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- ******************************
- * SoftProtect v1.0 *
- * Written by Grzegorz Królik *
- ******************************
- incdir "Include:"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "exec/execbase.i"
- include "libraries/dosextens.i"
- include "libraries/arpbase.i"
- call macro
- jsr _LVO\1(a6)
- endm
- section "SoftProtect v1.0",code
- link a5,#-32 ;reserve our workspace
- movem.l d0/a0,-8(a5) ;save the argument pointer
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;get ExecBase
- move.l ThisTask(a6),a2 ;get our task structure
- tst.l pr_CLI(a2) ;are we CLI or Workbench?
- bne.s FromCLI ;we are CLI, so continue
- lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0 ;we are Workbench,
- call WaitPort ;so handle messages...
- lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0 ; (otherwise visit from guru...)
- call GetMsg ;GetMsg function called
- move.l d0,d2
- call ReplyMsg ;ReplyMsg function called
- bra.w Error ;quit
- FromCLI:
- lea DOSName(pc),a1 ;this opens the dos.library
- moveq #36,d0
- call OpenLibrary ;OpenLibrary function called
- tst.l d0 ;which OS are we under?
- beq.s OldOS ;it's 1.2 or 1.3
- clr.l -12(a5) ;clear the ARPBase pointer
- move.l d0,-16(a5) ;save the DOSBase pointer
- move.l #MyInfo,d1 ;address of the information string
- move.l -16(a5),a6
- call VPrintf ;VPrintf function called
- tst.l d0 ;Did an error occured?
- bmi.s CloseDOS ;yes, close the library
- move.l #Template,d1 ;input template address
- clr.l -24(a5)
- clr.l -20(a5)
- lea -24(a5),a0
- move.l a0,d2 ;our space
- moveq #0,d3
- call ReadArgs ;ReadArgs function called
- tst.l d0
- bne.s Ok ;arguments ok
- call IoErr ;IoErr function called - error determined
- move.l d0,d1 ;error code
- move.l d3,d2
- call PrintFault ;PrintFault function called
- bra.s CloseDOS ;we can't do anything more
- Exit:
- move.l -28(a5),d1 ;argument address
- call FreeArgs ;FreeArgs function called
- CloseDOS:
- move.l a6,a1 ;DOSBase as an argument to CloseLibrary()
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;ExecBase reactivated
- call CloseLibrary ;CloseLibrary function called
- bra.s Error
- Ok:
- move.l d0,-28(a5) ;remember this to free args later
- cmpi.l #-1,-24(a5) ;get current value
- beq.w Protect
- cmpi.l #-1,-20(a5)
- beq.w UnProtect
- tst.l -12(a5) ;is the arp.library opened
- beq.s Exit ;no, it isn't
- bra.s CloseARP
- OldOS:
- lea ARPName(pc),a1 ;this open the arp.library
- moveq #ArpVersion,d0 ;version of the arp.library
- call OpenLibrary ;OpenLibrary function called
- tst.l d0 ;opened?
- beq.s NoARP ;no, inform your user about it
- move.l d0,-12(a5) ;save the ARPBase pointer
- lea MyInfo(pc),a0 ;to be pc-relative
- move.l d0,a6
- move.l DosBase(a6),-16(a5) ;get the DOSBase pointer
- call Printf ;Printf function called
- tst.l d0 ;Did an error occured?
- bmi.s CloseARP ;yes, close the library
- movem.l -8(a5),d0/a0 ;get the argument pointer
- sub.l a1,a1 ;no extra help
- clr.l -24(a5)
- clr.l -20(a5)
- lea -24(a5),a2 ;our space
- lea Template(pc),a3 ;to be pc-relative
- call GADS ;GADS function called
- tst.l d0
- bge.s Ok ;arguments ok
- move.l -24(a5),a1 ;error description
- call Puts ;Puts function called
- CloseARP:
- move.l a6,a1 ;ARPBase as an argument to CloseLibrary()
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;ExecBase reactivated
- call CloseLibrary ;CloseLibrary function called
- Error:
- unlk a5 ;free reserved workspace
- moveq #0,d0 ;error = 0
- rts ;return
- NoARP:
- lea DOSName(pc),a1
- call OldOpenLibrary ;OldOpenLibrary function called
- tst.l d0
- beq.s Error ;error in open
- move.l d0,a6 ;get the DOSBase
- call Output ;Output function called
- tst.l d0 ;found?
- beq.w CloseDOS ;not found
- move.l d0,d1 ;get the output handle
- move.l #ArpText,d2 ;text address
- move.l #26,d3 ;text length
- call Write ;Write function called
- bra.w CloseDOS ;exit
- Protect:
- btst #3,$bfe201 ;is the disk in df0: write protected?
- bne.s PrintON ;yes, it is
- ori.b #12,$bfe201 ;bset #2,$bfe201, bset #3,$bfe201
- andi.b #243,$bfe001 ;bclr #2,$bfe001, bclr #3,$bfe001
- moveq #25,d1 ;time = 1/2 sec
- move.l -16(a5),a6 ;get the DOSBase
- call Delay ;Delay function called
- ori.b #4,$bfe001 ;bset #2,$bfe001
- moveq #25,d1
- call Delay ;Delay function called
- andi.b #251,$bfe201 ;bclr #2,$bfe201
- PrintON:
- move.l #StatInfo,d1 ;address of the text
- move.l #ON,-32(a5) ;save the arguments value
- bra.s Print ;print the status info
- UnProtect:
- btst #3,$bfe201 ;is the disk in df0: write protected?
- beq.s PrintOFF ;no, it isn't
- ori.b #12,$bfe201 ;bset #2,$bfe201, bset #3,$bfe201
- andi.b #243,$bfe001 ;bclr #2,$bfe001, bclr #3,$bfe001
- moveq #25,d1 ;time = 1/2 sec
- move.l -16(a5),a6 ;get the DOSBase
- call Delay ;Delay function called
- ori.b #4,$bfe001 ;bset #2,$bfe001
- moveq #25,d1
- call Delay ;Delay function called
- andi.b #243,$bfe201 ;bclr #2,$bfe201, bclr #3,$bfe201
- PrintOFF:
- move.l #StatInfo,d1 ;address of the text
- move.l #OFF,-32(a5) ;save the arguments value
- Print:
- tst.l -12(a5) ;are we under OS 1.2 or 1.3?
- bne.s FromARP ;yes, so use the ARP function
- lea -32(a5),a0 ;get the arguments value
- move.l a0,d2
- call VPrintf ;VPrintf function called
- bra.w Exit ;exit
- FromARP:
- move.l d1,a0 ;get address of the text
- lea -32(a5),a1 ;get the arguments value
- move.l -12(a5),a6 ;ARPBase reactivated
- call Printf ;Printf function called
- bra.w CloseARP ;exit
- VerStr: dc.b 0,"$VER: SoftProtect 1.0 (20.07.95)",0
- ARPName: ArpName
- ArpText: dc.b "you need arp.library V34+",10,0
- MyInfo: dc.b 10,155,"1;33mSoftProtect",155,"0m"," PUBLIC DOMAIN "
- dc.b "© 1995 by Grzegorz Królik",10,10,0
- StatInfo: dc.b "Write Protection is %s",10,0
- ON: dc.b "ON",0
- OFF: dc.b "OFF",0
- Template: dc.b "P=PROTECT/S,U=UNPROTECT/S",0
- end