home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # file: index.cgi
- # desc: generate default index page based upon browser type
- #
- eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -s $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
- # map of server host names to host.park.org domain
- %host2park = (
- 'barn', 'parallel.park.org',
- 'town', 'park.org',
- 'ventus', 'adelaide.park.org',
- 'amsterdam', 'amsterdam.park.org',
- 'hannover', 'hannover.park.org',
- 'phoenix', 'imperial.park.org',
- 'iwe', 'japan.park.org',
- 'seoul', 'korea.park.org',
- 'taiwan', 'taiwan.park.org',
- );
- # get FQDN park.org host name for this particular server
- chop($park_host = `/sbin/uname -n`);
- $park_host = $host2park{(split(/\./, $park_host))[0]};
- # non-buffered STDOUT
- $| = 1;
- # attempt to redirect based upon incoming domain
- # $rem_host = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'};
- # $rem_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDRESS'};
- # if ($rem_host) {
- # if ($park_host !~ /japan/ && $rem_host =~ /\.jp$/i) {
- # &redirect("http://japan.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # } elsif ($park_host !~ /imperial/ && $rem_host =~ /\.uk$/i) {
- # # if ($park_host !~ /imperial/ && $rem_host =~ /\.uk$/i) {
- # &redirect("http://imperial.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # } elsif ($park_host !~ /adelaide/ && $rem_host =~ /\.au$/i) {
- # &redirect("http://adelaide.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # # } elsif ($park_host !~ /seoul/ && $rem_host =~ /\.kr$/i) {
- # # &redirect("http://korea.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # # } elsif ($park_host !~ /taiwan/ && $rem_host =~ /\.tw$/i) {
- # # &redirect("http://taiwan.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # } elsif ($park_host !~ /hannover/ && $rem_host =~ /\.de$/i) {
- # &redirect("http://hannover.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # } elsif ($park_host !~ /amsterdam/ &&
- # (
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.al$|\.am$|\.at$|\.az$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.be$|\.bg$|\.by$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ch$|\.cy$|\.cz$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.dz$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.eg$|\.es$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ge$|\.gr$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.hr$|\.hu$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ie$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.li$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ma$|\.md$|\.mk$|\.mt$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.nl$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.pt$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ro$|\.ru$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.si$|\.sk$|\.su$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.tn$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.ua$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.va$/i) ||
- # ($rem_host =~ /\.yu$/i)
- # ) ) {
- # &redirect("http://amsterdam.park.org/bandwidth.cgi");
- # }
- # }
- # make sure we print MIME type
- print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
- # who am i?
- ($prog = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
- # which client type?
- # generate page based upon browser type
- if (
- /^aolbrowser\/1\.0/ ||
- /^Cello/ ||
- /^Chimera\/1/ ||
- /^CyberJack/ ||
- /^IBM WebExplorer/ ||
- /^Lynx/ ||
- /^Midas/ ||
- m#NCSA_Mosaic/.*\(X11# ||
- /NetCruiser/ ||
- /^PRODIGY-WB\/1\.4/ ||
- /TkWWW/
- ) {
- &low_bandwidth(); # text-only or brain-dead browsers
- } elsif (/Explorer\/4\.40\.308/ ) {
- &old_microsoft_browser_html(); # older (pre-HTML 3.0) browsers
- } elsif (/^Mozilla\/1\.0/ ) {
- &old_browser_html(); # older (pre-HTML 2.0) browsers
- } else {
- &high_bandwidth(); # default - HTML 3.0 and netscape 2.x
- }
- exit 0;
- #
- # generate html index page for text-only or brain-dead browsers
- #
- sub low_bandwidth {
- print <<EoI;
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Internet 1996 World Exposition</TITLE>
- <base href="http://$park_host/">
- </HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#97694F" VLINK="#42426f">
- <a href="/About/index.text.html">
- <img align="left" width="533" height=127
- SRC="/Images/fair_header.gif" border="0">
- </a>
- <br clear="all">
- <p>
- <h1><a href="/About/Fair/index.text.html">Welcome to the Fair!</a></h1>
- <p>
- You've reached the text and simple graphics version of the Internet 1996
- World Exposition. If your browser has support for tables, you might
- want to visit the high-bandwidth theater <a href="main.html">version of the fair.</a>
- <P>
- <hr>
- <img align="left" ALT="[Antique Postcard]" SRC="/Images/postcard_02.jpg" width="200" height="78" border="0"><br>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="/Pavilions/index.text.html">Pavilions</a>
- <li><a href="/Regions/index.text.html">Regions</a>
- <li><a href="/Places/index.text.html">Places</a>
- <li><a href="/Events/index.text.html">Events</a>
- <li><a href="http://park.org/cgi-bin/form-mail.fairmaster?Feedback">Feedback (Forms)</a>
- <li><a href="mailto:fairmaster\@park.org">Feedback (No Forms)</a>
- <li><a href="/Letters/index.text.html">Letters of Support</a>
- <li><a href="/Sponsors/index.text.html">Our Sponsors</a>
- </ul>
- <a href="/Images/htoolbar.text.map">
- <img align="left" width="486" height="101" alt="[Unreadable Image]"
- SRC="/Images/htoolbar.gif" ISMAP border="0"></a>
- <br clear="all">
- <a href="/About/index.text.html">[About the Fair]</a> <a href="/Sponsors/index.text.html">[Sponsors]</a>
- <a href="/WhatsNew/index.text.html">[What's New]</a> <a href="http://park.org/Tools/Guestbook/index.text.html">[Guestbook]</a>
- <a href="/Tools/index.text.html">[Toolbox]</a>
- </body>
- </HTML>
- EoI
- }
- #
- # generate html index page for pre HTML 3.0 browsers (e.g., netscape 1.0)
- #
- sub old_microsoft_browser_html {
- print <<EoI;
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Internet 1996 World Exposition</TITLE>
- <base href="http://$park_host/">
- </HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" background="/Images/expo_bk_main.gif" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#97694F" VLINK
- ="#42426f">
- <a href="/Images/main_masthead.map">
- <img SRC="/Images/main_masthead.gif" ismap width="534" height="130" border="0"></a><br clear="all">
- <p>
- <font size="+2"><b>Greetings!</b></font size="+2">
- <p>
- Welcome to the Internet 1996 World Exposition! We noticed that you are running an
- old version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Our site will look much
- better if you upgrade to the current version, which fixes some problems with how
- tables are shown on your screen.
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="http://www.msn.com/ie/ie.htm">Upgrade your software.</a>
- <li><a href="/main.html">Visit the fair with your current browser.</a>
- </ul>
- </body></html>
- EoI
- }
- sub old_browser_html {
- print <<EoI;
- <title>Your Browser Is Old</title>
- <h1>Your Browser</h1>
- </center>
- <p>
- Hello!
- <p>
- Welcome to the Internet 1996 World Exposition.
- We noticed that you are using an old version of your browser.
- We're terribly sorry, but your browser does not support
- the tables and other features that were used in building
- the Internet 1996 World Exposition. Some of the ones we
- have tested include current versions of
- <a href="http://home.netscape.com/comprod/mirror/index.html">Netscape Navigator,</a>
- <a href="http://www.msn.com/ie/ie.htm">Microsoft Internet Exporer,</a> and
- <a href="http://www.qdeck.com/qdeck/demosoft/QMosaic/" >Quarterdeck Mosaic.</a>
- <p>
- We'd like to suggest that you look into upgrading your browser.
- In the mean time, please accept our regrets.
- If you'd like to try to look at the fair anyway, please
- <a href="/main.text.html">press here</a>
- for the "low bandwidth" version of the fair.
- EoI
- }
- #
- # generate default html index page (HTML 3.0 and netscape 2.0 enhancements)
- #
- sub high_bandwidth {
- print <<EoI;
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD HTML//EN">
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Internet 1996 World Exposition</TITLE>
- <base href="http://park.org">
- </HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#ffffff" LINK="#d98719" VLINK="#97694F">
- <center>
- <a href="/Images/bandwidth.map">
- <img alt="[Try http://$park_host/main.text.html]" ISMAP src="/Images/tunnels.jpg" width="465" height="349" border="0" hspace="30" vspace="30" align="center"></a>
- <table cellpadding="5" width="465">
- <tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="235">
- <font size="-1">Choose <a href="main.html"><b>high</b></a> when connected with permanent Internet access or ISDN.</font>
- </td>
- <td align="center" valign="top" width="215">
- <font size="-1">Choose <a href="main.text.html"><b>low</b></a> when dialing in with a modem.</font>
- </td></tr></table>
- </center><br clear>
- </body>
- </HTML>
- EoI
- }
- #
- # redirect to specified URL
- #
- sub redirect {
- local($url) = shift;
- local($logfile) = '/var/log/park-redirect.log';
- # keep track of redirected hosts for debugging
- system("/bin/echo \"[`date`]: $rem_host -> $url\" >> $logfile");
- print "Status: 302\n"; # redirect status code
- print "Location: $url\n\n"; # where they should go...
- exit 0;
- }