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- __________________________________________________________________________
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- Update Welcome to MagicWB v1.2p 09-Dec-1993
- _____________________________
- _________________________________________________________________________
- This is version 1.2p of MagicWB. To get precise information about all the
- changes from version 1.0 to version 1.2p please consult the CHANGES file in
- this directory.
- For your convenience you do not need to install the whole package for new
- if you already have installed MagicWB 1.0 to your HardDisk. You will just
- have to use the UPDATE MAGICWB Installer in this directory. This Installer
- will do the following things:
- It will...
- - install the new INTELLIFONT Icon,
- - update the HDBACKUP Icon,
- - update the Format Icon,
- - install the new HDTOOLBOX Icon,
- - install the new MEmacs Icon,
- - update the Monitor-Icons in Devs:,
- - update the Commodity-Icons,
- - change the Tooltype of the DOSDrivers PC0, PC1 etc. to ACTIVATE=1,
- - update the Default-Icons in ENVARC:Sys,
- - update the Pattern 'Marble_CLASSIC' and install 'MarbleDark',
- - update the fonts and install the new XCourier-Font to FONTS:,
- - update the Harddisk-Icon on your SYS: partition,
- - and finally update the DRAWER Icons of MagicWB 1.0 with the much
- improved DRAWER Icon of MagicWB 1.2p. The update will be made in your
- SYS: directory with all sub-directories included (=recursively).
- Have much fun with MagicWB!
- And don't forget to register yourself to support the future development of
- MagicWB
- to support the good feeling of your conscience! :)
- When registering you will receive the MagicWB 1.5 disk (the full version).
- Best regards,
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