You have set the Minimum size below ^2, which may cause “^1” to crash.
Are you sure you want to continue?
“^1” could not be opened, because its current memory size of ^3 is too low. To open “^1,” first select Get Info and raise the Minimum and Preferred memory sizes to at least ^2.
This version of Font/DA Mover is out of date. To install a font, drag it to the System file. To put a desk accessory in the Apple menu, drag it to the Apple Menu Items folder.
This version of MPW is not compatible with the current version of system software. Please upgrade to the latest MPW.
The memory size must be less than 1,000,000K.
You have set the Minimum and Preferred sizes below ^2, which may cause “^1” to crash.
Are you sure you want to continue?
The Minimum size can’t be larger than the Preferred size.
Do you want to set the Minimum size to the Suggested size of ^1?
The Minimum size can’t be larger than the Preferred size.
Do you want to set the Preferred size to the Suggested size of ^1?
There is not enough memory to open “^1” (^2 needed, ^3 available).^4
To make more memory available, try quitting “^1”.
To make more memory available, try quitting the ^1 applications that are currently open.
Closing windows or quitting desk accessories can make more memory available.
Memory requirements will decrease by ^1 if virtual memory is turned on in the Memory control panel.
Memory requirements will increase by ^1 if virtual memory is turned off in the Memory control panel.
The Minimum size can’t be smaller than ^1.
Do you want to set the Minimum size to the Suggested size of ^2?
The Minimum and Preferred size can’t be smaller than ^1.
Do you want to set the Minimum and Preferred size to the Suggested size of ^2?