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- <!--X-Subject: Re: What is IMS trying to achieve? -->
- <!--X-From: rodgers@nlm.nih.gov (R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.) -->
- <!--X-Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 16:39:47 +0500 -->
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- <FONT SIZE="+1">Re: What is IMS trying to achieve?</FONT SIZE="+1"><br>
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- <LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:carl@radio.com">carl@radio.com</A></LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: What is IMS trying to achieve?</LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: <A HREF="mailto:rodgers@nlm.nih.gov">rodgers@nlm.nih.gov</A> (R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.)</LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 16:39:47 +0500</LI>
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- Well put Carl.. Don't let the naysayers get to you. Perhaps setting some
- dates might take some heat off of you...
- <P>
- Cheerio, Rick Rodgers
- <P>
- <br>> From list-mgr@ISI.EDU Tue Jan 10 16:23 EST 1995
- <br>> From: Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com> <br>> Subject: Re: What is IMS trying to achieve?
- <br>> To: FLAVELL@v2.ph.gla.ac.uk
- <br>> Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 15:25:32 -0500 (EST)
- <br>> Cc: mbone@ISI.EDU
- <br>> Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
- <br>> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21]
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- <br>> Content-Length: 1511
- <br>>
- <br>> > I am just very
- <br>> > concerned that by letting things get switched on more or less continuously
- <br>> > that don't make very effective use of it, the Mbone will become unusable
- <br>> > for anything else, at any rate on an international scope. It's been the
- <br>> > custom to carefully negotiate the slots for Mbone events of wide scope:
- <br>> > then suddenly four new channels appear, that are apparently meant
- <br>> > to operate more or less continuously, at ttl 127, without (AFAIK)
- <br>> > any detailed discussion before the event, and also contrary to the
- <br>> > collective view that VAT should be the only "radio" channel (my own
- <br>> > views on that are not the point here, so I won't press them).
- <br>> >
- <br>> > This doesn't seem to scale.
- <br>>
- <br>> Sigh. You people are making *lots* of assumptions. As I said in my
- <br>> first message today:
- <br>>
- <br>> We have no problem scaling back ttl to 16 as our main goal is
- <br>> to get this data on disk.
- <br>>
- <br>> Why are people assuming everything is permanent and bad? I've seen lots
- <br>> of useless demos go on the net and it seemed to me that there might be a
- <br>> few people who might be interested in what it takes to link satellite
- <br>> dishes and major sites such as the U.S. Capitol to the mbone. Believe me,
- <br>> that is not a simple thing to do and, barring the lack of other activities
- <br>> on the net, doesn't seem to be a bad thing to do for a while.
- <br>>
- <br>> You don't have to listen, the streams are not permanent, the ttl is
- <br>> not fixed in stone, and we're learning *lots* by conducting this
- <br>> experiment. Isn't that the purpose of a research environment?
- <br>>
- <br>> Carl
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