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- PowerSnap 2.1b User Manual
- Nov 22, 1992
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely
- distributable, but are also Copyright (c) Nico Francois. They may be
- freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged
- to cover time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from
- the author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in
- original unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you
- find any bugs, please let me know.
- Contacting the author:
- Fido: 2:292/603.10 (Nico Francois)
- UUCP: Nico.Francois@p10.f603.n292.z2.FidoNet.Org
- Mail: Nico François
- Corbielaan 13
- B-3060 Bertem
- If you can please use e-mail. That way you'll stand a much better
- chance of getting a reply quickly.
- NOTE: PowerSnap 2.1b requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.0 or
- higher to run!
- 1. Introduction
- ---------------
- Snap, snap, snap, snap, eggs and snap :-) Ahem... (If you don't
- get this don't let it bother you if you think I've gone completely
- bananas :-)
- PowerSnap is a utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark
- characters anywhere on the screen and paste them somewhere else, like
- in the CLI or in a string gadget. PowerSnap will check what font is
- used in the window you snap from and will look for the position of
- the characters automatically. It recognizes all non proportional
- fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any height so this should cover
- most fonts used. Snapping and pasting text is done using the mouse,
- Page 1
- making PowerSnap fast and easy to use.
- To try PowerSnap out, double-click its icon, move the mouse over a
- character on the screen, press the left Alt key and while keeping
- this pressed press the left mouse button. After a short delay
- (depends on how big the font is) PowerSnap will either flash the
- screen, indicating it hasn't found a character at this position (it
- is possible PowerSnap didn't look for the correct font), or the
- character you are pointing at will be selected. Move the mouse while
- keeping the left Alt key and the mouse button down to select more
- characters. Once you are satisfied with what you have selected
- release the left Alt key. You can now insert the text you have just
- snapped by pressing either left Alt + V or left Alt + right mouse
- button.
- Both the left Alt and the V keys mentioned in this short
- explanation are user-definable (see below). Also, don't start
- snapping on a space because PowerSnap will almost certainly get the
- character positions wrong. You CAN start snapping on a space if you
- have already snapped in the window.
- New to PowerSnap 2.1 is the ability to keep a history of snapped
- strings. You may select from this history to re-paste something.
- 2. Installation
- ---------------
- To install PowerSnap automatically use the installation script or
- install the handler manually by copying 'PowerSnap-handler' to your
- L: directory. 'PowerSnap-handler' does not have to be in L: but it
- is best if you put it there, PowerSnap will also find it if it is in
- the current directory.
- If you want PowerSnap to be part of your initial startup (so you
- always have the comfort of snapping anything anywhere :-) you should
- put a simple line saying 'PowerSnap' in your 's:user-startup'. If you
- wish to specify options include these on the same line, like for
- example 'PowerSnap SMARTSPACE COLOR 2'. To disable the copyright
- message redirect output to NIL: like in 'PowerSnap >NIL:'.
- Workbench 2.0 users have the following extra possibility: drag the
- PowerSnap icon into the WbStartup drawer of your boot disk/partition.
- And that's all there is to it. Specify options in the icon's
- tooltypes (you will want to set the tooltype 'CX_POPUP=NO').
- In any case make sure PowerSnap is in your command path!
- 3. Usage
- --------
- 3.1 From CLI or Shell
- Enter 'PowerSnap ?' for a CLI usage template, 'PowerSnap ??' for a
- more detailed usage report.
- Page 2
- Explanation of the options:
- CX_PRIORITY n : Set priority of commodity (default: 0).
- CX_POPUP YES|NO: Set to NO to not open GUI window when PowerSnap is
- first installed (default: YES).
- CX_POPKEY desc : Standard description of hotkey to pop up GUI window
- (default: control lalt p).
- NOGUI : Don't open GUI settings window.
- QUAL qual : Set snap qualifier (default: lalt). This is the
- qualifier that must be down when you press the left
- mouse button to start snapping. This is also the
- qualifier for inserting the snapped text. There are
- two ways to insert snapped text: using the paste key
- or using the right mouse button.
- SLQUAL qual : Set single line paste qualifier (default:
- lalt+lshift). When this qualifier is down and you
- insert snapped text everything will be put on one
- single line. All whitespace (spaces and newlines)
- between words will be changed to a single space.
- Very useful for inserting a lot of filenames from a
- directory for example.
- MULTIQUAL qual : Set multisnap qualifier (default: lalt+lshift). When
- you start snapping with this qualifier the snapped
- text will be appended after what you snapped before.
- A newline will be placed in between the snapped
- texts, so they are all on their own line. Paste
- snapped text using the single line qualifier to get
- everything on one line. Note that the default single
- line qualifier and the multisnap qualifier are the
- same. You can still toggle multisnap on or off when
- you are already snapping. Just change the qualifier,
- so in the default setup let go or press down the
- shift key. There is a small delay of 1/8 sec before
- toggling the snap mode. This was done so it is less
- likely that you accidently snap in the wrong mode
- when you release all qualifiers to stop snapping.
- PASTEKEY c : Set pastekey (default: V). This key is used to
- insert the snapped text. Insertion will follow when
- it is pressed with one of the three possible
- qualifiers down (QUAL, SLQUAL, PAQUAL).
- SNAPCHARS : Start with character snap (default).
- SNAPFRAME : Start with frame snap. PowerSnap has two snap modes:
- character and frame. The easiest to explain is
- Page 3
- frame snap, you just draw a rectangle and everything
- inside it will be snapped. Character snap will
- interpret the screen as lines of text (like an
- editor) and will snap accordingly.
- [NO]JOIN : Join mode on/off (default: JOIN). Tells PowerSnap if
- it's ok to join two lines to a single long line when
- the first line has a non blank character as its last
- character. This only works when you are using
- character, word or line snap.
- [NO]XEROX : Xerox insert mode on/off (default: NOXEROX). When
- xerox mode is on snapped text will be inserted
- immediately when you stop snapping.
- COLOR 1-3 : Set color of select box (default: 1). This sets the
- color of the complemented characters. Try all three
- and see what you like best.
- MULTICOLOR 1-3 : Set color of multisnap select box (default: 2). This
- sets the color of the complemented characters when
- doing a multisnap. It is best to set this to a
- different color than the normal snap color. This way
- you'll have an easy way to see when you are using
- multisnap.
- PAQUAL qual : Set pre-/append qualifier (default: lalt+ctrl). When
- using this qualifier to insert snapped text a string
- will be prepended to each line and one will be
- appended.
- PREPEND str : Set prepend string (default: "> "). Use this to set
- the string that will be prepended when you paste
- with the PAQUAL down. This string can be up to 16
- characters long. To enter a '"' in the string escape
- it with a '*'. E.g. 'PowerSnap PREPEND " *" "'.
- APPEND str : Set append string (default: ""). Use this to set the
- string that will be appended when you paste with the
- PAQUAL down. Can be up to 16 characters.
- [NO]SMARTSPACE : If you do a word snap PowerSnap will normally guess
- at the boundaries of the word by simply looking for
- empty chars. If you switch SMARTSPACE on however
- PowerSnap will really try to recognize the
- characters and stop at spaces as well as unknown
- characters. This way you will no longer snap part of
- the 'scenery' when doing a word snap. Only drawback
- is that it is a bit slower, so it is disabled by
- default. If you have a faster Amiga (like the A3000)
- it is strongly recommended to switch this option on.
- If you don't exactly understand what I mean try
- Page 4
- snapping the contents of a qualifier text gadget in
- PowerSnap's settings window with SMARTSPACE switched
- on and off.
- [NO]ALLFONTS : If you switch ALLFONTS on PowerSnap will try all
- open fonts in memory when it is looking for
- characters. This will make the initial snap much
- slower (depending on how many fonts are open and how
- fast your Amiga is of course). Once a specific font
- is recognized it is remembered and will be tried
- first next time you snap. So if you snap the same
- font several times you won't have the delay each
- time you snap. The default behaviour is to just
- consider the window's rastport font. Recognition of
- the window's rastport font is _not_ slower with
- ALLFONTS on. So with ALLFONTS off you won't
- recognize a non-rastport font, and with ALLFONTS on
- you will, but more slowly.
- HISTORY n : Set number of lines in history buffer. PowerSnap
- will remember the last n snaps. Pressing Left Alt-H
- (or whatever you defined to be the history key) will
- bring up a window with a listview containing these
- last snaps. Selecting an entry from the listview
- will copy the entry to the clipboard so you can
- paste it again. The history window is keyboard
- controllable: you may use the up and down arrow
- keys to select an entry. Press Enter or Return to
- copy the selected entry to the clipboard, press Esc
- to cancel. Default is 0, so no history.
- HISTORYKEY c : Set the history key (default: H). Pressing this
- key together with the snap qualifier will pop up the
- history window. The history window will appear on
- the active screen. A safety has been built into
- PowerSnap to remove this window if the screen it is
- on closes.
- CHARDELAY n : Set character paste delay in microseconds (default:
- 1). Some programs have problems if text is pasted
- to quickly. Using CHARDELAY you can tell PowerSnap
- to add a delay between pasting characters. The
- delay is specified in microseconds (1 sec = 1000).
- I doubt you will have to set this higher than 20.
- LINEDELAY n : Set line paste delay in microseconds (default: 1).
- Same as CHARDELAY, but this delay will be added
- between pasting lines (after pasting a newline).
- Following qualifiers are recognized:
- Page 5
- lshift Left shift key
- rshift Right shift key
- ctrl Control key
- control Control key
- lalt Left alt key
- ralt Right alt key
- lamiga Left Amiga key
- lcommand Left Amiga key
- ramiga Right Amiga key
- rcommand Right Amiga key
- midbutton Middle mouse button (if you have one :-)
- Or any combination of these (separate the qualifiers by a
- non-alpha character like a '+', '-' or '|'), e.g. 'lalt+lshift' or
- 'lalt-lshift'.
- You may run PowerSnap again once it has been installed to change
- the settings. 'PowerSnap QUIT' will remove the handler from memory.
- Examples:
- o PowerSnap PREPEND "Type " APPEND " OPT N"
- When you paste some text 'Type ' will be inserted before each line
- and ' OPT N' after. If you e.g. snap 'PowerSnap.c' and press left
- Alt Ctrl V the following will be inserted: 'Type PowerSnap.c OPT
- N'
- o PowerSnap QUAL lshift+rshift+ctrl
- This sets the snap qualifier to both Shift keys plus the Ctrl key.
- This is a rather silly example because unless your name is Zaphod
- Beeblebrox or you are very good at doing things with your feet it
- is quite impossible to snap anything with this qualifier :^)
- o PowerSnap PASTEKEY i
- Sets the paste key to 'I' instead of 'V'. So pressing left Alt I
- will feed the text in the clipboard to the keyboard.
- NOTE: - You can toggle between character/frame snap once you have
- started snapping. Just keep the left mouse pressed down while
- you click the right one. Be careful, if you don't keep the
- left button pressed you will insert the text you have
- marked.
- - PowerSnap has the ability to do word oriented snapping. To
- activate this double-click the left mouse button when you
- start snapping. Note that word snapping forces character
- snapping and frame snapping is no longer possible. See
- SMARTSPACE on how to improve word snapping. Tripple-clicking
- the left mouse button will put PowerSnap in line-snap mode,
- this allows you to easily snap whole lines of text.
- Page 6
- - Press the left mouse button while PowerSnap is inserting to
- abort.
- Page 7
- 3.2 From Workbench
- PowerSnap recognizes the following tooltypes (see CLI/Shell
- options for a more complete explanation):
- CX_PRIORITY=n : Priority of commodity (default is 0).
- CX_POPUP=YES|NO: Set to NO to not open GUI window when PowerSnap is
- first installed. Set this tooltype to NO if you drag
- PowerSnap into your WbStartup drawer for a quiet
- startup (default: YES).
- CX_POPKEY=desc : Standard description of hotkey to pop up GUI window
- (default: control lalt p).
- QUAL=qual : Snap qualifier (default: lalt).
- SLQUAL=qual : Single line qualifier (default: lalt+lshift).
- MULTIQUAL=qual : multisnap qualifier (default: lalt+lshift).
- PASTEKEY=c : Pastekey (default: V).
- SNAPFRAME : Start with frame snap.
- COLOR=1-3 : Color of select box (default: 1).
- MULTICOLOR=1-3 : Color of multisnap select box (default: 2).
- NOJOIN : Join mode off.
- XEROX : Xerox insert mode on.
- PAQUAL=qual : Pre-/append qualifier (default: lalt+ctrl).
- PREPEND=str : Prepend string (default: "> ").
- APPEND=str : Append string (default: ""). Do *NOT* put quotes
- around the pre-/append string.
- SMARTSPACE : Switch SMARTSPACE on for improved word snapping.
- ALLFONTS : Switch ALLFONTS on to try all open fonts in memory.
- HISTORY=n : Set number of lines in history buffer (default: 0).
- HISTORYKEY=c : Set history key (default: H).
- CHARDELAY=n : Set character paste delay in microseconds (default:
- 1).
- LINEDELAY=n : Set line paste delay in microseconds (default: 1).
- Select PowerSnap's icon and choose 'Information' from the 'Icons'
- menu. You can now edit PowerSnap's tooltypes, check your Workbench
- manual for more information.
- The provided PowerSnap icon has the following tooltypes already
- set: 'SMARTSPACE' and 'ALLFONTS'. So edit the icon's tooltypes if
- you want to change these. All other tooltypes are also listed in
- brackets. The brackets are used to 'comment out' a tooltype, so
- remove them if you want to use the tooltype.
- Running PowerSnap twice will bring up the settings window. Select
- 'Quit' from this window's 'Project' menu to remove PowerSnap. You can
- of course use the system's Commodities Exchange program to kill
- PowerSnap.
- Page 8
- 4. Settings Window
- ------------------
- When you start PowerSnap you will be presented with a window where
- you can change all of PowerSnap's settings. You may open this window
- at any time by using PowerSnap's hotkey (control lalt p, or whatever
- you set using CX_POPKEY) or by using the standard Commodities
- Exchange program.
- Everything in this window should be fairly self-explanatory. The
- window has a project menu with two items: Hide and Quit. Selecting
- Hide is the same as using the window's close gadget, selecting Quit
- will remove PowerSnap from the system.
- Most changes you make will be effective immediately, so you can
- try them out at once. The qualifiers will only be changed once you
- close the window used to set them.
- Note that the code for this window is located in the PowerSnap
- program, not in PowerSnap-handler. The window code will only be
- loaded when actually needed, so PowerSnap will use a minimum of
- memory when hidden.
- 5. Features
- -----------
- o Fully supports the clipboard.device. You can use snapped text in
- all other programs that supports the clipboard.device.
- o Snaps all printable characters, from ' ' (32) to 'ÿ' (255).
- o Supports all keymaps.
- o Uses a relatively small handler that is about 11K long. PowerSnap
- uses about 20K of memory once it is installed (excluding memory
- used by the clipboard.device and commodities.library).
- o Recognizes all non-proportional fonts to up to 24 pixels wide and
- of any height. Also recognizes scaled fonts (bitmap and
- IntelliFonts).
- o Recognizes plain, underlined, bold, inverse, bold underlined,
- inverse underlined, inverse bold and inverse bold underlined
- characters :-)
- o Works with fonts with kerning data (like the courier.font
- supplied with Workbench 2.0).
- o Will remember character positions in up to 8 windows. Once you
- have snapped in a window the initial character position will be
- found immediately and you may also start snapping on spaces.
- Page 9
- o Joins long lines.
- o Pre-/appends strings to pasted text.
- o Has a single-line mode to paste all snapped text onto a single
- line. Whitespace and newlines will be changed to spaces.
- o Supports a middle mouse button if one exists. Using the middle
- button as qualifier gives the possibility to snap/paste without
- touching the keyboard!
- o Inputhandler is written in assembly for lowest possible
- overhead.
- New features for PowerSnap 2.0 & 2.1:
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- o Has a full intuition/gadtools interface to allow you to change
- all settings using the mouse. The window code is loaded from disk
- when needed for minimum memory usage.
- o PowerSnap is a standard commodity. Use the standard Commodities
- Exchange program to enable/disable it, kill it or to show/hide
- the settings window.
- o Multisnap feature. Allows you to snap something and add it to
- what you snapped before. This append-snapping is very useful to
- pick up several words that you might want to join into one long
- snap. The snapped items are put in the clipboard, each on its own
- line (with a linefeed between them). You can use the single-line
- paste to paste them all onto one line.
- o Recognizes text in all colors. Text in any color on a background
- of any color will be recognized.
- o SMARTSPACE feature to make PowerSnap consider unknown stuff as a
- space. This way you can do _much_ better word snapping in
- non-shell windows.
- o Can be told to try and recognize text in all open fonts in
- memory. PowerSnap will then recognize _all_ non-proportional
- fonts (up to 24 pixels wide) also if the font is not set in the
- window's rastport.
- o Keeps an optional history of snapped text. PowerSnap can
- remember up to 99 strings you snap. Pressing the history key
- will cause a history window to pop up and will allow you to
- select a string to be re-pasted.
- As always, enjoy!
- Page 10
- **********************************************************************
- o First release.
- **********************************************************************
- o Fixed bug in reading from clipboard. Strange things could happen if
- the clipboard did not contain text. Unknown clips are properly
- ignored now. Incompatibility with 'ConClip' (Workbench 2.0, V37)
- resolved. Default COLOR changed to 1. Version string embedded for
- Workbench 2.0 'Version' command.
- o To put the record straight: PowerSnap is not a modified version of
- Snap (by Mikael Karlsson). It is a completely different program
- that does most of the things Snap does. A lot of the features and
- ideas in PowerSnap were influenced by (read: stolen from :-) Snap
- though. I just thought I'd mention this because some German
- magazine almost convicted me for plagiarism, oh boy :^D I wrote
- PowerSnap because I was not happy with Snap taking up over 80K of
- my precious memory (PowerSnap only uses about 12K).
- o The Amiga would hang if you tried to snap something just when a
- window was about to close. Now all the Intuition functions that
- open, close or modify windows are patched so they will wait until
- snapping has finished. If you are running Kickstart 2.0, the new
- Intuition functions are also patched. This should fix all
- deadlocks.
- o New tooltype 'QUIET' added for startup from Workbench without
- window.
- o Tested with Enforcer and Mungwall debugging tools.
- **********************************************************************
- o PowerSnap is a commodity now, so it can be disabled/enabled and
- killed using the Commodities Exchange program. Note the replacement
- of the 'PRIORITY' argument by 'CX_PRIORITY' to set the commodity's
- priority rather than that of the input handler (default is 0).
- o Now has a hotkey to pop up a GUI window to set the settings. This
- window allows you to easily change all of PowerSnap's settings with
- the mouse. Note that the QUIET tooltype has been removed. Use
- CX_POPUP=NO now.
- o Fixed bug: no longer crashes on fonts with LoChar smaller than 32.
- o PowerSnap's character recognition has been improved. Before you
- could only snap black or blue text, now you may also snap white
- text. In fact PowerSnap now recognizes text in any color on a
- background of any color. How could you ever manage without this :)
- Page 11
- o New SMARTSPACE and NOSMARTSPACE arguments. Allows you to switch on
- much better, but slower, word-snap detection. Once you get used to
- this I think you won't mind it's a bit slower. It is no problem on
- faster Amigas of course, like the A3000.
- o New multisnap feature: allows you to add what you snap now to what
- you snapped before. That way you can e.g. snap several files from a
- directory without having to snap them all at once.
- o PowerSnap will now optionally consider every font currently open
- instead of just the window's rastport font. ALLFONTS and NOALLFONTS
- arguments.
- o Will abort the snap if you release the snap qualifier before the
- recognition routine has finished.
- o Allows you to use lamiga, ramiga and ctrl to specify qualifiers.
- **********************************************************************
- VERSION 2.0a
- o Error reporting much improved. If handler fails to initialize you
- will be informed of the problem (instead of just flashing the
- display).
- o Fixed bug: if handler failed to initialize the settings window
- would appear and would allow you to change settings that weren't
- there :-)
- o Settings window changed to a simple refresh window. Refreshing is
- a bit slower, but when the window is covered a lot of chip memory
- is saved (especially on screens with a lot of colors/bitplanes).
- o The handler will now complain if it can't find PowerSnap in the
- command path.
- **********************************************************************
- o PowerSnap now (optionally) keeps a history list of all snapped
- text. It is possible to pick a string from this history list to be
- re-snapped. Pressing Left Alt-H (or another key you may choose)
- will bring up a window on the currently active screen containing
- the snap history. This window will be automatically closed if the
- screen it is on closes.
- o Somebody reported he had a problem when using QMouse (with the
- sunmouse feature) and PowerSnap together. I have changed the way
- PowerSnap patches the window functions of Intuition. If a program
- tries to use an Intuition window function snapping will now be
- aborted. This should fix all deadlock problems.
- o Using the middle mouse button qualifier didn't work. Fixed. Now
- you can finally snap and paste without using the keyboard.
- o On Kickstart 3.0 the wait pointer in the settings window is set to
- the standard Intuition wait pointer.
- o Two new switches: CHARDELAY and LINEDELAY. Allow you to set an
- optional delay when pasting characters and lines (in
- milliseconds). Default delay is set to 1 microsecond (ok for most
- programs). MEmacs (in your Workbench's Tools drawer seems to
- require a character delay of 5).
- Page 12
- o Recognition of underscore character improved. PowerSnap will try
- to be smart about figuring out wether a character is an underscore
- or an underlined space.
- o PowerSnap will check the version of PowerSnap-handler. This will
- take care of the problem of an old handler still being installed
- and causing weird things to happen.
- o Amazingly stupid bug fixed :) Seems V37 of commodities library
- doesn't understand the 'ctrl' qualifier (only 'control'). This
- caused the default popup key not to work on Workbench 2.0. On
- Workbench 2.1 or 3.0 all worked perfectly. Default popup key has
- been changed to 'control lalt p'.
- **********************************************************************
- VERSION 2.1a
- o New feature: line snapping. Tripple clicking the mouse button will
- put PowerSnap in line snap mode. This allows you to easily snap
- whole lines of text from a window. Clicking again will bring you
- back to character/frame snapping.
- o New feature: trailing spaces will be automatically stripped from
- each line of snapped text. Spaces will not be stripped from the
- last line of text if you are in character snap mode.
- o Now refuses to quit when some other program has patched
- intuition.library. Previous versions would blindly unpatch
- intuition.library causing all sorts of strange and wonderful
- crashes :-)
- o PowerSnap will now generate both key-down _and_ key-up events.
- Previously only a key-down event was sent to the input.device,
- confusing some programs.
- o Bug fix: PASTEKEY and HISTORYKEY arguments didn't work and caused
- enforcer hits. Fixed.
- o Bug fix: fixed enforcer hit that occured when settings window was
- popped up (using Commodities Exchange or popup key).
- **********************************************************************
- VERSION 2.1b
- o Bug fix: inputevents are now properly cleared before filling them
- in and sending them to the input.device. This should fix problems
- with corrupted pastes a small percentage of users was
- encountering.
- o History window made keyboard controllable. Use the up/down arrow
- keys to select an entry. Press Return or Enter to accept, Esc to
- cancel. Will look best on Kickstart 3.0 because the listview
- gadget uses a highlight box to show which item is selected, on 2.0
- a text gadget is used.
- o Word snapping improved. You may now start word snapping on a
- space. The space will be included in the snap. Request from Roger
- Nordin (or 'a major problem' as he calls it). I hope this makes
- Roger happy :^)
- Page 13
- o Fixed the annoying 'DisplayBeep() not going away until I stop
- snapping' problem :-) Thanks to Roger Nordin for bugging me about
- this. This bug(?) has been in PowerSnap from the day it was
- released but I never bothered to fix it.
- o Changed some code to use Kickstart 3.0 bitmap/rastport functions if
- possible. This should improve future compatibility.
- **********************************************************************
- PowerSnap 2.1b by Nico François (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- thanks to Jorrit Tyberghein, Ives Aerts, Philip
- Marivoet, Kenny Grant and Herman Stevens for
- beta testing.
- Copyright (c) 1991/1992 Nico François
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!
- Page 14
- Table Of Contents
- PowerSnap 2.1b
- PREFACE......................................................... 1
- 1. Introduction................................................. 1
- 2. Installation................................................. 2
- 3. Usage........................................................ 2
- 3.1 From CLI or Shell........................................ 2
- 3.2 From Workbench........................................... 8
- 4. Settings Window.............................................. 9
- 5. Features..................................................... 9
- PROGRAM HISTORY................................................. 11