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- #$TITLE:Fair Ground
- #$AUTHOR:Becky & phil
- #$DATE:Fri Apr 05 01:08:38 1996
- #$PATH:E:\WEB\fairground\
- #$GIF:fairground_map_1000x1000.jpg
- #$EOH
- default /
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- poly / 990,91 815,92 790,121 519,117 503,132 478,114 486,102 475,81 457,76 440,93 442,112 455,119 206,118 183,92 8,91 7,44 456,40 500,1 545,41 996,43 990,91 990,91
- # About the fair
- poly /About/Fair 619,162 668,168 711,171 762,168 814,156 905,133 919,142 914,153 771,189 722,194 647,191 622,188 619,162 619,162
- # World Exposition
- poly /Pavilions/WorldExpositions/ 99,274 110,277 111,310 132,304 209,326 219,346 194,370 47,371 48,328 84,309 80,278 99,274 99,274
- # Pipo signing the guest book
- poly http://park.org/Tools/Guestbook/ 366,342 392,345 399,376 428,374 467,366 466,397 392,419 357,408 340,373 350,352 366,342 366,342
- poly /Pavilions/WorldCultures/ 624,326 672,328 677,346 701,348 726,341 734,350 752,352 759,371 730,388 677,388 625,368 605,357 624,326 624,326
- poly /Pavilions/WorldFestivals/ 837,287 868,294 923,279 949,290 949,317 946,348 894,353 860,329 833,321 837,287 837,287
- # About the Fair
- rect /About/ 704,443 886,542
- # Places
- rect /Places/ 379,468 545,550
- # food and market
- poly /Pavilions/FoodAndMarkets/ 307,517 351,552 351,581 300,586 237,584 244,551 275,521 305,519 309,517 309,519 307,517 307,517
- rect /bandwidth.cgi 203,405 258,462
- rect /bandwidth.cgi 618,516 659,572
- rect /Regions/ 314,151 457,289
- circle /Images/Animations/ 197,199 238,239
- # Question mark ballons
- rect /WhatsNew 71,116 147,235
- # feedback
- circle /cgi-bin/form-mail.fairmaster?Feedback 840,248 871,279
- # Toolboxe
- rect /Tools/ 878,184 935,256
- # Central Park
- poly /About/CentralPark/ 449,557 496,557 502,583 531,565 573,574 602,596 615,668 577,698 487,693 409,689 353,659 376,630 374,605 403,582 425,564 451,557 449,557 449,557
- poly /Sponsors/ 244,622 324,628 338,673 375,701 380,733 177,740 172,715 200,679 231,652 231,628 244,622 244,622
- # Themes Pavilions
- poly /Pavilions/ 458,819 270,781 231,782 190,845 191,871 249,883 455,870 458,819 458,819
- # Letters of support
- rect /Letters/ 402,696 478,804
- rect /Events/ 511,715 718,821
- # Pipo opening the present.
- rect /Images/Animations/train_anim.html 747,672 858,744
- # pipo running
- rect /Sounds/bnctoon.au 840,860 930,944
- # popcorn popping
- rect /Sounds/popcorn.au 938,849 993,937
- # main page full graphic
- rect /main.html 154,423 203,480
- # low bandwidth
- rect /main.text.html 260,391 318,468
- # railroad
- rect /About/InternetRailroad/ 11,589 370,609
- rect /PLANE 11,589 370,609
- # railroad
- poly /About/InternetRailroad/ 214,471 304,471 403,574 391,584 288,492 211,489 214,471 214,471
- # railroad
- poly /About/InternetRailroad/ 601,588 666,588 687,586 732,545 750,545 698,595 677,600 718,649 734,654 823,651 987,645 986,655 737,667 719,662 705,650 680,618 663,601 604,601 601,588 601,588
- # railroad
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- # Railroad
- poly /About/InternetRailroad/ 886,445 888,457 990,426 989,412 889,444 886,445 886,445
- rect /Sounds/b29.au 921,103 979,155