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- According to Carl Malamud [IMS]:
- > From carl Fri Dec 1 13:14:20 1995
- > From: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl>
- > Message-Id: <199512011814.NAA18847@trystero.radio.com>
- > Subject: Postcards
- > To: carl (Carl Malamud [IMS])
- > Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 13:14:18 -0500 (EST)
- > Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
- > X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21]
- > MIME-Version: 1.0
- > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- >
- > 1. Exposition Universelle De Paris 1900. Palais de l'Électricitée.
- > Leopold Verger & Cie Paris
- >
- > 2. Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900. Porte Principale.
- > Chocolat-Cacao
- > WAUTERS, Frères
- > GAND
- >
- >
- > 3.
- >
- > 143. - PARIS-EXPOSITION. - Le Pont Alexandre & les deux Palais des Beaux-Arts
- >
- > 4.
- >
- > Chalâet suisse (Champ de Mars)
- >
- > 5.
- > Pavillon de la Sibérie (Russie) (Trocader).
- >
- > 6.
- >
- > Pont Alexandre III.
- >
- > 7.
- > Perspective des Palais des Nations. -- ND Phot
- >
- > 8.
- >
- > Métallurgie
- >
- > 9.
- >
- > Reproduced by permission of the Official Photographic Co.
- > Cascade Gardens and Colonade of States from the St. Louis
- > World's Fair, on the Trail, Portland, Ore.
- >
- > On back:
- >
- > Post Card
- > Authorized by Act of Congress May 19th 1898
- >
- > 10. Exposition Universelle de 1900 -
- > Les Palais de l'Algérie
- > Baschet, édit.
- >
- > 11.
- > Palais des Transports
- >
- > 12. Souvenir Siam Exhibition 1926
- > 37 Siamese Love-Makers.
- > The Talat Noi Photo Studio, Bangkok
- >
- > 13.
- > Exposition Internationale
- > Paris 1937
- > 69. - Porte de la Concorde
- >
- > Back: H. Chipault, Concessionaire
- > Boulogne-sur-Seine - France
- >
- > Architecte: Paul Bigot
- >
- > 14. Lewis & Clark Exposition
- > Portland, Or.
- > 1905
- >
- > 1. European Building and Grand Stairway.
- > Frank S. Thayer, Publisher, Denver
- >
- > Writing: Fine health - ma???(ier) of spirits - Love to all.
- > July 24 - 05
- >
- > 15.
- > Industrial and Liberal Art Palace
- > Lewis & Clark Exposition
- >
- > Published by E.P. Charlton & Co Portland, Or.
- >
- > Writing:
- > Portland Or - Aug 26th 1905
- >
- > arrived hear yesterday and found Portland quite a nice place
- > quite? countrified - Fair is tame - go to Salt Lake
- > from here - How are you and all the rest. Regards to all. E.N.
- To: Miss Maud Bostello
- Niles, Michigan
- 16.
- Official Souvenir Postal
- World's Columbian Exposition
- Seal of the fair
- signature of President and Secretary
- Copyright 1893 by Charles W. Goldsmith
- Agent for the United States
- The Isabella
- 48 Van Buren St.
- Chicago
- American Lithographic Co. Ny.Y. Litho
- Manufacturers and Liberal Arts
- Back: prepaid stamp printed on. "Postal Card One Cent"
- Series 1, No. 3
- 17.
- Machinery Building
- Graphic is labeled "Group From Middle of Pediment"
- Series 1, No. 7
- 18.
- The Woman's Building
- Picture of Mrs. Potter Palmer
- Series 1, No. 9
- 19.
- The Electrical Building
- Series 1, No. 5
- 20.
- Administration Building
- Series No. 1 Design No. 2
- 21.
- Exposition Universelle de Bruxelles 1958
- Wereldtentoonstelling Brussel 1958
- Place et Portique de Belgique
- Egicarte 1.318
- 22.
- No. 3. Pilade Rocco & C., Milano
- Entrata Principale
- Back:
- Cartolina Officiale
- Dell'Espositione di Milano 1906
- Il Comitato Dell'Espositio ne Inibisce a
- Chivnqve di Riprodvrre Con Mezzi
- 23.
- Louisiana Purchase Exposition
- St. Louis 1904.
- Eads bridge.
- Published by Erker Bros. Opt. Co.
- 24.
- Japanese Tea Gardens
- Scottish Exhibition, Glascow 1911.
- Photo by Annan.
- 25.
- No. 38, Hand colored
- Pub. by Chas. Weidner, 787 Market St., San Francisco
- Palace of Horticulture, Night Illumination
- Panama-Pacifc International Exposition,
- San Francisco, Cal., 1915
- 26.
- General View of Irish International Exhibition, Dublin, 1907
- 27.
- Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, World's Fair, St. Louis.
- 28.
- View from Flip Flap, Japan-Bristish Exhibition, London, 1910
- Back: Printed by Valentine & Sons Ltd. Dundee, London & New York
- Official Post card
- 29.
- Garden of the Floating Isle, Japan British Exhibition
- Valentine Series Copyright
- "Valentine Series"
- 30.
- In the Japan-British Exhibition, London, 1910.
- Valentine Series
- Back: list of things to do
- June 23rd 10
- Thank all for letters and cards
- 2 MOrshead Mansions 6:30 pm
- Mary and I just returned from seeing the boring boring
- 31.
- The Lagoon
- Valentine Series
- 32.
- Court of Arts
- Valentine Series
- 33.
- Garden of Peace
- "In the Japanese Gardens" Valentine
- 34.
- Palace of Horticulture
- Pan. Pac. Intl. Expo.
- Back:
- February 20 to December 4, 1915. Designed by Bakewell & Brown,
- San Francisco. It covers over five acres and was
- contructed at a cost of nearly $350,000. One of the
- most comprehensive and elaborate collections of rare
- plants ever assembled is exhibited in this structure.
- Pacific Novelty Co. San Francisco
- 35.
- Yacht Harbor and the Marina at the Pan pacific ...
- Published by Edward H. Mitchell, San Francisco
- (first cards with traditional split on the back of
- address and message)
- 36.
- Palm Avenue at the Pacific ...
- Published by Edward H. Michell, San Francisco
- 37.
- Iowa's Exhibit - Agricultural Palace
- Panama-Pacific ..
- Back: Iowa's "River of Corn" is 45 feet high
- and 65 feet in diameter at its base. The
- cone is hollow, the interior being used for other exhibits
- of Iowa's grains, grasses, etc... Cost $6,000.
- 38.
- Evening Hour at the Ferry Building
- San Francisco, California
- California Invites the World
- Panama Pacific Exposition
- R.I. Waters & Co.
- Back:
- The Ferry Building
- This building, as well as the water frontage, is
- owned by the city. It is the main depot of the city
- and is often called "The Water Gate" of San Francisco,
- on account of the large number of ferry boats that leave
- its gates daily ... blah, blah
- 39.
- Palace of Fine Arts, Pub. by Bardell Art Ptg. Co., San Francisco
- 40.
- Lagoon and Fountain in South Gardens at Panam Pacific
- Bardell Art
- 41. Illumination of the Panama Pacific International Exposition
- 42.
- Italian Towers - Illuminated