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- /* wasp - Copyright 1991 by Steven Reiz
- * see COPYING and wasp.c for further info,
- * readras.c, 24/7/91, 8/12/91, 27/12/91
- */
- static char *sourcefile=__FILE__;
- #include "wasp.h"
- static struct {
- long magic;
- long width;
- long height;
- long depth;
- long length;
- long type;
- long maptype;
- long maplength; /* nr of bytes, always directly behind the header */
- } header;
- #define MAGIC 0x59a66a95
- #define RASOLD 0
- #define RASSTANDARD 1
- #define RASEXPERIMENTAL 0xffff
- #define RMTNONE 0
- #define RMTRAW 1
- #define RMTRGB 2
- #define BUFSZ 32768
- static char *buf;
- static long xsz1;
- read_ras(void)
- {
- short y;
- cread(&header, (int)sizeof(header));
- if (header.magic!=MAGIC) {
- cseek_in(0L, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- xsz=header.width;
- xsz1=(xsz+15)& -16L;
- ysz=header.height;
- printe("RAS input; %ld x %ld, depth: %ld", xsz, ysz, header.depth);
- if (header.type==RASBYTEENCODED)
- printe(", compressed");
- if (header.maplength==0)
- header.maptype=RMTNONE;
- if (header.maptype!=RMTNONE)
- printe(", with colormap");
- pute('\n');
- if (!outfilename)
- exit(0);
- if (header.depth!=1)
- rgb=Malloc(ysz*sizeof(u_short *));
- for (y=0; y<ysz; ++y)
- rgb[y]=Calloc(xsz1*sizeof(u_short));
- buf=Malloc(BUFSZ);
- init_counter(0, (int)ysz, 10, "reading RAS");
- if (header.type==RASBYTEENCODED)
- read_compressed();
- else
- read_normal();
- erase_counter(NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- void
- read_normal(void)
- {
- short *bufp;
- int bufn;
- int x, y;
- u_short *p;
- int sh, mask;
- cread_type=CREAD_VARLEN;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result/2;
- bufp=(short *)buf;
- for (y=0; y<ysz; ++y) {
- counter();
- x=xsz1/16-1;
- p=rgb[y];
- do {
- if (--bufn<0) {
- bufp=(short *)buf;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result/2;
- if (bufn<=0)
- goto end_read_normal;
- }
- sh= *bufp++;
- mask=0x8000;
- do {
- *p++ =(sh&mask ? 0 : 0xfff);
- mask>>=1;
- } while (mask);
- } while (--x>=0);
- }
- end_read_normal:
- cread_type=CREAD_STRICT;
- }
- void
- read_compressed(void)
- {
- u_char *bufp;
- int bufn;
- int x, y;
- u_short *p;
- int sh, mask, count;
- cread_type=CREAD_VARLEN;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result;
- bufp=(u_char *)buf;
- y=0;
- counter();
- x=xsz-1;
- p=rgb[y];
- do {
- if (--bufn<0) {
- bufp=(u_char *)buf;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result;
- if (bufn<=0)
- goto end_read_compressed;
- }
- sh= *bufp++;
- if (sh==0x80) {
- if (--bufn<0) {
- bufp=(u_char *)buf;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result;
- if (bufn<=0)
- goto end_read_compressed;
- }
- if (count= *bufp++) {
- if (--bufn<0) {
- bufp=(u_char *)buf;
- cread(buf, BUFSZ);
- bufn=cread_result;
- if (bufn<=0)
- goto end_read_compressed;
- }
- sh= *bufp++;
- }
- } else
- count=0;
- do {
- mask=0x80;
- do {
- *p++ =(sh&mask ? 0 : 0xfff);
- if (--x<0) {
- ++y;
- if (y>=ysz)
- goto end_read_compressed;
- counter();
- x=xsz-1;
- p=rgb[y];
- mask=0; count=0;
- }
- mask>>=1;
- } while (mask);
- } while (--count>=0);
- } while (1);
- end_read_compressed:
- cread_type=CREAD_STRICT;
- }