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- ASwarm II V1.3 - Manual
- SYS:WBStartup/ASwarm
- ASwarm
- CX_PRIORITY/N/K : <System Priority>
- CX_POPKEY/K : <Hot Key Description String>
- CX_POPUP/S : <Yes | No>
- BLANKKEY/K : <Hot Key Description String>
- SECONDS=TIMEOUT/N/K : <1 - 3600>
- CLIENTTIMEOUT/N/K : <1 - 60>
- DISPLAY/K : <Display Description String>
- CYCLE/S : <Yes | No>
- AIM/S : <Yes | No>
- WASPS/N/K : <1 - 10>
- BEES/N/K : <1 - 500>
- SPEED/N/K : <1 - 4>
- TIGHTNESS/N/K : <1 - 10>
- MOUSEBLANKMETHOD/K : <Hardware | FreeSprite>
- A Screenblanker Commodity with high security. Does not burn in
- the graphic into the screen when CPU is really busy.
- It's funny to watch, runs only under Amiga OS Release 2.04 or newer.
- The source code is included, it can be compiled with SAS-C 5.10a or
- with the registered version of Dice V2.06.40 (or newer).
- The source is included to give you a chance to use the Client/Server
- model of ASwarm II, or to look how we've done the Commodity Interface.
- Please don't spread your improved versions of ASwarm II under the name
- of ASwarm, because this may confuse the public and it's not fair.
- ASwarm II V1.3 is freely distributable.
- ASwarm II V1.3 is free to be spread on public-domain and shareware disks
- especially on Fred Fish's AmigaLibDisks, as long as they are sold for a
- reasonable charge that is less than US $6 or DM 8.- .
- For use in commercial products the permission of the authors is required.
- ASwarm II V1.3 may be copied and distributed via electronic networks such
- as the Internet, also it may be held available on anonymous ftp-servers,
- mail-boxes or BBS's.
- The Copyright is still by the Authors.
- The source may be changed or improved. Please DON'T spread your own
- version of ASwarm II under the name of ASWARM, this will produce too
- much confusion (such as we had with ASwarm III, which is not our product).
- Just send us a note what you've changed, and if you really think it's
- necessary to spread your own version, use another name.
- Markus Illenseer # Graphic routines
- Kurt-Schumacherstr. 16 # Documentation
- D-4800 Bielefeld 1 # Dice Support
- Germany
- INTERNET: markus@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- ZERBERUS: markus%techfak.uni-bielefeld.de@uucp.zer
- IRC: ill
- Matthias Scheler # Server-Client model
- Schützenstraße 18 # User Interface
- D-4799 Borchen/Nordborchen # SAS/C Support
- Germany
- INTERNET: tron@uni-paderborn.de
- FIDO: Matthias Scheler@2:242/55.36
- ZERBERUS: tron%uni-paderborn.de@uucp.zer
- IRC: Tron
- ftp.uni-paderborn.de [131.334.2.32] anonymous access.
- amiga.physik.unizh.ch [] anonymous access.
- Please refer to "KNOWN PROBLEMS" below, before you contact
- us for a Bug-report, any comment is welcomed of course.
- For those who already know ASwarm II V1.0 or V1.1, please refer
- to the "SYNOPSIS" and "STARTUP" chapters. V1.2 of ASwarm II has been
- improved heavily. V1.3 fixes some bugs and is enhanced to work
- with new graphic modes.
- If you start ASwarm in the "SYS:WBStartup" drawer (or Workbench in
- general), please have a closer look to the new "Save Config"-routine
- which is able to update the Tool Types of ASwarm's icon automically.
- With ASwarm II V1.3 we changed the graphic routines to work fine with
- the interleaved bitmaps of Kickstart 3.0 and the VGA boards avaible for
- the Amiga.
- The input handler has been completely rewritten.
- Finally we found and removed the bug which sometimes caused swarms to
- dance in circles at the lower left corner of the screen. This happened
- in Aim-Mode only.
- ASwarm is a screenblanker. The graphic during blanking phase is loosely
- based upon Jeff Buterworth's "xswarm" for X11 Windowing System.
- A screenblanker's goal should be to blank (disable) the screen output
- in order to prevent burning images into the monitor's phosphor.
- As it is boring just to disable the screen, and as the Amiga can
- handle multitasking, we could also draw some funny stuff while blanking
- the screen. The only problem about that: when we draw something, we must
- take care that our animations don't burn themself into the monitor.
- This usually happens, when the screen blanker has not enough time
- to draw, so the graphics rest on the same place. When the
- screenblanker has not enough CPU time, it's because there is another
- CPU-intensive programm, such as a raytracer or C-compiler, running.
- As the screenblanker isn't important for the user, we found
- a way to manage both cases: Screenblanker has CPU time or not.
- When it has CPU time, the blanker draws the funny graphics, when
- it hasn't, the screenblanker-draw routine is disabled and the
- screen is really blanked (black) until it gains back CPU time.
- This is done with a simple server-client model. The server runs
- with a normal priority, but just has a WaitPort()-loop (NO real
- CPU usage) to detect the time-out and to detect the amount of CPU time.
- The client is started when the server reached the TIMEOUT, the client
- runs with a low priority. When the server reached the CLIENTTIMEOUT and
- remarks that the client wasn't able to draw anything, then the screen
- is really blanked.
- There was a discussion on comp.sys.amiga.misc (Usenet) for
- screenblankers, at all, we found that ASwarm completely fits on the
- demanded features and requirements.
- To prevent a Version War, we renamed ASwarm to ASwarm II .
- There are some other versions of ASwarm or Swarm available, such
- as ASwarm as IPC-Port-Blanker for DMouse, written by
- Markus Illenseer (written in KickPascal, available with Source
- on demand), or Swarm by Christian von Roques, with
- assembler subroutines for drawing, unfortunately not with the
- multiple-swarm option (yet ?) (also for DMouse).
- There is also a Swarm-Modul for 'Shadow-Master', refer there.
- The upcoming 'Crepuscule', a multi-blanker also contains an
- ASwarm-Modul.
- As ASwarm can be compiled with DICE _and_ (or) SAS/C, you can
- detect the Version with: (CLI) "Version ASwarm FULL"
- It will show you the used compiler. Default is SAS-C.
- Also the size of the binary should differ:
- 19284 Bytes for the DICE version.
- 16996 Bytes for the SAS/C version.
- Unfortunately Jake Rose 'improved' our ASwarm II V1.0, renamed it
- to ASwarm III (which is correct, it's a new version of ASwarm).
- Please DON'T use ASwarm III, it has too many Bugs (Sorry Jake,
- not your fault). Those Bugs are fixed in our ASwarm II V1.1 or V1.2,
- but still exist in Jake's version. It is possible that ASwarm III (and
- of course our old ASwarm II V1.0) crashes your machine.
- ASwarm II is a COMMODITY, therefore it _only_ runs under WB Release
- 2.0 (V37.175) and newer. A Commodity is normally started in the
- "SYS:WBStartup" drawer. So it will be automatically started on the
- workbench startup (LoadWB, usually in "S:Startup-Sequence").
- So, just copy "ASwarm" and "ASwarm.info" to "SYS:WBStartup", or
- click and move the icon to the drawer.
- To get ASwarm started without rebooting now, double-click the icon.
- If the Tool Types weren't changed yet, a window shows up. Double-click
- once more, if the window doesn't show up.
- This is the 'Edit-window' of ASwarm.
- Now click on the Gadget 'Hide' or the 'Close-Gadget' to close
- the window.
- ASwarm is now started. After 60 seconds the screen will be
- blanked, of course only when the user doesn't touch the keyboard or
- the mouse (or other Input-event's occure).
- You can start ASwarm from the CLI or another Shell.
- For example you can start ASwarm in the S:User-Startup:
- Run >NIL: <NIL: ASwarm CX_POPUP=NO
- ASwarm II now supports "dos.library/ReadArgs()". For a small help on the
- command line arguments, start ASwarm with a '?' as Parameter.
- As every good Commodity, ASwarm supports Tool Type entries.
- Click the ASwarm.info and press "Right Amiga i" (or use the
- Workbench Menu Item 'Information') to change or add a Tool Type
- entry.
- In fact this is no longer necessary, as we do support a
- 'Save Config' now, which does save all parameters into the
- Tool Types of the icon.
- In the ToolType list there is (per default) entered:
- DONOTWAIT # Tell WB to not wait on a return
- CX_PRIORITY=0 # Priority in "commodities.library"'s queue
- CX_POPUP=YES # Show up the window on start
- CX_POPKEY=CTRL ALT s # Edit Window Hot Key
- BLANKKEY=CTRL ALT b # Immediate Blank Hot Key
- TIMEOUT=60 # Time after which ASwarm blanks
- CLIENTTIMEOUT=5 # Time after which the Client is disabled
- DISPLAY=PAL:Hires # The Resolution of the Display
- CYCLE=YES # The Color-Cycling is enabled
- AIM=NO # The Aim-Mode is disabled
- WASP=2 # Number of Waps is 2
- BEES=25 # Number if Bees is 25
- SPEED=4 # Speed is set to Speed-Mode 4
- TIGHTNESS=5 # Tightness of Bees is set to 5
- MOUSEBLANKMETHOD=Hardware # how to blank the mouse
- These Tool Types are the normal way to give arguments for Commodities
- and pure Workbench programs.
- Please refer also to your AmigaDOS Manual (Section "Workbench Programms",
- especially chapter "The WBStartup Drawer") to get an idea of the Tool
- Types entries.
- When started from WBStartup, let
- WB know that it doesn't have to wait
- for ASwarm.
- CX_PRIORITY=<-128 - 129>
- Priority in "commodities.library"'s queue
- When ASwarm is started, the Edit-Window may show
- up when set to 'YES' or any (!) other String
- than 'NO'.
- CX_POPKEY=<Hot Key>
- Please see below for the Hotkeys.
- The hot key opens the Edit-Window of ASwarm.
- BLANKKEY=<Hot Key>
- Please see below for the Hotkeys.
- The hot key immediatly blanks the screen.
- TIMEOUT=<1 - 3600>
- This is the timeout counter in seconds.
- During this time NO input from the user must
- occur in order to start the blanker.
- Usual time is about 60 secs.
- After this time, the server disables the screen,
- it has then remarked that the client can't draw
- anything due of CPU time.
- Usual time is about 5 secs.
- DISPLAY=<Display Type>
- Please see below for the Display Types.
- Here you can change the size of the screen on
- which ASwarms draws.
- Disable the colorcycling of the Bees.
- AIM=<YES | NO>
- Search-the-nearest-Wasp mode enabeld.
- WASPS=<1 - 10>
- The number of drawn Wasps.
- BEES=<1 - 500>
- The number of Bees.
- SPEED=<1 - 4>
- Slow down ASwarm. 4 is maximum speed.
- TIGHTNESS=<1 - 10>
- Indicates how close the Bees may come to the Waps.
- The higher, the closer.
- MOUSEBLANKMETHOD=<Hardware | FreeSprite>
- Verison V1.3 of ASwarm II always switch of the mouse pointer
- by disabling the sprite dma. This works fine with normal
- graphic modes, but usually fails on one of the new VGA boards.
- When switching to "FreeSprite" ASwarm II uses now a software
- methode which should work with these boards, too. Attention:
- "FreeSprite" damages the mouse pointer on AGA computers, so
- use "Hardware".
- The Tool Type Entries should be written in upper-cases.
- NOTE: For compatibility reasons, we also support the Tool Type
- 'SECONDS' , which is equal to 'TIMEOUT'. If you use the 'Save Config'
- option, 'TIMEOUT' is used.
- Refer to your AmigaDOS Manual (Section The Extras Programs,
- The Commodities Drawer) to get a valid list of the available hot
- keys, the following may obsolete on a new "commodities.library"
- version.
- The Hot Keys can be edited with the String-Gadgets in the 'Edit-Window'
- of ASwarm. The Syntax and Correctness is checked.
- SYPNOSIS: [<qualifier> [<qualifier>...]] <key>
- Qualifier keywords (Press and hold one or more qualifier)
- alt either Alt key
- ralt right Alt key
- lalt left Alt key
- shift either Shift key
- rshift right Shift key
- lshift left Shift key
- capslock Caps Lock key
- rcommand right Amiga key
- lcommand left Amiga key
- control Control key
- numericpad Enables the use of a key on the numeric keypad
- rbutton Click (and hold) the right mouse button
- midbutton Click (and hold) the middle mouse button
- (only avail for mice with a connected third button!)
- leftbutton Click (and hold) the left mouse button
- newprefs Preferences changed
- diskremoved Disk removed
- diskinserted Disk inserted
- Keys (to be pressed and released, only ONE Key can be chosen)
- a .. z, 0 .. 9, etc. Normal keys
- f1 .. f10 Function keys
- up, down, left, right Cursor keys
- help Help key
- del Delete key
- return Return key
- enter Enter key
- (MUST be combined with 'numericpad'!)
- backspace Backspace key
- esc Escape key
- space Space key
- comma Comma key
- upstroke Upstroke key
- Examples
- lalt ralt return
- rcommand f10
- alt x
- lalt numericpad enter
- NOTE: Choose your hotkeys CAREFULLY, because Commodities have a high
- priority in the input events chain (i.e. will override existing
- definitions). Also some hotkeys don't make sense or do collide
- with other tools or functions of the WB.
- NOTE: The Workbench screen (ot the default PubScreen, if this one has
- activated the Shanghai--mode) will be moved to front before starting
- the tool via HotKey.
- NOTE: When a combination of qualifiers and keys is illegal, ASwarm
- will start, but the Hot Key won't work.
- Example for illegal combinations:
- lalt a b # Two keys specified
- control rcommand lcommand # trivial :-)
- lbutton # No key specified
- If you edit the Hot Key's in the 'Edit-Window', the Combination will
- be checked. If invalid, the old Hot Key is still used.
- NOTE: Due to a bug in the commodities library, it is impossible to
- use a Mousebutton w/o a Qualifier and a Key. (ParseIX() doesn't set
- the ix_QualMask field right)
- When the CX_POPUP is set to 'YES' and ASwarm is being started or when
- the hot key was pressed, a window shows up on the Workbench.
- Normally, the workbench is moved to the front.
- We've tested ASwarm's Edit Window under many circumstances,
- please give us a short note when you have a problem with it.
- You will see some Gadgets and a Scroll-List.
- The values inside the Text-Gadgets are via default set to the
- supplied Arguments in the Tool Types or CLI-Parameters.
- On a wrong Enter, the value will be reset to the old value.
- You will notice, that some Gadget have names with one character
- underlined. The underlined character refers to the key on the keyboard
- and will alter the entry. Use Shift to alter the entry in the other
- direction.
- Keys in "[]" are short-cuts. With them you can access the gadgets
- with the keyboard w/o moving the mouse. In Slider- and Cycle-Gadgets,
- the short-cut key will move the slider to the right, use Shift and
- the key to move the slider to the left.
- [T]imeout:
- The specified value for the timeout of the
- blanker. After this time (in seconds) the ASwarm
- shows up. Value may between 1 and 3600.
- C[l]ient Timeout:
- The time the server gives to the client for not
- being able to draw anything, then the screen will
- be blanked really to prevent burn-ins.
- Value between 1 and 60.
- [S]peed:
- Cycle-Gadget whose modes depend on the used system
- (68000 to 68040).
- Goes from 'Slow Motion' to 'Incredible'.
- [W]asps:
- The number of the flying Wasps.
- value between 1 an 10.
- B[e]es:
- The number of the Bees.
- Value between 1 and 500.
- T[i]ghtness:
- The tightness of te bees referring to the wasps.
- Value between 1 and 10, depends on Speed.
- [C]olor Cycling:
- Enable or disable the Color Cycling of the bees.
- [A]im Mode:
- Enable or disbale the mode in which the bees are
- looking out for the nearest wasp.
- [H]ide:
- Hide the window. All the new entered values will
- be acivated on the next blank.
- [B]lank:
- Blank immediately. All the new entered values
- will be activated.
- [Q]uit:
- Exit ASwarm. (Use 'Hide' to close the 'Edit-Window')
- [M]ouse Blank:
- Switch mouse blanking method (see above).
- Display Mode:
- (Please refer to the notes below!) Choose a desired
- Mode for the Display during blank-time.
- Use the scroll-bar to show up other available
- modes. This depends on the used system.
- If you only see the System Default Mode, then you have
- wrongly installed your system. Refer to 'Monitors' in
- your AmigaDOS Manual.
- Menu items can also be used via the keyboard, use the shown
- Command Keys.
- Project-Menu:
- Load Config : Only available on Workbench-Start (either Double-Click
- or Sys:WBStartup-drawer). Loads the Configuration stored
- in the Tool Types in the Icon.
- Save Config: Only available on Workbench-Start. Saves the actual (!)
- configuration in the Tool Types of the Icon. This will
- overwrite all existing Tool Type Entries.
- It's no longer necessary to edit the Tool Type Entries.
- About: Shows up the version and Copyright.
- Hide: Hides the Edit-Window.
- Quit: Exit Aswarm.
- Edit Menu:
- Reset To Defaults: Resets all parameters to buildt-in Default Values.
- With the Exchange Tool, you can temporarly stop ASwarm with
- DISABLE, restart it with ENABLE, remove ASwarm with KILL (as would do
- a Quit in the Edit-Window), SHOW up the Edit-Window, and HIDE the
- Edit-Window.
- The Exchange Tool is a comfort way to remove or dis/enable
- ASwarm.
- Please refer to the AmigaDOS Manual (Section AmigaDOS Reference
- and Workbench Programms) for further docs on Exchange Tool.
- Attention !
- Please, please, please have care here !!!! We are NOT responsible
- for ANY user-error. The given list depends on the used System.
- All newer Amigas, such as A500+, A600, A2000C , A3000 do have the
- ECS Denise for extended Screen Modes (Not all Amiga's with Kick 2.0
- on ROM do have a ECS Denise..). Of course you can start the desired
- Modes, but not all modes are available on all MONITORS !
- Please do refer to your Manual of the Monitor and to the AmigaDOS
- Manual (Section Workbench Programms, AddMonitor) for more
- informations.
- The new Amiga 1200 and 4000 with WB 3.0 and their AGA chips have
- a complete different List as well.
- Why ? Simply because you can DESTROY your Monitor!
- Here is a list of the (normally given) ECS Display Modes:
- This list may be obsolete when a new workbench is released.
- NTSC:Lores
- NTSC:Hires
- NTSC:SuperHires
- NTSC:Lores-Interlaced
- NTSC:Hires-Interlaced
- NTSC:SuperHires-Interlaced
- PAL:Lores
- PAL:Hires
- PAL:SuperHires
- PAL:Lores-Interlaced
- PAL:Hires-Interlaced
- PAL:SuperHires-Interlaced
- VGA-ExtraLores # -
- VGA-ExtraLores-Interlaced #
- VGA-Lores #
- VGA-Lores-Interlaced # Multiscan Monitor needed
- Productivity #
- Productivity-Interlaced # -
- A2024_10Hz #
- A2024_15Hz # A2024 needed.
- Other Modes are available from 3rd. Party, but not mentioned.
- Overscan is used for all modes, adjust your Overscan-size with
- the ScreenMode Preference Tool.
- This list will only be avaible if the icon called "Mode_Names"
- supplied with Workbench 2.0 is in the WBStartup directory of
- your boot drive.
- This Mode_Names may also be obsolete in new versions of the workbench.
- DON'T use VGA-Modes on a NON-Multisync or NON-VGA-Monitor
- DON'T even test Modes if you aren't sure about your
- Monitor-capacibilities.
- As the original XSwarm runs on a X11-Workstation, and as those
- ones have high graphics resolutions, I prefer SuperHires, as
- this Mode comes near to them. ASwarm II uses 4 colors.
- Again, be careful please. Be warned.
- The above list will be COMPLETLY different if you use WB 3.0
- on one of the new AGA Amigas (A1200/A4000).
- We do know of some problems and strange behaviours, some of them
- aren't strange anymore, when you read this:
- - Are your running ARQ 1.66 or below ?
- (A replacement Tool for the system requestors).
- Then you may try this:
- Change the timeout to a low value, e.g. 5 secs, then type in
- the CLI: wait 10 <RETURN> (do not wait for the prompt)
- dir bafasel: <RETURN> (device blafasel: nonexisting)
- ASwarm will blank as usual, but then ARQ pops up a requestor
- ON the ASwarm-Screen !! You can't close the Screen until you
- click on 'Abort'. And ASwarm can't blank the screen either
- anymore ! (It's ScreenClose() Command waits for the succesfull
- return...)
- This is a BUG in ARQ ! It's dangerous in some cases. It may
- burn in the requestor.
- Get the newest version of ARQ (V1.78) and the problem will vanish.
- - You are running a C-Compiler or a raytracer. ASwarm goes
- blank, but doesn't show any swarm, and during disk-access ASwarm
- comes up for a while.
- This is not a Bug, this is THE feature of ASwarm !! This is
- the way ASwarm blanks when high Cpu-use happens on the startup.
- And during disk-access the CPU time is usually less, so ASwarm
- may find time to draw something.
- - Collision with other Blankers. Well, in fact you can run as
- many Blankers as you want. Such as DMouse, Spliner, FracBlanc.
- ASwarm does always try to move it's screen to front, when it
- detects to be behind some other screens.
- - When a disk is inserted, ASwarm closes the screen (dis-blanks).
- This is normal. Disk-replacement is detected as an input
- Event. As all input events shall disable the Blanker this one
- should, too.
- - The window doesn't open if the hotkey is pressed. Perhaps you
- have supplied a wrong hotkey description. Use the Commodities
- Exchange Tool to open the Edit-Window. The hotkey will appear
- in the Gadget 'Pop Key'. You can test the hotkey there. If an
- incorrect hotkey was submitted, the old hotkey will reappear.
- - ASwarm shows up the window though the Tool Type CX_POPUP is
- set to 'NO'. This happens when ASwarm is started twice.
- (Double-click (or call from CLI) = start, another double-click
- (or call from CLI) opens the window)
- - ASwarm is damn slow. Huh .. sorry :-) The Authors have fast
- machines.. Try to reduce the swarm-size (BEES) and the amount
- of swarms. Or use another, less big screen.
- - ASwarm makes noise when it blanks the screen. This may happen
- when a Display Mode is choosen, which is not of the size of
- the upto then active screen. Nothing dangerous.
- - ASwarm makes flickers on the Monitor when it blanks the Screen.
- This happen when ASwarm blanks on a PAL-Screen, but the upto
- then or then active Screen is or was NTSC. (Or vice versa)
- The Monitor needs a bit time to synchronize again. Nothing
- dangerous.
- - There is a 70Hz hack. This hack has problems with the productivity
- Environment. No Bug of ASwarm. WB 3.0 and WB 2.1 offer a "Euro 72"
- monitor which will make ASwarm II work with 70HZ without any problems.
- - There are some guys who don't start the workbench, those may wonder
- that they only can start a Hires-Screen. No magic here, the WB must
- read the Mode_Name in order to get the right resolutions.
- The screenmode-preferences tool seems to have hard-coded resolutions.
- As we want only to use the supported screenmodes, you have to use
- the workbench. Don't tell me about some 30 Kb the Workbench uses!
- With WB 2.1 and 3.0 this problem has vanished, too. Just add the
- monitors to your system.
- - The bees don't form nice swarms. This is not a bug, but a
- optimisation error. Has been improved now.
- Jeff Butterworth for his xswarm routine available for X11.
- ASwarm II has improved so much, that we must say it's only loosely
- based upon XSwarm.
- Matthew Dillon for DICE. So we could make ASwarm be compilable in
- the most common low-cost C-Compiler for Amiga.(Only registered version)
- Greetings to Stefan Becker, german and european distributor
- of DICE, who couldn't be convinced to use ASwarm II ... yet :-) !
- SAS/C group for well done work. As yet the SAS version of ASwarm
- is faster and shorter...
- Willi 'Amico' Raeckers, always sitting on my nervs, asking for a new
- version :-) (Now with a smily :)
- Jörg 'Skull' Bublath, having the idea for the Aim-Mode.
- Markus 'Corwin' Stipp, for helping us with DICE and reporting the
- problems with Kickstart 3.0's interleaved bitmaps.
- Fred Fish, Mr. Public Domain, hope you like this enough to place
- it onto one of your new 'Fishes'. Permission herebye given.
- (Grmbl.. We're on FF770 and i still have no streamer device :^)
- Andrew 'Guardian' Denton for telling us, that Jay Miner likes our
- Blanker, and for having new ideas for future versions of Blankers.
- Dr. P. Kittel for allowing us to test ASwarm II under Workbench 2.1
- on the CeBIT '92. It does still work correctly, and even with the new
- features it has. Peter, 'your' Amiga-Ball-Blanker is almost ready :-)
- Jake Rose for putting some nice features in ASwarm III which we
- implemented in ASwarm II, too (We didn't take one line of his code ...).
- If he only had suggested those features to us before he created
- a clone ...
- Rickard 'Richie' Olsson for telling us, that his cat 'Pixel' likes
- our ASwarm II, and ASwarm convinced him to use a Screenblanker
- at all :-)
- Roger 'Budda' Westlund, for the Bug-Report of the 70Hz Hack.
- Roland Bless for removing some bugs in the CLI args stuff
- Michael 'Massa' Janich for detecting the ugly bug in the blankkey
- routine.
- Holger 'Hal' Lubitz for the very good article about ASwarm II in the
- Amiga Plus Magazin 11/92.
- Various Net-Freaks for their suggestions and (strange) Bug-Reports.
- Markus Illenseer
- Matthias Scheler
- December 1992