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- XAnim Rev 22Mar95
- COMPILING ON UNIX Systems (And all Unix derivatives)
- If you have Imake on your system you can type
- xmkmf
- which should produce a Makefile from the Imakefile. Then
- you can type:
- make xanim
- If this doesn't work you can copy Makefile.unx to Makefile.
- Edit the Makefile and specify where the X11 includes and
- X11 libraries are on your particular machine. Then type
- make xanim
- NOTE: That in the Imakefile, XCOMM is used as a comment. This
- is recommended by X11R6, but may break older revs. To fix,
- simply replace every occurence of "XCOMM" with "#" in the
- Imakefile. See top of Imakefile for more details.
- The files make.com and xanimXX.opt are provided for VMS users.
- make.com should correctly detect wether you're running
- DECWindows XUI or DECWindows MOTIF(revs 1.1 and 1.2) and use
- the appropriate xanimXX.opt file.
- If you use the VMS MMS (or "make") facility, then a descript.mms
- file is provided.
- NOTE: since VMS is case insensitve, all options to xanim must be
- enclosed in double quotes in order for them to be proper recognized.
- Example:
- xanim "+bCn" anim1 anim2
- The following is a copy of the man page with examples at the end.
- xanim [ +Vnum ] [ +Aaopts ] [ +Ccopts ] [ +Ggopts ] [
- +Mmopts ] [ +Ssopts ] [ +Zzopts ] [ +opts ] animfile
- [ [ +opts ] [ animfile ] ... ]
- XAnim is a program that can display animations of various
- formats on systems running X11. XAnim currently supports the
- following animation types:
- + FLI animations.
- + FLC animations.
- + IFF animations. The following features are sup-
- ported:
- -> Compressions 3,5,7,J(movies) and l(small L).
- -> Color cycling during single images and anims.
- -> Display Modes: depth 1-8, EHB, HAM and HAM8.
- + GIF87a and GIF89a files.
- -> single and multiple images supported.
- -> GIF89a animation extensions supported.
- + GIF89a animation extension support.
- + a kludgy text file listing gifs and what order to
- show them in.
- + DL animations. Formats 1, 2 and most of 3.
- + Amiga PFX(PageFlipper Plus F/X) animations. DISABLED TEMPORARILY.
- + Amiga MovieSetter animations(For those Eric Schwartz
- fans).
- + Utah Raster Toolkit RLE images and anims.
- + AVI animations. Currently supported are
- ->*IBM Ultimotion (ULTI) depth 16.
- -> JPEG (JPEG) depth 24.
- -> Motion JPEG (MJPG) depth 24.
- -> Intergraph JPEG (IJPG) depth 24.
- -> Microsoft Video 1 (CRAM) depth 8 and 16.
- -> SuperMac Cinepak (CVID) depth 24.
- -> Uncompressed (RGB ) depth 8
- -> Uncompressed (RGB ) depth 24
- -> Run length encoded (RLE8) depth 8.
- -> Editable MPEG (XMPG) depth 24.
- + Quicktime Animations. The following features are
- supported:
- -> Uncompressed (RAW ) depth 4,8,16,24 and 24+
- -> Uncompressed (RAW ) Gray depth 4 and 8.
- -> Apple Graphics (RLE ) depth 1,8,16 and 24.
- -> Apple Graphics (RLE ) GRAY depth 8.
- -> Apple Animation (SMC ) depth 8 and GRAY 8.
- -> Apple Video (RPZA) depth 16.
- -> SuperMac Cinepak (CVID) depth 24 and GRAY 8.
- -> Component Video (YUV2) depth 24.
- -> Photo JPEG (JPEG) depth 8 and 24.
- -> Supports multiple video trak's.
- -> Supports animations with multiple codecs.
- -> Supports merged and separated resource forks.
- + JFIF images. NOTE: use XV for single images. This is more
- for animation of a sequence of JPEG images.
- + MPEG animations. Currently only Type I Frames are
- displayed. Type B and Type P frames are currently
- ignored, but will be added in future revs.
- + WAV audio files may have their sound added to any animation
- type that doesn't already have audio, by specifying the .wav
- file after the animation file on the command line. Currently
- only the PCM audio codec is supported.
- + any combination of the above on the same command
- line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * The following copyright applies to all Ultimotion segments of the code:
- "Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, All rights
- reserved. This product uses Ultimotion(tm) IBM video technology."
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- XAnim also provides various options that allow the user to
- alter colormaps, playback speeds, looping modes and can pro-
- vide on-the-fly scaling of animations with the mouse.
- A + will generally turn an option on and a - will turn an
- option off. This can be reversed at compile time. (see
- xanim_config.h).
- In each SubMenu, the options can be run together with no
- intervening spaces. In the list of SubMenu options presented
- below, the first letter given is the letter that specifies
- the SubMenu and should NOT be repeated if several SubMenu
- options are to be run together.
- For example, "+Cn +Cs10 +CF4" can also be written as
- "+Cns10F4" or "+CF4s10n".
- A + or a - within a SubMenu will be an exit from that sub-
- menu. Options will affect all animations following the
- invocation of that option. Some options may be changed in
- between animations without affecting previous animations.
- In the following sections, an "num" represents an integer
- number and an "fnum" represents a floating point number. Don't
- include the double quotes. If a floating point number is of an
- integer amount, the "." need not be specified. There should be
- no spaces between the option and the numbers.
- aopts SubMenu for Audio Options
- +Ae Audio Enable. XAnim will ignore audio data if
- this option is not used.
- +Ak This option allows XAnim to skip video frames
- in order to help keep video in sync with audio.
- default is on.
- +As"fnum" Scale Audio playback speed by "fnum". Only the
- range 0.125 to 8.00 is allowed.
- +Ap"num" This turns a hardware specific Audio port on or off.
- Port 0 - main speaker (on by default)
- Port 1 - headphones (off by default)
- Port 2 - line out (off by default)
- +Av"num" Sets the inital Audio Volume(0-100) with 0
- the lowest. default is 40.
- copts SubMenu for Color Options
- +C1 Create a colormap from the first frame of a
- TrueColor anim and then remap the remaining
- frames to this colormap. This can potentially
- add significant time to the startup of an ani-
- mation but usually results in better colors.
- The animation needs to be buffered for this
- option to work. Not valid for TrueColor or
- DirectColor displays(nor is it needed).
- +C3 Convert TrueColor anims to 332(StaticColor).
- TrueColor anims are animations that provide
- separate RGB info for each pixel, rather than
- each pixel being an index into a global color-
- map. AVI(16bit CRAM), QT(RPZA and RLE depth 16
- and 24) and URT RLE 24 bit anims are examples
- of TrueColor anims. This option is ignored for
- TrueColor or DirectColor displays.
- +CA Create a colormap from each frame of a
- TrueColor anim. This can be useful if the
- colors radically change during the course of
- the animation. This can take a VERY,VERY long
- time at start up. Animation must be buffered.
- This option is ignored for TrueColor or
- DirectColor displays.
- +Ca Remap all images to single new cmap created
- from all of the colormaps.
- +Cd Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering if needed for
- non-monochrome displays. This will cause a
- reduction in playback speed.
- +Cf Forcibly remap to all frames to 1st frame's
- cmap.
- +CF0 Turns off CF4 option.
- +CF4 This option samples the colors of true color
- animations ahead of time and forms a color
- lookup table. Beats the just truncating to a
- RGB 332 color table and IMHO beats dithering.
- See the +s option below(also in copts submenu).
- Currently ONLY Work with unbuffered animations
- +Cg Convert TrueColor anims to gray scale. This
- option is ignored for TrueColor and DirectColor
- displays.
- +Ch Use histogram to aid in color reduction. His-
- trogramming is only done on frames that are
- buffered.
- +Cm This option is currently needed if you want to
- dither TrueColor anims to a 332 colormap. Ani-
- mation must be buffered. Typically +bC3dm is
- the option to use. This can take a VERY long
- time at start up.
- +Cn Don't create new colormap but instead allocate
- colors from the X11 Display's default cmap.
- +Cs"num" This is the number of frames the +CF4 option looks
- at ahead of time. More frames potentially yields
- better colors results, but takes more time at
- start up. default is 5.
- gopts SubMenu for Gamma Options
- +Ga"fnum" Set gamma of animation to be displayed.
- +Gd"fnum" Set gamma of display. 1.0 is no change. gamma's
- greater than 1.0 typically brighten the anima-
- tion.
- mopts SubMenu for Median-Cut Quantization Options
- +Ma compute box color from average of box.
- +Mc compute box color as center of box.
- +Mb"num" Truncate rgb to "num" bits before quantizing.
- sopts SubMenu for Scaling Options
- +Si Half the height of IFF anims if they are
- interlaced.(Not completely reliable since not
- all IFF anims correctly identify themselves as
- interlaced).
- +Sn Prevents X11 window from resizing to match
- animations's size.
- +Sr Allow user to resize animation on the fly.
- Enlarging an animation can greatly reduce play-
- back speed depending on the power of the cpu.
- +Ss"fnum" Scale the size of animation by "fnum" before
- displaying.
- +Sh"fnum" Scale the horizontal size of the animation by
- "fnum" before displaying.
- +Sv"fnum" Scale the vertical size of the animation by
- "fnum" before displaying.
- +Sx"num" Scale the animation to have width "num" before
- displaying.
- +Sy"num" Scale the animation to have height "num" before
- displaying.
- +Sc Copy display scaling factors to display buffer-
- ing factors.
- +SS"fnum" Scale the size of the animation by "fnum" before
- buffering it.
- +SH"fnum" Scale the horizontal size of the animation by
- "fnum" before buffering it.
- +SV"fnum" Scale the vertical size of the animation by
- "fnum" before buffering it.
- +SX"num" Scale the animation to have width "num" before
- buffering it.
- +SY"num" Scale the animation to have height "num" before
- buffering it.
- +SC Copy buffer scaling factors to display scaling
- factors.
- zopts SubMenu for Special Options
- +Ze XAnim will exit after playing through command
- line once.
- +Zp"num" XAnim pause at frame "num" and then wait for user
- input. Several pauses may be specified. Each
- group of pauses will only affect the animation
- immediately following them on the command line.
- Pauses will occur at least once.
- +Zr This option enables the Remote Control Window.
- This overrides the default condition set in
- xanim_config.h. Remote Control support must be
- compiled into XAnim for this to work.
- Normal Options
- +b Uncompress and buffer images before displaying.
- This only applies to AVI, QT, IFF, FLI, FLC,
- JPEG, MPEG and DL animations. The rest(GIF87a,
- GIF89a, PFX and RLE) are currently always
- uncompressed and buffered. This is cleared by
- the +f option.
- +B Used X11 Shared Memory(if present)for unbuffered
- animations only.(This is mutually exclusive with
- +b above).
- +f Don't load anim into memory, but read each sec-
- tion only when needed. This is supported only
- animations. This option is cleared by the +b
- option. This saves memory at the cost of
- speed.
- +c let xanim know that iff anim is a nonlooping
- one.
- +d"num" debug switch. "num" can be from 0(off) to 5(most)
- for level of detail.
- +F Floyd-Steinberg dithering when needed.
- +j"num" "num" is the number of milliseconds between
- frames. if 0 then the time specified in the
- animation is used for timing purposes.
- +l"num" loop animation "num" number of times before mov-
- ing on to next animation.
- +lp"num" ping-pong animation "num" number of times before
- moving on to next animation.
- +N don't display images. Useful for benchmarking.
- +o turns on certain optimizations. See
- xanim.readme.
- +p Use Pixmap instead of Image in X11. This option
- has no effect if the animation is
- buffered(either by default or with the +b
- option).
- +r Allow color cycling for IFF single images.
- +R Allow color cycling for IFF anims. (default
- should be off)
- +T0 Title option 0. Title is just XAnim.
- +T1 Title option 1. Title is current anim name.
- When anim is stopped, the current frame number
- is included.
- +T2 Title option 2. Title is current anim name and
- current frame number.
- +v Verbose mode. Gives some information about ani-
- mation such as size, number of frames, etc.
- +V"num" Select X11 Visual to use when displaying anima-
- tion. The "num" is obtained by using the +X
- option of xanim.
- +Vclass Select the best X11 Visual of Class class when
- displaying the animation. class can be anyone
- of the following strings and is case insensi-
- tive. (ie StaTicGraY is same as staticgray).
- staticgray Select best StaticGray Visual.
- grayscale Select best GrayScale Visual.
- staticcolor Select best StaticColor Visual.
- pseudocolor Select best PseudoColor Visual.
- truecolor Select best TrueColor Visual.
- directcolor Select best DirectColor Visual.
- +X X11 verbose mode. Display information about the
- support X11 visuals.
- Once the animation is up and running there are various com-
- mands that can be entered into that animation window from
- the keyboard.
- q quit.
- Q Quit.
- g Stop color cycling.
- r Restore original Colors(useful after g).
- w Restore original window size(useful after resizing).
- z This pops up or removes the Remote Control Window.
- Remote Control support must be compiled into XAnim
- for this to work.
- <space> Toggle. starts/stops animation.
- , Single step back one frame.
- . Single step forward one frame.
- < Go back to start of previous anim.
- > Go forward to start of next anim.
- m Single step back one frame staying within anim.
- / Single step forward one frame staying within anim.
- - Increase animation playback speed.
- = Decrease animation playback speed.
- 0 Reset animation playback speed to original values.
- 1 Decrement volume by 10.
- 2 Decrement volume by 1.
- 3 Increment volume by 1.
- 4 Increment volume by 10.
- s Toggle. Audio Volume(MUTE). on/off.
- 8 Toggle. Main Speaker. on/off.
- 9 Toggle. Headphones. on/off.
- Once the animation is up and running the mouse buttons have
- the following functions.
- <Left_Button>
- Single step back one frame.
- <Middle_Button>
- Toggle. starts/stops animation.
- <Right_Button>
- Single step forward one frame.
- XAnim by default will read the entire animation into memory.
- PFX, Moviesetter, GIF or URT RLE type animations are always
- uncompressed and stored in memory as individual images.
- For the AVI, QT, IFF, FLI/FLC, JPEG, MPEG and DL animations,
- only the compressed delta is stored. These deltas are then
- uncompressed each time they need to be displayed. The buffer
- option(+b) may be used to potentially speed up playback by
- uncompressing and storing these images ahead of time. But
- more memory is used up in the process.
- When an XPutImage is called, the image typically gets copied
- twice, once to memory and then from there onto the display.
- A pixmap is directly copied onto the display without the
- first copy. This is why it is sometimes much faster to use
- the pixmap option(+p). Each image isn't converted into a
- pixmap until the first time it is displayed. This is why the
- first loop of an animation using this option is sometimes
- slower than subsequent loops. While the pixmap option may
- improve playback speed, it will slow things down if on-the-
- fly scaling needs to be performed. This is because XAnim no
- longer has direct access to the image and needs to get a
- copy of it before it can be scaled.
- The read from file option(+f) causes XAnim not to store the
- compressed deltas in memory. Instead as each image is to be
- displayed, XAnim reads the corresponding compressed delta
- from the file, expands it and then displays it. While this
- can dramatically cut down on memory usage, the necessary
- reads from disk(or whatever) can slow down playback speed.
- XAnim still needs to allocate one to three image buffers
- depending on the type of animation and the scaling options
- used. This option is only supported for AVI, QT, FLI/FLC,
- IFF, JPEG, MPEG and DL animations. The BODY chunk of IFF
- animations is not included in this. As a result, an IFF ani-
- mation that is made up of several BODY chunks will not
- currently benefit from this option.
- SCALING Options
- There are two sets of scaling options. One set, the display
- scaling factors, affects the size of the animation as it is
- displayed. The other set, the buffer scaling factors, affect
- the size of the images as they are stored in
- memory(buffered). The buffer scaling factors only affect
- animations that are buffered and can greatly increase or
- decrease memory usage.
- These two sets are completely independent of each other. You
- can set the buffer scaling factors to 20 times the normal
- animation size and not affect the size at which that anima-
- tion is displayed. The images are stored at 20 times the
- normal size(and at 400 times the memory usage), but then get
- scaled back down to normal size before being displayed.
- NOTE: that an animation must be buffered in order for the
- buffer scaling factors to have any affect on it. The display
- scaling factors affect all animations.
- You can create pixellation like affects by buffering the
- animation at 1/8 it's normal size, but keeping the display
- scaling factors at the original size. (IE "xanim +bSS0.125
- anim.anim").
- Many times it's faster to store and display an animation
- with large dimensions at half-size. The option "+bSS0.5C" or
- "+bSS0.5s0.5" both will accomplish this. To save memory, you
- could even store the animation at half size and yet display
- it at full size. "+bSS0.5" will accomplish this.
- Many type of animations(FLI/FLC/IFF/some AVI and QTs) are
- compressed with forward playback in mind only. Each delta
- only stores the difference between the current frame and the
- previous frame. As a results, most of these animations don't
- display correctly when played backwards. Even when buffered
- up, these may not work, since XAnim only stores the smallest
- rectangle that encompasses the changes from the previous
- frame. You can force XAnim to store the entire frame by
- specifying the "-o" option to turn this optimization off.
- This will most likely use more memory and slow down the ani-
- mation, since more of the image needs to be stored and/or
- displayed.
- Most of this will be a TBD for a future rev and what's here
- might be sketchy, incomplete or just plain confusing.
- TrueColor and DirectColor displays don't need to worry about
- most of these options, as the animations can be displayed in
- their original colors(ignoring monitor variations etc). How-
- ever, TrueColor and DirectColor displays can't display
- animations that employ color cycling techniques where the
- colormap changes from frame to frame. DirectColor could
- potentially support this, but not TrueColor.
- For the rest of the displays, the problem becomes matching
- the colors in the animations to the available colors of the
- Display. For most PseudoColor displays this means 256
- colors. Many of which are already in use by various other
- programs. XAnim defaults to creating it's own colormap and
- using all the colors from that. The window manager then
- installs this new colormap, whenever the mouse pointer is
- inside the XAnim animation window(Sometimes a specific
- action is required to change the ColorMap Focus, like click-
- ing in the window or pressing a specific key). In any case,
- this action usually causes all the other colors on the
- screen to be temporarily "messed-up" until the mouse is
- moved out of the animation window. The alternative, is to
- use the "+Cn" option. Now XAnim tries allocating all the
- colors it needs from the current colormap. If it can't get a
- certain color, then XAnim choose one that is "close" to this
- certain color. Close is completely arbitrary. The animation
- is now displayed in colors that are different than the ori-
- ginal colors. This difference may or may not be noticeable.
- Another big problem is when the animations are what I called
- TrueColor animations. Where each pixel is stored as RGB tri-
- plets. For example, AVI 16 bit CRAM animations. Each pixel
- has 5 bits of Red, 5 bits of Green and 5 bits of Blue info
- associated with it. This means there can be up to 32768
- unique colors in each image. And on most PseudoColor
- displays we can only display 256 unique colors. Beside get-
- ting better displays, what can we do? XAnim defaults to
- truncating the RGB information from 555 to 332. That is to 3
- bits of Red, 3 bits of Green and 2 bits of Blue. Less on
- Blue because the human eye is more sensitive to Red and
- Green than Blue. This 332 colormap happens to be 256 colors
- in size, which nicely fits in with our display. If our
- display only had 64 colors, then XAnim is smart enough to
- truncate things down to 222. Now the problem is the colors
- of the displayed anim are noticeably different than the ori-
- ginal colors. Typically you can see color banding etc.
- While this is fine to get a feel for the animation, we can
- do better. One of the solutions XAnim currently offers is
- the "+bC1" option. What this does is choose the the best 256
- colors from the first image of the animation. Then each
- pixel of each subsequent image is remapped to one of these
- 256 colors. This takes up some CPU time up front and more
- memory since each image needs to be buffered, but results in
- a colors that are closer to the originals. Another option,
- "+bCA", chooses the best 256 from each image, then 256
- colors from all these colormaps are chosen as the final
- colormap. This is useful if the colors in the first image
- aren't representative of the rest of the animation. This can
- be very slow. Another option that is supported, but not
- really optimized for yet is "+bC3dm". This causes XAnim to
- use a 332 colormap and then apply a Floyd-Steinberg dither
- algorithm to each image. Currently this is very slow. Dif-
- ferent dithers(like Ordered) and better optimizations might
- speed this up in future revs. In general, handling of
- TrueColor animations in XAnim needs to be improved.
- Another scenario where colors need to be remapped, is when
- several images or animations with different colormaps need
- to be displayed. Changing the colormap usually results in
- an annoying flicker. One solution to this is to remap all of
- the images/animations to the same colormap. The "+Ca" option
- chooses the best colors from all the colormaps and then
- remaps all the images to it. The "+Cf" option, simply remaps
- everything to the first colormap. The "+Ch" option is use-
- ful when an animation's colormap specifies a lot of colors
- that aren't used. XAnim looks through each buffered image of
- the animation and makes a histogram of the useage of each
- color. This information is then used to weedout unused or
- rarely used colors.
- Quicktime animations are usually stored in two separate
- files. One is call a data fork and ends with a ".data". The
- other is a resource fork and ends in a ".rsrc". Sometimes
- these animations are in a "flattened/merged fork" format,
- where everything is put into one file. There's no standard
- naming format for these types of files although usually
- .qt or .mov is used.
- For example, if you have a quicktime animation made up of
- two files named: "spin.rsrc" and "spin.data", you can
- display them using Xanim with either of the following com-
- mands "xanim spin" or "xanim spin.rsrc". XAnim is smart
- enough to add/modfiy the ".rsrc" and ".data" endings as
- needed.
- If you use AUFS from the Columbia Appletalk Package, then
- Macintosh files have their data fork stored in the expected
- place, and the resource fork is in a file with the same name
- in a .resource subdirectory. Therefore, if the data fork is
- in "spin", and the resource fork isin ".resource/spin", the
- movie can be displayed with "xanim spin".
- For "flattened/merged fork" quicktime animations, you need
- to specify the entire file name.
- NOTE: XAnim doesn't support 100% of the quicktime format.
- To display a single animation with Audio:
- xanim +Ae car_race.avi
- To display a audio animation on Sparc. main speakers off
- and headphones on:
- xanim +Aep1 -Ap0 car_race.avi
- To display a single animation:
- xanim iff3.anim
- To display a nonlooping IFF animation:
- xanim +c iff3.anim
- To display A.fli 3 times, B.anim and C.movie 2 times each and D.fli
- once before repeating:
- xanim -l3 A.fli -l2 B.anim C.movie -l1 D.fli
- To see A.anim real slow(2 seconds for each frame):
- xanim +j2000 A.anim
- To display title image for a while then run an animation at
- normal speed:
- xanim +j2000 title.gif +j0 anim.gifanim
- A series of GIF's can be displayed as:
- xanim im_0.gif im_1.gif im_2.gif ... im_36.gif
- or
- xanim im_*.gif
- or
- xanim im.txt
- or
- xanim im.gifanim
- where im.txt is a txt file(a list of images, see anim.doc for more details).
- and im.gifanim is one gif file composed of im_0.gif through im_36.gif.
- (see txtmerge to create a single gif file from a txt file).
- X11 Notes:
- --------------------------------------
- I. X11 Server Options
- When XAnim opens the display it passes the argument list to X11 which
- then filters off the arguments it recognizes. XAnim won't even see these
- arguments(which is sometimes a problem). For instance
- xa -geom =+100+100 skier.fli
- will play the anim skier.fli at pos <100,100> on the X11 screen. Or
- xa -display nantucket:0.0 skier.fli
- will display the anim skier.fli on the machine nantucket's display.
- Sometimes this is a problem, because a valid XAnim option is stripped by the
- X11 server. For instance if +r was being stripped, then use ++r instead.
- Same goes with -r. Use --r instead if you believe it's being filtered
- by X11.
- Machine Specific and Compiler Notes:
- --------------------------------------
- Some PC's need you to uncomment the line below in Makefile.
- #XA_INET_LIB = -linet
- Depending on your window manager(mwm,uwm,olwm,twm etc), you might
- want to have XAnim do a XInstallColormap. This shouldn't be necessary
- for most workstations and can cause core dumps on some PCs.
- There are usually user selectable options for each window manager
- that selects the colormap focus policy(pointer,fixed,explicit etc).
- Use -DNO_INSTALL in Makefile if you DON't want XAnim to install
- the colormap.
- Some X11's don't have support for multiple visuals. An executable
- compiled with such an X11 will not be able to correctly run on a
- machine that does supports multiple visuals even if they're binary
- compatible.
- Hugh D.R. Evans has supplied make.com, xanim.opt and added VMS defines
- so that VMS users may compile and run XAnim. Rick Dyson has provided
- the descript.mms file and some VMS fixes. John Kneitz has also
- provide some VMS fixes and suggestions.
- And Yet More Notes about Quicktime Animations
- ---------------------------------------------
- (these are just my notes and may contain some inconsistencies.
- There's currently some question about the true meaning of
- "flatten". It might just mean taking a quicktime file and
- replacing a references to another files with those files
- themselves. But lately many people use it to mean collapsing
- the *.data and *.rsrc forks into one *.data fork for export
- to a non-mac computer. - Mark)
- EXTRACTING Quicktime Animations
- Typically you will obtain the quicktime animations that have
- been archived and then binhex'd. If the file you have ends
- in a .hqx, then you need to run hexbin on it ("hexbin anim.hqx").
- This will create a *.bin file(not necessarily anim.bin, it
- could be anything.bin. The actual name is contained within
- the *.hqx file).
- If the file you have ends in a .bin or you've just hexbin'd a file,
- now you need to unpack it. In other words extract the files that
- are contained within it. These files can be programs/documents/
- animations/images etc. They're not necessarily quicktime animations.
- There is a program called macunpack that should be used to
- accomplish this. You need to use the -f option, I recommend
- the -lv options as well. (ie "macunpack -flv file.bin")
- Macunpack doesn't support certain DiskDoubler or Stuffit Deluxe
- archives. There is no unix/pc program that I know of that does(except
- for the Mac). In this case your only choice is to get a hold of a
- Macintosh computer and someone who knows how to use it and
- hopefully some method of transferring files to/from it.
- Once you've unpacked everything, you should have three files,
- a *.info, a *.rsrc and a *.data. You can delete the *.info file.
- XAnim doesn't need or use it.
- The quicktime animation is made up of BOTH the *.rsrc and the
- *.data files and therefore XAnim needs BOTH the *.rsrc and the
- *.data in order to recognize and display the animation.
- The only exception to this is if the animation has been "flattened".
- Essentially, all that this means is that the .rsrc and .data files
- were merged into one file for export to a non-mac computer.
- This file doesn't have any real naming conventions, but it is
- usually something like .mov, .mv, .qt, etc(it is never .bin or .hqx).
- And it is rarely .data. If XAnim can't play it, then it's 95%
- likely to be a *.data fork(that's missing a *.rsrc fork) and not
- a flattened quicktime animation.
- Macunpack and hexbin can be found in the macutil archive. They
- are available at the following locations:
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/unix/macutil-20b1.shar
- ftp.cwi.nl:/pub/macutil2.0b3.shar.Z
- solaris.ims.ac.jp:/pub/unix/mac/macutil-20b1.shar
- Use archie to find other sites.
- Here's a quick blurb on macutils from the readme.
- o hexbin - a program to convert BinHex 4.0 to MacBinary;
- it also converts uuencode (and UULite) files to their
- native binary format; support for .dl, .hex, and .hcx
- formats (all predecessors of BinHex 4.0) also exists
- o macunpack - a program to unpack PackIt, StuffIt,
- Diamond, Compactor/Compact Pro, most StuffIt Classic
- and StuffIt Deluxe, DiskDoubler, Zoom and LHarc/MacLHa
- archives.
- It also decodes BinHex 5.0, MacBinary, uuencode, and
- UNIX compress (ie: .Z suffix) files (as well as variants
- of compress implemented by various Macintosh compress
- programs).
- If you are transferring a quicktime animation directly from a
- Macintosh(ftp/fetch/gator/etc), you need to use the MacBinary mode.
- This will archive all three resource forks(.info,.rsrc and .data)
- into a .bin file and transfer that. You must then use "macunpack -flv"
- as described above.
- If you use Binary mode(as opposed to the MacBinary mode), ONLY the
- *.data file will be transferred. This *.data file is useless without
- the *.rsrc file, unless it happens to be "flattened". If you don't
- absolutely know this to be true, then use the MacBinary mode and
- extract with macunpack.
- mcvert is also capable of extracting the *.rsrc and *.data files
- form a MacBinary file(*.bin). It doesn't support all of the
- archival compression formats that macunpack does and I'm not
- as familiar with it. Archie should be able to find it.
- Movieconverter, part of Apple's Quicktime Starter Kit (a commercial product)
- can do this. Save the movie as BOTH "Make self-contained" and "Playable
- on non-Apple computers."
- If you have any other questions or problems trying to run
- quicktime animation using xanim I might be able to answer
- them.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mark Podlipec - podlipec@wellfleet.com or podlipec@shell.portal.com
- http://www.portal.com/~podlipec/home.html "The XAnim Home Page"