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<!--X-Subject: Here's the subsequent posting to Dave's list --> <!--X-From: Ed Lazowska <lazowska@cs.washington.edu> --> <!--X-Date: Sun, 18 Dec 1994 09:52:20 PST --> <!--X-Message-Id: 199412181752.JAA07216@whistler.cs.washington.edu --> <!--X-ContentType: text/plain --> <!--X-Head-End--> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/W3C//DTD HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Here's the subsequent posting to Dave's list</TITLE> <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:lazowska@cs.washington.edu"> </HEAD> <body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000 link=#9F5F9F vlink=#CFB53B alink=#8C7853 background="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/stripblue.gif" topmargin=0> <br> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="560"> <tr> <td width="100" valign="top" align="left"> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/gear2.gif" BORDER=0 ALIGN=left > <br clear="all"> <p> <font size="-1" color="#CFB53B"><b> <A HREF="mail4.html#00102">[Date Index]</A><br> <A HREF="thrd4.html#00102">[Thread Index]</A> </b></font><br> </td><td align="left" valign="top" width="50"> <img src="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" width="50" height="1"></td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="400" > <!--X-Body-Begin--> <!--X-User-Header--> <!--X-User-Header-End--> <!--X-TopPNI--> [<A HREF="msg00103.html">Date Prev</A>] <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" BORDER=0 width=5 height=5 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> [<A HREF="msg00101.html">Date Next</A>] <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" BORDER=0 width=5 height=5 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> [<A HREF="msg00103.html">Thread Prev</A>] <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" BORDER=0 width=5 height=5 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> [<A HREF="msg00101.html">Thread Next</A>]<br> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/bluerule.gif" vspace="5" BORDER=0 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"><br> <!--X-TopPNI-End--> <!--X-MsgBody--> <!--X-Subject-Header-Begin--> <FONT SIZE="+1">Here's the subsequent posting to Dave's list</FONT SIZE="+1"><br> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/bluerule.gif" vspace="5" BORDER=0 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" BORDER=0 width=5 height=5 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> <!--X-Subject-Header-End--> <UL> <LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:carl@radio.com">carl@radio.com</A></LI> <LI><em>Subject</em>: Here's the subsequent posting to Dave's list</LI> <LI><em>From</em>: Ed Lazowska <<A HREF="mailto:lazowska@cs.washington.edu">lazowska@cs.washington.edu</A>></LI> <LI><em>Date</em>: Sun, 18 Dec 1994 09:52:20 PST</LI> </UL> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-Begin--> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/bluerule.gif" vspace="5" BORDER=0 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> <IMG SRC="../../../Pavilions/Images/ISC/spacer.gif" BORDER=0 width=5 height=5 ALIGN=absmiddle alt="bullet" hspace="3"> <P> <!--X-Head-Body-Sep-End--> <!--X-Body-of-Message--> This one is from you. But someone who saw the first and failed to see the second could EASILY get to work generating zillions of messages to santa, without by definition being a malicious nut-case. <P> -------- <P> Return-Path: farber@eff.org Received: from june.cs.washington.edu (june.cs.washington.edu []) by whistler.cs.washington.edu (8.6.9/7.2ws+) with ESMTP id PAA02968 for <lazowska@whistler.cs.washington.edu>; Sat, 17 Dec 1994 15:05:01 -0800 Received: from eff.org (eff.org []) by june.cs.washington.edu (8.6.9/7.2ju) with ESMTP id PAA17336 for <lazowska@cs.washington.edu>; Sat, 17 Dec 1994 15:05:00 -0800 Received: (from daemon@localhost) by eff.org (8.6.9/8.6.6) id RAA14546 for interesting-people-exploder; Sat, 17 Dec 1994 17:36:35 -0500 Posted-Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 13:00:58 -0500 X-Sender: farber@linc.cis.upenn.edu Message-Id: <ab18d7b701021004b3c6@[]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 13:01:00 -0500 From: farber@central.cis.upenn.edu (David Farber) Subject: yikes! What has this technology wrought -- Internet Karaoke!! Precedence: list To: interesting-people@eff.org (interesting-people mailing list) X-Proccessed-By: mail2list <P> From: carl@radio.com (Carl Malamud) <P> I'm writing for two purposes: <P> First, there is no truth to the rumor that sending mailbombs to santa@north.pole.org will generate money for charity. Check out <A HREF="http://north.pole.org/">http://north.pole.org/</A> for the real story, but Santa has enough messages to keep him and the Elves busy for quite a while. Further mailbombs may result in administrative actions such as Santa putting your name on the "naughty" list. You better watch out, etc., etc. <P> (Those of you who have had to administer sendmail can guess the sinking feeling our poor elfmasters had when we typed "mailq" and received the information that there were 42,150 unprocessed messages in the queue-- and that was *before* the real deluge started.) <P> Second, with the raging success of Internet-based charity campaigns under on our belt (;-) we're ready to add yet another feature to the North.Pole.Org holiday program. On Wednesday, Dec. 23 at 8:30PM Eastern time, the Internet Multicasting Service will present a live multicast of the annual Handel's Messiagh sing-along from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. <P> The multicast will use audio and whiteboard. The whiteboard will hold the lyrics and we will even provide a red bouncing ball. No gaurantee that wb and vat will synchronize, but we figure the opportunity to try a religious karaoke multicast is something that doesn't come along too often. All this is subject to our usual caveat on cheap stunts that what might go wrong probably will. <P> Carl Malamud Associate Elfmaster, Dept. of Spam North.Pole.Org ------- End of forwarded message ------- <P>