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/* ======================================================================== */ /* = Programmname : SampleListDemo V2.1 = */ /* = = */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* = Author/Copyright : (c) 1994 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert. = */ /* = Freeware. All rights reserved. = */ /* = = */ /* = Use it as an example for programming = */ /* = superplay.library ! = */ /* = = */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* = Function : SPObject operations : = */ /* = Test SampleList functions. = */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* = Last Update : 18.7.1994 = */ /* = = */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* = Remarks : Needs "asl.library" V37+ = */ /* = and "superplay.library" V2+. = */ /* = = */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* = Compiler : SAS/C V6.51 = */ /* = (smakefile) = */ /* ======================================================================== */ #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h> #include <exec/devices.h> #include <devices/audio.h> #include <superplay/superplay.h> #include <spobjects/spobjects.h> #include <libraries/asl.h> #include <workbench/startup.h> #include <exec/interrupts.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <proto/dos.h> #include <proto/asl.h> #include <proto/superplay.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* Help- and Info- Texts */ char entry1_text [] = "\2331;32;40mSampleListDemo V2.1 \2330;32;40m\2333;32;40m(FREEWARE)\2330;32;40m\n(c) 1994 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert.\nAndreas R. Kleinert, Grube Hohe Grethe 23, D-57074 Siegen, Germany.\n"; char entry2_text [] = "Plays Sound Samples and Modules via superplay.library.\n"; char entry3_text [] = "USAGE : \2330;33;40mSampleListDemo\2330;31;40m [? | -STOP | -REMOVE | <Sample/ModuleFileName>]\n"; char ver_text [] = "\0$VER: SampleListDemo V2.1 (18.7.94)"; /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * Error-Messages for Leave() and KF_Message() * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ char asllib_text [] = "You need \42asl.library\42 V37+ !"; char splib_text [] = "You need \42superplay.library\42 V2+ !"; /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * MACROs for Version-Tests * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ #define LibVer(x) ( ((struct Library *) x)->lib_Version ) #define OS_VER LibVer(SysBase) /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * Function Declarations * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ void __regargs SP_Examine(char *filename); UBYTE * __regargs SPLI_PlaySample(UBYTE *smp_buffer, ULONG smp_length, ULONG smp_freq, ULONG smp_volume); void __regargs Leave(char *endtext, long code); /* Functions from module "SampleListDemo_Subs.o" : */ extern void __stdargs SP_Printf(char *formatstring, ...); /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * Additional Base Declarations * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ extern struct ExecBase *SysBase; struct SuperPlayBase *SuperPlayBase = N; struct Library *AslBase = N; /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * MAIN * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ void main(long argc, char **argv) { if(argc==0) exit(0); if( argc > 2 || (argv[1][0] =='?') ) { SP_Printf("%s%s%s", entry1_text, entry2_text, entry3_text); Leave(N, 0); } AslBase = (struct Library *) OpenLibrary("asl.library", 37); if(!AslBase) Leave(asllib_text, 102); SuperPlayBase = (struct SuperPlayBase *) OpenLibrary("superplay.library", 2); if(!SuperPlayBase) Leave(splib_text, 102); /* Play */ if(argc < 2) { struct FileRequester *request; struct TagItem __aligned tags[4]; char namebuffer [256]; namebuffer[0] = (char) 0; tags[0].ti_Tag = (Tag) ASL_Hail; tags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG) "Select Sample/Module to play :"; tags[1].ti_Tag = (Tag) ASL_OKText; tags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG) " Play "; tags[2].ti_Tag = (Tag) ASL_CancelText; tags[2].ti_Data = (ULONG) " Quit "; tags[3].ti_Tag = (Tag) TAG_DONE; tags[3].ti_Data = (ULONG) N; request = AllocAslRequest(ASL_FileRequest, N); if(request) { if(AslRequest(request, &tags[0])) { strcpy(namebuffer, request->rf_Dir); if( (namebuffer[strlen(namebuffer)-1] != ':') && (namebuffer[strlen(namebuffer)-1] != '/') && (namebuffer[0] != (char) 0) ) strcat(namebuffer, "/"); strcat(namebuffer, request->rf_File); if(namebuffer[0] != (char) 0) SP_Examine(namebuffer); } FreeAslRequest(request); } }else SP_Examine(argv[1]); Leave(N, 0); } /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * LEAVE : Global Exit Function Replacement * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ void __regargs Leave(char *endtext, long code) { if(SuperPlayBase) CloseLibrary((APTR) SuperPlayBase); if(AslBase) CloseLibrary((APTR) AslBase); if(endtext) SP_Printf("%s\n", endtext); exit(code); } /* *************************************************** */ /* * * */ /* * Play-Function * */ /* * * */ /* *************************************************** */ void __regargs SP_Examine(char *filename) { APTR handle; ULONG retval = SPERR_NO_ERROR; struct SPO_SampleList *SampleList; struct SPO_SampleEntry *entry; handle = SPL_AllocHandle(N); if(handle) { retval = SPL_InitHandleAsDOS( handle, N); if(!retval) retval = SPL_ReadPlayData( handle, filename); if(!retval) retval = SPL_GetSampleList( handle, &SampleList); if(!retval) { if(SampleList) { SP_Printf("\n This File contains %ld Entrie(s)\n", SampleList->sl_NumEntries); for(entry=(APTR) SampleList->sl_EntryList.lh_Head;(entry)&&(entry!=(APTR) &(SampleList->sl_EntryList.lh_Tail));) { SP_Printf("\n Entry-Version : %ld", entry->se_Version); switch(entry->se_Type) { case SE_TYPE_SAMPLE : { SP_Printf("\n Entry-Type : SAMPLE" "\n SampleBuffer : 0x%lx" "\n SampleSize : %ld Bytes" "\n SampleBits : %ld" "\n SamplesPerSec : %ld" "\n Volume : %ld" , entry->se_SampleBuffer , entry->se_SampleSize , entry->se_SampleBits , entry->se_SamplesPerSec , entry->se_Volume ); if(entry->se_SampleBits == 8) { UBYTE *retstr; SP_Printf("\n\nPlaying Sample ..."); retstr = SPLI_PlaySample(entry->se_SampleBuffer, entry->se_SampleSize, entry->se_SamplesPerSec, entry->se_Volume); if(!retstr) SP_Printf(" Ready\n"); else SP_Printf("\n%s\n", retstr); } break; } default : { SP_Printf("\n Entry-Type : <Unknown> -> skipped"); break; } } SP_Printf("\n ----------------------------------"); entry = (struct SPO_SampleEntry *) entry->se_Node.ln_Succ; } SP_Printf("\n"); }else retval = SPERR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS; } SPL_FreeHandle(handle); }else retval = SPERR_NO_HANDLE; if(retval) Leave(SPL_GetErrorString(retval), 0); } UBYTE * __regargs SPLI_PlaySample(UBYTE *smp_buffer, ULONG smp_length, ULONG smp_freq, ULONG smp_volume) { ULONG opres = N, sound_len, sound_play, sound_long, sound_rest; UBYTE channel, *sound_buf; struct IOAudio *audioreq = N; struct MsgPort *audioport = N; APTR msg; UBYTE *retstr = N; audioport = (struct MsgPort *) CreatePort("8SVX.spobject", N); if(audioport) { audioreq = (struct IOAudio *) CreateExtIO(audioport, sizeof(struct IOAudio)); if(audioreq) { channel = (UBYTE) 15; audioreq->ioa_Request.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri = 10; audioreq->ioa_Data = (APTR) &channel; audioreq->ioa_Length = 1; audioreq->ioa_AllocKey = 0; opres = OpenDevice("audio.device", 0, (struct IORequest *) audioreq, N); if(!opres) { sound_play = TRUE; sound_buf = smp_buffer; sound_rest = smp_length; while(sound_play) { if(sound_rest <= 0xFFFF) { sound_len = sound_rest; sound_long = FALSE; sound_play = FALSE; }else { sound_len = 0xFFFF; sound_long = TRUE; sound_rest -= sound_len; } audioreq->ioa_Request.io_Command = CMD_WRITE; audioreq->ioa_Request.io_Flags = ADIOF_PERVOL; audioreq->ioa_Data = sound_buf; audioreq->ioa_Cycles = 1; audioreq->ioa_Length = sound_len; audioreq->ioa_Period = 3579546 / smp_freq; audioreq->ioa_Volume = smp_volume; BeginIO((struct IORequest *) audioreq); WaitIO((struct IORequest *) audioreq); sound_buf += sound_len; } audioreq->ioa_Request.io_Command = ADCMD_FINISH; audioreq->ioa_Request.io_Flags = 0; audioreq->ioa_Data = 0; audioreq->ioa_Cycles = 0; audioreq->ioa_Length = 0; audioreq->ioa_Period = 0; audioreq->ioa_Volume = 0; DoIO((struct IORequest *) audioreq); CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) audioreq); }else retstr = "Can't open \42audio.device\42 !"; DeleteExtIO((struct IORequest *) audioreq); }else retstr = "Not enough memory !"; while( msg = (APTR)GetMsg(audioport) ) ReplyMsg((APTR)msg); DeletePort(audioport); }else retstr = "Not enough memory !"; return(retstr); }