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- MagicWB 1.0
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- Initial release (27-Jun-93)
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- MagicWB 1.2p (reduced public version)
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- Update Drawers: Script didn't check correctly if the SYS:Prefs.info was
- overwritten when updating the drawers in the SYS: directory. The check
- routine was already integrated but the checking value was incorrect.
- Changed value from 2658 to 2657.
- Update Drawers: Script got in conflict with drawer names that included
- SPACES in their names. If so, it did NOT update the drawers and all
- drawers below this drawer (if in recursive mode). Fixed.
- The Installer now also updates Drawers with spaces included in their names.
- Several users complained about the behaviour that when a PC0/PC1 DOSDriver
- was activated (i.e. placed in DEVS:DOSDrivers) and an MSDOS-Disk was
- inserted, the MSDOS-Disk-Icon didn't show up. Well, this was done for
- purpose and is due to the Tooltype ACTIVATE=0 in the PC0/PC1 Icon. It will
- only show up when the user accesses the device for the first time (for
- example 'dir PC0:'). Then it is also activated and will present its Icon on
- the Workbench. As this confused several people I changed it back to the
- Tooltype ACTIVATE=1.
- Added 'Intellifont' Icon (SYS:System drawer) to MagicWB for OS3.0 users.
- Added 'HDToolBox' Icon (SYS:Tools) to MagicWB (sorry, I forgot it ;) )
- Added 'MEmacs' Icon (SYS:Tools) to MagicWB (forgot it, too ;) )
- Improved 'HDBackup' Icon (Mini-Harddisk now looks better :) )
- HDBackup is no longer a special-Icon (its place is in SYS:Tools in the
- MagicWB package). Therefore the Install script had to be changed a bit.
- Improved Commodities Icons: Background gradient fill was changed to provide
- a more plastic impression of the Icons.
- The DRAWER Icon was repainted and highly improved: Now it is symmetrical
- and much smaller. Several people complained that it was too big and
- therefore used too much space compared to the old Commo drawer. Now it uses
- less space and less memory. (I saved 384 Bytes ;) )
- The checking value for UPDATE DRAWERS (see top of the 1.1 history) had to
- be changed again to the value 2273 because I repainted the DRAWER Icon.
- Improved the INSTALL Icon.
- Completely painted the Commoditiy-Icons from scratch. The previous design
- of the Commoditiy-Icons was just terrible! They were not XEN-Style conform
- at all: They had the wrong gradients, thick borders, wrong size and just
- looked horrible... I wonder, what had possibly driven me to paint such a
- bullshit (my optic nerve must have been twisted somehow ;))
- Well, I probably invested so much energy into the default Icons and the
- Preferences-Icons (because they were more important), that I neglected the
- Commoditiy-Icons. And then I had to release MagicWB as soon as possible...
- So, here they are, the NEW Commoditiy-Icons: They have the same standard
- size as the Tools-Icons, have the original XEN-Style borders and gradients
- and were totally redesigned. I dropped the idea with the Monitor. I first
- included it to be compatible with the Commo-Icons. BUT, be honest, what has
- a Monitor in common with a Commodity??? Nothing! And the question and
- exclamation mark inside the monitor were just painted because the Icon
- painter (who painted the Icons for Commo) was probably just too unimagina-
- tive to visualize a Commodity. The new design represents a GUI (graphical
- user interface) with a mouse pointer below it selecting an option. I think
- this is the most typical thing about a commodity (beside the POPKEY),
- because nearly every commodity has got a GUI, giving the user the possibility
- to adjust its functions to his personal taste. This is the idea behind it.
- The new Icon also looks more plastic and its message is clearer. The same
- goes for the Commodities-Exchange-Icon: The letters 'CX' inside a monitor is
- not very imaginative! Now you can see a tiny GUI inside an exchange symbol.
- Well, I think they are far better than the older ones. I hope you agree. :)
- Highly improved the default DISK-Icon (well, it was detail-work, so you
- may probably not immediately recognize the difference). It looks far more
- plastic and 3-dimensional (you would like to grab it ;)). Especially the
- label-area now looks more realistic (because the label appears recessed
- now; the old one appeared raised). The Disk-Icon is now one of the most
- perfected Icons (that's why I like it the most) and I would not change it
- anymore (well, never say never! ;)).
- Made the same cosmetical changes to the default NODOS-Disk-Icon.
- Improved Format-Icon in SYS:System. The disk is smaller, so it completely
- fits into the Icon now.
- Added a new ReadMe-Icon to the collection (in the SPECIAL directory).
- Improved the AmigaGuide-Icon.
- Highly improved the Document-Icon. The triple-border really was too
- exaggerated. ;)
- Trashcan-Icon added. There you have it, finally! (So many asked for it)
- Painted two versions: The default trashcan is rather pictorial/iconic
- (usually not my style, but that makes it special, I love it!). If you don't
- like it, you can find the second version in the SPECIAL drawer.
- Improved 'Update Drawers'-Icon.
- MagicWB now has got the ultimate feature of being able to PRESERVE the
- tooltypes, icon position (if necessary), stack, default tool and the window
- position (used by Trashcan, Drawer and Disk) of the original Icons. So by
- now really nothing gets lost. The installer only replaces the images of the
- old Icons by the newer ones: Your personal settings will be preserved.
- NOW, you can launch the installer a hundred of times on your harddisk,
- nothing gets lost, everything will be preserved! :)
- For this reason (see above) I no longer have to equip the MagicWB-Icons
- with the general tooltypes. By skipping them the Icons became approx. 5%
- shorter in file size.
- As a result of the above, the Installer and 'Update Drawers' had to be
- rewritten.
- Improved Harddisk-Icon. Now it looks more photorealistic and finally is
- XEN-style-guide-compliant. :)
- Attention: The old Harddisk-Icon is still available in SPECIAL/HD2.info.
- For it is a Disk-Icon you won't see it via WB. Use the Shell instead.
- Improved the Devs/Monitors/Monitor-Icon. (reversed the gradient :))
- The MagicWB documentation is no longer anti-style-guide-compliant. It is
- now in the AmigaGuide-Format and therefore uses the screenmode and the font
- which the user defined to work with. Furthermore it is much more legible.
- Redesigned and refined the MagicWB-Fonts and added XCourier in 11, 13, 15
- points, added XEN/13 for higher resolutions, added XHelvetica/13. In
- addition, all fonts can display control chars.
- Release date: 09-Dec-93
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- MagicWB 1.5 has got much more features and enhancements, so get yourself
- registered and order the new version 1.5 of MagicWB (see 'MagicWB.guide').
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- The future:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Well, it depends on you!
- - I will try to make MagicWB faster and less chip consuming.
- - More Icons of course (depends on your feedback)
- - More Dock-Images (dito)
- - New Patterns