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- Introduction
- Welcome
- Welcome to ProANSI, a flexible ansi editor for the Commodore AMIGA. I
- started writing this program last year, because I was not satisfied with
- the existing programs. They all had their strong points, but neither of
- them was complete. Because I desparately needed a good program for the
- design of all menus for my BBS I wrote ProANSI.
- I originally started developing ProANSI on an A2000C under 1.3, but lateron
- I switched to my A500 under 2.04. Therefore I decided to design the
- program so that it will run both under 1.x and under 2.04, and use as many
- features of each OS as possible. Recently I've upgraded to the A3000/25
- and continued the development on this machine.
- ShareWare
- This program is brought to you under the concept of ShareWare. This means
- that if you like this program after using it for a limited period you must
- register it. You can contact me through my BBS: ``The Empire Strikes
- Back'', which is situated in Delft, The Netherlands. You can reach it by
- calling: (0)15-147099. The BBS will also be used as support BBS for
- ProANSI. Alternatively you can reach me at NLA-NET 14:100/501.2 (matrix
- netmail).
- For more information on registering please read the ``Registration.doc''
- which is supplied with this archive. All legal stuff can also be found
- there.
- Installation
- Installing ProANSI is really simple. You just put it on your harddisk and
- it will work. In your LIBS: directory you will need the following
- libraries:
- - ``diskfont.library''
- - ``req.library'' Under 1.xx only!
- - ``rexxsyslib.library''
- - ``asl.library'' Under 2.04 only!
- - ``utility.library'' Under 2.04 only!
- Optionally, you can use an IBM style font. The (hardcoded) default font is
- the ``IBM.font'', but you can easily change this in the preferences, so in
- fact, you can use any 8 by 8 fixed-width font that is in your FONTS:
- directory.
- ProANSI can be started from a Shell or from the Workbench. No arguments or
- tool types can be added. Everything should work fine with the standard
- stack size, so you don't have to change that either. ProANSI works both
- under PAL and NTSC, and will open its screen accordingly. PAL systems have
- a vertical resolution of 30 lines, NTSC systems have 23 at present.
- Working with ProANSI
- It is very easy to work with ProANSI, because of the fact that the program
- sticks closely to the style guide.
- The Keyboard
- A lot of things (if not everything) can be done by using the keyboard,
- which was done on purpose, because creating a screen forces you to use the
- keyboard anyway. Therefore, almost every menu option also has a keyboard
- shortcut. When ProANSI reads a key from the keyboard, it always takes into
- account the current keymap, so this program can be used with any keymap (so
- everybody should be happy :-)
- Cursor Movement
- The cursor can be moved in several ways. If you type a character, the
- cursor will automatically move right one position. Typing Return forces
- the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Furthermore, you can move
- the cursor with the cursor keys. If you hold down the SHIFT key together
- with the cursor movement keys, the cursor will move to the boundary of the
- screen. Finally, you can move it with the mouse by pressing the left mouse
- button.
- Function Keys
- With the ten function keys you can select one of ten different keyblocks.
- The current keyblock is shown in the bottom right area of the status
- window.
- The numeric keyblock
- These keys can be defined by the user. As mentioned before, the current
- keyblock is shown in the status window. The keyblocks were designed so
- that you can easily access all the (otherways hard to reach) graphics
- characters.
- The ESCape Key
- With this key you can bring back the status window (to front) if you've
- clicked it to back with the appropriate gadget. This mechanism was added
- to allow you to view the screen completely.
- Backspace and DELete
- Both keys work like they should. Remember that neither backspace nor
- DELete will move the rest of the line if you are not in insert mode. The
- backspace key can be made destructive or not. If it is not, and insert
- mode is off, the cursor will only go left one character.
- The Menus
- The menus work as with any normal program. As many menu options as
- possible were given a keyboard shortcut, so you don't need to grab the
- mouse every time you want to select a menu item.
- Project
- This menu allows you to control the project you're working on, so this is
- where you can for example load or save your work.
- - New
- Starts a new project, which totally erases the project you were working on.
- This action cannot be undone by using the undo option, so make sure your
- project was saved before selecting this option.
- - Open...
- Loads a new project from disk. The current project will be erased. If you
- want to cancel this operation, you can click the `Forget It' gadget in the
- file requester. Nothing will be erased when you do this.
- - Include...
- Adds a project to the current one. It starts inserting text from the
- current cursor position, and if it encounters a clearscreen code, this will
- be converted to `cursor home' and the screen will not be cleared.
- Keep in mind that the No Background and No Foreground flags will stay in
- effect when loading a picture. This allows you to instantly filter colors
- from a file.
- - Save
- - Ascii
- The screen is saved as pure (extended) ascii. All color information is
- lost, and no cursor movement instructions will be used.
- - Ansi
- The screen is saved as an ansi screen, including colors. I've tried to
- keep this routine more or less ANSI X3.64 -- 1979 compatible.
- - Ansi Anim
- The screen is saved as an ansi animation. The program remembers everything
- you enter, and can therefore build an ansi animation from that information.
- - Save As
- - Ascii...
- Same as under Save only that here you will always be asked to enter a
- filename.
- - Ansi...
- Same as under Save only that here you will always be asked to enter a
- filename.
- - Ansi Anim...
- Same as under Save only that here you will always be asked to enter a
- filename.
- - Preview
- Shows how the screen will be built if you save it. In case of an ansi
- animation, you will see the screen as you've entered it. Otherwise, the
- screen will be rebuilt top to bottom.
- - About...
- Shows you the current version number of the program.
- - Quit
- Ends the program after asking for a conformation that this is really what
- you want.
- Edit Normal
- Here you can perform all edit operations when in normal mode. When you are
- in animation mode, this menu will be ghosted which means you can't select
- any items.
- For most items you will have to select an area with your mouse first. You
- do this by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse across
- the area you want to select.
- - Mark Block
- This item allows you to mark a block with your cursor keys. This is an
- alternative to the mouse drag method, for those of you who don't want to
- reach for the mouse every time they want to mark a block.
- - Cut Block
- Cuts out the selected area. The contents will be put in the copy buffer.
- The empty space is filled with spaces (in foreground color 7, background
- color 0).
- - Copy Block
- Copies the selected area to the copy buffer.
- - Paste Block
- Pastes the area in the copy buffer back to the screen. The top left corner
- is determined by the position of the cursor.
- - Box Block
- Draws a box around the selected area. The box will be drawn using the
- currently selected keyblock, using the 7 as the top-left, 9 as top-right, 1
- as bottom-left and 3 as bottom-right character, the 0 for horizontal lines
- and the Enter key for vertical lines.
- - Cut Line
- Cuts the line on which the cursor is standing out of the screen. The rest
- of the screen will be moved up one line, and the line you cut out is kept
- in the so called line buffer.
- - Copy Line
- Copies the line the cursor is standing on to the line buffer.
- - Paste Line
- Pastes the line from the line buffer to the line the cursor is currently
- on. The rest of the screen is moved down one line, and the last line of
- the screen is therefore lost.
- - Delete Line
- Deletes the line the cursor is on. It will not be removed but is filled
- with spaces.
- Edit Anim
- In this menu you'll find all edit operations that can be performed when in
- animation mode. Most of them have something to do with the undo/redo
- buffer, which is used when making an animation. If you're not in animation
- mode, this entire menu will be ghosted, and therefore no items can be
- selected.
- - Undo
- With the Undo function you can take back your edit operations step by step.
- If you undo something it will not be lost, so you can also undo some steps,
- then add some new, and finally redo the steps you'd undone.
- - Undo All
- Simply repeats the Undo operation until it arrives at the blank (black)
- screen you started with.
- - Zap Undo
- This operation works like the Undo option except for the fact that a Zap
- Undo can't be taken back by the Redo option (it is gone, therefore the name
- `zap').
- - Redo
- With the `redo' function you can redo everything you've removed with
- `undo'.
- - Redo All
- Calls the Redo function until it arrives at the end of the undo/redo
- buffer.
- - Kill Redo Buffer
- Kills all characters in the redo buffer. This is useful when you want to
- delete the `rest' of an animation.
- Color
- This menu allows you to do almost anything with the colors of your project.
- You can recolor characters or blocks, and lots of other useful things.
- - No Foreground
- If this flag is enabled, you can't overwrite the foreground color of the
- characters, which means that it will remain the same. This is handy when
- you want to change some text in a multicolor screen, without having to
- worry about (re)selecting colors all the time. Also, you could filter the
- foreground colors out of a screen by enabling this option, and subsequently
- loading an ansi screen.
- - No Background
- If this flag is enabled, you can't overwrite the background color of the
- characters. The same rules apply as with No Foreground.
- - Get
- - Foreground
- Grabs the foreground color under the cursor, and selects it as the current
- foreground color.
- - Background
- Grabs the background color under the cursor, and selects it as the current
- background color.
- - Both
- Grabs the fore- and background color under the cursor, and selects them as
- the current colors.
- - Set
- If a block was marked, these functions apply to the whole block, if not,
- they apply to the character under the cursor.
- - Foreground
- Changes the foreground color.
- - Background
- Changes the background color.
- - Both
- Changes both the foreground and the background color.
- Prefs
- In this menu, you can configure the program to your own needs. All
- preference settings can be saved under a selectable name. At startup, the
- file ``ProANSI.prefs'' is automatically loaded, if found in the current
- directoryWhen started from a Shell be careful with including ProANSI in
- your path, because if you do, you'll be able to start it from any directory
- and it probably won't find it's preferences..
- - Open...
- Opens new preferences. Be careful when using this option, because it will
- erase your current project. Of course, you'll be notified of this, so you
- can abort the operation if you selected it be accident.
- - Save
- Saves the preferences under the `current' name.
- - Save As...
- Saves the preferences under a name you can select using a file (save)
- requester. As a convention you should use `.prefs' as a suffix, but this
- is not necessary at all. ProANSI recognizes the files it saves. For the
- programmers amongst you, the format of the preferences file is supplied in
- the `Technical Reference' chapter..
- - Screen Mode...
- This feature is not implemented in this version of ProANSI, but was left in
- because in the future it probably will.
- - Palette...
- Allows you to change the on screen colors. Be careful to stick to the
- original ansi colors unless you know what you're doing. This option was
- implemented so you can adjust the colors slightly to adapt them to your
- monitor.
- - Font...
- Here you can select a new font. Be careful to only use 8 by 8 fixed-width
- fonts. Especially under 1.x (when the ``req.library'' is used) you can
- select lots of other fonts, but this will not look good.
- - Keyblocks...
- Opens the keyblocks editor, where all ten keyblocks can be modified. I
- think the window that opens kind of explains itself. You can select a
- keyblock by number and modify the keys by selecting them and changing their
- ascii code. Remember that any code can be selected here, but not all codes
- are printable in most programs.
- - Insert
- Toggles the insert mode, which only works in normal mode (when Anim Mode is
- turned off).
- - Line Wrap
- Toggles the line wrap mode, which affects the way the cursor reacts when it
- reaches the left or right border. This only applies to editing, and has
- nothing to do with the way screens are loaded or saved.
- - Page Wrap
- Toggles the page wrap mode, which affects the way the cursor reacts when it
- reaches the top or bottom of the screen.
- - Destructive BS
- Toggles the backspace key, which can be made destructive or not. If it is
- destructive, it will erase the character when you press the key, if not,
- the cursor will simply move left one character.
- - Anim Mode
- Toggles the animation mode. The current project will be converted, but
- some information will be lost when going out of the animation mode, which
- is inevitable.
- - Save CR+LF
- Toggles the saving of a CR (Carriage Return) with each line feed. This is
- necessary on most MS-DOS machines, and saves you the trouble of having to
- do this yourself. The save routines will take this into account when
- optimizing the length of the file, so enabling this option will be shorter
- than simply adding a CR in front of each LF by hand.
- - Save Clearscreen
- Toggles the saving of a clearscreen code at the start of each file.
- ARexx Support
- Probably the most powerful feature of ProANSI is its ARexx interface. This
- is the main reason why I started programming ProANSI in the first place.
- For example, how many times have you tortured yourself by loading and
- saving dozens of files, just because you want to create ascii versions of
- your ansi screens? Now you can do this with a simple script file. If you
- are SysOp of a BBS then you could also generate screens with arexx commands
- automatically, for example to generate new `lastcallers' screens, or
- messages to next caller, or news bulletins, or... The possibilities are
- endless.
- I've included lots of example scripts, including an AutoMenu script, which
- creates menus automatically from simple script files, in which you only
- need to specify the commands, (hot)keys and titles of each menu.
- Using ARexx
- For a more complete description of ARexx, you'll have to dig up your
- manual. I'll only explain the necessary things. ProANSI 's message port
- name is ``REXX_ProANSI'' (mind the case!), and all commands are explained
- in the `Command Reference' section. Please don't forget to turn on
- `OPTIONS RESULTS' if you want to have results. ARexx is a language which
- can best be learned by using it, so have fun!
- Command Reference
- In general, all commands will return a return code of 10 when something
- went wrong, and 0 when the command succeeded. Some commands return 5 if
- you're in the wrong mode (in Normal Mode, undo for example won't work).
- Arguments must be supplied unless they are in square brackets.
- quit
- Stops the program as soon as possible, without further confirmation. Make
- sure you've saved your work.
- Example: quit
- version
- Returns the current (FULL) version string. Make sure to turn on `OPTIONS
- RESULTS', because the string is returned in the variable `result'.
- Example: version
- go_up [nr]
- Moves the cursor up. If the optional argument is supplied, you can state
- how many lines the cursor will move up. If you don't supply an argument,
- the cursor will go up one position.
- Example: go_up 5
- go_down [nr]
- Moves the cursor down. If the optional argument is supplied, you can state
- how many lines the cursor will move down. If you don't supply an argument,
- the cursor will go down one position.
- Example: go_down
- go_left [nr]
- Moves the cursor left. If the optional argument is supplied, you can state
- how many lines the cursor will move left. If you don't supply an argument,
- the cursor will go left one position.
- Example: go_left 30
- go_right [nr]
- Moves the cursor right. If the optional argument is supplied, you can
- state how many lines the cursor will move right. If you don't supply an
- argument, the cursor will go right one position.
- Example: go_right 7
- set_pos xpos ypos
- Places the cursor at a certain position. The origin (0,0) lies at the top
- left of the screen.
- Example: set_pos 2 4
- print_string string
- Prints a string, starting at the current cursor position. This string can
- contain only printable ascii characters, so you're not allowed to include
- ansi codes. The string argument doesn't has to be in quotes when it
- contains spaces, because everything behind the command is treated as the
- string. The sting is printed in the current text colors.
- Example: print_string This is an example.
- select_col fore back
- Selects a new fore and back color. This is the same as selecting a new
- color in the status window. Color values range from 0 -- 15 for the
- foreground and 0 -- 7 for the background.
- Example: select_col 15 3
- select_fcol fore
- Selects a new foreground color (0 -- 15).
- Example: select_fcol 6
- select_bcol back
- Selects a new background color (0 -- 7).
- Example: select_bcol 3
- set_col
- Changes the fore- and background colors under the cursor (or block) to the
- currenly selected colors, just like the menu command Set -- Both.
- Example: set_col
- set_fcol
- Changes the foreground color under the cursor (or block) to the currenly
- selected foreground color, just like the menu command Set -- Foreground.
- Example: set_fcol
- set_bcol
- Changes the background color under the cursor (or block) to the currenly
- selected background color, just like the menu command Set -- Background.
- Example: set_bcol
- undo
- Undoes the last change, just like the menu command. Of course, this only
- works in Anim Mode.
- Example: undo
- redo
- Redoes the last change, just like the menu command. Of course, this only
- works in Anim Mode.
- Example: redo
- zap_undo
- Zap undoes the last change, just like the menu command. Of course, this
- only works in Anim Mode.
- Example: zap_undo
- undo_all
- Undoes all changes, just like the menu command. Of course, this only works
- in Anim Mode.
- Example: undo_all
- redo_all
- Redoes all changes, just like the menu command. Of course, this only works
- in Anim Mode.
- Example: redo_all
- kill_redos
- Kills all characters in the redo buffer, just like the menu command. Of
- course, this only works in Anim Mode.
- Example: kill_redos
- new
- Starts a new project, without asking for confirmation, so be careful and
- save your current project before calling this function.
- Example: new
- preview
- Previews the current screen or animation, just like the menu option.
- Example: preview
- get_xpos
- Returns the current x-position of the cursor (in the variable `result').
- Example: get_xpos
- get_ypos
- Returns the current y-position of the cursor (in the variable `result').
- Example: get_ypos
- get_fcol
- Returns the current foreground color of the character under the cursor (in
- the variable `result').
- Example: get_fcol
- get_bcol
- Returns the current background color of the character under the cursor (in
- the variable `result').
- Example: get_bcol
- get_char
- Returns the current ascii code of the character under the cursor (in the
- variable `result').
- Example: get_char
- save_ascii filename
- Saves the screen as an (extended) ascii file. You must supply a (path and)
- filename.
- Example: save_ascii menus:main-user.txt
- save_ansi filename
- Saves the screen as an ansi file. You must supply a (path and) filename.
- Example: save_ansi menus:main-user.gr1
- save_ansi_anim filename
- Saves the screen as an ansi animation file. You must supply a (path and)
- filename.
- Example: save_ansi_anim menus:main-user.anim
- load_file filename
- Opens a project from filename. It erases anything you're currently working
- on, so be careful.
- Example: load_file menus:lastcaller.gr1
- include_file filename
- Includes filename to the current project.
- Example: include_file menus:header.gr1
- mark_block x1 y1 x2 y2
- Marks a block. This is the same as marking a block with the mouse, except
- that you don't see the block when you mark it like this. It doesn't matter
- which corners of the block you specify.
- Example: mark_block 10 20 40 5
- cut_block
- Cuts the marked block out of the screen, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: cut_block
- copy_block
- Copies the marked block, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: copy_block
- paste_block
- Pastes the block which was in the copy buffer back on screen, unless we're
- in Anim Mode. The topleft corner is the current cursor position, so you
- might want to set that first.
- Example: paste_block
- box_block
- Draws a box around the currenly marked block, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: box_block
- cut_line
- Cuts the line out of the screen, just like the menu option, unless we're in
- Anim Mode.
- Example: cut_line
- copy_line
- Copies the line, just like the menu option, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: copy_line
- paste_line
- Pastes the line which was in the line buffer back on screen, just like the
- menu option, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: paste_line
- delete_line
- Deletes the line, just like the menu option, unless we're in Anim Mode.
- Example: delete_line
- Technical Reference
- Preference file format
- The preference files start with a four character ID, which currently is
- `PAN1' but will be changed whenever the file format changes. After the ID,
- the following structure is saved. All fields in the preferences files are
- READ ONLY, and only apply to the current (`PAN1') file format.
- typedef struct program_prefs
- {
- USHORT num_of_colors;
- USHORT palette[16];
- UBYTE x_size, y_size;
- char font_name[40];
- USHORT flags;
- UBYTE keyblocks[10][18];
- };
- /*
- * Flag definitions, as used in the USHORT flags field:
- */
- #define F_INSERT 0x0001 /* Insert/Overstrike */
- #define F_LINEWRAP 0x0002 /* Line Wrap (LEFT/RIGHT) */
- #define F_PAGEWRAP 0x0004 /* Page Wrap (UP/DOWN) */
- #define F_DESTRUCTIVEBS 0x0008 /* Destructive BackSpace */
- #define F_UNDOREDO 0x0010 /* Enable Anim Mode */
- #define F_SAVECRLF 0x0020 /* Save LF as CR+LF */
- #define F_CLEARSCREEN 0x0040 /* Save Clearscreen Code */
- #define F_NOFOREGROUND 0x0080 /* No Foreground */
- #define F_NOBACKGROUND 0x0100 /* No Background */
- Thank You
- In this chapter I want to thank everybody who helped me with the
- development of ProANSI. Without these people, ProANSI wouldn't have been
- the program it is today.
- - First I want to thank Albert-Jan Brouwer for his support when I'd
- encountered some weird crashes. Since I didn't have a MMU, I couldn't use
- the ``Enforcer'', so he did this for me. In the end, we discovered the
- bug, but without his help I would probably never have found it.
- - Secondly I want to thank all the beta testers, who came up with some
- nice ideas and lots of bug reports. I want to thank Leo Elsinga for coming
- up with the name for my editor. Thanks also go to: Cor Knijnenburg, Aad
- Nieuwmans, Louis Roggeveen, Rene Te Pas, René Kuipers, Ed Mirck, Peter
- Kist, Peter Hagen and Frank Groen.
- - Finally I want to thank Bard Papegaaij for learning me how to program in
- `C' and especially how to handle large projects. And, last but not least,
- Joost Boerhout for sending me the documents of the ANSI/VT100 standards.
- - Of course, there will be many people I've forgotten, so please don't be
- angry if your name isn't here. Just contact me and I will fix it!