The top half of this box displays the new color you have chosen. The bottom half displays the original color. To revert to the original color, click the bottom half of this box.
This box displays the hue setting for the current color (the current mixture of red, green, and blue). To change the hue, type a new number into this box or click the arrows.
This box displays the saturation setting for the current color (the average intensity of red, green, and blue). To change the saturation, type a new number into this box or click the arrows.
This box displays the brightness setting for the current color (the amount of light given off by the color). To change the brightness, type a new number in this box, click the arrows, or use the scroll bar to the right of the color wheel.
This box displays the amount of red in the current color. To change the amount of red, type a new number into this box or click the arrows.
This box displays the amount of green in the current color. To change the amount of green, type a new number into this box or click the arrows.
This box displays the amount of blue in the current color. To change the amount of blue, type a new number into this box or click the arrows.
This wheel displays the range of hues and saturations available at the current brightness setting. To change the color, click or drag on the wheel, and adjust the brightness with the scroll bar to the right.
To set the brightness for the current color (the amount of light given off by the color), click the arrows, drag the scroll box, or click the gray bar.
To close this dialog box without changing the color, click this button.
To accept the new color and close the dialog box, click this button.