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- <FONT SIZE="+1">Re: Railroad</FONT SIZE="+1"><br>
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- <LI><em>To</em>: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <<A HREF="mailto:carl@radio.com">carl@radio.com</A>></LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: Railroad</LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: "Vinton G. Cerf" <<A HREF="mailto:0001050002@mcimail.com">0001050002@mcimail.com</A>></LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Sun, 28 Jan 96 16:41 EST</LI>
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- I am in agreement with these proposals.
- <P>
- Vint Cerf Sr. VP MCI Data Services
- <P>
- <br>>Date: Sun Jan 28, 1996 01:16 pm EST
- <br>>Source-Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 13:06:41 -0500 (EST)
- <br>>From: Carl Malamud [IMS]
- <br>> EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
- <br>> MBX: carl@radio.com
- <br>>
- <br>>TO: * Vinton G. Cerf / MCI ID: 105-0002
- <br>>Subject: Railroad
- <br>>Message-Id: 41960128181614/0003765414DC1EM
- <br>>Source-Msg-Id: <<A HREF="msg00076.html">199601281806.NAA24731@trystero.radio.com</A>> <br>>U-Mime-Version: 1.0
- <br>>U-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- <br>>
- <br>> <br>>To: International Executive Committee
- <br>> <br>>I've asked a few times for guidance on using the railroad link into Japan.
- <br>>I haven't received any, so I hope you'll all agree with this decision
- <br>>I've made as Secretary-General.
- <br>> <br>>On February 8, I would like to begin routing traffic from the Fujisawa
- <br>>campus of Keio University for a three-week period. This will give us
- <br>>Fujisawa full access to the DS3 and will give us some preliminary statistics.
- <br>> <br>>Following the conclusion of the three-week period, I would like to give the
- <br>>line for 1 week to each of four Japanese campuses to use as part of the
- <br>>"University of Tomorrow" program in Expo 96.
- <br>> <br>>It would be very nice if each of the campuses would take the time to write
- <br>>up a few web pages about how they used the big pipe and to tell us a bit
- <br>>about their campus and their students. It would be very nice if these
- <br>>pages were in English and Japanese. This is an opportunity to bring together
- <br>>a small team of foreign language students, business students, computer science
- <br>>students, artists, and others at the campus to open a pavilion in the world's
- <br>>fair.
- <br>> <br>>In order to implement this decision, I need the Fujisawa campus to accept
- <br>>this offer. I've sent a copy of this letter to the not-rr list for Osamu-san
- <br>>to take proper actions.
- <br>> <br>>I can give the WIDE Board 10 days to select the four other schools. If they
- <br>>are unable to make a decision in that period, I will make a decision at that
- <br>>time as to the additional four schools that will be able to use the line.
- <br>> <br>>Regards,
- <br>> <br>>Carl Malamud
- <br>> <br>> <br>> <P>