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- <!--X-Subject: INTERNET "WORLD'S FAIR" PLANNED FOR 1996 -->
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- <LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:Carl@radio.com">Carl@radio.com</A></LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: INTERNET "WORLD'S FAIR" PLANNED FOR 1996</LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: <A HREF="mailto:luther@radio.com">luther@radio.com</A> (Luther Brown, Jr.)</LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 14:58:04 -0400</LI>
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- >Received: from quokka.cisco.com (quokka.cisco.com []) by
- trystero.radio.com (8.6.10/940816.06ccg) with ESMTP id RAA02340 for
- <luther@radio.com>; Tue, 4 Apr 1995 17:22:30 -0400
- <br>>From: rfrawley@cisco.com
- <br>>Received: from [] (sydneymac68.cisco.com []) by
- quokka.cisco.com (8.6.10/CISCO.SERVER.1.1) with SMTP id HAA09067; Wed, 5 Apr
- 1995 07:17:44 +1000
- <br>>Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 07:17:44 +1000
- <br>>X-Sender: rfrawley@quokka.cisco.com
- <br>>Message-Id: <aba7fd42090210044e4e@[]> <br>>Mime-Version: 1.0
- <br>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- <br>>To: luther@radio.com
- <br>>Cc: intiaa@ozemail.com.au, mparkins@cisco.com
- <br>> <br>>Hi,
- <br>> <br>>In my role as the President of INTiaa (Internet Industry Association of
- <br>>Australia), I was wondering what plans you had for Australia to participate
- <br>>in this activity. INTiaa would be pleased to assist with any proceedings
- <br>>you had planned for this region.
- <br>> <br>>If you did have not plans for this region then we would also welcome the
- <br>>opportunity to explore how we may take part in what promises to a very
- <br>>exciting event for the industry.
- <br>> <br>> <br>>>Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 02:56:00 -0400
- <br>>>From: first@individual.com (An Information Service of INDIVIDUAL Inc.)
- <br>>>To: firstbb@cisco.com
- <br>>>Profid: CISCO1
- <br>>>Addrid: TWO1
- <br>>>Status: U
- <br>>> <br>>>============================================================================
- <br>>>SOURCE: Newsbytes via First! by Individual, Inc.
- <br>>>DATE: April 3, 1995
- <br>>>INDEX: [9]
- <br>>>----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <br>>> <br>>> LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, U.S.A., 1995 APR 3 (NB) via First! -- A group of
- <br>>>Internet enthusiasts want to draw more of the world's attention to the
- <br>>>global network of networks by holding an online exposition next year. The
- <br>>>Internet 1996 World Exposition was formally announced during the
- <br>>>NetWorld+Interop trade show.
- <br>>> <br>>> According to details of the proposal posted by the Internet Multicasting
- <br>>>Service on the World Wide Web, the exposition is to be "a world's fair in
- <br>>>the spirit of the great universal expositions of the turn of the last
- <br>>>century that marked the beginning of our modern industrial economies. We
- <br>>>propose a world's fair for the turn of this century, helping to usher in the
- <br>>>information economy."
- <br>>> <br>>> The organizers said they want to build "a public park for the global
- <br>>>village," bringing together government and industry leaders with working
- <br>>>engineers. The fair will expose many people to the technology while also
- <br>>>leaving behind permanent infrastructure "to help drive the information
- <br>>>economy forward," they said.
- <br>>> <br>>> The Internet Multicasting Service, best known for producing radio-like
- <br>>>audio programming on the Internet, said it is coordinating the United
- <br>>>States' participation in the planned fair.
- <br>>> <br>>> The project has a number of backers in the computer industry, including
- <br>>>Cisco Systems Inc., MCI Corp., Quantum Corp., and Sun Microsystems Inc.
- <br>>>Trade-show operator Softbank Expos -- organizer of Networld+Interop -- is
- <br>>>also involved, and NBC, the television network, is listed as an organizer.
- <br>>>One of the latest additions to the sponsor list is rock star Peter Gabriel's
- <br>>>Real World studio, producer of the World Music Festival (WOMAD).
- <br>>> <br>>> The exposition will include a number of online "pavilions." Imperial
- <br>>>College in London, built on the site where the Crystal Palace was erected
- <br>>>for the 1859 World's Fair, said it plans to build a Crystal Pavilion for the
- <br>>>1996 Internet version. Also in the plans are a Future of Media pavilion, a
- <br>>>Global Schoolhouse pavilion that will let children around the world work
- <br>>>together on research projects, a Reinventing Government pavilion dedicated
- <br>>>to putting government information online, a ToasterNet pavilion focused on
- <br>>>bringing new and unusual devices onto the Internet, and a Small Business
- <br>>>pavilion.
- <br>>> <br>>> One feature of the Global Schoolhouse will be a mid-year "Wire Our
- <br>>>Schools" day when engineers, electricians, and others will be asked to
- <br>>>volunteer to help wire local schools.
- <br>>> <br>>> The pavilions have two main goals, the organizers said. The first is to
- <br>>>bring the real world into cyberspace by putting new information online, and
- <br>>>the second is to bring cyberspace into the real world by introducing more
- <br>>>people to the Internet. Other groups will be encouraged to set up their own
- <br>>>pavilions, the backers said, with the proviso that each pavilion "must give
- <br>>>something back to the community. Commercial activity is encouraged, but to
- <br>>>be a pavilion, you must make some kind of public contribution."
- <br>>> <br>>> Another feature of the exposition, the "Internet Railroad," is meant to
- <br>>>help increase the telecommunications infrastructure available for moving
- <br>>>public data around the world. Organizers hope to connect the core pavilions
- <br>>>with T3 lines running at 45 megabits-per-second (Mbps). Lower-speed lines
- <br>>>will fan out from the T3 backbones.
- <br>>> <br>>> The Internet Town Hall, operating from the National Press Club in
- <br>>>Washington, will run monthly events that will include bringing world leaders
- <br>>>onto the Internet. Events are being planned around the US presidential
- <br>>>elections, Earth Day, and a year-end holiday celebration. Organizers said
- <br>>>they plan to release a more detailed schedule of events later this year.
- <br>>> <br>>> A series of industrial expositions will show off Internet technology, tied
- <br>>>in with sessions at the six Networld+Interop shows during 1996.
- <br>>> <br>>> (Grant Buckler/19950403/Press Contact: Luther Brown, Internet Multicasting
- <br>>>Service, 202-628-2044, Internet e-mail luther@radio.com; Samantha White,
- <br>>>Softbank Expos, 415-578-6897; Public Contact: Internet Multicasting Service,
- <br>>>Internet World Wide Web site <A HREF="http://www.town.hall.org">http://www.town.hall.org</A>)
- <br>>> <br>>>[04-03-95 at 15:00 EDT, Copyright 1995, Newsbytes News Network., File:
- <br>>>n0403001.9by]
- <br>>> <br>>> Copyright (c) 1995 by INDIVIDUAL, Inc. All rights reserved.
- <br>> <br>>Regards
- <br>> <br>> <br>>Richard Frawley
- <br>>cisco Systems Australia
- <br>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <br>>| Richard Frawley | |
- <br>>| Sales and Business Dev. | || || * * * |
- <br>>| Phone: 61-2-935-4123 | || || - * | | | * - |
- <br>>| Mobile: 61-18-260-594 | |||| |||| |o|*| | | | |*|o| |
- <br>>| Fax: 61-2-957-4077 | ..:||||||:..:||||||:..| |===========| | |
- <br>>| Email:rfrawley@cisco.com | cisco Systems Australia |
- <br>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <P>