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- ;;;
- ;;; This Emacs lisp mode can be used with Napsaterm 3
- ;;; //ppessi
- ;;;
- ;;; mg-mouse.el
- ;;; Mic Kaczmarczik (mic@emx.cc.utexas.edu)
- ;;; 07-Sep-1987
- ;;;
- ;;; Modifications:
- ;;; 11-Sep-1987 MPK Remember last mouse click in order to set
- ;;; the mark if you click twice on same spot.
- ;;; Implement mg-mouse-set-mark-and-kill to be
- ;;; more intuitive (thanks, Mike)
- ;;;
- ;;; 20-Sep-1987 MPK Put gadgets in left hand side of mode line
- ;;; 19-Jun-1989 MWM Take gadgets out of mode line
- ;;;
- ;;; Makes Emacs respond to mouse click input, based on Mike Meyer's hack
- ;;; to VT100 2.6 and x-mouse.el. Things work like the hot mouse in mg
- ;;; (formerly known as MicroGNUEmacs) -- you get different results,
- ;;; depending on whether you click on the text in a window, a mode line,
- ;;; or the minibuffer down at the bottom of the screen. See the
- ;;; documentation string for mg-mouse-command for the default bindings.
- ;;;
- ;;; This code doesn't need the GNU X-windows code to work, which Mike's
- ;;; original amiga-mouse code did. Thanks to Mike for the inspiration
- ;;; and his documentation (which I have shamelessly quoted from in places).
- ;;;
- ;;; I'm looking for an easier way for users to rebind what happens when
- ;;; they click in a particular area. Right now you have to manually
- ;;; change an a-list, but there's *got* to be a better way. Oh well, at
- ;;; least it works :-)
- ;;;
- ;;; VT100 mouse hack format:
- ;;;
- ;;; <ESC> M (yes, a real capital M) quals column line
- ;;;
- ;;; column and line are bytes that just hold the column/line number,
- ;;; zero-based and offset by 32. quals is like so:
- ;;;
- ;;; bit 0 control key
- ;;; bit 1 shift key
- ;;; bit 2 meta (alt) key
- ;;; bit 3 caps lock
- ;;; bit 4 mouse down event
- ;;; bit 5 mouse up event
- ;;;
- ;;; Quals is offset by 64, so a shifted downward mouse click on row 1,
- ;;; column 1 results in the escape sequence
- ;;; <ESC> M R <SPC> <SPC>
- ;;;
- ;;;
- ;;; Qualifier bit definitions
- ;;;
- (defconst mg-mouse-vanilla 0)
- (defconst mg-mouse-ctrl 1)
- (defconst mg-mouse-shift 2)
- (defconst mg-mouse-ctrl-shift 3)
- (defconst mg-mouse-alt 4)
- (defconst mg-mouse-ctrl-alt 5)
- (defconst mg-mouse-shift-alt 6)
- (defconst mg-mouse-ctrl-shift-alt 7)
- (defconst mg-mouse-qual-mask 15)
- (defconst mg-mouse-capslock 8)
- (defconst mg-mouse-select-down 16)
- (defconst mg-mouse-select-up 32)
- ;;;
- ;;; Actions to take when the mouse is clicked. When you click in
- ;;; the window, mg-mouse-command moves point to where you clicked,
- ;;; then calls the action routine as an interactive command. You can
- ;;; rebind these functions by prepending items to the a-list. (Is
- ;;; there a better way to do this?)
- ;;;
- (defvar mg-mouse-previous-click nil
- "(x, y) position of next-to-last mouse click")
- (defvar mg-mouse-click nil
- "(x, y) position of last mouse click")
- (defvar mg-mouse-last-point nil
- "Position of point just before mg-mouse-set-point moved it.")
- ;;;
- ;;; Things to do...
- ;;;
- (defvar mg-mouse-window-actions nil
- "A-list of functions to call when the mouse is clicked in an Emacs window.")
- (setq mg-mouse-window-actions
- (list
- (cons mg-mouse-vanilla 'mg-mouse-maybe-set-mark)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift 'top-and-redisplay)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl 'delete-char)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift 'delete-horizontal-space)
- (cons mg-mouse-alt 'kill-word)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift-alt 'kill-line)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-alt 'mg-mouse-set-mark-and-kill)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift-alt 'yank)))
- ;;;
- ;;; Things to do when you click on the mode line of a window. The
- ;;; window is selected, then the function is called interactively.
- ;;;
- (defvar mg-mouse-mode-actions nil
- "A-list of functions to call when the mouse is clicked in a mode line.")
- (setq mg-mouse-mode-actions
- (list
- (cons mg-mouse-vanilla 'mg-mouse-vanilla-mode-line)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift 'mg-mouse-shift-mode-line)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl 'beginning-of-buffer)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift 'end-of-buffer)
- (cons mg-mouse-alt 'split-window)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift-alt 'delete-window)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-alt 'enlarge-window)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift-alt 'shrink-window)))
- ;;;
- ;;; Things to do when you click in the echo line.
- ;;;
- (defvar mg-mouse-echo-actions nil
- "A-list of functions to call when the mouse is clicked in the minibuffer")
- (setq mg-mouse-echo-actions
- (list
- (cons mg-mouse-vanilla 'save-buffer)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift 'kill-buffer)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl 'suspend-emacs)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
- (cons mg-mouse-alt 'describe-key)
- (cons mg-mouse-shift-alt 'describe-bindings)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-alt 'list-buffers)
- (cons mg-mouse-ctrl-shift-alt 'buffer-menu)))
- ;;;
- ;;; Handle the user's mouse click. We only pay attention to when
- ;;; the mouse button is pressed, not when it is released.
- ;;;
- (defun mg-mouse-command ()
- "Interpret Amiga mouse clicks from the VT100 program. The bindings are:
- Qualifiers | Area clicked
- |
- C A Shift | Text window Mode line Echo line
- -------------+---------------------------------------------------------
- | dot to mouse forward page switch to buffer
- X | recenter back page kill buffer
- X | delete word split window describe key
- X X | kill line delete window describe bindings
- X | delete char goto bob suspend emacs
- X X | delete whitespace goto eob save buffers kill emacs
- X X | kill region enlarge window list buffers
- X X X | yank shrink window buffer menu
- Notice that the Status and Echo groups come in pairs; the shifted
- version of a key is in some sense the opposite of the unshifted version.
- There is no opposite for display buffers, so that key is bound to
- buffer-menu (it's bound to an Amiga-specific function in Amiga mg).
- "
- (interactive)
- (let* ((qual (- (read-char) 64)) ;; read the qualifier,
- (x (- (read-char) 32)) ;; x & y sequentially
- (y (- (read-char ) 32))
- (click nil)
- (actions nil)
- (action-routine nil))
- (if (not (zerop (logand qual mg-mouse-select-down)))
- (progn
- (setq click (mg-mouse-select-and-examine (list x y)))
- (setq qual (logand qual mg-mouse-qual-mask))
- ;; get a-list of action routines based on where the click was
- (if (not click)
- (setq actions mg-mouse-echo-actions) ;; no window
- (if (eq (car click) 'mode-line)
- (setq actions mg-mouse-mode-actions) ;; mode line
- (progn
- (mg-mouse-set-point (cdr click)) ;; in text area
- (setq actions mg-mouse-window-actions))))
- (setq mg-mouse-previous-click mg-mouse-click)
- (setq mg-mouse-click (cdr click))
- ;; function to call? do it.
- (if (setq action-routine (cdr (assoc qual actions)))
- (call-interactively action-routine))))))
- (defun mg-mouse-set-point (arg)
- "Select Emacs window mouse is on, and move point to mouse position."
- (let* ((rel-x (car arg))
- (rel-y (car (cdr arg))))
- (setq mg-mouse-last-point (point))
- (move-to-window-line rel-y)
- (move-to-column (+ rel-x (current-column)))))
- (defun mg-mouse-select-and-examine (arg)
- "Select Emacs window the mouse is on, returning a triplet signifying
- information about where exactly the click took place."
- (let ((start-w (selected-window))
- (done nil)
- (where nil)
- (w (selected-window))
- (mouse-click-data nil))
- (while (and (not done)
- (null (setq mouse-click-data
- (mg-coordinates-in-window-p arg w))))
- (setq w (next-window w))
- (if (eq w start-w)
- (setq done t)))
- (select-window w)
- mouse-click-data))
- (defun mg-coordinates-in-window-p (pos w)
- "Checks coordinate pair POS to see if it falls within window W.
- If the pair is inside the window, returns a list in the format
- (WHERE REL-X REL-Y), where WHERE is either 'mode-line or
- 'inside-window, and REL-X and REL-Y denote the click's coordinates
- relative to the window's origin."
- (let* ((edges (window-edges w))
- (wl (nth 0 edges)) (wt (nth 1 edges))
- (wr (nth 2 edges)) (wb (nth 3 edges))
- (x (nth 0 pos)) (y (nth 1 pos)))
- (if (and (and (>= x wl) (< x wr))
- (and (>= y wt) (< y wb)))
- (list (if (= y (1- wb))
- 'mode-line 'inside)
- (- x wl) (- y wt))
- nil)))
- ;;;
- ;;; Command functions for special things. These are commands so we can
- ;;; use call-interactively uniformly.
- ;;;
- (defun mg-mouse-vanilla-mode-line nil
- "Do a vanilla mode line click: scroll up one page"
- (interactive)
- (scroll-up))
- (defun mg-mouse-shift-mode-line nil
- "Do a shifted mode line click: scroll down one page"
- (interactive)
- (scroll-down))
- (defun mg-mouse-maybe-set-mark nil
- "Set point if the current and previous clicks in a window were in the
- same spot. This is somewhat naive but usually sufficient :-)."
- (interactive)
- (if (equal mg-mouse-previous-click mg-mouse-click)
- (call-interactively 'set-mark-command)))
- (defun mg-mouse-set-mark-and-kill nil
- "Set mark at old point, set point at where you clicked, then kill the region"
- (interactive)
- (set-mark mg-mouse-last-point)
- (kill-region mg-mouse-last-point (point)))
- ;;;
- ;;; Set up to react to the mouse "key"
- ;;;
- (global-set-key "\eM" 'mg-mouse-command)
- (provide 'mg-mouse)