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- <!--X-Subject: Re: need some help! (fwd) -->
- <!--X-From: Brad Burdick <bburdick@uucom.com> -->
- <!--X-Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 17:00:09 -0500 (EST) -->
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- <FONT SIZE="+1">Re: need some help! (fwd)</FONT SIZE="+1"><br>
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- <LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:carl@also.media.org">carl@also.media.org</A> (Carl Malamud [IMS])</LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: need some help! (fwd)</LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: Brad Burdick <<A HREF="mailto:bburdick@uucom.com">bburdick@uucom.com</A>></LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 17:00:09 -0500 (EST)</LI>
- <LI><em>Cc</em>: <A HREF="mailto:yanase@mars.dtinet.or.jp">yanase@mars.dtinet.or.jp</A>, <A HREF="mailto:k13@nikhef.nl">k13@nikhef.nl</A>, <A HREF="mailto:nitta@tth.expo96.ad.jp">nitta@tth.expo96.ad.jp</A></LI>
- <LI><em>In-Reply-To</em>: <199612302123.QAA08468@also.media.org> from "Carl Malamud [IMS]" at Dec 30, 96 04:23:16 pm</LI>
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- i have set up a separate mirror of the Huis Ten Bosch area to run every 10 min
- while the event is happening. amsterdam is current for this area and the other
- park servers that are currently active will mirror shortly. note that the
- servers at park.org and amsterdam.park.org are now the same machine.
- <P>
- there does not appear to be a problem with the park redirection from my testing.
- if you can provide the fully-qualified hostname that you were testing from, i
- can check the logs to see what might have happened.
- <P>
- -brad
- <P>
- <br>>
- <br>> According to Atsushi Yanase:
- <br>> > From carl Mon Dec 30 16:11 EST 1996
- <br>> > Message-Id: <<A HREF="msg00082.html">199612302109.GAA06504@elephant.dtinet.or.jp</A>> <br>> > X-Sender: yanase@pop.mars.dtinet.or.jp (Unverified)
- <br>> > X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2-Jr1 (32)
- <br>> > Mime-Version: 1.0
- <br>> > Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 06:14:49 +0900
- <br>> > To: carl@media.org
- <br>> > From: Atsushi Yanase <yanase@mars.dtinet.or.jp> <br>> > Subject: need some help!
- <br>> > Cc: k13@nikhef.nl, nitta@tth.expo96.ad.jp
- <br>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-2022-JP"
- <br>> > Content-Length: 1350
- <br>> >
- <br>> > Dear Mr. Carl Malamud and Dr. Rob Blokzijl,
- <br>> >
- <br>> > Can you please help us out ?
- <br>> >
- <br>> > We, Japanese committee, is going to have the very last LIVE event
- <br>> > for the Internet Worlds Fair. It's a countdown event from "HUIS TEN BOSCH"
- <br>> > which is like a theme park of Netherlands in Ngasaki Japan.
- <br>> > The Kyushu Pavilion, has announced this event all over Nagasaki
- <br>> > as <A HREF="http://park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/.Which">http://park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/.Which</A> we found out later that
- <br>> > the redirection and mirroring has stop between <A HREF="http://japan.park.org/">http://japan.park.org/</A> and
- <br>> > <A HREF="http://park.org/.Am">http://park.org/.Am</A> I right ?
- <br>> > If I am, our wish is to have the contents mirrored between the
- <br>> > international servers. I tried calling and mailing from last week to
- <br>> > Shinoda-san, but he won't answer.He's probably on vacation like everyone
- <br>> > else is.I know it's new years eve and I know nobody wants to
- <br>> > work on a day like this but crazy japanese business man, but please help
- <br>> > us out. If your reading this mail PLEASE !!
- <br>> >
- <br>> > The Countdown page
- <br>> > <A HREF="http://japan.park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/">http://japan.park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/</A>
- <br>> >
- <br>> > The directory which needs to be updated
- <br>> > <A HREF="http://park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/">http://park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/</A>
- <br>> > <A HREF="http://amsterdam.park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/">http://amsterdam.park.org/Japan/Kyushu/htb/</A>
- <br>> >
- <br>> > "HUIS TEN BOSCH" home page
- <br>> > <A HREF="http://sasebo.sasebo.tao.or.jp/htb_e/index2.htm">http://sasebo.sasebo.tao.or.jp/htb_e/index2.htm</A>
- <br>> >
- <br>> >
- <br>> > Thank you very much!!
- <br>> > -------------------------
- <br>> > A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
- <br>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- <br>> > Atsushi Yanase
- <br>> > yanase@mars.dtinet.or.jp
- <br>> > -------------------------
- <br>> >
- <br>> >
- <br>>
- <br>>
- <P>
- --
- Brad Burdick - UUcom Inc.
- Email: bburdick@uucom.com | Voice: 703.461.1350 | Fax: 703.461.1360
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