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- Short: TCP/IP protocol stack
- Type: comm/net
- Uploader: AmiTCP-Group@nsdi.fi
- Author: AmiTCP-Group@ndsi.fi (Network Solutions Development Inc.)
- Version: Release 4.0 demo version
- AmiTCP/IP is the most videly used TCP/IP protocol stack for the
- Amiga. AmiTCP/IP utilizes the standard Sana-II network device
- drivers and provides an application level socket interface to the
- Internet protocol suite as an Amiga shared library.
- AmiTCP/IP is propiertary, copyrighted product of the NSDi - Network
- Solutions Development Inc, Finland. See the file 'LICENCE' included
- in the archive for the licence conditions.
- This is the demonstration version of the AmiTCP/IP 4.0.
- * About the Commercial AmiTCP/IP Version
- The commercial version of AmiTCP/IP 4.0 includes:
- - Enchanced version of AmiTCP:
- - Frendlier logging system with global filter etc.
- - Cache for name server replies
- - Sana-II 2.0 support
- - Full BOOTP support
- - Access control for server programs
- - Optimized version for '20 and up
- - Automatic BOOTP configuration utility
- - Printed & online User Manual
- - Technical support via email, fax and normal mail
- All the new features in the future will be added to the commercial
- version only.
- The commercial version can be ordered from:
- NSDi / Orders
- P.O.Box 32
- FIN-02151 ESPOO
- email: <orders@nsdi.fi>
- fax: +358-0-452-1998
- VISA and Master Card are accepted. More complete order information
- is included in the demo version archive (in the file "HowToOrder".
- * Distributions
- AmiTCP/IP 4.0 is distributed in 2 archives:
- AmiTCP-demo-40.lha AmiTCP/IP demo version package
- AmiTCP-sdk-40.lha Include files, link libraries and examples
- The source distribution with sources to some of the utilities and
- applications will be relesed shortly, too.
- If you just want to use AmiTCP/IP you need just 'demo'. If you want
- to write your own applications you need 'sdk', too. Number in the
- name corresponds to distribution version.
- Unpack archive(s), then read LICENCE, README.FIRST and HowToInstall.
- * Bug reports
- Send any bug reports to <AmiTCP-Bug@nsdi.fi>.
- * New Features, enchancements and bug fixes on each release:
- NOTE: 3.0 beta releases are not mentioned in this list for clarity
- and to avoid unnecessary confusion.
- New Features on the commercial 4.0 (not in the demo version):
- * AmiTCP:
- - Added an optimized IP header checksum routine.
- - Added full support for the BOOTP.
- - Added Sana-II packet filtering function and interface configuration
- flag "FILTER". This is needed only if you have several protocol
- stacks using the same Sana-II device and unit. Envoy, for example
- uses IP, too, so the FILTERing should be enabled on interfaces
- shared with Envoy.
- - Added "INACTIVE" to the log window parameters.
- - Added simple (but efficient) access control to the protocol
- stack. Now it is possible to deny TCP connections to
- given/any ports from given/any machine.
- - Added caching of the host info got from the name servers
- - Added configuration variable LOG FILTER (defaults to 7, all
- messages shown).
- New Utilities on 4.0 demo:
- * ch_nfsc:
- - Carsten Heyl's (SUN NFS compatible) NFS client added to the
- distribution. (Newest version for the AmiTCP/IP 4.0).
- * ftpd:
- - net/2 ftp server ported by Magnus Lilja.
- * telnet:
- - Totally new version.
- * APIPE:
- - Added to the distribution.
- * traceroute:
- - Trace routes used to send packets to some host.
- * hostname:
- - Return the AmiTCP's view of the current host name.
- * id, login, passwd, umask and whoami:
- - New usergroup.library oriented utilities
- * resolve:
- - Return host, network, protocol or service name from the IP
- address, network number, protocol number or service number,
- correspondingly.
- * rsh:
- - Execute commands on remote hosts, note that the server
- program is not included.
- * portmap:
- - RPC program,version to port mapper, needed to be run before
- any RPC based servers.
- * rpcinfo:
- - Utility to show RPC bindings on a portmap on some host.
- Removed utilities on 4.0 demo:
- * ftp:
- - was outdated, use ncftp instead (Hint: alias ftp ncftp -u [])
- * qwriter:
- - not needed
- * agnet:
- - not needed
- New Features on 4.0 demo:
- * distribution:
- - All files which are installed to non-AmiTCP directories are
- now placed in AmiTCP:export. After the installation is done
- you can delete all these files.
- - ExtUtil directory contains some usefull stuff for the remote
- Unix side.
- * AmiTCP:
- - AmiTCP now detaches itself, so it should not be started with "run"
- any more!
- - Added the link level address handling, changed if_type to use
- hardware types.
- - Added new sana-II errors to the error lists.
- - Added "ADDRESS" option to interface properties in db/interfaces
- with which the default Sana-II hardware address can possibly be
- overriden. This is useful if the default hardware address
- cannot be used (for example, if AmiTCP/IP is used over
- Ethernet concurrently with DECnet protocol (Enlan DFS)).
- - Configured domain names are now used on internal host
- searches, too.
- - Added error messages to startup failures.
- - Early error messages are now printed to the console.
- - db/resolv.conf is now read for DOMAIN and NAMESERVER entries.
- - db/netdb is not read any more, the individual files (hosts,
- protocols, networks, sercives, resolv.conf and inet.access)
- are read explicitly
- - WITH keyword is removed from netdb parsing
- - Removed ARexx variables TASKNAME and NTHBASE (they were
- obsolete).
- - Added new API function GetSocketEvents().
- - Added new SocketBaseTagList() tag SBTC_SIGEVENTMASK.
- - Added new socket option SO_EVENTMASK
- - Socket owner is now set by default, _except_ after
- ObtainSocket().
- - FIOSETOWN ioctl now demands the caller to set itself as the
- owner.
- - db/interfaces interface names can now contain numbers and
- must be unique, no separate unit number is used. Sana-II
- devices unit number MUST be present.
- - Added new callback functionality to coordinate fd tables
- with the link library. (SocketBaseTags() tag
- - Made name server resolving multithreaded. Now each
- application has it's own set of resolver state variables.
- Before any name resolvation would block if another
- resolvation was in progress.
- - Added h_errno setting via a pointer (SocketBaseTags() tag
- - Changed the AmiTCP ARexx port (AMITCP) to show only after the API
- is up and running (no need to "wait" on the bin/startnet).
- - Added functions sendmsg() and recvmsg() for scatter/gather I/O.
- - First parameter to Dup2Socket() can now be -1 to mark the fd
- (the second parameter) as not to be used by AmiTCP.
- - Added function SocketBaseTagList(). Tag definitions for it are
- on netinclude:amitcp/socketbasetags.h
- - Added function gethostid(), which returns the primary IP
- address of the host as the unique host id.
- - Implemented gethostname() API function and HOSTNAME ARexx variable
- (QUERY/SET). The host name is queried from the netdb and/or name
- server, if it is not explicitly given in db/AmiTCP.config _or_ set
- with the ARexx SET command.
- - Added support for the BSD %m feature to the syslog() (%m is
- replaced by the error description of current errno value), Also
- changed the formatting code to not use the Exec's RawDoFmt()
- allowing 32 bit values to be printed without the 'l' size
- modifier.
- - Only the sizes 1, 2 and 4 are now allowed for the errno
- variable.
- - SetErrnoPtr() has now return value. 0 on success and -1
- otherwise. The _old_ errno indicates the error causing the
- failure.
- - "new" interface naming style (eg. slip.device/0 -> slip0)
- * db/inet.access:
- - New configuration file for Internet access control. Includes
- documentation. (Functional only on commercial version.)
- * db/interfaces:
- - New configuration file to allow easy extension to new sana2
- devices. Maps interface names to sana2 parameters.
- * libs/usergroup.library:
- - New library managing the user/group information.
- - default user is now "nobody".
- * devs/netinfo.device
- - New device, which handles the actual user/group database
- files.
- - Uses DOS notifications, the changes in passwd and group
- files are immediately visible with passwd and group maps.
- * Install_AmiTCP:
- - Various fixes and enchancements including:
- - Interfaces are handled in new style,
- - SLIP and CSLIP configuration files are now created,
- - some support for dynamic IP addressing
- - AmiTCP:log directory is created,
- - db/resolv.conf is now created,
- - added info about private IP address ranges (RFC1597),
- - "login" and "umask" are now done at startnet, not s:user-startup
- - many other clarifications and suggestions.
- * rh(c)slip.device:
- - Added configureable MTU and EOFMODE.
- * tcp_AmiTCP:
- - Added sending of custom packet to ABORT pending read packet
- when network closes the connection. This packet is FIFO
- spesific and won't do anything when using another handler.
- Anyway, it works with emacs which uses FIFO to communicate
- with spawned processes.
- * napsaterm:
- - Upgraded to version 3.8, merged enchanchements made by R. Knop
- (tektronix emulation).
- - Telnet protocol support (-d telnet).
- - Added "About" requester.
- - Uses the usergroup.library for user information.
- * netfs:
- - Updated version.
- * tcp_AmiTCP:
- - Updated version.
- * inet-handler:
- - Updated version.
- * netstat:
- - Added resolving the IP addresses (by Pavel Troller
- <patrol@k332.feld.cvut.cz>). The resolving is done with
- AmiTCP command 'resolve' via APIPE:, and can be bypassed
- with command line switch '-n'.
- - Added caching the resolved addresses (jraja).
- - Added more symbolic output (socket names, routes, &c).
- * online, offline:
- - 'new style' interface names are now recognized.
- - more informative error messages
- * ncftp:
- - Updated to the ncftp 1.8.3. Main new feature is "passive mode",
- which can be toggled with "passive" command. Passive mode allows
- usage through a firewall which does not let incoming connection
- requests to come through.
- - Default stack is now 8192 bytes, since 4096 was not enough.
- - CTRL-C handling is now better, transfers can be interrupted
- without side effects now.
- - Uses usergroup.library to find the user name _and_ home
- directory.
- * a2065.device:
- - Updated to a new version.
- * inetd:
- - Added DOS notifications on the inetd.conf. Now inetd will
- read the inetd.conf again when DOS notifies that it has
- changed.
- - Added support for naïve servers using DOS IO. Fixed some bugs.
- - Added task priority and stack size parameters per
- server. See the provided db/inetd.conf for examples.
- - Added command line option SERVPRI/K/N, which can be used to set
- the process priority on which the launced servers are run. The
- default is -1.
- * finger:
- - Changed to use stdio on the socket for improved speed (data
- is now read in chunks instead of a byte at a time).
- * ping:
- - New loose routing option (-L).
- Fixes Bugs on 4.0 demo:
- * AmiTCP:
- - Fixed bug with configuration string setting. Too small buffer
- restricted the configuration string sizes to less than 24 bytes.
- - Fixed bug causing second instance of AmiTCP to hang before
- it could exit (only one copy can be run at a time).
- - Fixed concurrency control problem which very randomly caused
- severe problems.
- - A bug causing enforcer hits with buggy SANA-II drivers is fixed.
- - Fixed syslog message level handling. It was broken if the facility
- code was present.
- the Sana-II standard.
- - Changed gethostbyname() not to treate the name as dot notation IP
- address based on the first digit only. Full check for the dot
- notation is now made.
- - Fixed ARP hardware type field to be always set to Ethernet, as
- specified in the standard. This means that ARP on other than
- ethernet is not compatible between this release and the earlier
- ones.
- - Host aliases are now searched case insensitively, too
- - gethostbyaddr() now checks all the addresses given to a
- specific host.
- - ARexx result is now always given.
- - Packets exceeding MTU are now truncated, not dropped.
- - Fixed bug in getservbyname() which now checks the protocol
- string.
- - Fixed the bug in log file/console name change notify
- function (NETTRACE's DosBase is no more used before
- initialization).
- - Fixed the route dumping bug.
- - Logging information is now appended to the end of the old
- log file.
- * online, offline:
- - now set the DOS error code correctly
- * serv/in.fingerd:
- - The finger -s is now called if no user names are provided.
- * db/passwd-example:
- - Root password is now empty by default. Install_AmiTCP
- requires the user to set the root password on installation.
- * napsaterm:
- - Error messages are now printed correctly.
- * askhost, showmount:
- - Updated to allow host names starting with a digit.
- * netinfo.device:
- - Added 4 bytes to CreateIORequest() request size due Mungwall
- pickiness.
- * ls (sort.c):
- - Fixed a sorting bug which caused a crash in some cases.
- * inetd:
- - Fixed bugs in server argument parsing. Before any more than
- one argument would not have worked. (Thanks to Magnus Lilja
- for pointing this out).
- * rsh:
- - Fixed bug which caused sending to stop if input was redirected
- from a (not small) file.
- * ping:
- - record routing (-R) now works.
- New Features on 2.3:
- * AmiTCP:
- - New ARexx command "KILL" and a new script, bin/stopnet,
- which sends this command to AmiTCP, causing it to try to
- stop all networking applications, and if successfull,
- itself, too.
- * NcFTP:
- - Faster I/O on binary transfers.
- Fixed Bugs on 2.3:
- * AmiTCP:
- - Removed the incorrect use of M_EOR, which caused fragmented
- packets to be truncated.
- New Features in 2.2:
- * AmiTCP:
- - The interactive sessions have now a higher priority when
- using rh(c)slip.device
- * netstat:
- - Routing table can be dumped
- Fixed Bugs in 2.2:
- * arp:
- - Arp table dumping is now working
- New Features in 2.1:
- * AmiTCP:
- - A timestamp is added to the log messages
- - Faster checksum calculation implemented in assembler
- * Inet-handler:
- - With Inet-Handler you can use AmigaDOS IO to access TCP protocol
- * finger:
- - New application, prints information about local and remote users
- * fingerd:
- - Calls now finger when asked for local users. (This feature requires
- Apipe-handler by Per Bojsen, Apipe-handler can be found e.g. on Fish
- disk 783)
- * ls:
- - New application, an imitation of Unix directory lister. Supports
- multiuser filesystems. Included as an example of user and group
- database usage
- * Napsaterm:
- - Default window title is now the name of the remote host
- - A public screen can be used with -S switch (thanks Timo Rossi!)
- * SynClock:
- - A simple script which synchronize clock in Amiga with
- specified host in network