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- global stagewidth, stageheight, stagehtop, stagehbottom, stagehleft, stagehright, stagehtop2, stagehbottom2, stagehleft2, stagehright2, startholeh, startholev, startholeh2, startholev2, panah, panav, panacatchh, panacatchv, panapicuph, panapicupv, panaboundh, panaboundv, panawalkcount, panadir, pananowh, pananowv, cl_pana, cl_sonic, cl_fun_city, cl_olympic, cl_yawara_chan, cl_time_capusule, defsphanafront, defsphanaback, defspgomfront, defspgomback, defsphead, defrighteye, deflefteye
- on panainit
- panalistinit()
- set panadir to 1
- set stagewidth to the stageRight - the stageLeft
- set stageheight to the stageBottom - the stageTop
- set defspgomback to 7
- set defsphanaback to 8
- set defsphead to 9
- set defrighteye to 10
- set deflefteye to 11
- set defspgomfront to 29
- set defsphanafront to 30
- set startholeh to 480
- set startholev to 303
- set startholeh2 to 480
- set startholev2 to 359
- set stagehtop to the locV of sprite defsphead - the top of sprite defsphead
- set stagehbottom to stageheight - (the bottom of sprite defsphead - the locV of sprite defsphead)
- set stagehleft to the locH of sprite defsphead - the left of sprite defsphead
- set stagehright to stagewidth - (the right of sprite defsphead - the locH of sprite defsphead)
- set stagehtop2 to 25
- set stagehbottom2 to stageheight - 60
- set stagehleft2 to 35
- set stagehright2 to stagewidth - 35
- set the visible of sprite defsphanafront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defspgomfront to 1
- repeat with n = 7 to 30
- puppetSprite(n, 1)
- end repeat
- repeat with n = 31 to 32
- puppetSprite(n, 1)
- movelochv(n, -200, -200)
- end repeat
- set the visible of sprite defsphanafront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defspgomfront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defrighteye to 1
- set the visible of sprite deflefteye to 1
- end
- on panadoneb
- set panah to []
- set panav to []
- set panacatchh to []
- set panacatchv to []
- set panaboundh to []
- set panaboundv to []
- set cl_pana to []
- set cl_sonic to []
- set cl_fun_city to []
- set cl_olympic to []
- set cl_yawara_chan to []
- set cl_time_capusule to []
- puppetSprite(7, 0)
- puppetSprite(8, 0)
- puppetSprite(9, 0)
- puppetSprite(29, 0)
- puppetSprite(30, 0)
- repeat with n = 31 to 32
- movelochv(n, -200, -200)
- puppetSprite(n, 0)
- end repeat
- set the visible of sprite defsphanafront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defspgomfront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defrighteye to 1
- set the visible of sprite deflefteye to 1
- end
- on panadone
- set panah to []
- set panav to []
- set panacatchh to []
- set panacatchv to []
- set panaboundh to []
- set panaboundv to []
- set cl_pana to []
- set cl_sonic to []
- set cl_fun_city to []
- set cl_olympic to []
- set cl_yawara_chan to []
- set cl_time_capusule to []
- repeat with n = 7 to 30
- puppetSprite(n, 0)
- end repeat
- repeat with n = 31 to 32
- puppetSprite(n, 0)
- end repeat
- set the visible of sprite defsphanafront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defspgomfront to 1
- set the visible of sprite defrighteye to 1
- set the visible of sprite deflefteye to 1
- end
- on Wait tend
- set tend to the ticks + tend
- repeat while the ticks < tend
- end repeat
- end
- on movelochv sp, h, v
- set the locH of sprite sp to h
- set the locV of sprite sp to v
- end