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- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 01:32:06 EST
- From: jjw7384@ultb.isc.rit.edu (Jeff Wasilko)
- Subject: Batch Unbinhexing/Unstuffing (SUMMARY and SOURCE)
- Quite a while ago, I requested info on batch un-binhexing/
- un-stufing software available for the mac. I received a few
- replies about this, all of them but one suggesting a solution
- centered around a mainframe. One person suggested that Ray Lau's
- commercial version of Stuffit might do batch work.
- What I found was a trio of programs from the archives at
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu in the /info-mac/unix directory. The
- combination of these three programs allow almost-batch operation
- (I'll get into why it's 'almost' later).
- The three programs are:
- -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 54554 Jan 16 18:18 mcvert-15.shar
- mcvert converts a .hqx (BinHex 4.0) file to a .bin (MacBinary
- file) that can be read by unsit. This program allows wildcard
- operations. Additionally, mcvert will unpack PackIt files.
- Files in: *.hqx
- Files out: *.bin (generally *.sit.bin)
- -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 26067 Jan 1 1989 unsit.shar
- unsit will decompress .sit.bin (MacBinary Stuffit files)
- I am enclosing a new version of unsit that Allen sent me to
- allow input from MacBinary files. Previously, it was only
- possible to input from macput/macget formatted files. The new version
- also adds compatiblity with Stuffit 1.5.1 and the new HMF
- folder scheme.
- At present, unsit can only output files in macput/macget format,
- but the author Allan Weber (weber%brand.usc.edu@oberon.usc.edu)
- said that he may add the option to output directly to MacBinary format.
- Files in: *.sit.bin
- Files out: foo.rsrc, foo.data, foo.info
- -rw-r--r-- 1 macmod info-mac 4184 Jan 1 1989 macbinary.shar
- macbinary (macbin) converts macput/macget type files to
- MacBinary files. This allows easy downloading with progams
- such as Kermit or ZTerm.
- macbin does NOT support wildcards, so this part of the
- conversion must be done manually.
- Files in: foo.rsrc, foo.data, foo.info
- Files out: foo.bin (Unstuffed and in Binary format)
- The combination of programs works very well and is extremely fast
- on our vax, especially when comparied to Stuffit's performance on
- a Plus.
- Since this process requires the use of three different programs,
- I'm writing a shell script to tie everything together. When I get
- it running, I'll send it along too.
- I'm including a new version of unsit that reads macbinary files.
- Jeff
- | RIT VAX/VMS Systems: | Jeff Wasilko | RIT Ultrix Systems: |
- |BITNET: jjw7384@ritvax+----------------------+INET:jjw7384@ultb.isc.rit.edu|
- |UUCP: {psuvax1, mcvax}!ritvax.bitnet!JJW7384 +___UUCP:jjw7384@ultb.UUCP____+
- |INTERNET: jjw7384@isc.rit.edu |'claimer: No one cares. |
- ------cut here for source for unsit 1.5------
- >From weber%brand.usc.edu%oberon.USC.EDU@usc.edu Wed Jan 10 17:35:07 1990
- Received: by ultb.isc.rit.edu (5.57/5.2 (Postmaster DPMSYS))
- id AA28138; Wed, 10 Jan 90 17:34:45 EST
- Received: from brand.usc.edu by usc.edu (5.59/SMI-3.0DEV3) id AA26388;
- Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:34:03 PST
- Received: by brand (5.61/SMI-3.0DEV3) id AA08278;
- Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:33:20 -0800
- Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1990 14:33:17 PST
- >From: Allan G. Weber <weber%brand.usc.edu@usc.edu>
- >To: jjw7384@usc.edu (Jeff Wasilko)
- In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 10 Jan 90 16:32:38 EST
- >Subject: unsit
- Message-Id: <CMM.0.88.632010797.weber@brand.usc.edu>
- Status: RO
- The problem is probably that unsit is expecting the file to be just the
- data fork of the Mac file, and Macbinary format has the data and resource
- forks together along with a header. I've include the lastest version of
- unsit below in case you don't have it. Some time ago I added a option to
- the program to make it skip the Macbinary header by using a "-m" switch
- on the command line. Try the version below with the -m and hopefully it
- will work.
- Allan Weber
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- Unsit, version 1.5
- These are the souces for "unsit", a Unix program for breaking apart
- StuffIt archive files created on a Macintosh into separate files on
- the Unix system. See the documentation at the beginning of "unsit.c"
- or the man page "unsit.1" for more information.
- To build the program, compile unsit.c and updcrc.c and link together.
- If your system doesn't have the getopt() routine in its standard
- library, also compile getopt.c and include it in the link.
- This program opens a pipe to the "compress" program for doing the
- uncompression of some of the files in the archive. Most Unix sites
- probably already have "compress". If not, it can be found in the
- comp.sources.unix archives.
- Comments and bug reports should be send to weber%brand.usc.edu@oberon.usc.edu
- Allan G. Weber
- Signal and Image Processing Institute
- University of Southern California
- Powell Hall 306, MC-0272
- Los Angeles, CA 90089-0272
- (213) 743-5519