Sigh. He thought he was doing a good thing. I changed the pointer
to cut off access.
----- Begin Included Message -----
<br>>From carl Tue Oct 25 00:10:38 1994
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 94 19:58:23 PDT
From: "Harry J. Saal" <> Subject: CyberPhilanthropy
Cc: David Farber <>, Bob Metcalfe <>, Dave Winer <>, David Bank <>, David Strom <>, Jim Mitchell <>, Kirk Hanson <FHanson@GSB-YEN.STANFORD.EDU>, Larry Magid <75300.2105@CompuServe.COM>, Laura Heller <>,, Board <>, Paul Allen <>, Pierluigi Zappacosta <>, Sam Tramiel <75300.3443@CompuServe.COM>, Sheldon Laube <>, Steve Cisler <>, Stewart Alsop <>, Yuji Shibuya <>, Zvi Alon <>, Geoff Kerr <>, Nova Spivack <>, Jessica Lipnack <>, Bob Ingle <> X-Mailer: Chameleon - TCP/IP for Windows by NetManage, Inc.
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Warning: this subject is ***not*** directly list-related. However, it is also
not being spammed, is not a chain letter and is not selling anyone's product.
But hit "delete" now -- if the above warning puts you off too much.
Please don't flame me for posting this here - instead I am hoping some of you
will forward this to your own corporate community involvement folks for their
There is one neat project on the Web that leading edge companies should consider
becoming involved with. Essentially companies can commit to donating up to $xxxx
to any non-profit org they select, and the selected agency gets 10 cents per
time someone reads about them on the Net by ref'ing a Web page about their
services and mission. You get to pick the org (Second Harvest Food Bank was
chosen by Sun, for example), you pick the amount ($25K was pledged by Sun, for
example), and you get to have your own sponsoring home page pointed to in the
process. 100% of the monies go to the agencies themselves; there is no fee taken
by the folks who are trying this CyberPhilanthropy concept out. Great idea I
think! Way to go, Carl M.
You can learn more about the charitable program from: