home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- #
- # file: index.cgi
- # desc: generate default index page based upon browser type
- #
- eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -s $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
- #
- # Redirect or not. For emergency, set $REDIRECT to 0.
- #
- $REDIRECT = 1 ;
- # map of server host names to host.park.org domain
- %host2park = (
- 'town', 'park.org',
- 'ventus', 'adelaide.park.org',
- 'amsterdam', 'amsterdam.park.org',
- 'phoenix', 'imperial.park.org',
- 'seoul', 'korea.park.org',
- 'iwe', 'japan.park.org',
- 'workplace', 'japan.park.org',
- );
- #
- # For debug'ing
- #
- $debug = $ENV{'DEBUG'};
- print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" if $debug ;
- $target = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
- if ($target eq "") {
- $path = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
- @names = split('/', $path);
- $nlen = $#names ;
- $myname = &basename($0) ;
- $mybase = &stripext($myname) ;
- print "myname = $myname\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "mybase = $mybase\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "SCRIPT_NAME = $path\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "nlen = $nlen\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "names[0] = $names[0]\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "names[1] = $names[1]\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "names[2] = $names[2]\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- print "names[3] = $names[3]\n" if $debug > 100 ;
- if ($names[$nlen] eq $myname) {
- $nlen = $nlen - 1 ;
- }
- $tgtpath = "/" . join('/', @names[1 .. $nlen]) . "/" ;
- print "tgtpath = $tgtpath\n" if $debug ;
- }
- # get FQDN park.org host name for this particular server
- chop($park_host = `/sbin/uname -n`);
- $park_host = $host2park{(split(/\./, $park_host))[0]};
- #
- # In case a brand new server pops up.
- # XXX We should feedback this fact back.
- #
- #print "park_host = $park_host\n" ;
- if ($park_host eq "") {
- $park_host = "japan.park.org";
- }
- # non-buffered STDOUT
- $| = 1;
- #
- # attempt to redirect based upon incoming domain and address
- #
- if ($REDIRECT == 1) {
- print "generating remote info\n" if $debug ;
- $rem_host = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'};
- $rem_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDRESS'};
- } else {
- print "no redirection specified\n" if $debug ;
- $rem_host = "";
- $rem_addr = "";
- }
- print "park_host = $park_host\n" if $debug ;
- print "rem_host = $rem_host, rem_addr = $rem_addr\n" if $debug ;
- if ($rem_host) {
- if ($park_host !~ /japan/ &&
- (
- ($rem_host =~ /\.jp$/i) ||
- ($rem_host eq "japan.park.org")
- ) ) {
- &redirect("japan.park.org", $tgtpath);
- } elsif ($park_host !~ /imperial/ && $rem_host =~ /\.uk$/i) {
- &redirect("imperial.park.org", $tgtpath);
- } elsif ($park_host !~ /adelaide/ && $rem_host =~ /\.au$/i) {
- &redirect("adelaide.park.org", $tgtpath);
- } elsif ($park_host !~ /seoul/ && $rem_host =~ /\.kr$/i) {
- &redirect("korea.park.org", $tgtpath);
- } elsif ($park_host !~ /amsterdam/ &&
- (
- ($rem_host =~ /\.al$|\.am$|\.at$|\.az$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.be$|\.bg$|\.by$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ch$|\.cy$|\.cz$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.dz$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.eg$|\.es$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ge$|\.gr$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.hr$|\.hu$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ie$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.li$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ma$|\.md$|\.mk$|\.mt$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.nl$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.pt$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ro$|\.ru$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.si$|\.sk$|\.su$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.tn$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.ua$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.va$/i) ||
- ($rem_host =~ /\.yu$/i)
- ) ) {
- &redirect("amsterdam.park.org", $tgtpath);
- }
- }
- #
- # Last resort for accesses from expo96.ad.jp domain without
- # reverse lookup entry.
- #
- if ($rem_addr) {
- @addr = split($rem_addr, '.');
- if ($addr[0] == 133 && $addr[1] == 246) {
- &redirect("japan.park.org", $tgtpath) ;
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- #&redirect($park_host, $target);
- #
- # We are on the right server. Feed out the index.html or whatever
- # appropriate.
- #
- #
- # Make sure we print MIME type
- #
- print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
- #
- # Look for a right file.
- #
- $target = &stripext($0) . ".html" ;
- #print "target = $target\n" ;
- unless (open(TGTFILE, $target)) {
- print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>\n" ;
- print "Directory Index Redirection Error\n" ;
- print "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n" ;
- print "<H1>Directory Index Redirection Error</H1>\n" ;
- print "Could not find target directory index file.<BR>\n" ;
- print "Please contact shinoda\@jaist.ac.jp<BR>\n" ;
- print "</BODY></HTML>\n" ;
- exit 0 ;
- }
- while (<TGTFILE>) {
- print $_ ;
- }
- exit 0;
- #
- # redirect to specified URL
- #
- sub redirect {
- local($redirhost, $redirfile) = @_;
- local($logfile) = '/var/log/park-redirect.log';
- $url = "http://" . $redirhost . $redirfile ;
- # keep track of redirected hosts for debugging
- system("/bin/echo $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} >> $logfile");
- system("/bin/echo \"[`date`]: $rem_host -> $url\" >> $logfile");
- print "Status: 302\n"; # redirect status code
- print "Location: $url\n\n"; # where they should go...
- exit 0;
- }
- sub basename {
- local($path) = @_ ;
- @pmem = split('/', $path) ;
- @pmem[$#pmem];
- }
- sub stripext {
- local($name) = @_ ;
- @elms = split('\.', $name) ;
- pop(@elms) ;
- join('.', @elms) ;
- }