode and you press return on line
- with some spaces at end, and you aren't at line end, you could
- delete useful chars! I forgotten to move cursor to end of line
- before delete spaces...
- 16-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- Now you can choose any brackets couple using "Brackets" preference
- menu. So you can jump (using ramiga+h) from BEGIN to END; (pascal)
- or from { to } (C). You can, also, specify, two or more couples!
- 17-oct-95: (BUG!)
- If you cut a text block containing more than one fold, you'll
- get wrong line numbers. Simply I wrote == instead of !=.
- 18-oct-95: (Bug reported from Timo Westen)
- Fold/Unfold routines didn't update scroller gadget. FIXED.
- 18-oct-95: (Suggest from Timo Westen)
- Now, like CygnusED, you can also use left amiga to select menu.
- 18-oct-95: (Bug reported from Timo Westen)
- If you use the on-line help feature, selecting a menu using the
- HELP key, cursor jumps to mousepointer position. FIXED.
- 19-oct-95: (BUG!)
- Mouse blanker don't works. If you press a key ProgED blanks mouse
- pointer but just after it shows arrow again. FIXED.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.0 - Released on 7-4-96
- Changes from V1.1
- 20-oct-95: (Suggest from Timo Westen)
- Now you can change cursor color using special pens in drawinfo
- prefs window. In V1.1 these pens was unused.
- 21-oct-95: (BUG!)
- If you split a window and read its text using the PED: handler,
- only one of the splitted windows was locked. Simply, referencing
- the Locked field of struct PEDWindow I must use p->SplitMaster->Locked,
- so only the Locked field of the split master will be used.
- NOTE for all developers: if you used Locked field, you must modify
- your sources so to use p->SplitMaster->Locked insteand of p->Locked.
- 22-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
- Now you can use following internal commands: "LEFT WORD" and "RIGHT WORD"
- to move cursor on words (like CTRL+left/right of CygnusED). I modified
- standard prefs to use CTRL+left/right keys.
- 23-oct-95: (BUG!)
- The "find matching bracket" doesn't work if you specified a single
- char bracket (such as ( or [) and you have two or more near brackets.
- 12-nov-95: (Suggest from Johan Sandgren)
- Johan suggested me to arrange windows in visible area of screen.
- Did it!
- 13-nov-95: (Suggest from Johan Sandgren)
- Now using "Same as Workbench" screen mode, you'll inherit autoscroll
- flag, too.
- 13-nov-95: (BUG ?!?!??!??!?!)
- Many users reported me that keyword coloring is faulty while using
- 256 colors screen. It's not true. Keyword coloring routines was
- optimized to use only colors between 1 and 127. Any other value is
- 14-nov-95: (Suggest from Stefan Ruppert)
- In ProgED V1.0 and V1.1 you can even copy a file from window buffer
- to anywhere simply by a "copy PED:filename to anywhere". I don't
- placed ProgED in shareware domain to let you use it without
- registering! Now you can read a max of 8192 bytes from a window
- buffer, thus REGISTER NOW!
- 19-nov-95: (BUG!)
- If you fold a function, cut (or clear) a block below the fold itself,
- unfold the function and undo the cut (or clear), then ProgED will insert
- the block in wrong position. FIXED.
- 22-nov-95: (BUG!)
- Replace function: if replaced string is a prefix of replacing string
- ProgED loops forever. FIXED.
- Happy new year! 3-jan-96: (BUG!)
- An user reported me that choosing 256 color screen and setting up
- various colors for keywords, as soon as ProgED closes its screen
- it shows up a message like: "can't open text font. Tring topaz/8".
- It was an hard bug to find! FIXED.
- 7-jan-96 (BUG!)
- Bruno Barbera reported me that using SysIHack all arrows and
- scroller gadgets of ProgED windows were corrupted. Simply I
- wronged size calculations. FIXED.
- 10-jan-96 (BUG!)
- Moving cursor using SHIFT or ALT keys didn't store cursor position
- so to jump at same column at each line change. FIXED.
- 12-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Autocompletation improved. Now you can insert into dictionary
- a word which is a prefix of another word. Hitting ESC you'll
- get smallest string. Hitting again you'll next smallest string
- and so on.
- 14-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Now you can use spaces into keyword to color sentences as
- "PTR TO CHAR". You can also color C operators as == or !=.
- All seems to work, I hope.
- 17-jan-96 (BUG!)
- If you paste into ProgED window a text cutted using another
- program you could cause an enforcer hit! FIXED.
- 18-jan-96 (BUG!)
- ProgED didn't insert new lines when you pasted a columnar block
- near text end. FIXED.
- 18-jan-96 (BUG!)
- Now cursor doesn't cycle on first and last text line if you
- keep left or right cursor pressed. FIXED.
- 20-jan-96 (BUG!)
- SEARCH internal command didn't work as explained into manual.
- SEARCH NEXT didn't use properly case & reverse gadget of
- search window. FIXED. SEARCH sintax is changed. SEE MANUAL!
- 21-jan-96
- Now ProgED uses memory pools to allocate memory.
- 25-jan-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
- Now you can use an invoker to run ProgED. It's named "ped" and it's
- placed (generally) into ProgED:. Special STICKY option let you to edit
- a file and return to shell when you've done. If you don't use
- sticky option then ed will run ProgED and will return soon to shell.
- 27-jan-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
- Now ProgED let you to choose shanghai mode into program edit window.
- 28-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Now you can specify chars to disable and enable autocase.
- 28-jan-96 (BUG!)
- If you wrote something leaving some spaces on line right end, and
- you placed cursor on line body, ProgED erases blanks on right but
- don't split the line. FIXED.
- 28-jan-96
- Changed ESC key function. Now it closes text windows. It's
- necessary to work similarly to triton.library which closes its
- windows using ESC key. Some little key change was necessary.
- 2-feb-96
- Porting to triton.library finished. It was an hard job.
- 3-feb-96
- Created filetype depending preferences.
- 5-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
- Now all prefs windows are external modules. These external modules
- are loaded only if necessary. So ProgED executable size has been
- reduced from 290K to 220K.
- 6-feb-96 (Suggest from Mario Bianchi)
- Introduced commands "DEL WORD",to delete an entire word, and
- "BACK WORD" to backspace an entire word.
- 7-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera & Enrico Altavilla)
- Introduced word-wrapping.
- 13-feb-96
- Added mouse preference window. Added MOUSE command to manage
- mouse pointer. Added "MARK WORD" command to mark a word.
- 14-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
- Added generic folder. Now you can specify a start string and a stop
- string into folder preference window. The generic folder reads these
- strings to check for start line and stop line of the fold.
- Any folder can use these strings as it wants.
- 15-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Added command "LOAD" to load a file into a previously opened window.
- 15-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Added query "FILE" to show a file requester from arexx scripts.
- 16-feb-96 (Suggest from Luca Forlizzi)
- Now you can use static marker. They are saved in a separate ".mark"
- file. At load time all static markers are reloaded.
- 17-feb-96
- Improved MOUSE SET command. Now it unmarks all previously marked
- blocks. This allows to unmark a block simply clicking in the window.
- 17-feb-96
- Compiled first beta-version for Bruno Barbera and Enrico Altavilla.
- It's testing time!
- 18-feb-96
- Improved filetypes adding two requesters. These requesters ask user
- if he/she wants change filetype of file at load time and filename
- change.
- 19-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Added simple support for visible EOLs. Now you can specify a char to
- be used to render the EOL. Generally you can use char which ascii
- value is 1 to get a simple rectangle. Anyway some font allows you
- to render an arrow. I'm using XCourier/13. Using char 13 I get a
- small "CR" character.
- 20-feb-96 (BUG reported from Paolo Menichetti)
- Using amigaguide scanner you couldn't obtain real name of nodes
- containing spaces. FIXED.
- 21-feb-96
- Started documentation update!
- 22-feb-96
- Added new search engine. Now you can search simple strings (new
- engine) and AmigaDOS patterns (old engine). You can switch between
- these engines using "Wildcards" checkbox of the search window.
- 23-feb-96
- Now ProgED saves the positions of the Triton windows into config file.
- So you can resize and position all windows and save prefs to get
- all windows right positioned.
- 10-mar-96
- Released second beta-release.
- 11-mar-96
- Updated all developers infos.
- 12-mar-96
- Updated all query infos into manuals.
- 14-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
- Template management could loop forever. FIXED.
- 15-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
- Deleting a char near a fold or cutting a block ending near a fold
- could cause a guru. FIXED.
- 16-mar-96 (Suggest from Costa Tsaousis)
- Now "Find matching bracket" function ignores commented text.
- 17-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
- Closing a fold which follow another fold caused a wrong cursor
- position. FIXED.
- 18-mar-96
- I'm about to distribute 2.0 release. Today I've prepared the
- installation package. Soon you'll see ProgED 2.0.
- 22-mar-96
- Sorry. You've to wait some days... Enrico reported me two new bugs
- introduced from beta 2.
- 3-apr-96 (Suggest from Costa Tsaousis)
- Costa suggested me to improve window arranging. It seems that on ECS
- systems window refreshing is too slow. Now ProgED doesn't refresh
- window which don't need refreshing.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.1 - Released on 5-jun-96
- Changes from V2.0
- 19-apr-96
- A lot of users reported me to exchange "ok" and "cancel" buttons in
- all windows. Done.
- 20-apr-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Added a timeout to the invoker. If ProgED doesn't start after 30
- seconds (about) the invoker returns to the shell.
- 21-apr-96
- Some user reported me that opening ProgED windows on a public screen
- is a bit difficulty. Now it should be easier. Simply choose public
- screen in screen modes list.
- 21-apr-96
- Starting from today I've no more my fidonet access. Sorry for all
- problems caused...
- 7-may-96 (BUG reported from Enrico Altavilla)
- Enrico reported me that using "{" and "}" as comment strings ProgED
- didn't work properly. It was a serious bug. Any comment strings which
- lenght isn't 2 makes ProgED works bad.
- 10-may-96
- Now you can choose (while editing menus) the checkmark to be used
- using a window. Simpler and faster than the old cycle gadget.
- 11-may-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
- Now you can activate both indentation & word-wrapping. In 2.0 release
- there was some problems...
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.2 - Released on 17-oct-96
- Changes from V2.1
- 22-jun-96 (BUG!)
- Fixed a silly bug in project edit window. ProgED didn't store selected
- file in the right list. FIXED.
- 24-jun-96 (BUG reported from Joerg Essmann)
- Joerg reported me that, when creating a program for ESC key (keyboard
- prefs) he got a strange "0" string instead of "ESC". Simply Triton
- get ESC key and it never arrives to ProgED. Forced Triton to not
- considere ESC key.
- 24-jun-96 (Suggest from Joerg Essmann)
- Joerg use to write a lot of doors (me too! I'm the cosysop of
- 3D On Line 2:335/253 and I wrote all doors on our bbs) and he
- can't insert ESC chars into text to write ANSI sequences such as
- "\033[37m". Now you can do it but, please, DO NOT REPORT ME THAT
- 27-jun-96
- Added parameter SMART to the CR command. Using a "CR SMART" allows
- you to position ALWAYS the cursor just below the first character of
- the previous line. Added SHIFT-RETURN and NUMPAD-RETURN (i.e. ENTER)
- keys to make this function.
- 7-jul-96
- Today I lost ProgED's sources due to a guru during a reorganization
- using ReOrg. Fortunately I have DiskSalv :-)
- 8-jul-96
- Started salvaging work of ProgED's sources. I'm using ProgED 2.0
- beta 3 sources, too. It will need some work...
- 18-jul-96
- Today I've received German documentation from Richard Korber.
- Thanks Richard! ProgED 2.2 will have german docs, too.
- 20-jul-96
- Finished salvaging of ProgED. I lost sources of PED_Print utility
- and of PED (the invoker). Of course I've the executables! If I'll
- need them I'll rewrite them :-(
- Now a little report about salvage:
- I rewrited some functions starting from old sources. I don't know if
- I've introduced new bugs. Perharps you'll find "old" bugs. If you
- do please send me a bug-report soon. Thanks.
- 20-jul-96
- Fixed a silly bug in auto-completation. Sometimes it didn't work.
- 20-jul-96 (BUG reported from Thies Wellpott)
- When you paste an item in menu prefs window ProgED do not make it
- visible. FIXED.
- 20-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Thies suggested me to improve keyboard management. It's really bad
- a separate management of qualifiers such as LALT and RALT. Now, at
- key creation, ProgED asks you which kind of qualifier you want.
- So it's possibile to specify simply "ALT" to get a key which is
- executed both with lalt and ralt. Standard prefs changed to use
- new feature.
- 21-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Thies suggested me to insert "copy" and "paste" buttons into
- keyboard prefs window. On the contrary I inserted those buttons in
- edit program window. This allows you to copy a program from a
- menu/key/etc. and to paste it into another menu/key/etc. I haven't
- touched the "copy" and "paste" buttons of menu prefs windows because
- I'm not mad :-)
- 21-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Aarrrgggh! Thies sent me a lot of suggests #:-) !
- Now you can save and load filetypes.
- 21-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Now when you jump to a function (using scanners) or open a reference
- you'll get highlighted line on top of text to read the function or
- structure body.
- 21-jul-96
- Added the parameter "TOP" to the internal command MOVECURSOR. I
- created (internally) this parameter to make previous change (see
- above). Of course it's better if you can use it, too.
- 21-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Now, while editing screen colours, you can copy WB palette.
- 22 -> 26 -jul-96
- Sorry! I stop programming due to a big reorganization of our BBS.
- It tooks a lot of time, but all is done!
- 27-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Using amiga+h ProgED did not position the cursor on the start of the
- first bracket but on the end. Thies suggested me to position the
- cursor on the start. DONE.
- 27-jul-96 (Bug reported from Thies Wellpott)
- Brackets such as "','" or /*,*/ did not work right because ProgED
- was confused with that chars. Those chars are used (usually) do
- define strings and comments (dictionary and comments prefs) that
- must be ignored in search. FIXED.
- 28-jul-96 (Suggest from Thies Wellpott)
- Now, when ProgED opens a window which is not a text window, it puts
- to sleep all text windows. It's necessary to inform the user that
- he/she can't use text windows till window close.
- 26-sep-96
- Sorry... I didn't change the starting logo. The old one was
- "(C) 1995", the new is "(C) 1995-96".
- 27-sep-96
- Changed the mode to ask user about replacing (Yes/No/All/etc.).
- Using a requester was not a good idea. It's slow and deactivate
- the window. Now ProgED changes the window title (ala CygnusED).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks to all ones helped me to improve ProgED, here is a brief
- list:
- Bruno Barbera
- Mario Bianchi
- Enrico Altavilla
- Luca Forlizzi
- Paolo Menichetti
- Alberto Longo
- Celestino Amoroso
- Costa Tsaousis
- Daniel Stenberg
- Tim Stack
- Matthias Moeller
- Timo Westen
- Johan Sandgren
- Stefan Ruppert
- Marcel Offermans
- Thies Wellpott
- Joerg Essmann
- Richard Körber