home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1994-10-24 | 73.2 KB | 2,245 lines |
- ;;;; Hey Emacs, this script might as well be -*- lisp -*-
- ;;;;
- ;;;; Install_AmiTCP - AmiTCP/IP installation script for Installer
- ;;;;
- ;;;; Copyright © 1994 AmiTCP/IP Group,
- ;;;; NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc., Finland
- ;;;; All rights reserved.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; $Id: Install_AmiTCP,v 4.14 1994/10/24 20:57:34 jraja Exp $
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This script has been tested with Installer 1.24:
- ;;;;
- ;;;; Installer and Installer project icon
- ;;;; (c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- ;;;; Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.
- ;;;;
- ;;;;
- ;;;; Use following Icon tooltypes / Command line options:
- ;;;;
- (welcome " Welcome to the " @app-name " 4.0 demo version installation.\n")
- ;;;;
- ;;;; What we are?
- ;;;;
- (set app-name (cat @app-name " 4.0 demo version"))
- ;;;;
- ;;;; "Needs"
- ;;;;
- (set need-version 37 ; version of operating system need by AmiTCP/IP
- need-memory (* 512 1024))
- ;;;
- ;;; Destination directories of the AmiTCP/IP
- ;;;
- (set
- atcp-name "AmiTCP"
- atcp-assign (cat atcp-name ":") ; Assign to AmiTCP
- ;; Exported files
- export-dir (tackon atcp-assign "export")
- ;; Configuration
- conf-dir (tackon atcp-assign "db")
- ;; User binaries
- bin-dir (tackon atcp-assign "bin")
- ;; documentation
- doc-dir (tackon atcp-assign "doc")
- ;; devices directory
- devs-dir (tackon atcp-assign "devs")
- ;; AmigaGuide documentation
- help-dir (tackon atcp-assign "help")
- ;; DOS handlers
- l-dir (tackon atcp-assign "l")
- ;; libraries
- libs-dir (tackon atcp-assign "libs")
- ;; daemons
- serv-dir (tackon atcp-assign "serv")
- ;; source
- src-dir (tackon atcp-assign "src")
- ;; includes for net applications
- include-dir (tackon atcp-assign "netinclude")
- ;; network link libraries
- lib-dir (tackon atcp-assign "netlib")
- ;;
- ;; If you add directories above, then also add the name of the variable below.
- ;; This is to have "for i in a b c d ..." construct
- ;;
- ;; These directories are always present
- dir-pat (cat "(" "devs" "|" "db" "|" "bin" "|" "doc" "|"
- "help" "|" "l" "|" "libs" "|" "serv" ")")
- ;; Optional directories
- dir-pat-opt (cat "(" "netinclude" "|" "netlib" "|" "src" ")")
- ;;
- ;; The source directory name
- source-dir (if (= 1 (exists @icon))
- (pathonly (expandpath @icon))
- (expandpath @icon))
- ;;
- ;; directories in exports
- ;;
- dist-networks-dir (tackon source-dir "export/Devs/Networks")
- ;; Mounts
- tcp-mount (cat
- "Assign TCP: Exists > NIL:\n"
- "IF Warn\n"
- " Mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/Inet-Mountlist\n"
- "EndIf\n")
- apipe-mount (cat
- "Assign APIPE: Exists > NIL:\n"
- "IF Warn\n"
- " Mount APIPE: from AmiTCP:devs/APipe-Mountlist\n"
- "EndIf\n")
- )
- ;; How to get needed information?
- (set
- net-setup-help
- " You can get this information from your network administration.\n")
- ;;; copy "more" to ram: to be able to use it
- (set
- pager-cmd (if (exists "ENV:PAGER" (noreq)) (getenv "PAGER"))
- pager-cmd
- (if pager-cmd pager-cmd
- (if (exists "SYS:Utilities/More" (noreq))
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying sys:utilities/more to ram: for use")
- (source "SYS:Utilities/More")
- (dest "RAM:")
- (safe)
- (optional "nofail"))
- "RAM:More")
- ("more"))))
- ;; Return old AmiTCP: assign if we are aborting
- (onerror
- (if old-atcp-directory
- (makeassign atcp-name old-atcp-directory)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-ip-address
- ;; Procedure to ask an IP address
- ;;
- ;; arguments:
- ;; ::ask-ip-prompt - Prompt text
- ;; ::ask-ip-help - help text
- ;; ::ask-ip-need - empty result allowed if not true
- ;; ::ask-ip-default - default value for the asked IP address
- ;;
- ;; locally used names:
- ;; ::ask-ip-result
- (set ::ask-ip-result "")
- (while
- ((set ::ask-ip-result
- (askstring
- (prompt ::ask-ip-prompt
- (if (NOT ::ask-ip-need)
- (cat "\nGive an empty string if you want to "
- "by-pass this option."))
- (if ::ask-ip-result
- (cat "\n\nYou entered an invalid value\n\""
- ::ask-ip-result "\".\n"
- "Enter a valid IP address.")))
- (default ::ask-ip-default)
- (help net-setup-help
- ::ask-ip-help
- "\n Internet address is a string of at most four "
- "decimal numbers separated by dots. For example, "
- "\"\" is a valid internet address.\n"
- " You will be asked again for the address, "
- "if the address you entered is invalid.")))
- ;; loop while answer is unacceptable
- (if ::ask-ip-result
- (NOT (patmatch "# #(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0).#(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|.)# "
- ::ask-ip-result))
- ::ask-ip-need)))
- ::ask-ip-result)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- check-system-version
- ;; is your Exec recent enough?
- (set exec-version (/ (getversion) 65536))
- (transcript "Running on exec version " exec-version ".")
- (if (< exec-version need-version) ; check operating system version
- ((message "The " @app-name " needs at least Exec version " need-version
- " to run.\nYou have only version " exec-version ".\n"
- "You can proceed with the installation, but consider "
- "installing the " @app-name " with proper version of "
- "the operating system."
- (help
- " The " @app-name " uses some system functions "
- "that are not present or functional in earlier system "
- "versions. Consider updating your system.\n"
- " If you have a later version of operating system "
- "and are only now using older version: be sure to use "
- "only release 2.04 or newer with the " @app-name ". "
- "No damage happens if you run the " @app-name " with an "
- "earlier operating system, however. It just "
- "refuses to start.\n"
- " If you decide to continue, no changes will be made to "
- "system startup files, so you must edit them yourself. "
- "Refer instructions for manual installation."))
- (transcript "User decided to continue installation while running "
- "on operating system release earlier than 2.04."))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- check-available-memory
- ;;
- (transcript "Checking available memory.")
- (set avail-mem (+ (database "total-mem")))
- (if (< avail-mem need-memory)
- ((message "Your system has only " (/ avail-mem 1024) " kilobytes of "
- "free memory, while the " @app-name " needs at least "
- (/ need-memory 1024) " to be useful.\n"
- "You can continue the installation but be warned!")
- (transcript "User decided to continue installation while available "
- "memory was below the recommended minimum."))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- check-user-level
- ;;
- (transcript "Checking user level.")
- (if (< @user-level 1)
- ((transcript "Installation aborted due to too low user level.")
- (abort "AmiTCP/IP installation requires at least the \"average\" "
- "user level. Restart installation and select appropriate user "
- "level."))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- check-old-assign
- ;; If there is already the AmiTCP/IP installed, store the assign
- ;; to old-atcp-directory
- (transcript "Checking for already installed AmiTCP.")
- (if (exists atcp-assign (noreq))
- (set old-atcp-directory (getassign atcp-name)))
- (if old-atcp-directory
- (transcript "Existing AmiTCP detected at directory "
- old-atcp-directory ".")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-accept-licence ;; Ask if the user accepts licence conditions
- (transcript "Asking if the user accepts the licence conditions.")
- ;;
- ;; use "more" to show the full licence text
- ;;
- (run (cat "run " pager-cmd) (tackon source-dir "LICENCE") (safe))
- (message "\nAmiTCP/IP is a copyrighted propiertary software of "
- "the Network Solutions Development Inc.\n"
- "\nPlease read the shown licence text carefully.\n"
- "\nBy proceeding the installation of this software you "
- "indicate that you accept the licence conditions.\n"
- )
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- select-destination-directory
- ;; Select destination directory for the installation. We suggest the user
- ;; to install to the place from where the installer was started. This is
- ;; since normally this software will be unarchived to its proper location
- ;; and the files don't have to be copied any more.
- ;;
- (transcript "Selecting destination directory for the installation.")
- (while
- ((set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Select directory where to install the " app-name ".\n"
- "Most of the files don't have to be copied, if you accept "
- "the offered default.")
- (help " Here you can specify location where to install "
- "the " app-name ".\n"
- " Installation can be made on-place. "
- "This is recommended if you have already unarchived "
- "the " app-name " archive to its final location. "
- "In this case "
- "most of the files are left where they are. "
- "Only necessary files are copied to different "
- "positions.\n"
- " Installation must NOT be made on top of an older "
- "version of the " @app-name ".")
- (newpath)
- (default source-dir)))
- (if (= 2 (exists @default-dest))
- ;; check that installation is not tried over the old version
- (if (OR (exists (tackon @default-dest "bin/AmiTCP")) ; version 1.0
- (> (getversion (tackon source-dir "AmiTCP"))
- (if (exists (tackon @default-dest "AmiTCP"))
- (getversion (tackon @default-dest "AmiTCP"))
- $7FFFFFFF)))
- ((message "You are possibly trying to install the " @app-name " "
- "over an old version of it.\n"
- "It is not allowed.\n"
- "You should select some other directory or abort "
- "the installation.")
- 1)
- 0)
- ((makedir @default-dest
- (infos))
- 0))))
- ;; Make the AmiTCP: assign
- (makeassign atcp-name @default-dest))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- copy-files-to-destination ;;; Copy all files if not installing on-place
- ;;
- (if (= source-dir
- (expandpath @default-dest))
- (message "\nSource and destination directories are the same, "
- "not copying."
- (help " The " app-name " files don't have to be copied, "
- "since the source and the destination directories are "
- "the same."))
- ((transcript "Copying " app-name " files from " source-dir " to "
- @default-dest ".")
- (set dir-information
- (cat
- (if (exists "netinclude")
- (cat "netinclude - include files needed for networking "
- "applications development\n"))
- (if (exists "netlib")
- "netlib - link libraries for networking program development\n")
- (if (exists "src")
- (if (exists "src/util")
- (cat "src - source code for libraries, examples"
- "and all the binaries\n")
- "src - source code for the libraries and examples\n"))
- ))
- (if (< 0 (strlen dir-information))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want directories needed only with development "
- "for the " @app-name " or applications to be copied?")
- (help " These directories (and their contents) is "
- "not needed to use AmiTCP/IP. "
- "You need to copy them only when you plan to "
- "make network programs by yourself.\n"
- " Description of directories:\n"
- dir-information
- (if (= @user-level 1)
- " If you select EXPERT level at start, you "
- " You ")
- "will be prompted for each directory.\n"))
- (foreach
- source-dir dir-pat-opt
- (copyfiles
- (source source-dir)
- (choices (fileonly @each-name))
- (confirm)
- (dest @default-dest)
- (prompt
- (if (= @user-level 1)
- "Copying files to selected location."
- "Copy this directory?"))
- (help " Description of directories:\n"
- dir-information)
- (optional "askuser")))))
- (foreach source-dir dir-pat
- ((set dest-dir (tackon @default-dest @each-name))
- (if (NOT (exists dest-dir))
- (makedir dest-dir))
- (copyfiles (all)
- (source (expandpath @each-name))
- (dest dest-dir)
- (prompt "Copying files to the selected location.")
- (optional "askuser"))))
- (copyfiles (source source-dir)
- (dest @default-dest)
- (prompt "Copying files to the selected location.")
- (pattern "#?")
- (files)
- (infos)
- (optional "askuser"))))
- ;;
- ;; Create AmiTCP:log if it does not exist already
- ;;
- (if (NOT (= 2 (exists (tackon atcp-assign "log"))))
- (makedir (tackon atcp-assign "log")))
- ;;
- ;; Create AmiTCP:log/wtmp if it does not exist already
- ;; (This is to avoid unnecessary errors from the ftpd)
- ;;
- (if (NOT (= 1 (exists (tackon atcp-assign "log/wtmp"))))
- (textfile (dest (tackon atcp-assign "log/wtmp"))))
- ;;
- ;; Add script flags to the scripts, pure flags to pure programs
- ;;
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "ch_nfsctl") "+s +e")
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "netstat") "+s +e")
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "SynClock") "+s +e")
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "stopnet") "+s +e")
- (if (exists src-dir)
- ((protect (tackon src-dir "compile") "+s +e")
- (protect (tackon src-dir "compile.lib") "+s +e")))
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "NapsaTerm") "+p +e")
- (protect (tackon serv-dir "in.fingerd") "+p +e")
- (if (exists (tackon bin-dir "rcsrev"))
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "rcsrev") "+p +e"))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-slip-config
- ;;
- ;; the my-host-if has to be set before this is called
- ;;
- ;; This sets the if-config-file on return ("" if not applicaple).
- ;; The config file is returned without the path and it will be put to the
- ;; ENV:Sana2 directory by the generated startnet script.
- ;; The contents is stored in if-config.
- ;;
- (transcript "Creating configuration file for SLIP/CSLIP devices.")
- ;;
- ;; Loop until the user is satisfied
- ;;
- (while
- ((set my-serial-device
- (askfile (prompt "Select the SERIAL device driver to be used with "
- my-host-if ":\n"
- "NOTE: This list lists all devices in DEVS:.\n"
- "Normally you would want to select "
- "`serial.device'."
- )
- (default "DEVS:serial.device")
- (help " You should select the serial device driver to "
- "be used for the transport of " my-host-if ". "
- "You will be separately asked for the unit number.\n"
- " You can cancel this operation by giving an "
- "empty string.")))
- (if (= 1 (exists my-serial-device))
- ;;
- ;; remove the prefix from the file name
- ;;
- ((if (patmatch "DEVS:#?" my-serial-device)
- (set my-serial-device (substr my-serial-device 5)))
- (set my-serial-unit
- (asknumber
- (prompt "\nSelect unit number for the " my-serial-device ":")
- (default 0)
- (help " Select the unit number for the device "
- my-serial-device " to use. This is 0 for the "
- "internal serial port, but might be other for "
- "other serial devices."))
- my-serial-baud
- (asknumber
- (prompt "\nGive the baud rate for the " my-serial-device
- " unit " my-serial-unit ".\n"
- "\nPlease start with a low value like 9600, "
- "if you are not absolutely sure that your SLIP "
- "line works at higher speeds.\n")
- (default 9600)
- (help " The baud rate MUST match the one used while "
- "dialling to the SLIP provider.\n"
- " Since higher speeds may have some problems, you "
- "should always start with some reasonably low baud "
- "rate (like 9600) and then, when your SLIP setup "
- "works, try out the higher speeds."))
- my-slip-mtu-raw
- (asknumber
- (prompt "\nGive the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) for the "
- my-host-if ":\n")
- (range 576 1500)
- (default 1006)
- (help " The MTU MUST match the one used by your SLIP "
- "provider.\n"
- " The value 1006 bytes is the most common, but 1500 "
- "bytes is also used often.\n"
- " You should consult your SLIP provider for the "
- "correct value to use."))
- ;; Force the MTU to be even
- my-slip-mtu
- (* (/ (+ 1 my-slip-mtu-raw) 2) 2)
- my-slip-options-bitmap
- (askoptions
- (prompt "\nSelect additional options to be used with the "
- my-host-if ":\n"
- "\nPlease see Help for explanations for each option.")
- (choices "Carrier Detect" "Hardware-handshake (CTS/RTS)"
- "EOF-mode")
- (default %010)
- (help " Carrier Detect (CD): "
- "If selected, causes the " my-host-if " to pay "
- "attention to the status of the carrier detect line. "
- "If this isn't selected, the CD signal will be "
- "ignored.\n"
- " Hardware-handshake (7WIRE): "
- "If selected, the seven wire (or hardware, i.e., "
- "CTS/RTS) handshaking is used with the modem. "
- "This option is strongly recommended for high baud "
- "rates.\n"
- " EOF-mode (EOFMODE): "
- "If selected, causes " my-host-if " to use EOFMODE. "
- "This reduces the CPU load considerably, but it "
- "won't work with all different (buggy) serial "
- "devices (like the a2232)."))
- my-slip-options
- (cat (if (in my-slip-options-bitmap 0)
- "CD ")
- (if (in my-slip-options-bitmap 1)
- "7WIRE ")
- (if (in my-slip-options-bitmap 2)
- )
- (if (not (askbool
- (prompt
- "This is the information you gave for the configuration "
- "for the " my-host-if ":\n"
- "\nSerial device: " my-serial-device
- "\nSerial unit: " my-serial-unit
- "\nSerial baud rate: " my-serial-baud
- "\nSLIP MTU: " my-slip-mtu
- "\nSLIP options: " my-slip-options
- "\n\nIs this correct?")
- (help
- " Check the information shown. If you do not "
- "confirm it, all of it will be asked again.")))
- 1 ; ask it all again
- (
- ;; store the file name and the configuration string
- (set if-config-file my-host-if)
- (if (= my-host-if "rhcslip0") ;; special case
- (set if-config-file "rhslip0"))
- (set if-config-file
- (cat if-config-file ".config"))
- (set if-config
- (cat my-serial-device " "
- my-serial-unit " "
- my-serial-baud " "
- " "
- "MTU=" my-slip-mtu " "
- my-slip-options))
- 0 ; no need to ask again
- ))))
- )
- )
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-ggbus-config
- ;;
- ;; the my-host-if has to be set before this is called
- ;;
- ;; this sets the if-config-file on return ("" if not applicaple)
- ;; the contents is stored in if-config
- ;;
- (transcript "Creating configuration file for GGBus+ devices.")
- ;;
- ;; Common help
- ;;
- (set isa-help (cat " Refer to the ISA board and GGBus+ manuals for more "
- "information."))
- ;;
- ;; Loop until the user is satisfied
- ;;
- (while
- ((set my-isa-irq
- (asknumber
- (prompt "\nGive the ISA IRQ number for the " my-host-if ":")
- (default 3)
- (if (= my-host-if "gg_smc")
- (range 3 5)
- (range 1 15)
- )
- (help " Give the ISA IRQ number for the interface "
- my-host-if " to use. The given number must match "
- "with the setting on the board.\n" isa-help))
- my-isa-ioaddr
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nGive the ISA I/O-address of the " my-host-if ".\n"
- "\nThe address must be entered in hex, starting with "
- "\"0x\".\n")
- (default "0x300")
- (help " The given I/O-address must match with the setting "
- "on the board.\n" isa-help))
- my-isa-memaddr
- (if (= my-host-if "gg_smc")
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nGive the ISA memory base address for the "
- my-host-if ".\n"
- "\nThe address must be entered in hex, starting with "
- "\"0x\".\n")
- (default "0xd0000")
- (help " The given base address must match with the setting "
- "on the board.\n" isa-help))))
- (if (not (askbool
- (prompt
- "This is the information you gave for the configuration "
- "for the " my-host-if ":\n"
- "\nISA IRQ number: " my-isa-irq
- "\nISA I/O-address: " my-isa-ioaddr
- (if my-isa-memaddr
- (cat "\nISA memory base address: " my-isa-memaddr))
- "\n\nIs this correct?")
- (help
- " Check the information shown. If you do not "
- "confirm it, all of it will be asked again.")))
- 1 ; ask it all again
- (
- ;; store the file name and the configuration string
- (set if-config-file (cat my-host-if ".config_0"))
- (set if-config
- (cat "IRQ=" my-isa-irq " "
- "IOADDR=" my-isa-ioaddr " "
- (if my-isa-memaddr
- (cat "MEMADDR=" my-isa-memaddr " "))
- ))
- 0 ; no need to ask again
- )))
- )
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- update-devices
- (transcript "Updating Sana-II device drivers.")
- ;;
- ;; Create directory DEVS:Networks if it does not exist already
- ;;
- (if (NOT (= 2 (exists "DEVS:Networks")))
- (makedir "DEVS:Networks"))
- ;;
- ;; Copy each driver in the distribution to the DEVS:Networks if necessary
- ;;
- (working "Checking Sana-II device drivers...")
- (if (= 2 (exists dist-networks-dir))
- (foreach
- dist-networks-dir "#?.device"
- ((set dist-name (tackon dist-networks-dir @each-name)
- devs-name (tackon "DEVS:Networks" @each-name)
- dist-version (getversion dist-name)
- copy-it (NOT (exists devs-name)))
- ;;
- ;; Check if the driver should be copied over
- ;;
- (if (NOT copy-it)
- (set copy-it
- ; or if the driver in DEVS:Networks is of older version
- (< (set devs-version (getversion devs-name)) dist-version)))
- (if (NOT copy-it)
- (set copy-it
- ; or if the files are of the same version but different
- (set sum-differs (if (= dist-version devs-version)
- (<> (getsum dist-name)
- (getsum devs-name))
- 0))))
- (if copy-it
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Should this Sana-II driver be installed in Devs:Networks?\n"
- (if devs-version
- (cat "A driver with the same name exists already"
- (if sum-differs
- (cat ", it has the same version, but the "
- "files are not the same.")
- (cat ", but the driver in the "
- "DEVS:Networks is of older version.")))
- ""))
- (help
- " The Sana-II drivers should be located in "
- "the DEVS:Networks directory.\n"
- " This directory is the official location for the Sana-II "
- "device drivers.")
- (source (pathonly dist-name))
- (choices (fileonly dist-name))
- (dest "DEVS:Networks")
- (files)
- (optional "nofail" "askuser")
- (confirm "average"))))))
- ;;; ask user which export/Env/Sana2 files should be copied
- (if (= 2 (exists (tackon source-dir "export/Env/Sana2")))
- (if
- (askbool (prompt "\nDo you want to install example Sana-II "
- "configuration files?\n"
- "Copies will be confirmed.")
- (help " This release contains example configuration "
- "files for the SLIP devices and Agnet (a Sana-II "
- "pseudo device).\n"
- " The copying of each file will confirmed.")
- (default 1))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Select Sana-II configuration files to be copied:")
- (help " These configuration files are for example only. "
- "You need to edit them for them to be useful. Refer to "
- "the documentation of the Sana-II device in question. "
- "The AmiTCP:doc directory contains documentation for "
- "the drivers included in this release.\n"
- " The files will be copied to the ENVARC: by default. "
- "Normally they will be copied to ENV: on next reboot.")
- (source (tackon source-dir "export/Env/Sana2"))
- (dest "ENVARC:sana2")
- (all)
- (files)
- (optional "nofail" "askuser")
- (confirm "average")))
- ))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-update-devices
- (if (= 2 (exists dist-networks-dir))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want to update your Sana-II network device "
- "drivers?\n"
- "Each copy will be confirmed.")
- (help
- " Each new AmiTCP/IP distribution usually contains "
- "updated versions of some of the provided Sana-II network "
- "device drivers. If you choose \"Yes\", this installation "
- "script will check for each device, if this is the case."))
- (update-devices)
- (transcript "User did not want to update Sana-II drivers."))
- (transcript "Directory " dist-networks-dir " not found.")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-if-dynamic ;; Ask if the network connection is dynamic
- (set is-if-dynamic
- (askbool (prompt "\nIs your network connection dynamic?")
- (help " If your network connection is dynamic, your IP "
- "address will change each time you connect to the "
- "network. Because of this you can not have a "
- "fixed host name either. If this is the case, "
- "you will not be asked for the host name.\n"
- " If your network connection is not "
- "dynamic, then you should have a fixed IP address.\n"
- " The \"startnet\" script produced by this "
- "installation script will have an optional IP "
- "address argument, which you should use if your "
- "network connection is dynamic.\n")
- (default 0)))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-hostname ;; Get host name, domain and aliases
- ;;
- ;; Get the hostname from environment variable
- ;;
- (set def-full-name (if (exists "ENV:HOSTNAME")
- (getenv "HOSTNAME")
- "")
- my-host-name ""
- my-host-aliases ""
- my-domain-name "")
- ;;
- ;; Break the name into the host and domain parts
- ;;
- (set ::index 0
- ::length (strlen def-full-name))
- (while (AND (< ::index ::length)
- (NOT (= (substr def-full-name ::index 1) ".")))
- (set ::index (+ ::index 1)))
- (if (= ::index ::length)
- (set def-host-name ""
- def-domain-name "")
- (set def-host-name (substr def-full-name 0 ::index)
- def-domain-name (substr def-full-name (+ ::index 1))))
- ;;
- ;; If the network connection is dynamic, do not ask the host name, but leave
- ;; it empty.
- ;;
- (if (not is-if-dynamic)
- ;;
- ;; Ask the host name from the user
- ;;
- (while (OR (= my-host-name "")
- ;; check that name has no dots
- ((set ::index 0
- ::length (strlen my-host-name))
- (while (AND (< ::index ::length)
- (NOT (= (substr my-host-name ::index 1) ".")))
- (set ::index (+ ::index 1)))
- (NOT (= ::index ::length))))
- (set my-host-name
- (askstring
- (prompt
- (cat "\nEnter the host name of your computer (not including "
- "domain)"
- (if (= my-host-name "")
- ":"
- (cat ".\nThe value " my-host-name " is illegal, since it "
- "contains a dot."))))
- (help net-setup-help
- " Host name is a string NOT containing dots (.), "
- "example: \"my-amiga\".\n"
- " Domain specifies the administrative domain of the "
- "network where your host is connected. For example, "
- "\"nsdi.fi\" is the domain name of the Network "
- "Solutions Development Inc., Finland.\n")
- (default def-host-name))))
- )
- ;;
- ;; ask the domain name from the user
- ;;
- (set my-domain-name
- (askstring
- (prompt (if is-if-dynamic
- "\nEnter your domain name:"
- "\nEnter the domain part of your host name:"))
- (help net-setup-help
- " Domain specifies the administrative domain of the "
- "network where your host is connected. For example, "
- "\"nsdi.fi\" is the domain name of the Network "
- "Solutions Development Inc., Finland.\n"
- " If you do not have a domain name server, then you might "
- " not have a domain, either. In this case you can leave the "
- "domain empty.\n")
- (default def-domain-name)))
- ;;
- ;; Set the full name of this host.
- ;;
- (set my-full-name (if my-host-name
- (cat my-host-name
- (if my-domain-name
- (cat "." my-domain-name)
- ""))))
- ;;
- ;; ask alias names for this host if the host name is not empty
- ;;
- (if my-host-name
- (while
- (set new-host-name
- (askstring
- (prompt "Give aliases to your computer " my-full-name
- " one at a time."
- (if my-host-aliases
- (cat "\n\nAliases are:\n" my-host-aliases)))
- (default "")
- (help net-setup-help
- " Your computer may have additional names "
- "(aliases) to its official name.\n"
- " The plain host name (" my-host-name ") will "
- "be understood by the " app-name " automatically, so "
- "you do not need to include that as an alias. "
- )))
- (set my-host-aliases (cat my-host-aliases " " new-host-name))))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;
- ;;; Ask network interfaces
- ;;;
- ;;; Loop until no device is given.
- ;;;
- (procedure
- ask-interfaces
- (set number-of-interfaces 0)
- ;;
- ;; Procedure to ask the network device driver name
- ;;
- ;; (Returns TRUE if an interface was selected)
- ;;
- ;; NOTE: Currently only 8 choises within each interface type are allowed
- ;; (excluding the "none" entry).
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-device
- (set my-host-if-type
- ((set choice
- (askchoice
- (prompt (cat "Select "
- (if (= number-of-interfaces 0)
- "the"
- "another")
- " network interface type to be used:")
- (help " You should select your network interface "
- "type from the given choices. If your device type "
- "is "
- "not listed select some other (which matches "
- "closest to your device) and alter "
- "the installation (and db/interfaces file) "
- "by hand.\n"
- " Select \"None\" if you do not want to "
- "configure "
- (if (= number-of-interfaces 0)
- "an"
- "another")
- " interface.")
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "SLIP/CSLIP" ; 1
- "PPP" ; 2
- "X.25" ; 3
- "Ethernet" ; 4
- "Arcnet" ; 5
- "GGBus+ Ethernet" ; 6
- ;; Not yet "Village Tronic Liana" ; 7
- )
- (default 0))))
- ;;;
- ;;; Destination IP address is asked for p-to-p interfaces only
- ;;; also, the destination IP address suffices as the default
- ;;; gateway address in most cases.
- ;;;
- (set my-host-if-point-to-point (select choice
- 0 ; None
- 1 ; slip/cslip
- 1 ; ppp
- 0 ; x.25
- 0 ; ethernet
- 0 ; arcnet
- 0 ; GGBus+ Ethernet
- 0 ; VT Liana
- ))
- choice)
- my-host-if
- (if (= my-host-if-type 0)
- ""
- ((set choice
- (askchoice
- (prompt (cat "Select "
- (if (= number-of-interfaces 0)
- "the"
- "another")
- " network interface to be used:"))
- (help " You should select your network interface "
- "from the given choices. If your device is "
- "not listed select some other (which matches "
- "closest to your device) and alter "
- "the installation (and db/interfaces file) "
- "by hand.\n"
- " Select \"None\" if you do not want to "
- "configure "
- (if (= number-of-interfaces 0)
- "an"
- "another")
- " interface.")
- (select (- my-host-if-type 1)
- ( ; type 1 (SLIP/CSLIP)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "rhslip" ; 1
- "rhcslip" ; 2
- )
- (default 1))
- ( ; type 2 (PPP)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "ppp" ; 1
- )
- (default 1))
- ( ; type 3 (AX.25)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "axdm" ; 1
- )
- (default 1))
- ( ; type 4 (Ethernet)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "CBM A2065" ; 1
- "Hydra Ethernet" ; 2
- "Golden Gate wd80xx (trossi)" ; 3
- "ASDG EB920" ; 4
- "Village Tronic Ariadne" ; 5
- )
- (default 1))
- ( ; type 5 (Arcnet)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "CBM A2060" ; 1
- )
- (default 1))
- ( ; type 6 (GGBus+ Ethernet)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "3COM 3C503" ; 1
- "NE1000" ; 2
- "NE2000" ; 3
- "WD80x3" ; 4
- )
- (default 3))
- ( ; type 7 (Liana)
- (choices "None" ; 0
- "Liana unit 0" ; 1
- "Liana unit 1" ; 2
- )
- (default 1))
- )
- ))
- (if (= choice 0)
- ""
- ;;;
- ;;; Following names must match the ones defined in db/interfaces
- ;;;
- (select (+ (* (- my-host-if-type 1) 8) (- choice 1))
- ; type 1 (SLIP/CSLIP)
- "slip0" ; (1)
- "cslip0" ; (2)
- "" ; (3)
- "" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 2 (PPP)
- "ppp0" ; (1)
- "" ; (2)
- "" ; (3)
- "" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 3 (AX.25)
- "ax25" ; (1)
- "" ; (2)
- "" ; (3)
- "" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 4 (Ethernet)
- "a2065" ; (1)
- "hydra" ; (2)
- "wd80xx" ; (3)
- "eb920" ; (4)
- "ariadne" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 5 (Arcnet)
- "a2060" ; (1)
- "" ; (2)
- "" ; (3)
- "" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 6 (GGBus+ Ethernet)
- "gg_3c503" ; (1)
- "gg_ne1000" ; (2)
- "gg_ne2000" ; (3)
- "gg_smc" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ; type 7 (Village Tronic Liana)
- "liana0" ; (1)
- "liana1" ; (2)
- "" ; (3)
- "" ; (4)
- "" ; (5)
- "" ; (6)
- "" ; (7)
- "" ; (8)
- ))))))
- ;;
- ;; Ask for the unit number
- ;;
- ;; NOTE: Currently not used
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-unit
- (set my-host-if-unit
- (asknumber
- (prompt "\nSelect unit number for the " my-host-if ":")
- (default 0)
- (help " Select the unit number for the interface "
- my-host-if " to use. This is usually 0 for the first "
- "unit of that particular network interface. "
- "The network interface unit numbers are normally directly "
- "mapped to the Sana-II device driver unit numbers. "
- "Refer your device driver documentation for "
- "correct number to use."))))
- ;;
- ;; Ask for the IP address of this host
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-address
- (set ::ask-ip-prompt (cat
- (if is-if-dynamic
- (cat
- "Your IP address is dynamic, but you still "
- "should give a default "))
- "IP address for the interface " my-host-if ".\n"
- (if is-if-dynamic
- (cat
- "When you start the " app-name " "
- "with \"startnet\", "
- "You should give the correct IP address as an "
- "argument to override the default.")))
- ::ask-ip-help (cat " If you have no connection to the global "
- "Internet and are configuring a private network, "
- "you can select your IP addresses from following "
- "ranges: (see RFC1597)\n\n"
- " -\n"
- " -\n"
- " -\n\n"
- "NOTE: The addresses at the end of the ranges are "
- "NOT usable IP addresses for a host! So select your "
- "address from INSIDE the range (for example: "
- "")
- ::ask-ip-need 1
- ::ask-ip-default ""
- my-host-addr (ask-ip-address)))
- ;;
- ;; Ask for the destination address for the point-to-point interfaces
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-dest-address
- (set dest-host
- (if my-host-if-point-to-point
- ((set ::ask-ip-prompt
- (cat "Give the destination address for the "
- "point-to-point interface " my-host-if ".\n"
- "Address of interface is " my-host-addr ".\n"
- "\n"
- "Normally this is the same as the default gateway "
- "address.\n"
- )
- ::ask-ip-help
- (cat " A point-to-point interface is one that is "
- "connected to a medium which only two hosts can "
- "attach, for example the normal serial line: "
- "your computer is in other end and the other "
- "computer is on the other end.\n"
- " The destination address of an point-to-point "
- "interface is the IP address of the host (or "
- "terminal server) at the other end of the link.\n"
- " If the destination address is not known for "
- "some reason, and you are going to configure only "
- "one interface, you can use the default gateway "
- "address as your p-to-p destination address.")
- ::ask-ip-need 1
- ::ask-ip-default ""
- )
- (ask-ip-address))
- "")))
- ;;
- ;; Ask for the netmask for this interface. If nothing is given,
- ;; a default value will be used by the ifconfig.
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-netmask
- (set my-host-netmask
- ((set ::ask-ip-prompt
- (cat "Give netmask of the network on the interface " my-host-if
- ".\n"
- "Address of the interface is " my-host-addr
- (if dest-host
- (cat ",\ndestination address is " dest-host ".\n")
- (cat ".\n")))
- ::ask-ip-help
- (cat " Netmask is a dot separated string of four "
- "decimal numbers (similar to an internet address), "
- "which specifies which bits of the host's IP address "
- "are used to identify the network (the network address).\n"
- " For example, \"\" "
- "is a possible netmask.\n"
- " The netmask must be the same for all the interfaces "
- "connected to the same network.\n"
- " If you do NOT know the netmask, then leave "
- "it empty, a default value will be computed from "
- "your interface's IP address. This is correct only if "
- "the network is not divided into subnets.")
- ::ask-ip-need 0
- ::ask-ip-default ""
- )
- (ask-ip-address))))
- ;;
- ;; Ask for confirmation on given information
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-confirmation
- (askbool
- (prompt "This is the information you gave for this interface:\n"
- "\nInterface: " my-host-if
- "\nInterface address: " my-host-addr
- (if dest-host
- (cat "\nDestination address: " dest-host)
- "")
- "\nNetmask: " (if my-host-netmask
- my-host-netmask
- "<use default>")
- "\n\nIs this correct?")
- (help " Check the information shown. If you do not confirm it, "
- "all of it will be asked again.")))
- ;;
- ;; Ask if user wants to install another interface
- ;;
- (procedure
- if-ask-another
- (askbool
- (prompt "Do you want to install another interface?")
- (help " You have already configured " number-of-interfaces
- " interfaces. Select \"Yes\" if you want to configure yet "
- "another interface.")))
- ;;
- ;; Set startup string to contain configuration for the loopback device
- ;; (Other information will be later appeneded to this string variable).
- ;;
- (set
- ;; a complete list for IP address to host name mappings..
- ;; (only one mapping for now)
- address-mapping "")
- ;;
- ;; Ask for interfaces
- ;;
- (while
- (if ((if-ask-device)
- ((if-ask-address)
- (if-ask-dest-address)
- (if-ask-netmask)
- (if (if-confirmation)
- ((transcript "Adding interface " my-host-if)
- ;;
- ;; Ask interface configuration. First the 'if-config-file'
- ;; is cleared. Following calls change it if necessary. Later
- ;; the config file is created if this variable is non-nil
- ;;
- (set if-config-file "")
- (if (= my-host-if-type 1)
- (ask-slip-config))
- (if (= my-host-if-type 6)
- (ask-ggbus-config))
- (set
- number-of-interfaces (+ number-of-interfaces 1)
- )
- 0) ;; (if-ask-another) only one interface for now
- 1) ;;; confirmation not given, ask again
- ))))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-gateway ;;; Ask the default gateway address
- ;;
- (set ::ask-ip-prompt (cat
- "Enter the IP address of the default gateway"
- (if (AND (= number-of-interfaces 1)
- my-host-if-point-to-point)
- (cat
- ". Since you have configured only one interface, "
- "and that interface is of point-to-point type, "
- "the destination address of the interface is "
- "offered as default value. Generally you can "
- "accept this default.")
- ":")
- )
- ::ask-ip-help (cat
- " All network packets for destinations for which "
- "there is no defined route, are sent to the default "
- "gateway, which (hopefully) can send them towards "
- "the destination host.\n"
- " The IP address (instead of a name) is needed, "
- "because the name may not be resolved without the "
- "gateway, if the name server is not "
- "in your local network.")
- ::ask-ip-need 0
- ::ask-ip-default (if (AND (= number-of-interfaces 1)
- my-host-if-point-to-point)
- dest-host
- "")
- def-gateway-addr (ask-ip-address))
- ;;
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- ;; resolv.conf configuration
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- (procedure
- ask-nameservers ;;; Ask addresses to the name servers
- ;;
- (set name-server-list ""
- name-server-text-list "")
- (while
- (set ::ask-ip-prompt
- (cat "Enter the IP addresses of the name servers (one at a time). "
- "The name servers will be searched in the given order.\n"
- (if name-server-text-list
- ("\nIncluded name servers are: %s\n"
- name-server-text-list)))
- ::ask-ip-help
- (cat " A name server is used to resolve host "
- "names to internet addresses. This allows you "
- "to use symbolic names for the hosts instead "
- "of internet addresses.\n"
- " In Unix systems the name server addresses are "
- "usually stored into the file `/etc/resolv.conf`.\n")
- ::ask-ip-need 0
- ::ask-ip-default ""
- name-server-addr (ask-ip-address))
- (set name-server-list (cat name-server-list
- "NAMESERVER " name-server-addr "\n")
- name-server-text-list (cat name-server-text-list "\n"
- name-server-addr))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- (procedure
- ask-domains
- ;;
- (set domain-list ""
- text-domain-list "")
- (while
- (set domain
- (askstring
- (prompt
- "Give domain names (one at a time) to search.\n"
- "Press proceed after you have given each domain.\n"
- "Give empty domain after you have finished.\n"
- (if text-domain-list
- (cat "\nIncluded domains are:"
- text-domain-list)))
- (help
- net-setup-help
- " In many environments more than one search domain "
- "is needed for name resolution.\n"
- " For example, most of computers in the Helsinki "
- "University of Technology are under single domain: "
- "\"hut.fi\", so the full name of computer named "
- "\"vipu\" would be \"vipu.hut.fi\". If the default "
- "domain is \"hut.fi\", then this computer can be "
- "referred without the domain part of the name (just "
- "\"vipu\"). However, the computer science department "
- "has its own domain \"cs.hut.fi\". When computers of "
- "the computer science department "
- "are referred, the full name must be supplied, e.g. "
- "\"colossus.cs.hut.fi\". This can be avoided by "
- "providing \"cs.hut.fi\" as a secondary search domain. "
- "The domains are searched in the given order. It is "
- "fastest to give the most used domain first.\n"
- " In Unix systems the domain names are "
- "usually stored into the file `/etc/resolv.conf`.\n")
- (default (if domain-list "" my-domain-name))))
- (set domain-list ("%sDOMAIN %s\n" domain-list domain)
- text-domain-list (cat text-domain-list "\n" domain)
- default-domain "")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- create-config-file
- ;;
- (textfile (dest (tackon conf-dir "resolv.conf"))
- (append
- (if name-server-list (cat "; Name servers\n" name-server-list)))
- (append
- (if domain-list (cat "; Domain names\n" domain-list)))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- create-startup-script
- ;;
- ;; Create the network startup-script (AmiTCP:bin/startnet)
- ;;
- (textfile (dest (tackon bin-dir "startnet"))
- (append
- (cat
- ;;; Script header
- ".key IPADDRESS\n"
- ".bra {\n"
- ".ket }\n"
- ".def IPADDRESS " my-host-addr "\n"
- "\n"
- ;;; Log in
- "; log in\n"
- "echo\n"
- "echo login: " default-user-name "\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "login") " -f " default-user-name "\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "umask") " 022\n"
- ;;; Start AmiTCP
- "AmiTCP:AmiTCP\n"
- "WaitForPort AMITCP\n"
- ;;; Configure lo0
- "; Configure loop-back device\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "ifconfig") " lo0 localhost\n"
- ;;; Create interface config file
- (if if-config-file
- (cat
- "; Assure that ENV:Sana2 exists\n"
- "if not exists ENV:Sana2\n"
- " makedir ENV:Sana2\n"
- "endif\n"
- "; Create " my-host-if " configuration file\n"
- "echo \"" if-config "\" >ENV:Sana2/" if-config-file "\n"))
- ;;; Configure the network interface
- "; Configure " my-host-if "\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "ifconfig") " " my-host-if " {IPADDRESS}"
- (if dest-host
- (cat " " dest-host))
- (if my-host-netmask
- (cat " netmask " my-host-netmask))
- "\n"
- ;;; Add the host name to the netdb
- (if my-host-name
- (cat
- "; Add IP address entry for this host \n"
- "rx \"address AMITCP; 'ADD HOST {IPADDRESS} "
- my-full-name " " my-host-aliases "'\""
- "\n"))
- ;;; Route for this host
- "; Add route to this host\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "route") " add {IPADDRESS} localhost\n"
- ;;; Route for the default gateway
- (if def-gateway-addr
- (cat
- "; Add route to the default gateway\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "route") " add default " def-gateway-addr
- "\n"))
- ;;; Set the ENV:HOSTNAME
- "setenv HOSTNAME `AmiTCP:bin/hostname`\n"
- ;;; Mount TCP: (inet-handler)
- tcp-mount
- ;;; Start inetd?
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want the Inetd to be started at the "
- @app-name " startup?\n")
- (help " Inetd is the Internet `Super Server', which "
- "listens for connections on behalf of other "
- "servers. When a connection request for a port, "
- "for which Inetd is configured to listen, arrives "
- "Inetd accepts the connections and starts the "
- "server in question.\n"
- " The file " (tackon conf-dir "inetd.conf")
- " contains the configuration information for the "
- "Inetd, which you will want to edit.\n"
- " Refer to the documentation for more "
- "information."))
- (cat "; Start the internet `super server'\n"
- "run AmiTCP:bin/inetd\n")
- "\n"))))
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "startnet") "+s +e"))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- update-user-startup
- ;;
- (set started-at-boot 0
- to-be-added-to-startup
- (cat "assign " atcp-assign " " @default-dest "\n"
- "path " bin-dir " add\n"
- apipe-mount
- (if (not is-if-dynamic)
- (if (askbool
- (prompt
- "\nDo you want the " @app-name
- " to be started at the system startup?")
- (help
- " If you decide not to start the " @app-name " at "
- "startup, you can later start it by giving command "
- "\"startnet\" "
- "at the command shell."))
- ((set started-at-boot 1)
- (tackon bin-dir "startnet\n"))))
- (if (AND
- (= 2 (exists include-dir))
- (= 2 (exists lib-dir)))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want to add assigns to "
- "netinclude and netlib directories?")
- (help " These assigns are only needed for compiling "
- "programs using the " @app-name "."))
- (cat "; assigns for programmers\n"
- "assign netinclude: " include-dir "\n"
- "assign netlib: " lib-dir "\n"))))
- complete-to-be-added-to-startup (cat ";BEGIN " @app-name "\n"
- to-be-added-to-startup
- ";END " @app-name "\n"))
- ;; Ask for confirmation to add
- (if (>= exec-version 37)
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want Installer to make the required changes to "
- "your s:user-startup script?\n"
- "\n(There is a problem with Installer making these "
- "changes if you do not have the original boot volume "
- "mounted. Installer may crash or corrupt your system "
- "in that case.)")
- (help "If you do not want Installer make the changes, it will "
- "create a script file containing commands which you should "
- "add to the s:user-startup file."))
- ;; Do the addition
- (startup
- @app-name
- (command to-be-added-to-startup)
- (prompt "Installer will modify your S:User-Startup file. "
- "Following lines will be appended to it:\n\n"
- complete-to-be-added-to-startup)
- (help " Installer needs to make indicated modifications to "
- "your user startup file to make sure that everything is "
- "correctly set up to run the " @app-name ".\n"
- " You should make modifications later by hand "
- "if you skip this part."))
- ;; Let user add commands
- ((set addition-to-user-startup
- (tackon atcp-assign "addition-to-user-startup"))
- (textfile (dest addition-to-user-startup)
- (append complete-to-be-added-to-startup))
- (message "Installer created file " addition-to-user-startup
- ", which you can add to your startup file by hand. "
- "The file includes following changes:\n\n"
- complete-to-be-added-to-startup)))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-copy-old-configuration
- ;;
- ;; Copy old configuration files
- ;; Returns TRUE if AmiTCP does not need to be configured.
- ;; The reconfiguration is forced if old AmiTCP version is not 4 or higher,
- ;; since the bin/startnet must be modified.
- ;;
- (set
- edit-change-fingerd "t:edit-change-fingerd"
- old-conf-dir (tackon old-atcp-directory "db")
- old-resolv.conf (tackon old-conf-dir "resolv.conf")
- old-startnet (tackon old-atcp-directory "bin/startnet")
- old-motd (tackon old-conf-dir "motd"))
- ;;
- ;; return version of the old AmiTCP detected
- ;;
- (procedure
- get-old-atcp-version
- (if (exists (tackon old-atcp-directory "AmiTCP") (noreq))
- (/ (getversion (tackon old-atcp-directory "AmiTCP")) 65536)
- 0))
- ;;
- (set old-atcp-version (get-old-atcp-version))
- ;;
- ;; following is called only if old version is high enough
- ;;
- (procedure
- copy-myhost-config
- (if (AND (exists old-resolv.conf)
- (exists old-startnet))
- ((if (>= @user-level 2)
- (message "\nCopying files\n\n"
- old-resolv.conf "\n"
- old-startnet " \n"
- "\nto directory \"" @default-dest "\"."))
- (copyfiles
- (source old-resolv.conf)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (files))
- (copyfiles
- (source old-startnet)
- (dest bin-dir)
- (files))
- 1 ; succeeded
- )))
- ;;
- (procedure
- copy-rest-config
- (copyfiles
- (prompt
- "Select configuration files you want to copy from old configuration")
- (help
- " You may copy your old configuration files or use untouched files "
- "came with the new distribution.")
- (source old-conf-dir)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (files)
- (confirm)
- (if (AND (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "networks"))
- (AND (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "ftpdir"))
- (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "ftpusers"))))
- (choices ; release 4.0 or later
- "AmiTCP.config"
- "ch_nfstab"
- "ftpdir"
- "ftpusers"
- "group"
- "inet.access"
- "inetd.conf"
- "interfaces"
- "hosts"
- "networks"
- "services"
- "protocols"
- "passwd"
- "rpc")
- (if (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "inet.access"))
- (choices ; release 3.0 beta 2 or later
- "AmiTCP.config"
- "ch_nfstab"
- "group"
- "inet.access"
- "inetd.conf"
- "hosts"
- "services"
- "protocols"
- "passwd"
- "rpc")
- (if (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "interfaces"))
- (choices ; release 3.0 beta 1 or later
- "AmiTCP.config"
- "group"
- "inetd.conf"
- "hosts"
- "services"
- "protocols"
- "passwd"
- "rpc")
- (if (exists (tackon old-conf-dir "passwd"))
- (choices ; release 2.2 or later
- "AmiTCP.config"
- "group"
- "inetd.conf"
- "hosts"
- "services"
- "protocols"
- "passwd")
- (choices ; an old release
- "AmiTCP.config"
- "inetd.conf"
- "hosts"
- "services"
- "protocols")))))
- (optional "nofail" "force" "askuser")))
- ;;
- (procedure
- copy-motd
- (if (exists old-motd)
- ((if (>= @user-level 2)
- (message "\nCopying file\n\n"
- old-motd "\n"
- "(Message Of The Day)\n"
- "\nto directory \"" conf-dir "\"."))
- (copyfiles
- (source old-motd)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (files)))))
- ;;
- ;; Following is currently not needed, since if old version is too old, we
- ;; force user to reconfigure AmiTCP anyway
- ;;
- (procedure
- update-startnet
- (set startnet-file (tackon bin-dir "startnet"))
- (if (run (cat "search search \"Mount TCP:\" quiet from " startnet-file)
- (safe))
- ((textfile (dest startnet-file)
- (include startnet-file)
- (append tcp-mount "\n")
- (prompt
- "\nDo you want to mount TCP: device at network startup?")
- (help
- " The " @app-name " includes a DOS handler for TCP "
- "communications. This DOS handler will usually be mounted "
- "at the network startup.")
- (confirm))
- (protect (tackon bin-dir "startnet") "+s +e"))))
- (procedure
- update-services
- (set service-file (tackon conf-dir "services"))
- (if (run (cat "search search \"amiganetfs\" quiet from " service-file)
- (safe))
- (;; Not found, add it
- (textfile (dest service-file)
- (include service-file)
- (append ";\n; Amiga specific services\n;\n"
- "amiganetfs 2500/tcp\n")
- (prompt
- "Do you want to add AmigaNetFS service to your "
- "service database?")
- (help
- " The " @app-name " includes NetFS, network file system "
- "between Amigas, by Timo Rossi. It is a TCP based protocol "
- "which requires both ends of connection have same service "
- "(TCP port) entries. If you already had NetFS installed "
- "you probably do not want to update your service "
- "database.")
- (confirm)))))
- (procedure
- update-hosts
- (set hosts-file (tackon conf-dir "hosts"))
- (if (run (cat "search search \"localhost\" quiet from " hosts-file)
- (safe))
- (;; Not found, add it
- (transcript "Adding 'localhost' entry to the db/hosts.")
- (textfile (dest hosts-file)
- (include hosts-file)
- (append ";\n; Entry for the localhost\n;\n"
- " localhost\n")
- ))))
- (procedure
- update-inetd-conf
- ;; Change fingerd to serv/in.fingerd
- (set inetd-conf (tackon atcp-assign "db/inetd.conf"))
- (if (run (cat "search search \"serv/in.fingerd\" quiet from " inetd-conf)
- (safe))
- ((textfile
- (dest edit-change-fingerd)
- (append
- "f b/finger stream/\n"
- "e -amitcp:bin/fingerd-amitcp:serv/in.fingerd-\n"
- "m+"
- "i"
- "# NetFS, a networking support between Amigas"
- "# Remove # from the next line to enable NetFS"
- "#amiganetfs stream tcp nowait root amitcp:serv/netfs-server"
- "Z"
- "w\n")
- (safe))
- (run (cat "c:edit from " inetd-conf " with "
- edit-change-fingerd " >t:what-changed")
- (confirm)
- (prompt "\nUpdate \"inetd.conf\" to use the " @app-name " services?")
- (help " The fingerd service daemon is moved to directory "
- "\"AmiTCP:serv\", and \"inetd.conf\" must be updated to use "
- "it. Also the NetFS must be added to old configuration")))))
- ;;
- (procedure
- update-napsaprefs
- (set old-napsaprefs
- (if (exists (tackon old-atcp-directory "db/NapsaPrefs") (noreq))
- (tackon old-atcp-directory "db/NapsaPrefs")
- (if (exists "s:NapsaPrefs")
- "s:NapsaPrefs")
- ""))
- (if old-napsaprefs
- (;;
- (copyfiles
- (source old-napsaprefs)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (files)
- (confirm)
- (prompt "\nUse your old Napsaterm preferences?")
- (help " Installer have found an existing NapsaPrefs file "
- old-napsaprefs ". You can copy it to new configuration "
- "directory.")))))
- (procedure
- copy-extra-binaries
- "")
- (transcript "Ready to copy old configuration.")
- (if (askbool
- (default 1)
- (prompt
- "\nDo you want to use settings from an earlier installation?")
- (help
- " Installer have detected existing configuration "
- "directory \"" old-conf-dir "\" which "
- "can be used to configure the " app-name ". You can keep most "
- "of your previous configuration. This is important if you have "
- "installed extra applications.\n"
- (if (< old-atcp-version 4)
- (cat " However, since the configuration practice of the "
- @app-name " has changed since your old version, you must "
- "reconfigure the " @app-name " itself. Sorry for the "
- "incovenience.\n")
- (cat " Installer will copy your \"" old-startnet "\" script and "
- "\"" old-resolv.conf "\" configuration.\n"))
- " Other configuration files will be then "
- (if (> @user-level 1)
- "optionally")
- " copied.\n"))
- ((set no-reconfig (if (>= old-atcp-version 4)
- (copy-myhost-config)))
- (copy-rest-config)
- (copy-motd)
- (update-inetd-conf)
- (update-hosts)
- (update-services)
- ;; (update-startnet)
- (update-napsaprefs)
- (copy-extra-binaries)
- no-reconfig) ;; FALSE if AmiTCP needs to be reconfigured
- 0))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- install-emacstcp
- ;; is GNU Emacs installed?
- (if (exists "GNUEmacs:" (noreq)) ; check if GNUEmacs is installed
- (if (exists (tackon source-dir "export/GNUEmacs"))
- ((transcript "Installing GNUEmacs support files.")
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon source-dir "export/GNUEmacs/lisp"))
- (prompt "Copying GNU Emacs lisp files to GNUEmacs:lisp")
- (help " Emacs lisp files implement the Emacs side of the "
- "Gnu Emacs TCP support.")
- (pattern "#?.el#?")
- (dest "GNUEmacs:lisp")
- (optional "nofail" "askuser")
- (confirm))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon source-dir "export/GNUEmacs/etc"))
- (choices "tcp_AmiTCP")
- (prompt "Copying tcp_AmiTCP (program) to GNUEmacs:etc")
- (help " tcp_AmiTCP implements the " @app-name " side of the "
- "Gnu Emacs TCP support.")
- (dest "GNUEmacs:etc")
- (optional "nofail" "askuser")
- (confirm))
- (if (exists "GNUEmacs:etc/tcp_AmiTCP")
- (protect "GNUEmacs:etc/tcp_AmiTCP" "+p")) ; tcp is pure
- ;; Tell user what to do with .emacs
- (run (cat "run " pager-cmd)
- (tackon source-dir "export/GNUEmacs/add_to_.emacs")
- (safe)))
- (message "GNUEmacs not present in " source-dir "."))
- (message "GNU Emacs must be installed before....")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ask-install-emacstcp
- ;; is GNU Emacs installed?
- (if (exists "GNUEmacs:" (noreq)) ; check if GNUEmacs is installed
- (if (exists (tackon source-dir "export/GNUEmacs"))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want to install needed files for GNU Emacs "
- "support?")
- (help
- " Installer has noticed that you have GNUEmacs: assigned "
- "in your system. Normally this means that you have the "
- "GNU Emacs installed.\n"
- " AmiTCP/IP provides an Emacs extension, which makes "
- "it possible to run networking programs with it. To enable "
- "this feature some files need to be installed "
- "in to directories under \"GNUEmacs:\".\n"
- " If you select \"Yes\", files will be installed and you "
- "will be able to use TCP/IP applications written for "
- "GNU Emacs."))
- (install-emacstcp)
- (transcript "User denied adding AmiTCP/IP support for GNU Emacs."))
- (transcript "GNUEmacs not present on " source-dir "."))
- (transcript "No GNU Emacs detected in system.")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- install-napsaterm
- ;;
- ;; Install Napsaterm fonts
- ;;
- ;; Ask for directory to install fonts.
- (procedure
- ask-napsa-font-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Select directory where to install Napsaterm fonts.\n")
- (help " Here you can specify location where to install "
- "the Napsaterm font called `napsa'. "
- "This directory should be in your font path "
- "(i.e. some directory in the assign fonts:).")
- (newpath)
- (default "fonts:")))
- (if (exists (tackon source-dir "export/Fonts"))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon source-dir "export/Fonts"))
- (prompt "Copying font `napsa' to " napsa-font-dir ".")
- (dest (ask-napsa-font-dir))
- (optional "nofail")
- (fonts)
- (all))
- (transcript "export/Fonts not present on " source-dir ".")))
- (procedure
- ask-install-napsaterm
- ;; Optionally install Napsafonts
- (if (exists (tackon source-dir "export/Fonts"))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "Do you want to install Napsaterm fonts, napsa?\n"
- "\n (Napsaterm uses the special fonts in its window "
- "if they are installed. "
- "They are sized 6×11 pixels and contain some special VT102 "
- "characters. They are suitable for interlaced screens. "
- "If you have normal NTSC or PAL screen, it might be better "
- "to not install Napsa and use Topaz/8.)\n")
- (help
- " Napsaterm is a VT102 terminal emulator which uses the rlogin "
- "and telnet protocols. You can have a remote login to many hosts "
- "in Internet with Napsaterm.\n"
- " Napsaterm is based on the Niftyterm 1.2 written by "
- "Todd Williamson and Christopher J. Newman."))
- (install-napsaterm))
- (transcript "export/Fonts not present on " source-dir ".")))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ;;
- ;; Check if user exists in the user database
- ;;
- ;; takes the user name in ::user-name
- ;;
- does-user-exist
- (if (run (cat "search " (tackon conf-dir "passwd") " \"" ::user-name "|\" NONUM ")
- (safe))
- 0
- 1)
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ;;
- ;; Add a new user into AmiTCP:db/passwd
- ;;
- add-new-user
- (if (= anu::setdefaults 0)
- (set
- anu::passwd (tackon conf-dir "passwd")
- anu::passwd-new (cat anu::passwd ".new")
- anu::passwd-old (cat anu::passwd ".old")
- anu::tempfile "t:run-the-password"
- anu::helptext (cat " You must give an login name, user ID, group ID"
- "real name and home directory for each user.\n")
- anu::setdefaults 1
- anu::username (cat default-user-name)
- anu::UID 100
- anu::GID 100
- anu::realname ""
- anu::homedir "HOME:"
- anu::shell "shell"))
- (while
- ((set anu::username
- (askstring
- (default anu::username)
- (prompt "Enter the login name of the new user:\n")
- (help anu::helptext
- " The login name consists of lowercase letters a-z "
- "and numbers. Its recommended maximum length is 8 "
- "characters.\n"
- " Examples of acceptable login names are `ppessi' "
- "and `an345'.")))
- (set ::user-name anu::username)
- (if (does-user-exist)
- ((message "User " anu::username " already exists.")
- 1))))
- (set anu::UID
- (asknumber
- (default anu::UID)
- (prompt (cat "Enter the user ID of the user " anu::username ":\n"))
- (help anu::helptext
- " The user ID is a numeric unique identifier for each "
- "user. "
- "It is a number between 100 - 32767 for ordinary users.\n")))
- (set anu::GID
- (asknumber
- (default anu::GID)
- (prompt (cat "Enter the primary group ID of the user "
- anu::username ":\n"))
- (help anu::helptext
- " The group ID is a numeric identifier of groups. "
- "Each user has a primary group, which is usually 100, "
- "group \"users\".\n")))
- (set anu::realname
- (askstring
- (default anu::realname)
- (prompt (cat "Enter the real name of the user " anu::username ":\n"))
- (help anu::helptext
- " The real name can contain any characters except "
- "comma (`,'), colon (`:') or bar (`|').")))
- (set anu::homedir
- (askdir
- (default anu::homedir)
- (prompt (cat "Give the home directory of the user " anu::username ":\n"))
- (help anu::helptext
- " When user logs in, the current directory is changed to"
- "her home directory. Also, the finger information (.plan"
- "and .project) is retrieved from home directory.")
- (newpath)))
- (set anu::shell
- (askstring
- (default anu::shell)
- (prompt (cat "Enter the name of command interpreter for the user "
- anu::username ":\n"))
- (help anu::helptext
- " The command interpreter value can be either "
- "`shell' or `cli'.")))
- (set anu::passwd-entry
- (cat anu::username "||" anu::UID "|" anu::GID "|"
- anu::realname "|" anu::homedir "|" anu::shell "\n"))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt (cat "Are you sure you want to add following user:\n\n"
- "Login name: " anu::username "\n"
- "User ID: " anu::UID "\n"
- "Group ID: " anu::GID "\n"
- "Real name: " anu::realname "\n"
- "Home directory: " anu::homedir "\n"
- "Shell: " anu::shell "\n"))
- (choices (cat "Add " anu::username) (cat "Skip " anu::username))
- (help "You can still skip creating the new user."))
- ((textfile (dest anu::passwd-new)
- (include anu::passwd)
- (append anu::passwd-entry))
- (copyfiles (source anu::passwd)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (newname "passwd.old")
- (optional "askuser"))
- (copyfiles (source anu::passwd-new)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (newname "passwd")
- (optional "askuser"))
- (textfile (dest anu::tempfile)
- (append (cat
- "failat 5000\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "login") " " anu::username "\n"
- (tackon bin-dir "passwd") " " anu::username "\n"
- "endshell\n"))
- (safe))
- (run (cat "newshell from " anu::tempfile))
- (set anu::username ""
- anu::UID (+ anu::UID 1)
- anu::realname "")
- 1))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ;;
- ;; Add a new users into AmiTCP:db/passwd
- ;;
- add-new-users
- (while
- (askbool (prompt "\nDo you want to create a new user account?\n"
- "\nYou will be logged in with the new account "
- "immediately to set the password.")
- (choices "Proceed" "Cancel")
- (help " You are about to add a new users into user database. "
- "Remember that the user id of each user must be unique! "
- "You will be logged in with the new user account to "
- "set the password for the new user.\n"))
- (add-new-user))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ;;
- ;; Ask for the default user
- ;;
- ask-default-user
- (if (= adu::setdefaults 0)
- (set
- adu::setdefaults 1
- default-user-name ""))
- (while (= default-user-name "")
- (while
- ((set default-user-name
- (askstring
- (default default-user-name)
- (prompt "Enter the default user name\n")
- (help " The AmiTCP/IP can handle currently only one user "
- "at a time. The default user is selected with `login' "
- "command by system startup script. ")))
- (set ::user-name default-user-name)
- (if (NOT (does-user-exist))
- (NOT (add-new-user))))))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (procedure
- ;;
- ;; Install passwd and group databases
- ;;
- install-user-databases
- (transcript "Installing user databases")
- (procedure get-mufs-version
- (set mufs-vernum (getversion "multiuser.library" (resident)))
- (set mufs-ver (/ mufs-vernum 65536))
- (set mufs-rev (- mufs-vernum (* ver 65536))))
- (procedure passwd-create
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying " passwd-source " to AmiTCP:db/passwd.")
- (source passwd-source)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (newname "passwd")
- (optional "nofail")))
- (procedure group-create
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying " group-source " to AmiTCP:db/group.")
- (source group-source)
- (dest conf-dir)
- (newname "group")
- (optional "nofail")))
- ;
- ;
- ; (procedure
- ; ;;
- ; ;; Change root's password
- ; ;;
- ; change-root-password
- ; (set iud::script "t:change-root-file")
- ; (textfile (dest iud::script)
- ; (append
- ; "failat 5000\n"
- ; "echo Log in as super-user (root):\n"
- ; (tackon bin-dir "login") " root\n"
- ; "echo Change the password of root:\n"
- ; (tackon bin-dir "passwd") "\n"
- ; "endcli")
- ; (safe))
- ; (message "Logging in as `root' and changing the root's password.")
- ; (run (cat "newshell from " iud::script)
- ; (safe)))
- ; ;; If we are running multiuser 1.4, do some special
- ; (get-mufs-version)
- ; (if mufs-vernum
- ; (transcript ("Multiuser.library %ld.%ld found" mufs-ver mufs-rev)))
- ; (if (or (> mufs-ver 39)
- ; (and (= mufs-ver 39) (>= mufs-rev 151)))
- ; ((transcript "multiuser.library 1.4 or newer detected")
- ; (message
- ; "\n You seem to have MultiUser 1.4 installed. In order to ensure "
- ; "the most seamless operation between MultiUser 1.4 and "
- ; "the " @app-name " you should do following:\n")
- ; (message
- ; "\nEither make a link from \"AmiTCP:db/passwd\" to "
- ; "MultiUser 1.4 \"passwd\" file, for example with command\n\n"
- ; "makelink AmiTCP:db/passwd :multiuser/config/passwd\n\n"
- ; "or copy MultiUser 1.4 \"passwd\" file and \"MultiUser.config\" to "
- ; "directory \"AmiTCP:db/\", then recreate keyfiles with command\n\n"
- ; "makekeyfiles AmiTCP:db/ AmiTCP:db/ vol1: vol2: \n")))
- (set passwd-source
- ; (if (exists "Inet:db/passwd" (noreq)) ; check for AS225r2 compatible
- ; "Inet:db/passwd"
- (tackon source-dir "db/passwd-example"))
- ; )
- (set group-source (tackon source-dir "db/group-example"))
- (if (>= @user-level 2)
- (message
- "\n"
- "Copying user database from file"
- "\n\n\"" passwd-source "\"\n\n"
- "and group database from file"
- "\n\n\"" group-source "\"\n\n"))
- (passwd-create)
- (group-create)
- ; (change-root-password)
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;
- ;;; Installatation sequence
- ;;;
- (message "Please remember during this installation:\n\n"
- " Read the instructions provided behind the \"Help\" "
- "buttons, if you are not absolutely sure what you are doing.\n"
- " Please read the files \"README.FIRST\" and "
- "\"AmiTCP-demo-40.readme\". They contain "
- "valuable info you cannot afford to miss. (These files are "
- "shown automatically at the end of the first time installation.)"
- )
- (complete 00) (transcript "On making " app-name ".")
- (complete 01) (check-user-level)
- (complete 02) (check-system-version)
- (complete 03) (check-available-memory)
- (complete 04) (check-old-assign)
- (complete 05) (select-destination-directory)
- (if (exists (tackon conf-dir "resolv.conf"))
- ( ;; Already configured, ask user what s/he wants to do
- (transcript @app-name " already configured, presenting options")
- (while
- ((complete 10)
- (set choice
- (askchoice
- (prompt "The " app-name " seems to be already installed. "
- "Select one of following:")
- (help " Installer has detected that the file "
- "\"AmiTCP:db/resolv.conf\" exists already. Normally "
- "this means that the installation has been "
- "successfully completed.\n"
- " You can now select what part of the full "
- "installation you want to repeat. This selection will "
- "be repeatedly presented, until \"Done\" is choosed.")
- (choices "Update Sana-II drivers" ; 0
- "Install GNUEmacs support files" ; 1
- "Install NapsaTerm fonts" ; 2
- "Install user databases" ; 3
- "Add new users" ; 4
- "Reconfigure AmiTCP/IP" ; 5
- "Done") ; 6
- (default 6)))
- (<> choice 6))
- (select choice
- ;; (0)
- (update-devices)
- ;; (1)
- (install-emacstcp)
- ;; (2)
- (install-napsaterm)
- ;; (3)
- (install-user-databases)
- ;; (4)
- (add-new-users)
- ;; (5)
- ((transcript "Reconfiguring " @app-name ".")
- (complete 20) (ask-default-user)
- (complete 22) (ask-if-dynamic)
- (complete 25) (ask-hostname)
- (complete 35) (ask-interfaces)
- (complete 60) (ask-gateway)
- (complete 65) (ask-nameservers)
- (complete 70) (ask-domains)
- (complete 80) (update-user-startup)
- (complete 90) (create-startup-script)
- (complete 95) (create-config-file) ; This must be the last one!
- ))
- )
- )
- (
- (complete 08) (ask-accept-licence) ; ask if user accepts the licence
- (complete 10) (copy-files-to-destination) ; copy AmiTCP/IP files
- (complete 20) (ask-update-devices) ; update Sana-II drivers
- (complete 30) (ask-install-emacstcp) ; install EmacsTCP
- (complete 35) (ask-install-napsaterm) ; install NapsaTerm
- (if (if (if old-atcp-directory
- (exists (tackon old-atcp-directory "db/AmiTCP.config")
- (noreq)))
- ((complete 40)
- (ask-copy-old-configuration)))
- ((if (exists (tackon conf-dir "passwd"))
- (transcript "There is already a user database.")
- ((complete 70)
- (install-user-databases))) ; install passwd/group
- ; (complete 80) (ask-default-user)
- (complete 90) (update-user-startup)
- )
- (;; First time installation (or old version is < 4), do it all
- (if (exists (tackon conf-dir "passwd"))
- (transcript "There is already a user database.")
- ((complete 40)
- (install-user-databases))) ; install passwd/group
- ;; Configure AmiTCP/IP
- (complete 45) (ask-default-user)
- (complete 50) (ask-if-dynamic)
- (complete 52) (ask-hostname)
- (complete 60) (ask-interfaces)
- (complete 75) (ask-gateway)
- (complete 80) (ask-nameservers)
- (complete 85) (ask-domains)
- (complete 90) (update-user-startup)
- (complete 95) (create-startup-script)
- (complete 96) (create-config-file))) ; This must be the last one!
- ;; show something
- (run (cat "run " pager-cmd) (tackon atcp-assign "AmiTCP-demo-40.readme") (safe))
- (run (cat "run " pager-cmd) (tackon atcp-assign "README.FIRST") (safe))
- )
- )
- ;;; All done!
- (complete 100)
- (exit "You should reboot your Amiga to make sure that everything is set "
- "up properly for the " @app-name ". After the reboot, "
- (if started-at-boot
- (cat "the " @app-name " should be running. If this is not a case, "))
- "type \"startnet"
- (if is-if-dynamic " <current-IP-address>")
- "\" in a command shell to start the "
- @app-name ".")
- ; EOF