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- <!--X-Subject: Re: scheduled power outage for NPB (fwd) -->
- <!--X-From: Yoichi Shinoda <shinoda@jaist.ac.jp> -->
- <!--X-Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 02:16:34 JST -->
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- <FONT SIZE="+1">Re: scheduled power outage for NPB (fwd)</FONT SIZE="+1"><br>
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- <LI><em>To</em>: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <<A HREF="mailto:carl@radio.com">carl@radio.com</A>></LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: scheduled power outage for NPB (fwd) </LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: Yoichi Shinoda <<A HREF="mailto:shinoda@jaist.ac.jp">shinoda@jaist.ac.jp</A>></LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Fri, 10 May 1996 02:16:34 JST</LI>
- <LI><em>Cc</em>: <A HREF="mailto:not-park@park.org">not-park@park.org</A></LI>
- <LI><em>In-reply-to</em>: Your message of "Thu, 09 May 1996 13:01:50 -0400"</LI>
- <LI><em>References</em>: <199605091701.NAA02549@trystero.radio.com> </LI>
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- Carl, Brad,
- <P>
- Hardest thing to handle would be something that writes,
- e.g. guestbooks, etc.. Let's make sure that we know
- how to handle this.
- <P>
- --- shinoda
- <P>
- According to Carl Malamud [IMS]:
- <br>> From not-rr-owner@town.hall.org Thu May 9 13:00:32 1996
- <br>> X-Authentication-Warning: town.hall.org: majordom set sender to owner-not-rr using -f
- <br>> From: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl@radio.com> <br>> Message-Id: <199605091659.MAA02500@trystero.radio.com> <br>> Subject: Re: scheduled power outage for NPB
- <br>> To: not-rr@park.org
- <br>> Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 12:59:19 -0400 (EDT)
- <br>> In-Reply-To: <199605091338.JAA02010@trystero.radio.com> from "Brad Burdick [UUcom]" at May 9, 96 09:38:57 am
- <br>> Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
- <br>> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23]
- <br>> MIME-Version: 1.0
- <br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- <br>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- <br>> Sender: owner-not-rr@park.org
- <br>> Precedence: bulk
- <br>> Reply-To: not-rr@park.org
- <br>>
- <P>
- <br>> Don't forget to point DNS to japan (especially don't forget to
- <br>> do it on our backup dns :)) so they become primary. Let's
- <br>> make sure that the script in Japan does the right thing (e.g.,
- <br>> doesn't send people to the U.S.).
- <br>>
- <br>> Carl
- <br>>
- <br>> According to Brad Burdick [UUcom]:
- <br>> >
- <br>> > marten,
- <br>> >
- <br>> > there is a scheduled power outage for the national press building from
- <br>> > 10pm, May 24, to 6am, May 25. i will be shutting down all equipment in
- <br>> > the npb office around 6pm on may 24.
- <br>> >
- <br>> > just fyi in case you needed to change anything routing related on the
- <br>> > railroad to account for the absence of the npb router.
- <br>> >
- <br>> > -brad
- <br>> > --
- <br>> > Brad Burdick bburdick@radio.com
- <br>> > Internet Multicasting Service, NPB, Suite 1155, Washington, DC 20045
- <br>> > Under contract from UUcom, Inc.
- <br>> >
- <br>>
- <P>
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- <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg00036.html">Re: scheduled power outage for NPB (fwd)</A></STRONG></LI>
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- <LI><EM>From</EM>: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl></LI>
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