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- 92/11/01
- Funky DOX for SmartPlay v1.4a by Xtreme Intelligence
- ======================================================
- =============================
- Well, this is not just another lame ST/NT/PT player with some faked and
- bugged replayroutines, lousy windows or other crap! Yeah, this really
- small and fast player uses the PT100% replayer with all features from
- old 31 instrument SoundTrackers, Noise/Startrekker and new ProTrackers
- added! No more unwanted effects caused by some f*cked up replayroutine
- made for NT2.0 only..
- SmartPlay now also supports a couple of other moduleformats than normal
- ST/NT/PT modules! Read on for more info on supported moduleformats..
- Another BIG improvement compared to other players: SmartPlay loads the
- SONGDATA of a ST/NT/PT module to PUBLIC-MEM if possible, and the samples
- are allocated/loaded separately, so you can play songs MUCH larger than
- the largest chipmem chunk!!
- So, when all your great players with those nice windows and stuff are
- unable to load your module as one piece into memory, SmartPlayer easily
- loads the samples into your fragmented chipmem! Smart enough?
- ===============================
- The main idea with this program is still to play normal tracker modules
- (ST/NT/PT), fast, smooth, and with low chip-memory usage.
- However, there are several other useful moduleformats around, so I decided
- to add some more replayroutines to SmartPlay. For this purpose I added a
- "SmartRePlay.library", so if you want to play any other modules than
- ST/NT/PT, you'll need this library in your system! With the SmartRePlay.lib
- v1.1 you are able to play DeltaMusic, JamCracker, FutureComposer, GMOD &
- XMOD modules. To play MED or OctaMED modules, SmartPlay needs the MEDPlayer-
- library v2.0+!
- ** More formats will be supported in future releases of SmartPlay.
- The main idea with this external shared library, is that you don't need
- to have all the replayroutines loaded into memory just to play a simple
- ST/NT/PT module. You probably have better use for your memory, than to
- store unused replayroutines in it!? I sure hope so.. ;)
- Other modules than normal ST/NT/PT will be loaded as one part into chip-
- memory!
- ====================================
- SoundTracker 31 inst. - (No external lib needed!)
- NoiseTracker - ""
- ProTracker - ""
- Other ST/NT clones.. - ""
- DeltaMusic - (Needs SmartRePlay.library)
- JamCracker & JCpro - ""
- FutureComposer v1.4 - ""
- FutureComposer v1.0-3 - ""
- GMOD, XMOD - ""
- MED & OctaMED - (Needs MEDPlayer.library)
- PowerPacked modules are NOT supported anymore! Due to the great amount
- of bugs in the PowerPacker.library all those routines have been removed.
- When there is a new version of the PowerPacker.library available (with all
- those bugs removed), SmartPlay will probably support PowerPacked files
- again.
- WHAT'S NEW IN v1.4?
- ===================
- - CIA interrupt now used as default. Use the VB=VBLANK command to use the
- normal (faster) Vertical Blank interrupt. The CIA interrupt was added
- so people with other sync frequency than 50Hz would be able to use this
- player as well. Playing 50Hz modules with 72Hz sounds really bad.
- - PT-Modules using CIA-timing will now work in both VBlank & CIA interrupt
- modes.
- - NL=NOLIB command fixed. In v1.3 this command didn't do a thing!
- ===================================
- Any Amiga running KS2.0 v37+ (Required to run)
- ReqTools.library v38+ (Required to run)
- SmartRePlay.library 1.1+ (Play other than ST/NT/PT modules)
- MEDPlayer.library 2.0+ (Play MED & OCTAMED modules)
- The ReqTools.library is Copyright (C) by Nico Francois. Check the file
- DISTRIBUTION.TXT for more information on Nico's copyrights!
- =====================
- SmartPlay is quite easy to use, as it is to be run from CLI only, using
- simple commandline statements and reqtools.library for the userinterface.
- If you are familiar with the OS2.0 DOS-commands you should have no problem
- understanding the template..
- MODULE: Name of any ST/NT/PT 31 instrument module to play. Multi-
- selection supported. You can fill your commandline with
- modulenames, or use the SHIFT key in the filerequester to
- select multiple modules!
- If you want to play all modules in a DIRECTORY, just leave a
- "/" or ":" at the end of the name, and SmartPlay will use the
- MODULE argument as a directory. Check out the NOREQ command
- for use with directories with other files than modules too!
- Note: Do NOT specify BOTH modulenames AND directories in the
- same commandline! SmartPlay will use the first name in the
- chain to go in module OR in directory mode! FileRequesters will
- only select modules, NOT directories.
- If the modulename is left out, SmartPlay will bring up a file-
- requester, and ask for some modules to play.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- NOTE: PowerPacked modules NOT supported at the moment! (Look
- above in this file for more info!!)
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- STOP: Break current module playing, and quit SmartPlay by sending
- a ^C signal to the process named "SmartPlay" .. Works as any
- DOS "Break" command!
- SmartPlay will NOT ask for any more modules to play if you
- use this STOP command. To select a new module, just start a
- new SmartPlay or use the NEXT command. Note: (pressing left+
- right mousebuttons simultaneously will have the same effect
- as the NEXT command - see NOMOUSE for more info!).
- Any new SmartPlay started will remove any old SmartPlay present
- in memory before loading/playing. If there is a SmartPlay in
- memory, e.g. waiting in a filerequester, you can't load a
- new SmartPlay before the previos one is gone.
- NEXT: Break current module playing, and load next module by sending a
- ^D signal to the SmartPlay process. Equal to Left+Right mouse-
- button stop! If not the DIE or REPEAT commands are set, and
- all modules specified are played, SmartPlay will ask for more
- modules by a filerequester.
- FORCE: FORCE SmartPlayer to play ANY file, even if the identifier is
- gone. SmartPlay will only play unknown files in the ST/NT/PT
- replayer, if FORCED to. You can't FORCE SmartPlay to play any
- unknown files in e.g. the DeltaMusic routine!
- ** Warning: If you FORCE SmartPlay to play e.g. a textfile,
- SmartPlay MAY guru right up in your face! More likely it
- will tell you "Out of CHIP-MEMORY" while loading, but don't
- use this command if you arn't 100% sure it is a ST/NT/PT
- module you FORCE SmartPlay to play!
- ** Note: If you have some modules SmartPlay v1.4 can't play,
- please send some information on the moduleformat to me, so i
- can implement them in future releases. (See the chapter HOW
- TO REACH THE AUTHOR to get my E-Mail address)
- ONCE: Stop, and load next module if specified, instead of looping
- the module at last pattern. Doesn't work if the module JUMPS
- in the last pattern! Maybe in some other version.. Check out
- the REPEAT command for more tips&tricks!
- >> NOTE << The ONCE command may not work in some module-
- formats! E.g. MED & OctaMED and DeltaMusic replayers will NOT
- be affected by ONCE! To play next module, press both mouse-
- buttons, or use the NEXT command!
- DIE: Quit SmartPlay instead of asking for more modules when the
- REPEAT command is left out and all modules are played.
- REPEAT: Repeat the chain of multiselected modules (selectied in the
- commandline OR in the multiselect filerequester). This function
- used with the ONCE command will play your selected modules non-
- stop. When REPEAT is enabled, the DIE command will have no
- effect! Stop playing using the STOP command, or by starting
- a new SmartPlay..
- QUIET: Same as >NIL:, but will still pass possible errormessages
- to current output. In v1.1a and further versions most errors
- will be shown by reqtools requesters, and wont be affected
- by this command. Use the NOREQ command to turn off any
- annoying(?) error-requesters.
- ABOUT: Display a small about-text with my E-Mail address. Yeah!
- INFO: Show some information on current module playing.
- VBLANK: VBLANK or VB will force SmartPlay to use a Vertical Blank
- interrupt instead of the CIA interrupt. A VBLANK interrupt
- is FASTER than a CIA interrupt, but e.g. MultiSync monitors
- will change the speed of the VB interrupts! So, CIA is safer,
- and VBLANK is faster. Make your choise..
- NOMOUSE: NOMOUSE or simply NM will turn OFF the left+right mouse-
- button stop function. (May be useful if you've got other
- programs using that function)
- NOCONFIG: NOCONFIG or just NC will ignore the configfile, and use the
- commandline arguments only.
- NOREQ: NOREQ or NR will turn off ALL error-requesters! Use if you
- are playing a directory containing other files than modules
- too! In this case SmartPlay will quietly skip all unknown
- files, and play all valid modules in your directory.
- NOLIB: NOLIB or NL will prevent SmartPlay from playing other than
- normal modules. No external player libraries will be loaded!
- PROCPRI: ProcPri or PP will set the priority for the "SmartPlay"
- process. This priority is 0 by default, as SmartPlay may not
- receive the BREAK-signal, and get problems while loading if
- this priority is too low. There should be no real difference
- what priority you use, as this process is just waiting while
- playing the modules. Don't use lower pri than -5 if you want
- SmartPlay to work properly. Any value between 127 and -127
- is accepted as a priority value.
- ** Don't touch if you don't know what it really does..
- INTPRI: IntPri or IP will set the priority for the "SPlay-INT" VB-
- interrupt. This option was added coz some programs may get
- some problems with other hi-pri interrupts. Default value
- for this priority is 1.
- ** Don't touch if you don't know what it really does..
- Ok, that was the commandline arguments. Now for the configfile format..
- The configfile is named "ENV:SmartPlay.CFG", and will be loaded every time
- SmartPlay is run. If the configfile isn't found, or the NOCONFIG flag is
- set, SmartPlay will use the commandline arguments only.
- The configfile is a normal textfile, so you can create/edit it in any
- texteditor (e.g. CygnusEd). This is NOT a script-language! It's more like
- an "additional commandline".
- Rules: Only ONE command per line! SmartPlay will skip all extra spaces,
- tabs, and other junk. You can type anything in the file, but only the
- following commands are understood by SmartPlay:
- List of supported config commands in v1.4:
- QUIET - Turn on quiet mode
- FORCE - "" force mode
- ONCE - "" play-once mode
- DIE - "" die-after-play mode
- REPEAT - "" repeat mode
- VB - "" vblank interrupt
- NOREQ - Disable all error requesters
- NR - "" same as above
- NM - "" mousestop while playing
- NL - "" library loading (only ST/NT/PT modules will be played)
- Check out the commandline arguments above for more info on these commands.
- ** ** **
- Not too difficult to use, is it? You don't really NEED all those
- parameters to play a simple module - just type "SmartPlay" in the CLI-
- window, and reqtools will take care of you. However, all these arguments
- makes SmartPlay easier to adapt to diffrent needs and systems.
- SmartPlay will detach itself from CLI, so there is no need to "RUN" the
- program. If SmartPlay is playing a module when you try to load a new one,
- the previous module will automatically STOP and all memory will be freed
- before loading the next module. No need to use STOP before loading.
- ======================
- - PT1.0 vibrato not supported (I think?). I couldn't get my hands on the
- old ProTracker v1.0 so I couldn't possible check the vibrato command..
- Rumours has there was some fast vibrato, but im not sure about this as
- there are no PT1.0 modules around either..
- - The GMOD format is not FULLY supported. SmartPLay will play all GMOD
- modules with 50Hz vblank timing. Portable GMOD modules, and GMOD modules
- with that strange timing not supported! Any 60Hz GMOD modules will go
- 50Hz in normal PAL Amigas!
- Well, there MAY be other bugs. As usual I'll take NO responsibility for
- possible bugs caused by late-hour coding..
- But if you do find any bugs, please contact me at the address below so
- I can fix them in the next version of SmartPlay.
- ========================
- Send possible bug-reports, new module formats etc. to the author
- (Xtreme Intelligence) by E-Mail at:
- Last Input Ignored (SysOp: Eagle)
- +358-0-5051123
- 1200-14400 HST DS /w v32bis & v42bis
- Open 24H / day
- ..or E-Mail addressed to Last Input Ignored:s FidoNet Number 2:220/293.
- The newest version of SmartPlay is always FileRequestable with the
- MAGIC name "SPLAY" from 2:220/293.
- =================================
- Nope, this is all FREEWARE - I need NO money or support from anyone
- using this program! Spread it, sell it, use it or delete it .. really
- not my problem anymore. I just made it. Thanx.
- - Signed: Xtreme Intelligence 1992