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- Short: Plays WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output
- Uploader: wenzel@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
- Author: wenzel@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
- Type: mus/play
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Play16 version 1.6 (04.02.96) - a versatile soundplayer for the Amiga --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Features in brief
- -----------------
- - autodetects and plays several soundfiles, up to 16 bit / 56 kHz / stereo
- - full Workbench support (but not Intuition and no GUI)
- - always correct playback speed, even for sounds >28 kHz
- - realtime playback from harddisk, optimized assembler routines
- - optional 14 bit output (less noise but not as good as true 16 bit)
- - automatic or manual audio filter control
- - plays mono sounds on *both* channels, not only on the left one
- - plays (and loops) files that are larger than memory
- - preloading for exactly timed start of playback
- - fast uLaw decompression
- - system friendly audio channel allocation
- - optionally dump the output into a file (can be used to convert sounds)
- - supported Filetypes are:
- * Microsoft RIFF-WAVE (.WAV) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw/ADPCM
- * Creative Voice File (.VOC) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Sun/NeXT Audio (.AU) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * MacroSystem Audio (.MAUD) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF (.AIFF) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Amiga IFF-8SVX (.IFF) mono/stereo, 8 bit, linear/FibDelta
- * Any raw sound data as long as it matches one of the following:
- - 8 bit signed
- - 8 bit unsigned
- - 16 bit signed, Intel format (LSB first)
- - 16 bit signed, Motorola format (MSB first)
- - supported output devices are:
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 8 bit
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit
- * Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit calibrated (Christian Buchner)
- * MacroSystem Maestro Pro 16 bit 44.1kHz and 48kHz only
- * IFF-8SVX file dump 8 bit
- What's new since V1.5?
- V1.6 - Improved the V34 performance. (whoops, wrong file! :-)))
- - A one-plane-screen will now be used for CLI mode as well.
- - Task priority is now reset to 0 at exit.
- - Files with additional data after the sound chunk are now being
- played correctly.
- - CTRL-D now skips the current sound and starts playing
- the next one.
- - ASL library will only be opened if a filerequester is really
- needed. Thanks to all who suggested to do this.
- - New option: Volume (only for Paula8 mode)
- - New option: Multiple (only if filerequester pops up)
- - No more chunks of odd length in 8SVX dump
- - MS-ADPCM decompression for WAV files (still experimental)
- - RAW option works now as a Tooltype entry as well
- --------------------------------- In German -------------------------------
- Kurzübersicht
- -------------
- - erkennt und spielt automatisch verschiedene Soundformate, bis zu
- 16 Bit, 56 kHz, stereo
- - volle Workbench-Unterstützung, jedoch kein GUI
- - immer korrekte Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit, sogar bei Sounds >28 kHz
- - Echtzeitwiedergabe von Festplatte, optimierte Assembler-Routinen
- - 14 Bit Ausgabe möglich (weniger Rauschen, aber schlechter als 16 Bit)
- - automatische oder manuelle Filter-Kontrolle
- - spielt Mono-Sounds auf BEIDEN Kanälen, nicht nur auf dem linken
- - spielt (und wiederholt) Files, die größer als der Speicher sind
- - Vorlade-Funktion für Tastengenaues Playback-Starten
- - schnelle uLaw Entpackfunktion
- - Systemfreundliche Tonkanal-Belegung
- - Ausgabe in ein File ist möglich (Sound-Konvertierung)
- - unterstützte Filetypen bislang:
- * Microsoft RIFF-WAVE (.WAV) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw/ADPCM
- * Creative Voice File (.VOC) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Sun/NeXT Audio (.AU) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * MacroSystem Audio (.MAUD) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear/uLaw
- * Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF (.AIFF) mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, linear
- * Amiga IFF-8SVX (.IFF) mono/stereo, 8 bit, linear/FibDelta
- * Raw-Sound-Daten mit mindestens einer folgender Voraussetzungen:
- - 8 bit Vorzeichenbehaftet
- - 8 bit nicht Vorzeichenbehaftet
- - 16 bit signed, Intel Format (LSB zuerst)
- - 16 bit signed, Motorola Format (MSB zuerst)
- - derzeitig unterstützte Ausgabegeräte:
- * Amiga (Paula) 8 bit
- * Amiga (Paula) 14 bit
- * Amiga (Paula) 14 bit kalibriert (Christian Buchner)
- * MacroSystem Maestro Pro 16 bit 44.1kHz und 48kHz
- * IFF-8SVX File Ausgabe 8 bit