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Text File | 1992-10-04 | 43.8 KB | 1,111 lines |
- ReOrg V2.33
- Shareware disk optimizer
- English documentation
- (C) 1992 Holger Kruse
- Contents
- --------
- 1. Conditions, Disclaimer
- 2. What is ReOrg ? - Short introduction
- 3. Hardware, Software needed; Installation
- 4. Usage
- 5. Error messages
- 6. Technical details
- 7. Option file format
- 8. Program version, update info
- 9. Acknowledgements
- 1. Conditions, Disclaimer
- -------------------------
- ReOrg is shareware. The program may be freely distributed
- and copied, as long as the following conditions are
- fulfilled:
- - The sales price must not be higher than the cost of
- an (empty) disk plus a nominal copying fee plus
- costs for shipping. The total price must not be higher
- than 6 US$ or 10 DM.
- - All parts of the program and the documentation must
- be complete. The distribution of single parts is not
- allowed.
- - ReOrg or parts of it must not be sold in combination with
- or as part of commercial software.
- - Program and documentation must not be changed in any way.
- Exception (this means: acceptable is:) the use of
- archivers such as LHArc and packers like "Imploder" or
- "Powerpacker", as long as it is possible to retrieve
- the original program/data.
- I want to ask everybody, who uses ReOrg (except for one
- or two test runs), to send the amount of
- 10 US$ or 15 DM
- to the following address:
- Holger Kruse
- Ulzburger Str. 387-389
- 2000 Norderstedt
- Germany
- or to my new address in the USA:
- Holger Kruse
- 12006 Coed Drive
- Orlando, FL 32826
- Phone: (407) 381-3233
- Please send only cash, eurocheques, American checks or
- postal money orders (US$ only !). Do not send
- stamps, disks etc. If you write to my address in Germany, please
- allow some time until your mail is answered, because mails send
- there are forwarded to my address in the USA.
- Thank you very much in advance !
- I will try and inform everybody, who as registered with
- me as described above, when a new version of ReOrg
- becomes available.
- I have a new internet address: kruse@eola.cs.ucf.edu
- But please note that this address may not be valid at all
- times ! If E-Mail bounces, please try again after a couple
- of weeks or try sack mail.
- I explicitly do not guarantee for the correct functioning
- of ReOrg. When you optimize disks, you always run the
- risk of a data loss, of a change of your data or of
- the destruction of your data. I explicitly reject any
- responsibility for these or any other consequences from
- the use of ReOrg whatsoever. This includes, but is not
- limited to, secondary consequences, personal injuries or
- other kinds on side effects.
- I hereby explicitly warn each user:
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!! Optimizing a disk is always risky. !!!
- !!! I strongly recommend each user to backup !!!
- !!! or copy his disk completely before !!!
- !!! optimizing it. It is the user's !!!
- !!! responsibility to check his data for !!!
- !!! completeness and correctness after !!!
- !!! optimizing it. I explicitly reject any !!!
- !!! responsibility for damages or changes. !!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 2. What is ReOrg ? - Short introduction
- ---------------------------------------
- ReOrg is a disk optimizer, i.e. a program that
- improves the physical data layout on a floppy
- disk or harddisk, in order to speed up file
- and directory accesses.
- ReOrg removes some problems that are caused
- by AmigaDOS:
- - file fragmentation:
- When new files are created, it is possible that
- AmigaDOS can not store the file contents in one
- single consecutive block, because there is no
- such block available on the disk. In this case
- AmigaDOS sometimes scatters the file contents over
- the whole disk.
- ReOrg removes this problem by placing the contents
- of each file in a single consecutive block.
- - directory fragmentation:
- In contrary to other operating systems (e.g. MSDOS),
- AmigaDOS does not store directory data in a single
- consecutive block. This leads to weak performance
- for directory listings.
- ReOrg tries to store directory data as closely together
- as possible. This considerably speeds up commands like
- "dir" and "lists" and the directory display within
- file requesters.
- - differences in disk format:
- When you use disks under Kick1.2/1.3, which have been
- formatted under Kick2.04, directory accesses are often
- even much slower than usual. The reason for this is, that
- placement of "FileList"-blocks has been changed from
- Kick1.2/1.3 to Kick2.04.
- ReOrg has an option where to place "FileList"-blocks.
- This means you can optimize Kick2.04-disks for use
- with Kick1.2/1.3.
- ReOrg can be used with the following disk formats:
- - all currently available AmigaDOS filesystems, including
- - OldFileSystem (OFS: "DOS\0")
- - FastFileSystem (FFS: "DOS\1")
- - new (Kick2.0)-FileSystem (includes OFS and FFS)
- - International FileSystem (has been in ROM at least
- since Kick2.04 and will (possibly ?) be supported
- from the Shell in WB2.1: "DOS\2", "DOS\3")
- - All floppy disk and hard disk sizes are supported.
- However, to optimizer large hard disk partitions,
- you need a lot of memory.
- - ReOrg recognizes FileSystems, which support different
- disk capacities (e.g. High-Density-Drives for
- 1.76 MB capacity, that are built in some new A3000s).
- - ReOrg supports "hard links" and "soft links";
- however, "soft links" are not wholely supported by
- Commodore yet. Therefore, ReOrg only supports the
- (possibly preliminary) "soft link" implementation
- of Kick2.04. I can not guarantee that this version
- of ReOrg correctly handles "soft link" implementation
- of future AmigaDOS versions.
- - CAUTION: DYNAMIC Ram disks, like "VD0:" ((C) ASDG)
- must NOT be optimized by ReOrg. Optimizing such disks
- may lead to data loss !
- - Of course, ReOrg can not optimize "RAM:". Anyway,
- this would not make much sense.
- - You CAN use ReOrg to optimize your resident,
- non-dynamical RAM-Disk "RAD:" ((C) by Commodore).
- - ReOrg has a one-disk-mode (optimize a single disk)
- and a two-disk-mode (optimize one disk while copying
- it to a different disk)
- In comparison to other disk optimizers available on
- the Amiga market, ReOrg is quite fast.
- Optimizing a 880 kB disk on a standard 68000 Amiga
- with 1 MB of free memory usually takes about 1:30
- to 1:40 minutes. On a 68030 Amiga it takes only
- 1:20 to 1:30 minutes.
- Optimizing a 40 MB harddisk on a 68000 Amiga usually
- takes around 10 to 15 minutes, but this time depends very
- much on the amount of free memory, type of controller
- type of processor and the degree of disk fragmentation.
- If you use a 68030 Amiga and have enough memory
- available, the optimization time can be reduced to
- about 4 minutes.
- 3. Hardware, software needed; Installation
- ------------------------------------------
- To use ReOrg, you need an Amiga, Kickstart 2.04
- or above and enough memory.
- There is also a different version of ReOrg (V1.1)
- available that also works under Kickstart 1.2/1.3
- The amount of memory you need is approximately:
- 220 kB (needed for the program itself)
- + 7 kB for each MB of disk size
- + 5 * tracksize of your disk
- + 150 kB which are usually not used by ReOrg, but must be
- left to avoid low-memory situations. (For large
- partition sizes and much memory available, this
- number may become higher)
- Examples:
- 1) 880 kB floppy disk: 40 MB harddisk:
- (11 sectors/track) (32 sectors/track)
- 220 kB 220 kB
- + 6 kB (7 kB * 880/1024) + 280 kB (7 kB * 40)
- + 28 kB (11/2 kB * 5) + 80 kB (32/2 kb * 5)
- + 150 kB + 150 kB
- --------- ---------
- 404 kB 690 kB
- 200 MB hard disk:
- (32 sectors/track)
- 220 kB
- + 1400 kB (7 kB * 200)
- + 80 kB (32/2 kB * 5)
- + 150 kB
- ---------
- 1850 kB
- These numbers are only rough approximations to give
- you an idea how much memory you need.
- Actually for large partition sizes, ReOrg allocates
- most of your memory as a cache.
- This cache is the main reason why ReOrg is so fast.
- For optimum speeds, the cache should have at least
- 2 percent of the size of your partition.
- There is no installation required for ReOrg. In addition
- to the program file "ReOrg", you do not need any
- libraries, fonts etc.
- However if you want to use the built-in help mode of ReOrg
- the file "ReOrg.help" must be copied to the same directory
- as the program file "ReOrg".
- 4. Usage
- --------
- ReOrg can be started from Shell of Workbench.
- You can specify the following arguments / tool types:
- FROM=device name source device name
- TO=device name destination device name
- PUBSCREEN=screen name name of the public screen
- you want ReOrg to open on
- (works since ReOrg V2.3)
- SCREENMODE=typecode This option tells ReOrg to open
- e.g. =NTSC:HiRes an own (custom) screen. As <typecode>
- or =0x19000 you can specify the name of an
- Amiga display-mode (like in Prefs/
- ScreenMode), e.g. "NTSC:HiRes".
- However I recommend you specify the
- hex code (e.g. "0x19000" for
- NTSC:HiRes), because the hex code
- is not changed for different
- languages (WB2.1 ?). Valid code are e.g.:
- 0x08000: HiRes
- 0x19000: NTSC:HiRes
- 0x29000: PAL:HiRes
- 0x39024: Productivity
- 0x41000: A2024 10Hz
- A complete list is located in
- the include file "graphics/displayinfo.h".
- OPTFILE=option file name name of a user-supplied
- option file (the format of this
- file is described below)
- SETTINGS=settings name of a settings file, that ReOrg
- file name has previously saved (default =
- "ReOrg.prefs")
- From Workbench ReOrg can also be started by double-clicking
- on an settings file.
- When you start ReOrg, the main window appears. ReOrg is
- controlled by menus and gadgets.
- Description of menus:
- - ReOrg
- - About ReOrg Displays version and copyright information
- - Help Toggle help mode.
- In help mode the mouse pointer changes its
- imagery. When you select a menu item or a
- gadget while in help mode, ReOrg shows you
- a short explanation. You can leave help mode
- by selecting the menu item "Help" again.
- - Quit ReOrg Quits the program
- - Settings
- - Create Icons ? If this menu item is selected, ReOrg creates
- a Workbench icon (.info-file) whenever you save
- a settings file.
- - Load Loads any previously saved settings file
- Settings...
- - Save Settings Saves the settings (state of all gadgets
- and menu items) in the current settings
- file (default = "ReOrg.prefs")
- - Save Settings Saves the settings in any settings file
- as...
- Description of gadgets:
- - Format This gadget specifies if the destination
- disk is to be formatted.
- - Off Do not format the destination disk.
- For all disk writes CMD_WRITE is used.
- (This only works if the destination disk
- has been formatted previously;
- default in one-disk-mode)
- - On Only used tracks are formatted on the
- first write access. Should usually not be
- used for harddisks, but is useful for floppy
- disks.
- - All tracks All tracks of the destination disk
- are formatted (necessary, if the
- destination disk has not been
- formatted before; default in two-disk-mode)
- - Write verify If this gadget is activated, ReOrg checks
- if data is written correctly (verify).
- This slows down the optimization. For
- hard disks verify ist usually not necessary.
- - Workbench Mode If this gadget is activated, Workbench
- icons will appear faster after optimization.
- - Graphical sector If this gadget is activated, ReOrg
- display graphically shows the user which sectors it
- is currently working on during optimization.
- This makes the optimization slightly slower.
- - Advanced options This gadget opens a window that
- contains options which are not needed
- so often.
- - Option file You can enter the name of an option file
- in this gadget. Option files allow the
- user to specify, that certain files should
- be treated by ReOrg in a different way.
- The format of the option file is described
- below.
- The option file name can be entered
- immediately, or you can use the "Select"
- gadget to select an option file in a
- file requester. The gadget "Clear" clears
- the option file name.
- - Drive / These gadgets are scrolling lists that
- FROM Drive / show all available drives. In one-disk-mode
- TO Drive you must choose one device name, in
- two-disk-mode, two different devices must
- be selected.
- - Mode Lets you choose between
- - One Drive (one-disk-mode) and
- - Two Drives (two-disk-mode)
- - Start Starts the Optimization
- - Cancel Quits ReOrg
- Description of gadgets in the "Advanced options" window:
- - FileExt blocks Specifies where FileExt blocks are
- stored. For a detailed description:
- See "6. Technical details"
- - Partition Half Specifies where file contents are
- stored. For a detailed description:
- See "6. Technical details"
- - Update disk date Normally, ReOrg increments the disk
- creation data during optimization.
- This is necessary to prevent ReOrg
- from mixing up the old disk with the
- new, optimized disk. If this gadget
- is deactivated, ReOrg does not change
- the disk creation date.
- CAUTION: If you deactivate this gadget,
- under certain circumstances your Amiga
- might crash after the optimization !
- - SIMULATE If you activate this gadget, ReOrg does
- optimization not write the optimized data back to
- only disk. This means, the optimization is
- only "simulated". This is useful to
- find out if ReOrg will issue error messages
- during the actual optimization.
- - Read Drive This gadget can be used to activate the
- Geometry command TD_GETGEOMETRY. This command is
- used by ReOrg to adjust to devices that
- support multiple disk formats. At this
- time, only "trackdisk.device" supports
- multiple formats to support DD disks as
- well as HD disks. However, ReOrg recognizes
- HD disks in "trackdisk.device"-based drives
- even when this gadget is deactivated.
- So you only need to activate this gadget
- if you have ANOTHER device that supports
- multiple disk formats (e.g. special disk
- drives on your SCSI bus).
- CAUTION: If you activate this gadget for
- a device, that does not understand
- TD_GETGEOMETRY, your Amiga may crash !
- So, usually, you should switch this gadget
- off !
- The function of this gadget has changed
- since ReOrg V2.1.
- - Safety Memory In this gadget you can specify the
- amount memory that ReOrg should NOT use
- as cache. Default is 150000 Bytes, but
- you can reduce this value to 50000.
- Or you can increase the value as high
- as you wish, if you want to spare some
- of your memory for other programs.
- Values smaller than 50000 are not allowed,
- because otherwise there might not be
- enough memory left when an error occurs.
- - Small file limit ReOrg stores large files in a seperate
- area on your disk to speed up the access
- to directory data. However, small files are
- usually stored within the directory area
- to speed up the access to those files.
- This does not affect the speed of
- directory accesses very much.
- In the "Small file limit" gadget you can
- enter the maximum size of files (in
- blocks), that should be stored within
- the directory area (default=2). Large
- values slow down the directory access
- ("dir", "list"); small values slow down
- the access to small files. When you
- optimize boot disks (e.g. for games),
- larger values can be useful.
- There is yet another way to control ReOrg: If ReOrg
- is started from Workbench, the ReOrg window becomes an
- "AppWindow". This means, you can drop Workbench icons
- in this window.
- - When you drop the icon of a ReOrg settings file in
- the window, ReOrg loads the settings file.
- - When you drop a disk icon over one of the device
- scrolling lists (Drive, FROM Drive, TO Drive),
- ReOrg chooses the device name belonging to the
- disk icon.
- When the optimization is started, ReOrg first prompts
- the user to insert the disk(s). After that, a status
- window appears and ReOrg starts reading and processing
- the disk directory.
- During this phase (status = "scanning disk"), ReOrg may
- be interrupted at any time even in one-disk-mode.
- At the end of this phase, ReOrg once again asks the
- user to confirm that the disk should be optimized.
- In one-disk-mode, ReOrg must not be interrupted or
- canceled after this message, or your disk will be
- corrupt.
- During the actual optimization (status = "moving blocks")
- ReOrg shows how much time the optimization will approximately
- need. This display is regularly updated.
- After this phase has been finished, in two-disk-mode ReOrg
- may format unused tracks on the destination disk and copy
- reserved sectors to the destination disk.
- After that, ReOrg asks the user to remove the disk(s).
- Finally, ReOrg shows some statistical information about
- the disk and the optimization.
- During the optimization, the status window show the
- following information:
- - The number of directories and files, which ReOrg has
- already processed ("done") and which ReOrg has
- queued for later processing ("queued").
- - The current cache usage. If this value reaches
- 100% at any time during the optimization, this
- means that more memory could speed up the
- optimization.
- - The cache size (in absolute numbers, and relative
- to the disk size)
- - The current status of ReOrg. Possible states are:
- - checking disk Before the actual optimization
- starts, ReOrg checks if your disk
- is a valid AmigaDOS disk.
- - scanning disk ReOrg is reading the disk directory
- and is calculating the layout of the
- destination disk.
- - awaiting user ReOrg is waiting for the user to
- response confirm the start of the
- optimization.
- - preparing ReOrg is creating internal tables that
- optimization are needed for the optimization.
- - moving blocks ReOrg is optimizing the disk.
- - writing bitmap ReOrg is writing the new disk
- bitmap.
- - formatting empty If the user selected "Format: All Tracks",
- tracks ReOrg formats all unused tracks on the
- destination disk.
- - copying reserved ReOrg is copying reserved blocks
- blocks (boot blocks etc.).
- - The remaining time needed for the optimization (only
- during the phase "moving blocks"). This value is only
- an approximation of the remaining time needed. If source
- and destination devices have a very different speed,
- (e.g. "RAD:" to "DF0:"), the estimation is very inaccurate.
- - A graphical display, how many percent of disk blocks
- have already been moved. This percentage also corresponds
- to the percentage of time needed for the optimization.
- - If the user selected the gadget "Graphical sector display",
- ReOrg displays on the right side of the window which sectors
- are currently processed.
- 5. Error messages
- -----------------
- Error code Meaning
- 1 AmigaDOS error: The file size does not correspond
- to the number of data blocks allocated to a file.
- 2 Device error: I/O error during read
- 3 Device error: I/O error during write
- 4 Device error: I/O error during the last write access
- 5 Device error: I/O error trying to switch the motor
- of the source drive off
- 6 Device error: I/O error trying to switch the motor
- of the destination drive off
- 7 AmigaDOS error: Invalid block number in
- directory tree
- 8 AmigaDOS error: A block is used twice (corresponds
- to the Disk-Validator error message "Key ### already set")
- 9 AmigaDOS error: A control block has an invalid
- identification in the first longword (must equal 2)
- 10 AmigaDOS error: A control block has an invalid
- type identification in the last longword (ReOrg
- currently recognizes types -4, -3, 1, 2, 3, 4)
- 11 File error: Cannot open option file
- 12 File error: Cannot read option file
- 13 File error: Option file has an invalid format
- 14 File error: Option file has an invalid version
- 15 File error: Option file is too long (more than
- 65534 lines)
- 16 File error: Unexpected end of line in option file
- 17 File error: Invalid option in option file
- 18 File error: Invalid combination of options in
- option file
- 19 Run time error: Not enough memory
- 20 User mistake: No FROM-device selected
- 21 User mistake: No device selected
- 22 User mistake: No TO-device selected
- 23 User mistake: FROM- and TO-device are the same
- 24 User mistake: FROM- and TO-device are incompatible
- to each other
- 25 Device error: Cannot open device
- 26 Format error: Disk format unknown
- 27 Format error: Disk does not have a valid AmigaDOS
- format
- 28 File error: Error writing the settings file
- 29 File error: Error reading the settings file
- 30 File error: Help file corrupt
- 31 Device error: I/O error during verify. When this
- error occurs, you can cancel the optimization,
- try again to write and read the blocks or ignore
- the error.
- 32 User mistake: No disk inserted !
- 34 User mistake: Disk is write protected !
- 35 Device error: Difference between read and written
- data during verify. When this error occurs, you can
- cancel the optimization, try again to write and read
- the blocks or ignore the error.
- 401 Device does not exist (Usually, this error should
- not occur).
- 402 Device does not have one of the valid AmigaDOS
- formats (DOS\0, DOS\1, DOS\2, DOS\3)
- 403 Block length does not equal 512 bytes.
- 404 The mountlist entry "SecOrg" is not equal to 0
- (invalid format ?)
- 407 The mountlist entry "Reserved" is equal to 0
- (invalid format ?)
- 408 The number of sectors per track is equal to 0
- 409 Error during 'Inhibit' (Allocating/freeing drive)
- 502 Warning: Invalid control block encountered while
- moving blocks.
- 503 Warning: Invalid data block encountered while
- moving blocks.
- 504 The mountlist entry "MaxTrans" is too small to
- read a whole track. This warning usually just
- means, that your controller does not initialize
- its drive description properly.
- 505 Device error: Error during TD_PROTSTATUS
- 1xxx Internal Error: Error numbers larger than 1000
- are internal errors, that should usually not
- occur. If you get one of these errors, please
- inform the author of ReOrg !
- 6. Technical details
- --------------------
- - Option "FileExt blocks"
- Files larger than 34.3 kB (OFS) or 36 kB (FFS) require
- "FileExt blocks" (also called FileList blocks).
- ReOrg offers three models where to place these blocks
- on the output disk:
- 1) "Front" : All FileExt blocks are placed immediately
- behind the header block. This is the default
- under Kickstart 1.2/1.3.
- 2) "Mid" : All FileExt blocks are placed behind the
- first sequence of data blocks. This is the
- default under Kickstart 2.0.
- 3) "Scatter" : FileExt blocks are scattered among the
- data blocks.
- Recommended Settings:
- - If you want to be able to display the directory contents
- of your disk under Kickstart 1.2/1.3: BE SURE TO use the
- setting "FileExt blocks=Front". Otherwise the "dir"-command
- gets even slower than it already is.
- - Otherwise: usually "FileExt blocks=Mid" is best for disks
- that are ONLY used under Kickstart 2.0. Sometimes,
- "FileExt blocks=Scatter" can be useful, if large files are
- read only sequentially using small program buffers (most
- C-programs use very small buffers (512 bytes)). For those
- programs sequential file access gets faster, if you
- choose the setting "FileExt blocks=Scatter".
- - Exception: When you reorganize Boot disks, for which you
- NEVER read the directory under Kickstart 1.2/1.3 (e.g.
- Game boot disks), the setting "FileExt blocks=Scatter"
- often gives the best results - under Kickstart 1.2/1.3 as
- well as under Kickstart 2.0.
- - Another Exception: When the disk contains large files
- which are accessed in relative mode (using Seek()),
- you should NOT use the setting "FileExt blocks=Scatter".
- - Partition half
- It is possible to store file data mainly in the
- - Upper or
- - Lower
- partition half. Usually there is not much difference
- between both settings. The decision which setting
- is better usually depends on the amount of data
- on the partition.
- - Options "Workbench mode" and "Small file limit"
- For each file, ReOrg decides whether to store the file
- contents behind the header block or in the data area.
- - data stored after the header block:
- - File access gets faster
- - Directory access gets slower (particularly for
- large files)
- - data stored in data area:
- - File access gets slower
- - Directory access may get faster
- When you use the option "Workbench mode", ReOrg stores
- all "#?.info" and ".backdrop" files after the header block.
- This makes Workbench icons appear faster. However,
- directory access from the shell may become slower.
- The option "Small file limit" makes ReOrg store the contents
- of small files (default: up to 2 blocks size) after the
- header block, to increase file access speed. This does not
- slow down directory accesses considerably, but file access
- to small files gets much faster.
- If you only want to have fast directory access, you can set
- this option to "0".
- Directory accesses get fastest, if you switch off "Workbench
- mode" and set "Small file limit" to "0".
- Some details about the technical process of optimization:
- - The "bitmap" of the source disk is not needed by ReOrg.
- Therefore it is not necessary to "validate" your disk
- before optimizing it.
- - Before ReOrg changes anything on your disk, it
- first checks the structure of your disk. However,
- this check is not complete, i.e. ReOrg does not
- detect all possible structural defects (btw, even
- the AmigaDOS Disk-Validator does not detect and
- correct all defects !).
- When ReOrg reports an error in the first phase, it
- has not destroyed or changed your disk yet in any
- way. But when the phase "moving blocks" starts,
- ReOrg must not be interrupted any more, because
- in this phase ReOrg rearranges the disk layout.
- disk for structural defects before optimizing it.
- Otherwise ReOrg might report an error in the
- "moving blocks" phase and might even destroy your
- disk (although this is very unlikely).
- - If ReOrg stops or is interrupted in the "moving
- blocks" phase, the following things happen:
- - Your disk is displayed on Workbench as "DF0:REOR"
- (DF0 being the drive that contains your disk).
- - When you try to access your disk, AmigaDOS reports
- "Not a DOS disk".
- - The contents of your disk are TOTALLY UNUSABLE AND
- In this situation there is only one thing you can do:
- !!! Reformat your disk ("format ... quick") and !!!
- !!! restore your backup. !!!
- Do not trust "hints" from computer magazines telling you,
- you could still repair parts of your disk. I explicitly
- warn you:
- !!! Do not try to repair your disk using tools like !!!
- !!! "disksalv", "fixdisk", "diskdoctor" or any commercial !!!
- !!! disk tools ! !!!
- !!! Although you might by coincidence really restore some !!!
- !!! of your files, you will most certainly "restore" a lot !!!
- !!! of corrupt files, but you will not get an error !!!
- !!! message from your disk recovery tool. This is !!!
- !!! especially true if your disk has the FFS format. !!!
- !!! "Repairing" corrupt program files may very well lead to !!!
- !!! MASSIVE computer crashes in the future. So: Always !!!
- !!! restore your backup when ReOrg does not complete the !!!
- !!! "moving blocks" phase ! !!!
- 7. Option file format
- ---------------------
- Most users will probably not needed option files.
- However, option files are useful to make some "final"
- optimizations, e.g. before disks are distributed.
- Especially when you optimize game boot disks, a
- "perfect" optimization using option files may save
- you some seconds when you boot from your disk.
- Option files allow you to change the settings of
- the "FileExt blocks" option and to specify the
- placement of data blocks for individual files.
- These settings override the global settings for
- single files.
- Example: You want to optimize a game boot disk, that
- contains a lot of files. You therefore used
- the global setting "FileExt blocks=Scatter"
- (An explanation, why this makes sense, can be
- found in the section "6. Technical details").
- The disadvantage of this setting is, that
- relative accesses to large files become slower.
- When you know, that your game often accesses a
- single large file in relative mode (let's say
- the name of this file is "graphics/dungeon.gfx"),
- you should change the setting of "FileExt blocks"
- to "Front" for this single file only. This kind
- of settings can be specified in option files.
- Option files are ordinary ASCII text files. You can use
- any ASCII text editor to create and edit them (e.g. MEmacs).
- Format:
- 1st line:
- $1
- (A dollar sign ("$") and the digit One ("1") in the first
- two columns of the line)
- all other lines:
- options:file name:comment
- valid options are:
- I0 Data blocks of this file are not placed near
- the header block (default)
- I1 Data blocks of this file are placed near the
- header block (file access gets faster, directory
- access gets slower)
- E0 The same as "FileExt blocks=Front" for a single file.
- E1 The same as "FileExt blocks=Scatter" for a single file.
- E2 The same as "FileExt blocks=Mid" for a single file.
- You can combine several options in a single line
- (e.g.: E0I1:file name:comment)
- The above example:
- $1
- E0:graphics/dungeon.gfx:any comment
- Some more notes about the file format
- - The file name must be specified relative to the root
- of the disk, i.e. please do not write "/test/name.doc",
- "sys:test/name.doc" or "diskname:test/name.doc", but
- only "test/name.doc"
- - Spaces and other special characters may occur in the
- file name. You need not (and must not) use quotation
- marks to surround the file name !
- - Patterns (e,g, "*.txt" or "#?.txt") are not allowed !
- 8. Program version, update info
- -------------------------------
- - V2.33 (Rev 99, 30.09.1992, 5th release)
- Changes since V2.32:
- - Fixed a bug that could cause deadlocks during
- the "moving blocks" phase at "99% finished"
- - V2.32 (Rev 94, 16.07.1992, 4th release)
- Changes since V2.31:
- - ReOrg can now handle Kickstart-1.1 compatible
- Mountlist/Rigiddisk entries. This prevents
- problems with A209x controllers and the old
- "prep" program.
- - V2.31 (Rev 88, 04.07.1992, 3rd release)
- Changes since V2.3:
- - ReOrg no longer crashes, when you move the ReOrg window
- to the far right side of the screen, hit "start" and
- acknowledge the requester
- - The "moving blocks" phase now contains additional
- code to recognize and circumvent deadlock situations
- - Error #33 has become Warning #505 and can now be
- skipped by the user
- - V2.3 (Rev 75, 20.06.1992, 2nd release)
- Changes since V2.1:
- - ReOrg now correctly works with cache sizes
- larger that 8 MB
- - all windows use the font "topaz 8"
- - ReOrg no longer crashes if an error occurs before
- ReOrg has opened its window (e.g. if you specify
- a wrong name for the initial settings file)
- - ReOrg uses the "DrawInfo" structure to make all
- texts readable even on 2-color screens
- - obsolete ".info" files are treated like all other
- "#?.info" files
- - Real double buffering has been implemented for
- all read accesses as well ==> speed increase
- - menu texts are displayed in the screen default
- font
- - asynchronous I/O is used even in one-disk mode
- - slight changes in the "moving blocks" phase to
- increase speed
- - Handling of TD_GETGEOMETRY greatly improved.
- Crashes are much less likely now.
- - Error messages #406 ("MaxTransfer to small") has
- become a warning now (#504) and can be skipped by
- the user
- - ToolType "PUBSCREEN" works correctly
- - ToolType "SCREENMODE" implemented to force ReOrg
- to open on an own custom screen
- - If read/write errors occur during the "moving
- blocks" phase, the user can now "repeat" the
- I/O or "ignore" the error. This means the
- optimization can be finished even if errors
- occur.
- - The mountlist entry "Mask" is used to prevent
- problems with old DMA controllers in combination
- with turbo boards.
- - Compatibility of Verify improved:
- - No more errors when the device does not recognize
- - ReOrg automatically switches to (slower)
- synchronous verify if the device does not
- support (faster) asynchronous verify.
- - Fixed a problem at the end of the optimization,
- that occured if the volume had the same name
- as the device.
- - V2.2 (several Revs, intermediate internal version)
- - V2.1 (Rev 49, 28.05.1992, 1st release)
- In addition to ReOrg V2.33, there is another current
- ReOrg version, that also runs under Kickstart 1.2/1.3.
- The version number is V1.1.
- If you have ReOrg versions V0.9, V0.99 or V1.0,
- please DELETE them. They are internal beta-test versions.
- I will try and further improve ReOrg V2.33 if I have
- time for it. Registered users will get a notification
- when new versions of ReOrg get available, that contain
- significant changes or enhancements.
- But I will probably not change the Kickstart 1.2/1.3-
- compatible ReOrg version V1.1 any more. I guess that
- most Users will upgrade to Kickstart 2.04 after some
- time anyway, so they can use ReOrg V2.33.
- Besides ReOrg V2.33 contains some improvements that
- have not been implemented in ReOrg V1.1. One of them
- is: ReOrg V2.33 needs much less memory to optimize large
- hard disk partitions than ReOrg V1.1.
- In order to be able to improve / correct ReOrg, I would like
- to ask every user to do the following things:
- - send me the registration fee
- - send me bug reports, if you find any bugs
- - give me hints how to improve ReOrg
- Thank you very much in advance !
- My personal future plans for ReOrg, if I have time for them:
- - Implement an option to convert disks between the
- "ordinary" disk formats to/from the International
- FileSystem format
- (i.e. DOS\0 <--> DOS\2, and DOS\1 <--> DOS\3)
- - Support for "locale.library" to adapt ReOrg to
- different languages
- I will be thankful for other ideas.
- 9. Acknowledgements
- -------------------
- Thank you to all beta-testers of ReOrg !
- These are:
- Thomas Esser, Oliver Kasper, Carsten Lechte, Holger Lubitz,
- Michael Rohrdrommel, Kai Siering, Christian Soltenborn,
- Christian Wolf and Michael Zielinski.
- Thank you to Christian Wolf for distributing
- ReOrg via FTP !
- ... last but not least many thanks in advance to all
- ReOrg users who send me the registration fee !
- Holger Kruse