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- /* wasp - convert a picture from GIF, IFF, Sun rasterfile,
- * PPM, Hamlab or SRGR to IFF, SRGR or PPM,
- * optionally scaling it and performing various operations on it.
- * Copyright 1991 by Steven Reiz, see the COPYING file for more info.
- * 1/12/90 - 2/6/91, 23/6/91, 30/6/91, 3/7/91 - 8/7/91,
- * 24/7/91, 22/10/91, 16/11/91, 8/12/91, 27/12/91 - 1/1/92
- * usage: see the usage routine below
- */
- static char *sourcefile=__FILE__;
- #define MAIN
- #include "wasp.h"
- static short zap_option=0;
- static int testpatx=0, testpaty;
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- initvars();
- do_options(argc, argv);
- if (testpatx)
- testpat(testpatx, testpaty);
- else {
- copen_in(infilename);
- if (!read_srgr() && !read_iff() && !read_gif() && !read_ras()
- && !read_ppm() && !read_hl()) {
- printe("%s is not in IFF, GIF87a, Sun rasterfile, ppm, Hamlab or SRGR format\n", infilename);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (infd!=0)
- close(infd);
- }
- assert(rgb);
- copen_out(outfilename);
- if (zap_option)
- unlink(infilename);
- scaley(yc, yd);
- scalex(xa, xb);
- do_operations(argc, argv);
- switch (outputformat) {
- case IFF:
- write_iff();
- break;
- case SRGR:
- write_srgr();
- break;
- case PPM:
- write_ppm();
- break;
- default:
- printe("unknown output format\n");
- exit(1);
- break;
- }
- if (outfd!=1)
- close(outfd);
- exit(0);
- }
- char *usagestr[]=
- {
- "usage: wasp [options] [operations] [parameters] infile|- [outfile|-]",
- "options:",
- "-zap : delete infile after it has been read",
- "-gifmaptrunc: truncate gif colormap entries to 4 bits i.s.o. rounding them",
- "-iff|srgr|ppm: the output format, IFF ILBM, SRGR or ppm",
- "-rgb n : ilbm output mode, direct RGB with n bitplanes",
- "-nocompr : ilbm output will not be compressed",
- "-asc : autoscale, scales to fit the entire picture on the screen",
- "-nohires : asc hint, no hires output mode for pictures with more than 16 colors",
- "-nohires! : asc hint, no hires output mode",
- "-scrw n : asc hint, screen width in lores pixels",
- "-scrh n : asc hint, screen height in nolace pixels",
- "-sliced|dyn|mp: multimap ilbm output, sliced=SHAM|dynamic=CTBL|multipalette=PCHG",
- "-lace|nolace: ilbm output interlace, on or off",
- "-hires|lores|ham|ehb: ilbm output mode",
- "operations:",
- "-testpat x y: create a test pattern of x columns and y rows",
- "-x a/b : scale horizontal, producing a columns out of every b input columns",
- "-y c/d : scale vertical, producing c rows out of every d input rows",
- "-clip minx maxx miny maxy: cut a rectangle out of the picture and drop the rest",
- "-enlarge x y: enlarge the picture to x columns and y rows",
- "-xaverage : same as -x 1/2, but averaging the two input columns",
- "-xmirror : mirror the picture in a vertical mirror",
- "-ymirror : mirror the picture in a horizontal mirror",
- "-transpose : mirror the picture diagonally, in mirror y=x",
- "parameters:",
- "-cmeth m : counting method, all1|alldif|allfdif|j1|j21|jdif|jdifsh|jfdif|jfdifsh|hmgs|hmcubic",
- "-dmeth m : distribution method, mu|wf|ehb|mue|hs|con",
- "-dmeth2 m : iterative ham second distribution method",
- "-threshold n: counting threshold",
- };
- void
- usage(void)
- {
- char **p;
- printe("wasp %s, %s %s, Copyright 1991,1992 by Steven Reiz\n",
- version+14, __DATE__, __TIME__);
- for (p=usagestr; *p; ++p)
- printe("%s\n", *p);
- exit(1);
- }
- void
- initvars(void)
- {
- rgb=NULL;
- outputformat=IFF;
- directrgb= -1;
- compression=COMPR_RLE;
- asc=0;
- hires=HIRES_OK;
- sliced=SLICED_NOT;
- scrw=DEF_SCRW;
- scrh=DEF_SCRH;
- ymode=UNSET;
- xmode=UNSET;
- xa=1; xb=1; yc=1; yd=1;
- countmeth=COUNTMETH_UNSET;
- distrmeth=DISTRMETH_UNSET;
- distrmeth2=DISTRMETH_UNSET;
- curdistrmeth=DISTRMETH_UNSET;
- threshold=1;
- inoperation=0;
- gifmaptrunc=0;
- cread_type=CREAD_STRICT;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- get_scr_size();
- #endif
- }
- void *
- cmalloc(unsigned int n)
- {
- void *p;
- if (!(p=malloc(n)))
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_NOMEM, E2_UNSPEC, E3_NOMEM, n);
- return p;
- }
- void *
- ccalloc(unsigned int n)
- {
- void *p;
- if (!(p=calloc(n, 1)))
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_NOMEM, E2_UNSPEC, E3_NOMEM, n);
- return p;
- }
- void *
- crealloc(void *q, unsigned int n)
- {
- void *p;
- if (!(p=realloc(q, n)))
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_NOMEM, E2_UNSPEC, E3_NOMEM, n);
- return p;
- }
- void
- lowcase(char *s)
- {
- char c;
- while (c= *s) {
- if (c>='A' && c<='Z')
- *s=c-'A'+'a';
- ++s;
- }
- }
- unsigned long
- ceillog2(unsigned long a)
- {
- u_long b;
- short i;
- assert(a);
- b=a;
- for (i= -1; b; ++i)
- b>>=1;
- b=1L<<i;
- return (u_long)(a>b ? i+1 : i);
- }
- static char *sc[]={
- #define S_IFF 0
- "iff",
- #define S_SRGR 1
- "srgr",
- #define S_RGB 2
- "rgb",
- #define S_NOCOMPR 3
- "nocompr",
- #define S_ASC 4
- "asc",
- #define S_NOHIRES 5
- "nohires",
- #define S_NOHIRES2 6
- "nohires!",
- #define S_SCRW 7
- "scrw",
- #define S_SCRH 8
- "scrh",
- #define S_SLICED 9
- "sliced",
- #define S_DYN 10
- "dyn",
- #define S_LACE 11
- "lace",
- #define S_NOLACE 12
- "nolace",
- #define S_HIRES 13
- "hires",
- #define S_LORES 14
- "lores",
- #define S_HAM 15
- "ham",
- #define S_EHB 16
- "ehb",
- #define S_X 17
- "x",
- #define S_Y 18
- "y",
- #define S_CLIP 19
- "clip",
- #define S_XAVERAGE 20
- "xaverage",
- #define S_XMIRROR 21
- "xmirror",
- #define S_YMIRROR 22
- "ymirror",
- #define S_TRANSPOSE 23
- "transpose",
- #define S_COUNTMETH 24
- "cmeth",
- #define S_DISTRMETH 25
- "dmeth",
- #define S_DISTRMETH2 26
- "dmeth2",
- #define S_THRESHOLD 27
- "threshold",
- #define S_ZAP 28
- "zap",
- #define S_GIFMAPTRUNC 29
- "gifmaptrunc",
- #define S_PPM 30
- "ppm",
- #define S_ENLARGE 31
- "enlarge",
- #define S_TESTPAT 32
- "testpat",
- #define S_MP 33
- "mp",
- #define S_UNKNOWN 34
- };
- stringcode(char *s)
- {
- char **p;
- if (!s || *s!='-' || s[1]=='\0')
- return S_UNKNOWN;
- ++s;
- for (p=sc; *p; ++p)
- if (!strcmp(s, *p))
- break;
- return p-sc;
- }
- void
- do_options(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int i, j;
- if (argc<2)
- usage();
- for (i=1; i<argc && argv[i][0]=='-' && argv[i][1]!='\0'; ++i) {
- lowcase(argv[i]);
- switch (stringcode(argv[i])) {
- case S_IFF: outputformat=IFF; break;
- case S_SRGR: outputformat=SRGR; break;
- case S_RGB: directrgb=atol(argv[++i]); break;
- case S_NOCOMPR: compression=COMPR_NONE; break;
- case S_ASC: asc=1; break;
- case S_NOHIRES: hires=HIRES_MAYBE; break;
- case S_NOHIRES2: hires=HIRES_NOT; break;
- case S_SCRW: scrw=atol(argv[++i]); break;
- case S_SCRH: scrh=atol(argv[++i]); break;
- case S_SLICED: sliced=SLICED_SHAM; break;
- case S_DYN: sliced=SLICED_DYN; break;
- case S_MP: sliced=SLICED_PCHG; break;
- case S_LACE: ymode=LACE; break;
- case S_NOLACE: ymode=NOLACE; break;
- case S_HIRES: xmode=HIRES; break;
- case S_LORES: xmode=LORES; break;
- case S_HAM: xmode=HAM; break;
- case S_EHB: xmode=EHB; break;
- case S_X:
- xa=atol(argv[++i]);
- xb=atol(strchr(argv[i], '/')+1);
- break;
- case S_Y:
- yc=atol(argv[++i]);
- yd=atol(strchr(argv[i], '/')+1);
- break;
- case S_TESTPAT:
- testpatx=atoi(argv[++i]);
- testpaty=atoi(argv[++i]);
- break;
- /* the operations are handled below, in do_operations */
- case S_XAVERAGE:
- case S_XMIRROR:
- case S_YMIRROR:
- break;
- case S_CLIP:
- for (j=0; j<4; ++j) {
- ++i;
- if (i>=argc || *argv[i]<'0' || *argv[i]>'9')
- usage();
- }
- break;
- case S_ENLARGE:
- for (j=0; j<2; ++j) {
- ++i;
- if (i>=argc || *argv[i]<'0' || *argv[i]>'9')
- usage();
- }
- break;
- if ((j=cmethnum(argv[++i]))== -1)
- usage();
- countmeth=j;
- break;
- if ((j=dmethnum(argv[++i]))== -1)
- usage();
- distrmeth=j;
- break;
- case S_THRESHOLD: threshold=atol(argv[++i]); break;
- case S_DISTRMETH2:
- xmode=HAM;
- if ((j=dmethnum(argv[++i]))== -1)
- usage();
- distrmeth2=j;
- break;
- case S_ZAP: zap_option=1; break;
- case S_GIFMAPTRUNC: gifmaptrunc=1; break;
- case S_PPM: outputformat=PPM; break;
- case S_UNKNOWN:
- usage();
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (argc<=i || argc>i+2)
- usage();
- infilename=argv[i];
- if (argc>i+1)
- outfilename=argv[i+1];
- else
- outfilename=NULL;
- if (outfilename==NULL && testpatx) {
- outfilename=infilename;
- infilename=NULL;
- }
- }
- void
- do_operations(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int i;
- inoperation=1;
- for (i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
- switch (stringcode(argv[i])) {
- case S_CLIP:
- do_clipping(atoi(argv[i+1]), atoi(argv[i+2]), atoi(argv[i+3]),
- atoi(argv[i+4]));
- break;
- case S_ENLARGE:
- do_enlarge(atoi(argv[i+1]), atoi(argv[i+2]));
- break;
- case S_XAVERAGE: xaverage(); break;
- case S_XMIRROR: xmirror(); break;
- case S_YMIRROR: ymirror(); break;
- case S_TRANSPOSE: transpose(); break;
- }
- }
- inoperation=0;
- }